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Nusret Smajlović

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Abstract Introduction The aim of the study was to analyse the deviations of the body posture and to assess the occurrence of spine deformities. Additionally, Body Mass Index in school children was related to the trend in postural deformities for different age groups (5-8 years old, n=112; 9-11 years old, n=205; 12-14 years old, n=212) as part of the project “Spine Lab”, granted from the European Commission IPA founds, investigating the importance of public health issues. Methods Body posture was measured using Contemplas 3D software analyser, based on video image trajectory and BIA weight scale (Tanita BC 420). Overall, 17 variables were assessed, and differences were confirmed using MANOVA analysis. Results The results showed that there is a significant difference between age groups for the measured variables (F=9.27; p<0.01; η2=0.26), suggesting a moderate difference across the age span. Conclusion The study results showed that there is a negative trend of increasing Body Mass Index within the first and youngest age group. The fact is that the trend of increasing deformity of the shoulder belt has been noted, often inclining towards the formation of milder forms of kyphotic posture. Other forms of deformity that are accentuated in the survey results are the negative trend of increasing pelvic rotation and pelvis rotation which inclines towards the formation of lordotic posture for all three age groups.

Original scientific paper Purpose of the research was to compare the effects of dynamic and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching on knee isokinetic strength and power parameters. Sample size of 50 male athletes is represented as male athletes divided into sub-samples of 10 athletes at competitive level in karate (19 ± 2,4), taekwondo (20 ± 3,6), boxing (19,8 ± 4,3), football (15,1 ± 0,3) and track and field sprint (18,3 ± 2,6). Isokinetic parameters of the knee were measured using Biodex isokinetic system3, at two angular speeds 60 °/s and 180 °/s. Parameters were measured after dynamic stretching protocol and again 48 h later after PNF protocol. For karate and taekwondo fighters no statistically significant differences were found. For boxers, football players and sprinters the values of strength and power parameters were higher after dynamic warm-up protocol at a statistically significant level. Results of this study confirmed that dynamic stretching contributes to higher values of the strength and power of thigh muscles compared to proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.

N. Djuric, Kristina Saric, N. Smajlović, Husnija Kajmovic, Anida Kapo

Parallel programming is a form of computation in which the calculations are carried out simultaneously, operating on the principle where large problems can be divided into smaller, which are then solved in parallel. Most common this programming is used in high performance computing, but due to the physical constraints which prevent frequency scaling the interest is even higher. As computers consumption has become a problem in the recent years, the parallel programming has grown into the dominant paradigm in computer architecture, mainly in the form of multicore processors. The paper shows the process of designing parallel programs and it includes some results obtained by testing the parallel programming performance of different nVIDIA GeForce graphics cards. The purpose of the test is to compare performance of several types of GPUs for various applications. The results of the test could not specifically say which GPU is best due to the different features of the cards, but they can be used to determine which card offers better performances for different parts of the tests.

The subject of this study is to determine predictive contributions of morphological characteristics and motor abilities on the 60m hurdles, with an aim to form a group of easily applicable field tests so as to identify boys who are talented in hurdle racing. The subject sample of this study was comprised of 60 boys aged 12-13. The variable sample consisted of a 60m hurdles criterion variable and a set of 13 predictor variables comprising of morphological characteristics, speed - strength abilities and the subjects' coordination qualities.  Applying the regression analysis, the predictive contribution of a complete variable set of morphological characteristics and motor abilities was determined as an above average statistical significance, influencing 60m hurdle outcome. The greatest individual statistically significant predictive contribution was achieved by the variables of speed-strength quality assessment: 20m flying start race result with a standing long jump; and only one variable from the field of morphological characteristics: the shin length. The results support the following conclusion: the two specific variables of speed-strength quality, and 20m flying start race results along with standing long jump, can be relevant predictors of successful outcome in hurdle races.

N. Smajlović, D. Bonacin, D. Bonacin

Buducnost nosi novi tehnoloski napredak i odnose među ljudima koji su sve složeniji i uz sve vece teskoce pri sustinskom nepovrsnom uspostavljanju. Informacije svih vrsta povecavaju se i kvantitativno i kvalitativno obuhvacajuci materijalno i tehnolosko, dok duhovno cesto odlazi u drugi plan, iako postoje mnoge institucije i pojedinci koji nastoje održavati dusevne vrijednosti. Zbog razvojnih karakteristika covjeka, jedino ozbiljno vrijeme koje možemo iskoristiti za ucenje svih znanja, pa i moralnih duhovnih vrijednosti je najranije djetinjstvo, kad se covjek uvelike oblikuje. Stoga se postavlja pitanje, treba li iskoristiti svaki trenutak, kako bi temelji opcih ljudskih vrijednosti bili dobro ugrađeni. Edukacijska granica se prirodno spustila do samog rođenja. Postavlja se pitanje, treba li možda poceti i prije, vec s nerođenima. Ali ako jest tako, tada vise nije dovoljno modele djelovanja ostaviti stohastickim modulacijama. Prvo se treba odrediti prema sustini takvih mogucih akcija, bas kao i akceptiranju, barem veceg dijela mogucih, ma kakvih posljedica.

Napisan je, testiran i primjenjen poseban algoritam analize podataka koji je potpuno nekonvencionalan i razlicit od drugih algoritama. Naime, , u ukupnoj masi vrsi se preslikavanje izmjerenih podataka svih entiteta iz jednog prostora definiranog opcim pravilima, u jedan novi prostor cija pravila određuju svojstva arbitrarno odabranog pojedinca. U tom novom referentnom okviru, spektralnom analizom se dobijaju rezultati koji govore o tome sto bi se dogodilo kad bi cijeli prostor bio obilježen jednim jedinim entitetom. Za ilustraciju algoritma odabran je primjer tri entiteta od ukupno njih 249 uzrasta 7 godina pracenih s 26 parametara kroz tri kontrolne tocke unutar kojih je proveden transformacijski postupak. Rezultati su pokazali iznimnu snagu algoritma u identifikaciji pojedinih kontrolnih stanja, a jos i vise u evaluaciji provedenih transformacijskih postupaka.

Besim Demirović, Zijad Požegić, S. Kovač, Safet Kapo, Haris Alič, G. Manic, N. Djuric, Kristina Saric, Dijana Djurić et al.

Parallel programming is a form of computation in which the calculations are carried out simultaneously, operating on the principle where large problems can be divided into smaller, which are then solved in parallel. Most common this programming is used in high performance computing, but due to the physical constraints which prevent frequency scaling the interest is even higher. As computers consumption has become a problem in the recent years, the parallel programming has grown into the dominant paradigm in computer architecture, mainly in the form of multicore processors. The paper shows the process of designing parallel programs and it includes some results obtained by testing the parallel programming performance of different nVIDIA GeForce graphics cards. The purpose of the test is to compare performance of several types of GPUs for various applications. The results of the test could not specifically say which GPU is best due to the different features of the cards, but they can be used to determine which card offers better performances for different parts of the tests.


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