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Rasim Lakota

Društvene mreže:

Amel Mekić, Rasim Lakota, Mladen Živković, Muhammet Çelik, Merima Merdan

Introduction: Taekwondo has developed into an Olympic sport, which means that a thorough understanding of the main Taekwondo athletes and competitors' characteristics is necessary. This study investigated the fundamental anthropometric measurements of high-level Taekwondo athletes, with a particular focus on disparities between genders. The objective of this study was to assess and contrast the physical attributes of elite Taekwondo athletes, specifically examining the differences between males and females. Methods: A group of 28 highly skilled Taekwondo athletes, consisting of 14 female and 14 male cadets participated in this study. Results: The results showed a significant difference between male and female competitors' anthropometric variables, most notably in skinfold thickness and fat tissue proportion (p≤ 0.01). Conclusion: Accordingly, these data can help taekwondo specialists in the early stages of selection, especially when advanced examinations are impossible. Further studies profiling this group of responders should include more characteristics to help practitioners recognize talents and create training program goals.

Denis Čaušević, Ensar Abazović, Semir Mašić, Amila Hodžić, Šemso Ormanović, Ivor Doder, Nedim Čović, Rasim Lakota

This study aimed to examine the relation between agility, sprint ability, and vertical jump performance of young basketball players. Fifty (n=50) young basketball players (mean±SD: age = 12.63±0.95; height = 160.84±6.31 cm; body mass = 50.82±6.88 kg) participated in the study. The agility T-test and 505 test were assessed to determine agility, 10m and 20m sprint was measured to determine sprint ability and countermovement jump (CMJ) for jumping performance. The results of Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation analysis indicated large to very large relation between agility tests and sprint performance (r = 0.61 to 0.85); agility and jump performance (r = - 0.64 to - 0.67); sprint and jumping performance (r = -0.59 to -0.77). The results of the study suggest that agility, sprint, and jumping performance share common physical demands, therefore it is necessary to develop them during the training.

Izet Bajramović, Herzegovina, Slavenko Likić, M. Talović, Haris Alič, Eldin Jelešković, Rasim Lakota, Nedim Čović

Uvod Informisanost o nivou treniranosti sportista, te uzrocima i posljedicama takvog stanja, bitna je za njihov uspjeh. Poznato je da fudbaleri u igri ostvare veći broj kratkih sprinteva, te da primjenjuju različite načine vođenja lopte, pravolinijski i sa promjenom smjera kretanja. Struktura agilnosti s loptom je mnogo složenija u odnosu na takvo kretanje bez lopte (Sporiš, Milanović, Trajković, & Joksimović, 2011). Brzina i eksplozivna snaga se smatraju preduslovom za uspjeh u omladinskom fudbalu (Reilly, Bangsbo, & Franks, 2000), naglašavajući pritom ubrzanja na kratkim udaljenostima. Visina i tjelesna težina su značajno povezane sa fi zičkom izvedbom u slučaju mladih fudbalera ( Mathisen & Petersen, 2015). Ipak se sa sigurnošću ne može izolovati neka osobinu ili sposobnost koja donosi odlučujuću prednost u utakmici. Fudbaleri su tjelesno lakši od osoba koje žive sedentarnim načinom života (Popović, Akpinar, Jaksic, Matic, & Bjelica, 2013), ali i niži u odnosu košarkaše, odbojkaše i rukometaše juniorske kategorije (Masanovic & Vukasevic, 2009; Masanovic, 2018). Međutim, u sportovima gdje se traži velika brzina kretanja, nagla promjena pravca u velikoj brzini kretanja, grubi sudari sa protivnikom (fudbal i hokej), tjelesna visina ne samo da nije dominantna, nego je u određenoj mjeri i nepovoljna (Bjelica & Fratrić, 2011). Međusobni odnos tjelesne visine i težine (body mass index), te udio masne komponente (% fat mass) u ukupnoj tjelesnoj masi, za trenere može biti važna informacija. Optimalne vrijednosti BMI-a mogu rezultirati u poboljšanju opšteg nivoa tjelesne i anaerobne snage (Nikolaidis, 2014). Fudbaleri imaju povoljan sadržaj mišića sa niskim nivoom tjelesnih masti (Popovic, Bjelica, Jaksic, & Hadzic, 2014). Ipak, višak tjelesnih masti stvara nepotreban teret i umanjuje učinkovitost u igri, te značajno narušava elemente tehnike mladih fudbalera (Nemčić, Fiorentini, & Sporiš, 2018). Vrijednosti tjelesnih masti za vrhunske fudbalere su u prosjeku 7-12%, te su niže nego u slučaju sedentarnih ljudi, ali su takođe više u odnosu na trkače u sportovima izdržljivosti (Shephard, 1999.). Pored optimalizacije voluminoznosti mišića, na količinu potkožnog masnog tkiva se može uticati dopunskim treningom (Conroy i Earle, 2000), i to djelovanjem u pravcu njene redukcije. S obzirom da se takmičenja omladinskih liga organizuju shodno hronološkoj, a ne biološkoj starosti, često se pojedinci Abstract

Ifet Mahmutovi, Munir Talovi, Rasim Lakota, Haris Ali, Eldin Jeleškovi

The aim of this paper is to determine the level of improvement of motor skills of female volleyball players influenced by kinesiology operators in a period of 6 months. Research was conducted on sample subject of 130 female volleyball players aged from 13±0.6 (mean±SD). Sample variables are divided in two groups: 9 variables of assessment of basic motor skills and 5 variables of assessment of situational motor skills. Analysing difference of arithmetic means between of initial and final measures of treated variables it is determined that there is statistically significant difference on the level Sig=0.001, except for variables of Jelka test which determinates speed duration of female volleyball players. Analysis of quantity changes of basic motor skills, shows that the most important projections on selected discriminative function of basic motor skills have the following variables: body lifting in 30 sec; dynamometry of a hand, hand tapping; pull-up; throwing a 1 kg ball from lying position; side defence movement; push-up on bars and situational motor skill are the variables: precision of tactic serving; consecutive bumping; wall-spikes. Comprehensive development of female volleyball players and diversity in the level of volleyball specialization of the development will depend on systematic work on treated motor skills. This program appeared to be efficient. However, it is necessary to gradually increase the demands for the female volleyball players and to put the accent on performance of acquired situational motor skills in future work.

Srđan Pavlović, M. Talović, Elvir Kazazović, Rasim Lakota

Osnovni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u bazicno-motorickim i situaciono-motorickim sposobnostima rukometasica. Istraživanje je urađeno na 77 rukometasice, seniorskog uzrasta iz Prve federalne lige BIH i Prve lige Republike Srpske .U prostoru bazicno-motoricke sposobnosti koristeno je 18 varijabli koje su obuhvatale faktore za procjenu segmentarne brzine, fleksibilnosti, koordinacije, eksplozivne snage, repetitivne snage i ravnoteže. Situaciono-motoricki prostor je posmatran i obuhvata pet hipotetskih latentnih faktora koji su odgovorni za situacionu efikasnost u rukometu: brzina baratanja sa loptom, preciznost, snaga izbacaja lopte, brzina kretanja bez lopte, baratanje loptom. U analiza kvantitativnih razlika na multivarijantnom nivou, diskriminativnom analizom, između Prve federalne lige BIH i Prve lige Republike Srpske u situaciono-motorickim i bazicno-motorickim sposobnostima dobili smo da se nivoi takmicenja razlikuju odnosno da postoji statisticka znacajnost između tretiranih nivoa takmicenja. Dobijeni rezultati mogu doprinijeti boljem razumijevanju pracenja, analiziranja te boljem usavrsavanju kondicijske i tehnicko-takticke pripreme rukometasica na razlicitim nivoima takmicenja, a sve u cilju postizanja veceg kvaliteta takmicenja seniroskih rukometasica u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Srđan Pavlović, M. Talović, Elvir Kazazović, Rasim Lakota

The aim of this study was to confirm the difference in basic motor and situational motor abilities of female handball players. Studies were conducted on 77 adult female handball players playing in the BiH First Federal League and the First League of the Republika Srpska. For basic-motor abilities, 18 variables were used which covered factors for estimating segmental speed, flexibility, coordination, power, repetitive power and balance. Situational motor capabilities were tested using five hypothetical latent factors which are responsible for situational efficiency in handball: speed of ball handling, precision, throwing strength, speed without the ball, and ball handling. Discriminative analysis of quantitative differences showed that statistically significant differences exist between the capabilities of players from the BiH First Federal League and the First League of the Republika Srpska. Our results can aid in better understanding, tracking, analyzing and perfecting conditioning and tactical preparation for female handball players at various levels of competition, all in the aim of achieving better quality of competition for senior handball players in BIH.

Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrđivanje globalnih kvantitativnih razlika mjera morfoloskih karakteristika nogometasa klasificiranih prema razlicitim pozicijama u polju. Istraživanje je izvrseno na uzorku nogometasa juniorske kategorije iz pet klubova Kantona Sarajevo, koja su aktivno ukljucena u trenažni proce. Testirano je ukupno 149 nogometasa, i to 28 nogometasa sa pozicije centralnih branica, 37 sa bocnih/krilnih pozicija, 48 sredisnjih i 36 napadaca. Koristeno je 12 varijabli morfoloskih karakteristika. Rezultatima diskriminativne analize utvrđeno je da sve tretirane longitudinalne mjere i tjelesna masa u najvecoj mjeri ukazuju na statisticke znacajne globalne razlike. Centralni branici i bocni/krilni se međusobno najvise razlikuju, te se relativno razlikuju od veznih nogometasa i napadaca. Centralni branici su visi i masivniji u odnosu na ostale, a sto je svakako u skladu sa zahtjevima igre na toj poziciji.

Rasim Lakota, D. Bonacin

young handball players , all of them in a training process at least one year, aged 11-14, underwent a three month programmed transformational procedure. Basic principle of this procedure were situational methods. Structurally - qualitative changes of the situational-motoric skills in the structure of the relations are significant. Two latent specific movement mechanisms are isolated, with 73% of common variability. Se we are safe to assume that a large number of the variability in the specific tests is implemented, where as a criterion Gutman Kaiser is taken, these two factors describe the essence of handball: 1) movement and controlling the court, and 2) achieving the goal (scoring). Analysis of the structural changes, done with the Cramer model with the more accurate identification, shows the biggest changes in variables SMGLC (hitting the mark with a ball) and SMSZ20 (throwing the ball against the wall), so we can conclude that this procedure affects Accuracy and Speed of movement without a ball. The general conclusion stemming from this analysis suggests that this handball program made significant changes in the structure of the situational-motor skills.

D. Bonacin, M. Talović, Rasim Lakota

Novi pogled na sinergijsku regulaciju gibanja u situacijskom modelu treninga mladih rukometasa

Amel Mekić, Rasim Lakota, Mladen Živković, Muhammet Çelik, Merima Merdan

variables antropométricas de los competidores masculinos y femeninos, más notablemente en el grosor de los pliegues cutáneos y la proporción de tejido graso (p≤ 0,01). Conclusión: En consecuencia, estos datos pueden ayudar a los especialistas en taekwondo en las primeras etapas de selección, especialmente cuando los exámenes avanzados son imposibles. Estudios adicionales que perfilen a este grupo de respondedores deberían incluir más características para ayudar a los profesionales a reconocer talentos y crear objetivos en el programa de capacitación.


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