
Publikacije (28)

M. Jeličić, V. Ivančev, D. Čular, Nedim Čović, Emilija Stojanović, A. Scanlan, Z. Milanović

ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability, validity, and usefulness of 30–15 Intermittent Fitness Test (30-15IFT) in female basketball players. Methods: Nineteen female basketball players (17.82 ± 1.94 yr, 175.4 ± 7.3 cm, 67.9 ± 7.7 kg) competing in the National Croatian League performed one trial of a continuous treadmill running test and two trials of the 30-15IFT. The 30-15IFT involves 30-s runs across a 40-m course interspersed with 15 s of walking, with running speed increasing every 45 s. The continuous treadmill running test was used as the criterion for validation. Results: High to very high reliability across test–retest trials were observed for maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) (CV = 4.9%, ICC = 0.85), the 30-15IFT end-running velocity (VIFT) (CV = 6.0%, ICC = 0.85), and maximal heart rate (HRmax) (CV = 4.8%, ICC = 0.96). Criterion validity was supported for the 30-15IFT with strong to very strong relationships with VO2max (r =0.69), VIFT (r =0.74), and HRmax (r =0.73) attained during the continuous treadmill running test. The typical error (TE) of the 30-15IFT was greater than the smallest worthwhile change for VO2max (1.16 > 0.42 ml/kg/min), VIFT (0.56 > 0.20 km/h), and HRmax (2.15 > 1.89 bpm) adjudging usefulness of the test as marginal. The TE of 0.56 km/h (90% CI = 0.44–0.77 km/h) demonstrates changes in the performance of one to two stages (0.5–1.0 km/h) are meaningful. Conclusions: The 30-15IFT possesses acceptable reliability and validity to assess maximal aerobic fitness capacity in female basketball players. While the usefulness of the 30-15IFT was marginal, meaningful changes in performance consisted of only one to two stages. The present findings support the 30-15IFT as a practical testing option for basketball practitioners to assess fitness capacities in female players.

This research aimed to determine the isokinetic strength differences between two groups of athletes (karate and track-and-field athletics) and to analyse factors that possibly contribute to the differences. We examined possible differences in peak power output and power ratio between agonist and antagonist thigh muscles of the knee. The sample consisted of 20 respondents: karate athletes (n=10; age 19±2.4) and track-and-field athletes (n=10; age 18±2.6). For this study, a valid test (CV<5%) of the isokinetic strength output of the knee extensors and flexors, was used at the angular velocity of 60°/s. Isokinetic variables: Peak torque in extension for both legs (Nm); Peak torque in flexion for both legs (Nm); Total work for both legs (J); Strength deficit involved/uninvolved leg and agonist/antagonist ratio for involved and uninvolved leg. A t-test for independent samples was used to determine the differences. Statistical significance was set at the conventional 95%. In the sample of examined variables, the first tested group of athletes (karate) achieved higher power output values with the dominant leg, except in the case of the peak torque extensors. In the second tested group of athletes (track-and-field athletics), a higher power output values are registered with dominant leg, except in the case of the total work flexor with almost identical value of dominant and non-dominant leg. In the variables of the peak torque of the dominant leg (p=0.002) and the peak torque of the non-dominant leg (p=0.019), statistically significant differences were noted between two tested groups of athletes (p<0.01, p<0.05). The unilateral relationship of the dominant leg (p=.003) significantly differentiates two groups of athletes (p<0.01). The better performance of track-and-field athletes is probably the result of the specificity of the structure of their motor movement and greater muscular work in training and competition. In contrast, the lower results of peak torque and total work in karate athletes compared to track athletes do not necessarily mean situational inferiority. Evaluation and assessment of knee dynamic stabilizers’ isokinetic profile can lead to the optimal selection of training operators, during the construction of the overall training program for athletes. Results of different outputs of force and strength may indicate a differently shaped approach to training.

D. Bjelica, Jovan Gardašević, I. Vasiljević, Eldin Jelešković, Nedim Čović

The aim of this research was to determine the differences among the top soccer players of the two clubs in Bosnia and Herzegovina, FC Sarajevo and FC Zeljeznicar, both from Sarajevo in the body composition and morphological characteristics. A sample of 51 subjects was divided into two sub-samples. The first sub-sample of the subjects consisted of 25 players FC Sarajevo of the average age 23.60±4.66, who occupied the first position on the table after the semi-season 2018/19, while the other sub-sample consisted of 26 players of FC Zeljeznicar of the average age of 23.58±4.93, who occupied the fourth position on the table after the semiseason 2018/19. Soccer players were tested between the two semi seasons of the championship 2018/19. Body composition and morphological characteristics in the were evaluated by a battery of 11 variables: body height, body weight, body mass index, fat percentage, muscle mass, upper leg skinfold, lower leg skinfold, triceps skinfold, biceps skinfold, skinfold of the back and abdominal skinfold. The standard central and dispersion parameters of all variables were calculated. The significance of the differences between the players of the top two soccer clubs in the variables for assessing body composition and morphological characteristics was determined by a t-test for independent samples. It was found that the soccer players of the two mentioned clubs have statistically significant differences by the two variables that estimate the upper leg skinfold and triceps skinfold, in favor of FC Sarajevo.

S. Solaković, E. Solaković, R. Pavlović, Amina Ahmovic, Mensur Vrcić, Nedim Čović

Aim: The aim of the applicative study was to estimate the increasing capability of claudications distance in Fontaine's stage IIa patients of Peripheral artery disease (PAD) with Body Mass Index (BMI) 25-34,9 kg/m2 and Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) 0,8-0,9 by comparing Stationary Bike on High Dose of Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) versus Treadmill wallking program on standard Dose of Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) in Exercise Therapy with life style modification. Patients and methods: This study was conducted from beginning of May, 2017 till end of May, 2018 at the Clinic for Cardiovascular Surgery Clinical Center and Department for vascular and endovascular surgery, University of Sarajevo, Special Hospital dr. Solakovic, Sarajevo and Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo. In the study included 60 male patients, age 40-55 with Peripheral Artery Disease (Ankle Brachial Index/ABI) 0,8-0,9, and Body Mass Index (BMI) 25 to 34,9 kg/m2 (30 non surgical traetment patients on standard Treadmill wallking program (control group) and research group consisting of 30 non surgical treatment patients on Stationary Bike), in stadium IIa of peripheral artery disease, with manifestation of mild claudication simptoms. For the testing of statistical significance of differences between the examinated groups parametric tests were used. The difference at a level of (p Results: Analysis shows the no statistically significantdifference between on claudication distance inStationary Bike grupsand impellers standard Treadmill wallking group (p>0,05). Conclusion: Stationary Bike Interval Training can be alternative vascular Therapy and has his on benefits but he can notentirely replace Treadmill Therapy in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease with BMI 25-34.9kg/m2. Treadmill Rehabilitation Therapy still remain generally main strategy of the therapeutic effect on enhancement of claudication distance (Fontaine's stage II) of peripheral artery disease.

Izet Bajramović, Herzegovina, Slavenko Likić, M. Talović, Haris Alič, Eldin Jelešković, Rasim Lakota, Nedim Čović

Uvod Informisanost o nivou treniranosti sportista, te uzrocima i posljedicama takvog stanja, bitna je za njihov uspjeh. Poznato je da fudbaleri u igri ostvare veći broj kratkih sprinteva, te da primjenjuju različite načine vođenja lopte, pravolinijski i sa promjenom smjera kretanja. Struktura agilnosti s loptom je mnogo složenija u odnosu na takvo kretanje bez lopte (Sporiš, Milanović, Trajković, & Joksimović, 2011). Brzina i eksplozivna snaga se smatraju preduslovom za uspjeh u omladinskom fudbalu (Reilly, Bangsbo, & Franks, 2000), naglašavajući pritom ubrzanja na kratkim udaljenostima. Visina i tjelesna težina su značajno povezane sa fi zičkom izvedbom u slučaju mladih fudbalera ( Mathisen & Petersen, 2015). Ipak se sa sigurnošću ne može izolovati neka osobinu ili sposobnost koja donosi odlučujuću prednost u utakmici. Fudbaleri su tjelesno lakši od osoba koje žive sedentarnim načinom života (Popović, Akpinar, Jaksic, Matic, & Bjelica, 2013), ali i niži u odnosu košarkaše, odbojkaše i rukometaše juniorske kategorije (Masanovic & Vukasevic, 2009; Masanovic, 2018). Međutim, u sportovima gdje se traži velika brzina kretanja, nagla promjena pravca u velikoj brzini kretanja, grubi sudari sa protivnikom (fudbal i hokej), tjelesna visina ne samo da nije dominantna, nego je u određenoj mjeri i nepovoljna (Bjelica & Fratrić, 2011). Međusobni odnos tjelesne visine i težine (body mass index), te udio masne komponente (% fat mass) u ukupnoj tjelesnoj masi, za trenere može biti važna informacija. Optimalne vrijednosti BMI-a mogu rezultirati u poboljšanju opšteg nivoa tjelesne i anaerobne snage (Nikolaidis, 2014). Fudbaleri imaju povoljan sadržaj mišića sa niskim nivoom tjelesnih masti (Popovic, Bjelica, Jaksic, & Hadzic, 2014). Ipak, višak tjelesnih masti stvara nepotreban teret i umanjuje učinkovitost u igri, te značajno narušava elemente tehnike mladih fudbalera (Nemčić, Fiorentini, & Sporiš, 2018). Vrijednosti tjelesnih masti za vrhunske fudbalere su u prosjeku 7-12%, te su niže nego u slučaju sedentarnih ljudi, ali su takođe više u odnosu na trkače u sportovima izdržljivosti (Shephard, 1999.). Pored optimalizacije voluminoznosti mišića, na količinu potkožnog masnog tkiva se može uticati dopunskim treningom (Conroy i Earle, 2000), i to djelovanjem u pravcu njene redukcije. S obzirom da se takmičenja omladinskih liga organizuju shodno hronološkoj, a ne biološkoj starosti, često se pojedinci Abstract

Z. Milanović, S. Pantelić, Nedim Čović, G. Sporiš, M. Mohr, P. Krustrup

Background A previous meta-analysis showed that maximal oxygen uptake increased by 3.51 mL/kg/min (95% CI 3.07 to 4.15) during a recreational football programme of 3–6 months in comparison with continuous moderate-intensity running, strength training or a passive control group. In addition, narrative reviews have demonstrated beneficial effects of recreational football on physical fitness and health status. Objective The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the magnitude of effects of recreational football on blood pressure, body composition, lipid profile and muscular fitness with reference to age, gender and health status. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources MEDLINE, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and Google Scholar were searched prior to 1 February 2017. In addition, Google Scholar alerts were set up in January 2012 to identify potential papers with the following key terms: recreational football, recreational soccer, street football and street soccer. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Randomised and matched controlled trials with participants allocated to a recreational football group or any other type of exercises or passive control group were included. Training programmes had to last at least 2 weeks to meet the inclusion criteria. The primary outcome measures were blood pressure, resting heart rate, body composition, muscular fitness, and blood lipids and glucose tolerance. A total of 31 papers met the inclusion criteria and were included. Results The effect of recreational football on systolic blood pressure (SBP) versus no-exercise controls was most likely extremely largely beneficial (effect size (ES)=4.20 mm Hg; 95% CI 1.87 to 6.53). In addition, a most likely very large beneficial (ES=3.89 mm Hg; 95% CI 2.33 to 5.44) effect was observed for diastolic blood pressure (DBP), when compared with non-active groups. Furthermore, a most likely extremely large beneficial effect was shown for SBP and DBP in participants with mild hypertension (11 and 7 mm Hg decrease, respectively) and participants with prehypertension (10 and 7 mm Hg decrease, respectively). Meta-analysis of recreational football determined the impact on resting heart rate as most likely extremely largely beneficial (ES=6.03 beats/min; 95% CI 4.43 to 7.64) when compared with non-active groups. The observed recreational football effect on fat mass was most likely largely beneficial (ES=1.72 kg; 95% CI 0.86 to 2.58) and the effect on countermovement jump (CMJ) performance was most likely very largely beneficial (ES=2.27 cm; 95% CI 1.29 to 3.25) when compared with non-active groups. Possibly beneficial decreases were found in low-density lipoprotein levels (ES=0.21 mmol/L; 95% CI 0.06 to 0.36). Possibly largely beneficial effect was observed for DBP in comparison with continuous running training. Small harmful and unclear results were noted for SBP, fat and lean body mass, body mass index, as well as muscular fitness when compared with running and Zumba training. Conclusion The present meta-analysis demonstrated multiple broad-spectrum benefits of recreational football on health-related physical fitness compared with no-exercise controls, including improvements in blood pressure, resting heart rate, fat mass, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and CMJ performance. Additionally, recreational football is efficient and effective as Zumba and continuous running exercise regimens with highlighted social, motivational and competitive components.

Safet Kapo, I. Rađo, N. Smajlović, S. Kovač, M. Talović, Ivor Doder, Nedim Čović

Abstract Introduction The aim of the study was to analyse the deviations of the body posture and to assess the occurrence of spine deformities. Additionally, Body Mass Index in school children was related to the trend in postural deformities for different age groups (5-8 years old, n=112; 9-11 years old, n=205; 12-14 years old, n=212) as part of the project “Spine Lab”, granted from the European Commission IPA founds, investigating the importance of public health issues. Methods Body posture was measured using Contemplas 3D software analyser, based on video image trajectory and BIA weight scale (Tanita BC 420). Overall, 17 variables were assessed, and differences were confirmed using MANOVA analysis. Results The results showed that there is a significant difference between age groups for the measured variables (F=9.27; p<0.01; η2=0.26), suggesting a moderate difference across the age span. Conclusion The study results showed that there is a negative trend of increasing Body Mass Index within the first and youngest age group. The fact is that the trend of increasing deformity of the shoulder belt has been noted, often inclining towards the formation of milder forms of kyphotic posture. Other forms of deformity that are accentuated in the survey results are the negative trend of increasing pelvic rotation and pelvis rotation which inclines towards the formation of lordotic posture for all three age groups.

Nedim Čović, Eldin Jelešković, Haris Alič, I. Rađo, Erduan Kafedžić, G. Sporiš, D. Mcmaster, Z. Milanović

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to examine the reliability, validity and usefulness of the 30–15IFT in competitive female soccer players. METHODS: Seventeen elite female soccer players participated in the study. A within subject test-retest study design was utilized to assess the reliability of the 30–15 intermittent fitness test (IFT). Seven days prior to 30–15IFT, subjects performed a continuous aerobic running test (CT) under laboratory conditions to assess the criterion validity of the 30–15IFT. End running velocity (VCT and VIFT), peak heart rate (HRpeak) and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) were collected and/or estimated for both tests. RESULTS: VIFT (ICC = 0.91; CV = 1.8%), HRpeak (ICC = 0.94; CV = 1.2%), and VO2max (ICC = 0.94; CV = 1.6%) obtained from the 30–15IFT were all deemed highly reliable (p > 0.05). Pearson product moment correlations between the CT and 30–15IFT for VO2max, HRpeak and end running velocity were large (r = 0.67, p = 0.013), very large (r = 0.77, p = 0.02) and large (r = 0.57, p = 0.042), respectively. CONCLUSION: Current findings suggest that the 30–15IFT is a valid and reliable intermittent aerobic fitness test of elite female soccer players. The findings have also provided practitioners with evidence to support the accurate detection of meaningful individual changes in VIFT of 0.5 km/h (1 stage) and HRpeak of 2 bpm. This information may assist coaches in monitoring “real” aerobic fitness changes to better inform training of female intermittent team sport athletes. Lastly, coaches could use the 30–15IFT as a practical alternative to laboratory based assessments to assess and monitor intermittent aerobic fitness changes in their athletes.

Original scientific paper Purpose of the research was to compare the effects of dynamic and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching on knee isokinetic strength and power parameters. Sample size of 50 male athletes is represented as male athletes divided into sub-samples of 10 athletes at competitive level in karate (19 ± 2,4), taekwondo (20 ± 3,6), boxing (19,8 ± 4,3), football (15,1 ± 0,3) and track and field sprint (18,3 ± 2,6). Isokinetic parameters of the knee were measured using Biodex isokinetic system3, at two angular speeds 60 °/s and 180 °/s. Parameters were measured after dynamic stretching protocol and again 48 h later after PNF protocol. For karate and taekwondo fighters no statistically significant differences were found. For boxers, football players and sprinters the values of strength and power parameters were higher after dynamic warm-up protocol at a statistically significant level. Results of this study confirmed that dynamic stretching contributes to higher values of the strength and power of thigh muscles compared to proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.

Background & Study Aim: Karate is sport who has high demands for energy consumption due to constant dynamic movements in training and fights. Transformation process in sport is ability to change body physiology using training methods. The aim of this research are the effects of a three month programmed training on body composition indicators in female karate athletes from 12 to 14 years of age. Material & Methods: Twenty-two female karate athletes from 12 to 14 years of age have been submitted to a three month programmed training. Measuring the body composition indicators was conducted by Tanita BC420SMA – bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA), scale specifically used for the analysis of seven indicators relevant for karate sport, differentiated by weight classes. For determining the programmed training effects, paired sample T-test was used at the level of statistical significance of p<0.05. Results: Three month programmed training resulted in changes regarding weight (p = 0.020), FM% (p = 0.012), FMkg (p = 0.01) and BMI (p = 0.002), and statistically significant increase in variables TBW% (p = 0.007). Concerning the variables FFM, MMSS and TBWkg, there were no statistically significant changes noted. Conclusions: The results of this research have indicated that under the influence of programmed training in karate, positive transformations can be expected within the indicators of body composition in girls between 12 and 14 years of age. Transformation is most certainly a result of natural growth and development occurring in girls, but likewise a combination of programmed training and adequate nutrition.

Z. Milanović, S. Pantelić, Nedim Čović, G. Sporiš, P. Krustrup

Background Soccer is the most popular sport worldwide, with a long history and currently more than 500 million active participants, of whom 300 million are registered football club members. On the basis of scientific findings showing positive fitness and health effects of recreational soccer, FIFA (Fédération Internationale de Football Association) introduced the slogan ‘‘Playing football for 45 min twice a week—best prevention of non-communicable diseases’’ in 2010. Objective The objective of this paper was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature to determine the effects of recreational soccer on maximal oxygen uptake ( _ VO2 max). Methods Six electronic databases (MEDLINE, PubMed, SPORTDiscus, Web of Science, CINAHL and Google Scholar) were searched for original research articles. A manual search was performed to cover the areas of recreational soccer, recreational physical activity, recreational small-sided games and _ VO2 max using the following key terms, either singly or in combination: recreational smallsided games, recreational football, recreational soccer, street football, street soccer, effect, maximal oxygen uptake, peak oxygen uptake, cardiorespiratory fitness, _ VO2 max. The inclusion criteria were divided into four sections: type of study, type of participants, type of interventions and type of outcome measures. Probabilistic magnitude-based inferences for meta-analysed effects were based on standardised thresholds for small, moderate and large changes (0.2, 0.6 and 1.2, respectively) derived from between-subject standard deviations for baseline fitness. Results Seventeen studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. Mean differences showed that _ VO2 max increased by 3.51 mL/kg/min (95 % CI 3.07–4.15) over a recreational soccer training programme in comparison with other training models. The meta-analysed effects of recreational soccer on _ VO2 max compared with the controls of no exercise, continuous running and strength training were most likely largely beneficial [effect size (ES) = 1.46; 95 % confidence interval (CI) 0.91, 2.01; I = 88.35 %], most likely moderately beneficial (ES = 0.68; 95 % CI 0.06, 1.29; I = 69.13 %) and most likely moderately beneficial (ES = 1.08; 95 % CI -0.25, 2.42; I = 71.06 %), respectively. In men and women, the metaanalysed effect was most likely largely beneficial for men (ES = 1.22) and most likely moderately beneficial for women (ES = 0.96) compared with the controls. After 12 weeks of recreational soccer with an intensity of 78– 84 % maximal heart rate (HRmax), healthy untrained men improved their _ VO2 max by 8–13 %, while untrained elderly participants improved their _ VO2 max by 15–18 %. Soccer training for 12–70 weeks in healthy women resulted in an & Peter Krustrup pkrustrup@nexs.ku.dk 1 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Niš, Serbia 2 Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia 4 Sport and Health Sciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK 5 Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Copenhagen Centre for Team Sport and Health, University of Copenhagen, The August Krogh Building, Universitetsparken 13, Copenhagen 2100, Denmark 123 Sports Med (2015) 45:1339–1353 DOI 10.1007/s40279-015-0361-4 improvement in _ VO2 max of 5–16 %. Significant improvements in _ VO2 max have been observed in patients with diabetes mellitus, hypertension and prostate cancer. Conclusion Recreational soccer produces large improvements in _ VO2 max compared to strength training and no exercise, regardless of the age, sex and health status of the participants. Furthermore, recreational soccer is better than continuous endurance running, albeit the additional effect is moderate. This kind of physical activity has great potential for enhancing aerobic fitness, and for preventing and treating non-communicable diseases, and is ideal for addressing lack of motivation, a key component in physical (in)activity.

Besim Demirović, Zijad Požegić, S. Kovač, Safet Kapo, Haris Alič, G. Manic, N. Djuric, Kristina Saric et al.

Parallel programming is a form of computation in which the calculations are carried out simultaneously, operating on the principle where large problems can be divided into smaller, which are then solved in parallel. Most common this programming is used in high performance computing, but due to the physical constraints which prevent frequency scaling the interest is even higher. As computers consumption has become a problem in the recent years, the parallel programming has grown into the dominant paradigm in computer architecture, mainly in the form of multicore processors. The paper shows the process of designing parallel programs and it includes some results obtained by testing the parallel programming performance of different nVIDIA GeForce graphics cards. The purpose of the test is to compare performance of several types of GPUs for various applications. The results of the test could not specifically say which GPU is best due to the different features of the cards, but they can be used to determine which card offers better performances for different parts of the tests.

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