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Faris Rašidagić

Društvene mreže:

E. Nikšić, Edin Beganović, F. Rašidagić, M. Joksimović

The aim of the research was to determine the effects of specially programmed physical and health education with the application of content from sports games (basketball, volleyball, and handball) in the duration of one semester to qualitative changes in situational motor skills in students in the fifth grade of elementary school. The study included 106 pupils of the V class, aged 10 to 11 years, clinically and mentally healthy, and with no pronounced morphological and locomotor impairments. The sample of respondents was divided into two subgroups, an experimental group (53 pupils), who carried out physical education classes according to the modified plan and program of sports games (basketball, volleyball, and handball) for a semester and a control group (53 pupils) who attended regular classes from physical education according to the current curriculum. In order to determine qualitative changes in situational motor abilities, descriptive statistics, T-test, and factor analysis were used. The results of the factor analysis show that there were statistically significant qualitative changes, and based on the results of t-tests it can be concluded that they are statistically significant at levels less than 1% for the SMKVLS variable, and at levels less than 5% for the variables SMRBLZ and SMRVLS. In the final measurement, there was a change in value and thus a difference in the variables of the SMKBLK after the program of work.

F. Rašidagić, N. Nurković, Turković Dž. Imamović, -. N. H. Hadžibulić, E. Nikšić, A. Kapo

Background: This research was done as continuation of research made previously on male population. The goal of this research is to determine „differences between morphological characteristics and motoric capabilities of physically active and inactive female students “. Methods: Sample of physically inactive female students was made of 54 examinees and sample for active students was made of 52 girls. Average age was 12. All girls were primary school students. Physically inactive students regularly attended PE lessons and active students were involved in training process of basketball, volleyball, football and handball teams. Additional practice was done two times a week for 90 minutes. Morphological space is set by 15 variables and motoric space is set with 24 variables. Results: Statistical difference was determined by T-test on level (p<0.05). Significance given by T-test was checked by calculating Eta coefficient. Such data has differences in Chest Width (.00/.00 and η2=0,33), Weight (.00/.00 and η2=0,34), Stomach Skin Curves (.00/.00 and η2=0,37) and Back Skin Curves (.05/.05 and η2=0,16). Motoric space has differences in: Slalom with Three Medicine Balls (.00/.00 and η2=0.01), Throwing medicine ball from the chest (.00/.00 and η2=0,10), Long Jump (.00/.00 and η2=0,17), Push-ups (.02/.02 and η2=0.05), Sit-and-Reach (.04/.04 and η2=0.00) and 20m low start run (.00/.00 and. η2=0,14). Conclusions: After analysis it can be stated the aim of the research was completed and differences of anthropological status of physically active and inactive female students were determined. Students of age 12 can be recommended additional training activity to positively transform anthropological spaces with no transformation. Research with same or similar variables should be done on different age categories when compared to this one or to analyze quality of influence that specific sports have on transformation in this age category.

E. Nikšić, Edin Beganović, F. Rašidagić, E. Mirvić, M. Joksimović

Purpose: Thanks to the positive health effects of physical exercise, physical education is an integral part of the education system, with two hours per week, which is insufficient to achieve an optimal effect in transforming the anthropological status of children. The aim of the research was to determine the effects of regular and modified physical education with the application of contents from sports games (basketball, volleyball and handball) in the duration of one semester to changes in basic motor skills in pupils of the fifth grade of elementary school. Material: The study included N = 106 students of the V class, aged 10 to 11 years, clinically and mentally healthy, and with no pronounced morphological and locomotor impairments. The sample of examinees was divided into two subgroups. The first was an experimental group of 53 students, who carried out physical education classes according to the modified plan and program of sports games (basketball, volleyball and handball) for a semester. The other was a control group of 53 students who attended regular classes from physical education according to the current curriculum. Results: The results of the research at the descriptive level showed noticeable differences between the same groups in the final versus the initial measurements. Based on the results of the t-test for the control and experimental group, it can be concluded that there have been statistically significant changes in values on all variables of basic motor in the final compared to the initial measurement. By analyzing the results of the t-tests, it can be seen that the groups differ in the initial measurement only in one basic motor variable, MTAPN, and this difference is statistically significant in favor of the control group. In the final measurement, there are no significant differences between the control and the experimental group in the average values of all variables of basic motoring. Conclusions: Improving basic motor skills depends on the teacher's ability, the ability to transform the age with which he is working, and the success of certain training processes. The modified program of the experimental group has led to changes and thus proves the significant effect of the group's work program.

Uvod Dehidracija može ugroziti sportsku izvedbu i povećati rizik od teške tjelesne povrede. Negativni efekti dehidratacije na performanse se uočavaju već pri <2% (Barr, 1999). Naime, manjak tečnosti koji se javlja tokom jedne vježbe može potencijalno kompromitovati sljedeću sesiju vježbanja, ukoliko ne dođe do adekvatne zamjene tečnosti. Dakle, zamjena te čnosti poslije vježbanja često se može smatrati hidratacijom prije sljedećeg treninga (Shirreff s, Armstrong, & Cheuvront, 2004). Ipak, sportisti samoinicijativno ne piju dovoljnu količinu vode za sprječavanje dehidracije tokom fi zičke aktivnosti (Casa, Armstrong, Hillman, Montain, Reiff , Rich, Roberts, & Stone, 2000; Maughan i sar., 2010). Maughan & Shirreff s (2010), navode da neki sportisti piju previše tečnosti, dok neki mogu razviti i hiponatremiju zbog prevelikog unosa tečnosti. S druge strane, slobodnim mikropauzama koje se tokom treninga planiraju u cilju nadoknađivanja tečnosti gubi se na intenzitetu treninga, a ukoliko je cilj treninga sticanje motoričkog znanja onda dolazi do narušavanja organizacije i kontinuiteta rada (Gobson i sar., 2012). Pogotovo je to slučaj prilikom rada u parovima, kada jedan od partnera nadoknađuje tečnost, dok drugi stoji i čeka ga. Interesantno bi bilo ispitati da li nadoknađivanje tečnosti tokom treninga predstavlja samo naviku sportiste, ili zato zaista postoji objektivna potreba nastala kao rezultat gubitka tečnosti znojenjem i naprezanjem tokom treninga. Sam osječaj žeđi je individualnog karaktera, te bi stoga bilo potrebno provjeriti opravdanost slobodnog načina rehidriranja. Poznato je i da vrhunski judo takmičari hipohidracijom smanjuju težinu prije takmičenja, što takođe negativno utiče na organizam sportiste i dovodi do smanjenja funkcije te negativnih učinaka na zdravlje (Jung & Malliaropoulos, 2014). Gubitak tečnosti rezultira osjećajem letargije i gubitkom motivacije za nastavak vježbanja, pridonoseći razvoju umora (Watson, 2008). Kratkoročne promjene u hidrataciji mogu se procijeniti na temelju promjene mase tijela (Maughan & Shirreff s, 2010). Rezultati ove studije bi trebali potvrditi dehidraciju organizma u slučaju nekonzumiranja tečnosti tokom judo treninga, te ukazati na opravdanost organizovane rehidratacije u slučaju sportista 11-12 godina starosti. Abstract

Jovan Gardašević, F. Rašidagić, D. Krivokapić, Marin Corluka, D. Bjelica

Th e purpose of this study was to evaluate stature in males from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinaft er BH) as well as the relationship between arm span as an alternative to estimating stature, which varies in diff erent ethnic and racial groups. Th e nature and scope of this study analyse 193 male students (aged 20.84±2.08) from the University of Sarajevo and University of Mostar. Anthropometric measurements were used in accordance with the protocol of the ISAK. Means and standard deviations were obtained. Statures and arm spans were compared using a t-test. Th e relation between arm span and stature were determined using simple correlation coeffi cients and a confi dence interval of them of 95%. A linear regression analysis was then executed to examine the extent to which stature can be reliably predicted by arm span. Th e results have shown that males from the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Entity are 183.84±6.41 cm tall and have an arm span of 185.65±7.55 cm. In comparison to other studies, the results of this one show the BH population to be one of the tallest nations in the world, perhaps the tallest one. Moreover, arm span surely predicts stature in males (61.6%). However, the estimation equations, which were obtained in Bosnian Herzegovinians from mentioned entity, are substantially diff erent alike in the population from other entities, since arm span was not close to statures (1.81±1.14 cm more than the stature). Th is confi rms the need for developing individual height models for this population.

E. Nikšić, F. Rašidagić

The aim of this study is to determine the deformation of the spinal column at the school for students of classroom teaching. The research was conducted on a sample of 1,105 students, of which 563 boys and 542 girls, aged 5-12 years. In the program of research were involved students from first to fifth grade in eleven elementary schools in Sarajevo: ES "Kovačići" PS "Behaudin Selmanović" PS "Sokolje" PS "Dobroševići" PS "Safet beg Bašagić" PS "Zahid Baručija "PS" Fatima Gunic "PS" Aleksa Santic "PS" Avdo Smailović "PS" Mehmedalija Mak Dizdar, "PS" Hamdi Kreševlajković". To determine the deformation of the spine column, we used the method of measuring the curvature of the spinal column by criteria Napoleon Wolanskog the (1975) year. D 5 keeping the spine (EKS) Evaluation of keeping the spine. Analysis of the spinal column at the school for students of classroom teaching was done with the help of descriptive statistics, by using the Wilcoxon test. Research results were significant at the level of significance of p <0.01. In analysis of the spinal column at the school for students of classroom teaching using the Wilcoxon test; it was found that there was a statistically significant representation the deformation of spinal column at the school for students of classroom teaching.


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