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Merima Merdan

Društvene mreže:

Amel Mekić, Rasim Lakota, Mladen Živković, Muhammet Çelik, Merima Merdan

Introduction: Taekwondo has developed into an Olympic sport, which means that a thorough understanding of the main Taekwondo athletes and competitors' characteristics is necessary. This study investigated the fundamental anthropometric measurements of high-level Taekwondo athletes, with a particular focus on disparities between genders. The objective of this study was to assess and contrast the physical attributes of elite Taekwondo athletes, specifically examining the differences between males and females. Methods: A group of 28 highly skilled Taekwondo athletes, consisting of 14 female and 14 male cadets participated in this study. Results: The results showed a significant difference between male and female competitors' anthropometric variables, most notably in skinfold thickness and fat tissue proportion (p≤ 0.01). Conclusion: Accordingly, these data can help taekwondo specialists in the early stages of selection, especially when advanced examinations are impossible. Further studies profiling this group of responders should include more characteristics to help practitioners recognize talents and create training program goals.

Amel Mekić, E. Nikšić, Edin Beganović, Merima Merdan, Hadis Ramić

This study aims to determine the effects of a program based on a progressive increase in the number of nage-komi repetitions (throws) on a specific judo fitness test (SJFT). The research was conducted on a total of 20 respondents. In SJFT for research purposes, 12 variables. Descriptive statistics and paired t-tests for dependent samples of initial and final testing were used for data processing. The results of the study showed significant statistical deviations in the number of throws in the first 15 seconds, with the pulse measured immediately after testing and the SJFT index (p <005). There is a noticeable need for a table to classify SJFT results for young judoists. Based on the obtained results, we can conclude that the programmed activity had positive effects on the results of the SJFT, ie that the index was statistically significantly lower in the final than in the initial testing. Taking into account the results obtained, calculated by the SPSS 22 t-test for dependent variables, the values ??of the young judoist index and the values ??of the senior index show noticeable differences. While their results can be classified into appropriate categories, the results of young judoists can be classifieclassifiedrity, under, ad and the rest as very bad. Some results could not even be ranked, so we conclude that it is necessary to make tables for classifying the results of young judoists. The obtained results can be used as guidelines for more efficient programming of the training process. Keywords: cadets, judo, juniors, SJFT test, training.

Uvod Dehidracija može ugroziti sportsku izvedbu i povećati rizik od teške tjelesne povrede. Negativni efekti dehidratacije na performanse se uočavaju već pri <2% (Barr, 1999). Naime, manjak tečnosti koji se javlja tokom jedne vježbe može potencijalno kompromitovati sljedeću sesiju vježbanja, ukoliko ne dođe do adekvatne zamjene tečnosti. Dakle, zamjena te čnosti poslije vježbanja često se može smatrati hidratacijom prije sljedećeg treninga (Shirreff s, Armstrong, & Cheuvront, 2004). Ipak, sportisti samoinicijativno ne piju dovoljnu količinu vode za sprječavanje dehidracije tokom fi zičke aktivnosti (Casa, Armstrong, Hillman, Montain, Reiff , Rich, Roberts, & Stone, 2000; Maughan i sar., 2010). Maughan & Shirreff s (2010), navode da neki sportisti piju previše tečnosti, dok neki mogu razviti i hiponatremiju zbog prevelikog unosa tečnosti. S druge strane, slobodnim mikropauzama koje se tokom treninga planiraju u cilju nadoknađivanja tečnosti gubi se na intenzitetu treninga, a ukoliko je cilj treninga sticanje motoričkog znanja onda dolazi do narušavanja organizacije i kontinuiteta rada (Gobson i sar., 2012). Pogotovo je to slučaj prilikom rada u parovima, kada jedan od partnera nadoknađuje tečnost, dok drugi stoji i čeka ga. Interesantno bi bilo ispitati da li nadoknađivanje tečnosti tokom treninga predstavlja samo naviku sportiste, ili zato zaista postoji objektivna potreba nastala kao rezultat gubitka tečnosti znojenjem i naprezanjem tokom treninga. Sam osječaj žeđi je individualnog karaktera, te bi stoga bilo potrebno provjeriti opravdanost slobodnog načina rehidriranja. Poznato je i da vrhunski judo takmičari hipohidracijom smanjuju težinu prije takmičenja, što takođe negativno utiče na organizam sportiste i dovodi do smanjenja funkcije te negativnih učinaka na zdravlje (Jung & Malliaropoulos, 2014). Gubitak tečnosti rezultira osjećajem letargije i gubitkom motivacije za nastavak vježbanja, pridonoseći razvoju umora (Watson, 2008). Kratkoročne promjene u hidrataciji mogu se procijeniti na temelju promjene mase tijela (Maughan & Shirreff s, 2010). Rezultati ove studije bi trebali potvrditi dehidraciju organizma u slučaju nekonzumiranja tečnosti tokom judo treninga, te ukazati na opravdanost organizovane rehidratacije u slučaju sportista 11-12 godina starosti. Abstract

Amel Mekić, Rasim Lakota, Mladen Živković, Muhammet Çelik, Merima Merdan

variables antropométricas de los competidores masculinos y femeninos, más notablemente en el grosor de los pliegues cutáneos y la proporción de tejido graso (p≤ 0,01). Conclusión: En consecuencia, estos datos pueden ayudar a los especialistas en taekwondo en las primeras etapas de selección, especialmente cuando los exámenes avanzados son imposibles. Estudios adicionales que perfilen a este grupo de respondedores deberían incluir más características para ayudar a los profesionales a reconocer talentos y crear objetivos en el programa de capacitación.


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