
Publikacije (33273)

E. Beso, S. Kalabušić, E. Pilav, Antonio Linero Bas, Daniel Nieves-Roldán

This research delves into the generalized Beddington host–parasitoid model, which includes an arbitrary parasitism escape function. Our analysis reveals three types of equilibria: extinction, boundary, and interior. Upon examining the parameters, we discover that the first two equilibria can be globally asymptotically stable. The boundary equilibrium undergoes period-doubling bifurcation with a stable two-cycle and a transcritical bifurcation, creating a threshold for parasitoids to invade. Furthermore, we determine the interior equilibrium’s local stability and analytically demonstrate the period-doubling and Neimark–Sacker bifurcations. We also prove the permanence of the system within a specific parameter space. The numerical simulations we conduct reveal a diverse range of dynamics for the system. Our research extends the results in [Kapçak et al., 2013] and applies to a broad class of the generalized Beddington host–parasitoid model.

Bruno Marić, A. Brajić, Dženan Bećirović, Sabina Delić, Mersudin Avdibegović

Overexploitation of natural resources have caused serious environmental issues, including climate change, biodiversity loss, habitat degradation, and soil and water pollution. The Pan-European criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management offer a tool to monitor progress and report on the sustainability of forest resources at sub-national, national, and regional levels. This paper examines the institutional aspects and possibilities of application of these criteria and indicators in the forestry sector of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), aiming to improve forestry conditions and develop a coherent forest policy. A survey of 360 forestry experts from FBiH revealed that the majority support the positive impact of implementing the Pan-European criteria and indicators in the forestry sector. It was determined that the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management, and Forestry of FBiH should be responsible for developing and collecting data related to these criteria and indicators. However, the primary barriers to implementation include a lack of financial resources, expertise, and commitment. While the public forest administration is formally prepared to apply these criteria, its current capacities are inadequate for effective implementation. Strengthening the capacity of the public forest administration is crucial to ensure the application of the Pan-European criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. This would enable consistent and systematic monitoring and improvement of forest resource conditions and the overall state of the forestry sector in FBiH.

R. Gaćina, Sanja Bajić, Bojan Dimitrijevic, T. Šubaranović, Čedomir Beljić, Dragoljub Bajić

Surface mining of coal has a negative impact on the environment that needs to be prevented, reduced, controlled, monitored by applying the management of technological processes of technical and biological recultivation after the end of exploitation works. The paper deals with the problem of multi-criteria decision-making in the process of selection of indicators that have an impact on the choice of purpose of recultivated terrain after the end of coal mining. The considered reclamation solutions represent possible alternatives. Degraded areas need to be returned to their original purpose, they should be in the function of environmental protection of the natural environment and settlements near this location. In addition, various criteria and sub-criteria that affect the choice of the most favourable solution were defined and analyzed. The final decision on land use after exploitation was made based on mathematical calculations using the multi-criteria VIKOR method.

Sabina Prevljak, Amar Kustura, Berina Hasanefendić, Mirza Izmirlija, Lajla Halilović, Rubina Alimanović-Alagić

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women worldwide, therefore an early and precise process of diagnostics plays an important role in improving the prognosis and outcome of treatment. The application of artificial intelligence (AI) allows faster and more precise analysis of medical imaging, which contributes to the early detection of tumors and lowers the number of false-negative results. This review article analyzed 60 scientific papers and using the most recent findings about this topic, searched for AI implementation in breast cancer research and how AI may improve overall survival outcomes for breast cancer patients.

M. Żemojtel-Piotrowska, Artur Sawicki, J. Piotrowski, Uri Lifshin, Mabelle Kretchner, John J. Skowronski, Constantine Sedikides, Peter K. Jonason et al.

J. Hasanbegović, Semina Hadizabulic, M. Kurtović, F. Gaši, S. Ercisli, B. Dorbić, Melekber Sulusoglu Durul

The main morphological and genetic characterization of seven introduced almond cultivars in Bosnia & Herzegovina was conducted. The almond cultivars included three from Italy (Tuono, Genco, Supernova), two from France (Ferragnes and Ferraduel), and two from the USA (Texas and Nonpareil). Genetic characterization was utilized by using 10 microsatellite markers, with nine markers from Prunus persicae and one from Prunus armeniaca. The results of genetic characterization revealed an average of 5.40 alleles per primer per locus. The average number of effective alleles for the 10 SSR loci of introduced cultivars was 3.92. The Shannon Information Index averaged 1.41. The observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) averaged 0.53 and 0.69, respectively. Morphological analyses of the fruit of introduced almond cultivars in Bosnia & Herzegovina indicated favorable agroecological conditions for their cultivation and spread. The results suggest that these introduced almond cultivars could be utilized in breeding programs to enhance the genetic diversity of the local almond population in Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Simple Summary Ticks are ectoparasites with medical significance. They inhabit diverse environments and maintain close interactions with numerous vertebrate hosts. Ixodes ticks can transmit various pathogens to animals and humans. The aim here was to examine Ixodes ticks from Bosnia and Herzegovina to check for specific pathogens. This study found Rickettsia spp., Babesia spp., Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in ticks from domestic animals. These findings highlight the need for the ongoing monitoring of ticks and tick-borne pathogens to protect animal and public health. Additionally, this study provides valuable insights into the occurrence and spread of these pathogens, emphasizing the importance of broader surveillance and control measures. Effective prevention, surveillance, and control of tick-borne diseases require urgent regional and international collaboration. Abstract Limited information is available regarding the presence of tick-borne pathogens and their distribution within Ixodes species in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This study aimed to identify Rickettsia spp., Babesia spp., Anaplasma phagocytophilum, and Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) in Ixodes ticks collected from domestic and wild animals and vegetation in different regions across Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 7438 adult ticks, including 4526 Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes canisuga, and Ixodes hexagonus, were collected. Real-time PCR screening of 450 pooled I. ricinus samples revealed a 22.1% infection rate with at least one pathogen. Rickettsia spp. (6.3%) were found in ticks from dogs, cats, and goats, Babesia spp. (3.1%) in ticks from dogs and cattle, A. phagocytophilum (8.8%) in ticks from dogs, goats, and cattle, and B. burgdorferi s.l. (3.4%) in ticks from dogs and cats. Mixed infections with B. burgdorferi s.l. and A. phagocytophilum, as well as B. burgdorferi s.l. and Rickettsia spp., were found in two pools of I. ricinus from dogs and cats, respectively. Additionally, co-infection with Rickettsia spp. and A. phagocytophilum was confirmed in three tick pools from dogs and goats. Each tick from these pooled samples was individually retested to confirm the presence of pathogens. In the examined pooled samples of I. canisuga (1) and I. hexagonus (6), none of the tested pathogens were detected. Our findings represent the first detection of Rickettsia spp., Babesia spp., A. phagocytophilum, and B. burgdorferi s.l. in I. ricinus collected from domestic animals and vegetation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Considering the established infection rates, the detection of tick-borne pathogens in adult ticks collected from domestic animals and vegetation enriches the current knowledge of the presence of tick-borne pathogens at the local, regional, national, and broader levels.

K. Sweerts, Z. Mujagic, J. W. Straathof, M. Hereijgers, D. Keszthelyi, J. Conchillo

BACKGROUND Gastric peroral endoscopic pyloromyotomy (G-POEM) is a promising therapeutic modality for refractory gastroparesis (GP). However, as characteristics of suitable patients for G-POEM remain unclear, antro-duodenal manometry (ADM) has been suggested to provide objective parameters for patient selection. The aim of the present study was to identify ADM parameters as predictors for treatment response after G-POEM in refractory GP. METHODS Refractory GP patients who underwent a G-POEM between 2017 and 2022 were included. The following ADM parameters were mainly scored: antral hypomotility, pylorospasm, and the presence of neuropathic enteric patterns. Treatment response was defined as a GCSI-score decrease of ≥1 point 12 months after G-POEM. Explorative analyses were performed on potential predictors of response using logistic regression analysis. KEY RESULTS Sixty patients (52 women, mean age 52 ± 14 years.) with refractory GP (33 idiopathic, 16 diabetic, 11 postsurgical) were included. Clinical response data were available for 52 patients. In 8 out of 60 patients, it was not feasible to advance the catheter beyond the pylorus. Abnormal ADM was found in 46/60 patients (77%). Antral hypomotility and pylorospasm were found in respectively 33% and 12% of patients. At least one neuropathic enteric dysmotility pattern was found in 58% of patients. No differences were found when comparing baseline ADM parameters between clinical response groups at 12 months follow-up. Following explorative analyses, no ADM parameters were identified to predict clinical response 12 months after G-POEM. CONCLUSIONS AND INFERENCES No ADM parameters were identified as predictors of clinical response after G-POEM in refractory GP patients. Additionally, a high percentage of abnormal ADM tracings was found, in particular with relation to enteric dysmotility, while only a low percentage of patients showed antral hypomotility or pylorospasm.

Zumreta Pintol, A. Šukalo, Meliha Mehić, Amna Tanović Avdić, R. Baljic, U. Glamočlija

Background: Acute nasopharyngitis is often treated with hypertonic saline that can be combined with additional compounds, such as lysozyme. The aim of this study was to compare efficacy and safety of hypertonic saline solution with or without lysozyme in the treatment of acute nasopharyngitis. Methods: Non-interventional, prospective, multicentre, observational, parallel study was conducted on adult subjects with symptoms of acute nasopharyngitis. Subjects were divided into hypertonic saline or lysozyme group (receiving slightly hypertonic nasal spray with addition of lysozyme). Time until the patency of both nasal passages was measured after the first application of therapy. The congestion severity was assessed by using a visual analogue scale before the therapy application, after 30 minutes, and after seven days. Adverse reactions were monitored and evaluated.   Results: The total number of included subjects was 252 (60 in the hypertonic saline group and 192 in the lysozyme group). In both groups, a significantly better assessment of the severity of the nasal passages’ obstruction was recorded after 30 minutes and seven days from therapy start (for all compared time intervals p<0.001). The lysozyme group had a significantly lower nasal congestion score compared to hypertonic saline 30 minutes after therapy (p<0.001) and seven days from the therapy start (p=0.001). In the hypertonic saline group, a significantly shorter time was observed to establish the patency of the nasal passages after the first therapy application (p<0.001). All adverse events were mild. Conclusions: Addition of lysozyme to slightly hypertonic nasal spray brings added value in the pharmacotherapy of acute nasopharyngitis.

Andjelka Stilic, Adis Puška, Darko Božanić, Aleksandar Đurić

Improving the conditions for the provision of tourist services is critical for the development of tourism. The World Economic Forum uses the Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI), calculated based on five main criteria and 17 sub-criteria, to assess these conditions and generate a ranking list of countries based on their favourable environment for conducting tourism-related activities. However, the TTDI only considers the average value of each country's criteria and sub-criteria scores without considering the significance of those criteria. This paper addresses this issue using a hybrid multi-criteria analysis, which combines the MARCOS (Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking According to Compromise Solution) and MEREC (MEthod based on the Removal Effects of Criteria) methods. The results of these methods show that the observed European countries' ranking order differs from the ranking order stated in TTDI. Spain is ranked first, Turkmenistan ranks last, and sensitivity analysis supports these findings. When ranking countries using the TTDI, the importance of the criteria must be considered to accurately reflect the conditions prevailing for tourism development in countries, which is highlighted by this research. This paper's contribution demonstrates that all criteria cannot be considered equally to form the TTDI, as the requirements cannot be equally important.

Adis Puška, Miroslav Nedeljković, B. Dudić, Andjelka Stilic, Alexandra Mittelman

With the development of agricultural production, the demand for electricity correspondingly increases. To sustainably meet this demand, renewable energy sources (RESs) can be utilized. This paper explores the application of RES alternatives in agriculture to provide guidelines for enhancing sustainable agricultural practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The study employs expert decision making using fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. A decision-making model incorporating nine criteria and six alternatives was developed. Using the direct weight calculation (DiWeC) approach, the findings indicate that economic criteria are prioritized over other sustainability criteria. The results from the fuzzy RAWEC (ranking of alternatives with weights of criteria) method reveal that solar energy has the greatest potential for advancing sustainable agricultural production in Bosnia and Herzegovina. For practical implementation of RES alternatives, active involvement from state institutions and local communities is essential.

Jorge Alda, G. Levati, P. Paradisi, Stefano Rigolin, Nudžeim Selimović

Beyond Standard Model scenarios addressing the flavor puzzle and the hierarchy problem generally predict dominant new physics couplings with fermions of the third generation. In this Letter, we explore the collider and astrophysical signatures of new light scalar and pseudoscalar particles dominantly coupled to the $\tau$-lepton. The best experimental prospects are expected at Belle II through the $e^+e^-\to\tau^+\tau^-\gamma\gamma$, $\tau^+\tau^-\gamma$, $3\gamma$, mono-$\gamma$ processes, and the $\tau$ anomalous magnetic moment. The correlated effects in these searches can unambiguously point toward the underlying new physics dynamics. Moreover, we study astrophysics bounds - especially from core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers - finding them particularly effective and complementary to collider bounds. We carry out this program in the well-motivated context of axion-like particles as well as generic CP-even and CP-odd particles, highlighting possible ways to discriminate among them.

Mateo Bevanda, Nela Kelam, Anita Racetin, N. Filipović, Daniela Bevanda Glibo, Ivana Bevanda, Katarina Vukojević

Background and Objectives: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the most frequently diagnosed malignant disease of the gastrointestinal system, and new diagnostic and prognostic markers are needed to elucidate the complete tumor profile. Materials and Methods: We used CRC tumor tissues (Dukes’ A-D) and adjacent noncancerous tissues of 43 patients. Immunohistochemistry was used to examine the expression of phosphodiesterase 4B (PDE4B), phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D), and secreted frizzled related protein 5 (SFRP5) markers. We also analyzed the expression levels of PDE4B, PDE4D, and SFRP5 in CRC tissues compared to control tissues using RNA-sequencing data from the UCSC Xena browser. Results: In CRC stages, the distribution of PDE4B-positive cells varied, with differing percentages between epithelium and lamina propria. Statistically significant differences were found in the number of PDE4B-positive epithelial cells between healthy controls and all CRC stages, as well as between different CRC stages. Similarly, significant differences were observed in the number of PDE4B-positive cells in the lamina propria between healthy controls and all CRC stages, as well as between different CRC stages. CRC stage Dukes’ C exhibited a significantly higher number of PDE4B-positive cells in the lamina propria compared to CRC stage Dukes’ B. Significant differences were noted in the number of PDE4D-positive epithelial cells between healthy controls and CRC stages Dukes’ A, B, and D, as well as between CRC stage Dukes’ C and stages A, B, and D. CRC stage Dukes’ A had significantly more PDE4D-positive cells in the lamina propria compared to stage D. Significant differences were also observed in the number of SFRP5-positive cells in the lamina propria between healthy controls and all CRC stages, as well as between CRC stages Dukes’ A and D. While the expression of PDE4D varied across CRC stages, the expression of SFRP5 remained consistently strong in both epithelium and lamina propria, with significant differences noted mainly in the lamina propria. The expression levels of PDE4B, PDE4D, and SFRP5 reveal significant differences in the expression of these genes between CRC patients and healthy controls, with notable implications for patient prognosis. Namely, our results demonstrate that PDE4B, PDE4D, and SFRP5 are significantly under-expressed in CRC tissues compared to control tissues. The Kaplan–Meier survival analysis and the log-rank (Mantel–Cox) test revealed distinct prognostic implications where patients with lower expression levels of SFRP5 exhibited significantly longer overall survival. The data align with our immunohistochemical results and might suggest a potential tumor-suppressive role for these genes in CRC. Conclusions: Considering significantly lower gene expression, aligned with our immunohistochemical data in tumor tissue in comparison to the control tissue, as well as the significantly poorer survival rate in the case of its higher expression, we can hypothesize that SFRP5 is the most promising biomarker for CRC out of the observed proteins. These findings suggest alterations in PDE4B, PDE4D, and SFRP5 expression during CRC progression, as well as between different stages of CRC, with potential implications for understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in CRC development and progression.

Kathy Zhou, Steven James, M. Gaca, Ashani Lecamwasam, Muamer Dervisevic, David N O'Neal, Nicolas Voelcker, E. I. Ekinci

The incidence, prevalence, mortality, and health expenditure associated with diabetes continue to grow, despite efforts. Use of multianalyte sensors which detect glucose as well as key analytes such as ketones, lactate, insulin, uric acid, and electrolytes, may provide additional information to guide earlier identification and management of diabetes and its complications. We undertook a narrative review using a systematic approach in May 2023, with a bridge search undertaken in April 2024. Four biomedical databases were searched: MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase, Emcare, and Cochrane Library. Searches for grey literature were conducted in ClinicalTrials.gov, Google Scholar, and websites of relevant organisations. Included studies incorporated articles on multianalyte sensors in diabetes and single-analyte sensors proposing integration into multianalyte diabetes management, with no limits placed on publication date and study design. Data were screened and extracted using CovidenceTM software. Overall, 11 articles were included of which eight involved multianalyte sensors (involving glucose and other analytes), and four single-analyte sensors (measuring non-glucose substances for proposed future integration into multianalyte systems). Analytes examined were ketones (n=3); lactate (n=4); uric acid (n=3), insulin (n=1) and potassium (n=1). Results demonstrated that in vitro and in vivo measurements of multi and single-analyte sensors accurately and reliably corresponded with human capillary and serum samples. While literature on this topic is sparse, our review demonstrated that measurement of glucose and other analytes can be feasibly undertaken using multi and single-analyte sensors. More studies in humans are needed to establish clinical utility in diabetes self-management and assist with technological improvements.

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