
Publikacije (33289)

E. Zerem, Mirela Denjagić Bašić, A. Kurtcehajic, Dina Zerem, Mirza Imamović, Omar Zerem

Ibrahim Badi, Mouhamed Bayane Bouraima, Yanjun Qiu, Željko Stević

Priority sequencing criteria are of utmost importance in the determination of the sequence in which jobs are processed at workstations in parallel machine scheduling. The utilization of diverse priority rules can result in varied sequencing arrangements, hence requiring more experimentation to ascertain the optimal rule. Hence, it is imperative to formulate a thorough approach for the selection of the most suitable priority sequencing rule from the standpoint of management decision-making. The objective of this research is to analyze and compare six different priority sequencing rules in the context of parallel machine scheduling. Additionally, a methodology is proposed for the assessment and selection of the most suitable rule. This methodology combines the full consistency method (FUCOM) with the measurement of alternatives and ranking according to compromise solution (MARCOS) method, which are both multi-criteria decision-making techniques. When reviewing and selecting the optimal priority sequencing rule, seven parameters are taken into consideration. The weights of these criteria are computed using the FUCOM method, while the relative proximity values of all priority sequencing rules are derived by the MARCOS method. The data indicate that the priority sequencing rules are prioritized according to their level of importance. The approach outlined in this study is essential for workstation management to make well-informed decisions regarding the choice of the most advantageous priority sequencing rule for parallel machine scheduling.

S. Huseinagic, Siniša Stević, C. Birungi, Adanna Chukwuma

: This report outlines a strategic approach to introduce pay-for-performance (P4P) incentives for improved noncommunicable disease (NCD) care in Republika Srpska (RS) and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH). Developed under the Health Systems Improvement Project (HSIP) and Multi-Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) for Health Systems Reform, the approach focuses on evidence-based, technically sound, and politically feasible strategies. Participatorily developed, the report synthesizes global lessons and analyzes the policy environment in RS and FBiH. It proposes key design features, addressing strategic opportunities and operational challenges. Behavioral economics insights and political economy factors inform the approach, identifying key levers, opportunities, and challenges affecting P4P implementation capacity. To enhance NCD care quality, the report recommends changes in the provider payment mix, tailored reforms at entity and cantonal levels, and active service user engagement. Emphasizing the importance of linking payment incentives to performance, the proposed design spans dimensions such as performance measures, basis of payment, payment attributes, recipient of payment, and targeted outcomes. An enabling environment is deemed critical. Relatedly, effective implementation requires robust data systems, stakeholder engagement, adapted legal frameworks, and suitable institutional arrangements. Technical assistance and budgetary support needs are identified. It is expected that P4P implementation will enhance NCD care coverage and quality, thereby improving health outcomes and overall health system performance in RS and FBiH.

Sabrina Tantula, Amer Ovčina, Arzija Pašalić, S. Branković, Jasmina Mahmutović, Hamid Palalić

Communication is the foundation of every interpersonal relationship. Good communication leads to better relationships and trust, fosters improved interactions with colleagues, and has a positive impact on the workplace atmosphere. The aim of this study is to determine how the communication skills of management staff influence work processes. The primary task of this study is to examine the communication styles of responsible individuals in the healthcare process and their relationships with subordinates or executors in the healthcare process. The study is descriptive and comparative. An author-designed questionnaire, created based on a review of professional and scientific literature and experiences from everyday clinical practice, was used as the research instrument.The results showed that out of the total number of respondents, 33.3% reported being completely satisfied with interpersonal communication, 57.0% partially satisfied, and only 24 or 9.6% were not satisfied. It can be concluded that the good communication skills of managers positively impact staff productivity.

Sara Bosticardo, S. Schiavi, Sabine A. Schaedelin, Matteo Battocchio, M. Barakovic, Po-Jui Lu, Matthias Weigel, L. Melie-García et al.

Introduction Recent studies showed that the myelin of the brain changes in the life span, and demyelination contributes to the loss of brain plasticity during normal aging. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) allows studying brain connectivity in vivo by mapping axons in white matter with tractography algorithms. However, dMRI does not provide insight into myelin; thus, combining tractography with myelin-sensitive maps is necessary to investigate myelin-weighted brain connectivity. Tractometry is designated for this purpose, but it suffers from some serious limitations. Our study assessed the effectiveness of the recently proposed Myelin Streamlines Decomposition (MySD) method in estimating myelin-weighted connectomes and its capacity to detect changes in myelin network architecture during the process of normal aging. This approach opens up new possibilities compared to traditional Tractometry. Methods In a group of 85 healthy controls aged between 18 and 68 years, we estimated myelin-weighted connectomes using Tractometry and MySD, and compared their modulation with age by means of three well-known global network metrics. Results Following the literature, our results show that myelin development continues until brain maturation (40 years old), after which degeneration begins. In particular, mean connectivity strength and efficiency show an increasing trend up to 40 years, after which the process reverses. Both Tractometry and MySD are sensitive to these changes, but MySD turned out to be more accurate. Conclusion After regressing the known predictors, MySD results in lower residual error, indicating that MySD provides more accurate estimates of myelin-weighted connectivity than Tractometry.

BACKGROUND Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a group of comorbidities related to regulating hyperglycemia and acute cardiovascular incidents and complications. With the increasing prevalence in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), MetS represents an increasing public health problem and clinical challenge, and early diagnosis is necessary to avoid the accelerated development of diabetic complications. OBJECTIVE To investigate the role of Complete Blood Count-derived Inflammation Indexes (CBCIIs) in predicting MetS in T2DM individuals. METHODS The study was designed as a two-year prospective study and included 80 T2DM individuals divided into MetS and non-MetS groups based on MetS development over two years. The sera samples were analyzed for complete blood count parameters and C-reactive protein (CRP). Based on the laboratory test results, 13 CBCIIs were calculated and analyzed. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and their corresponding areas under the curve (AUC) were used to determine prognostic accuracy. RESULTS There were significant differences between T2DM participants with Mets and those without MetS concerning Neutrophil to Platelet Ratio (NPR) values (p< 0.001), Neutrophil to Lymphocyte and Platelet Ratio (NLPR) (p< 0.001), Platelet to Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) (p< 0.001), Lymphocyte to C-reactive protein Ratio (LCR) (p< 0.001), C-reactive protein to Lymphocyte Ratio (CRP/Ly) (p< 0.001), Systemic immune inflammation index (SII) (< 0.001), and Aggregate Index of Systemic Inflammation (AISI) (p= 0.005). The results of ROC curve analysis have shown that the LCR (AUC of 0.907), CRP/Ly (AUC of 0.907) can serve as excellent predictors, but NPR (AUC of 0.734), NLRP (AUC of 0.755), PLR (AUC of 0.823), SII (AUC of 0.745), and AISI (AUC of 0.688) as good predictors of MetS in T2 DM individuals. CONCLUSION This study confirms the reliability of the CBCIIs as novel, simple, low cost and valuable predictors of MetS developing in T2DM.

M. K. Kuzman, B. Glavonjić, Andreja Pirc Barčić, M. Obućina, Eva Haviarova, Petra Grošelj

ABSTRACT This study explores attitudes toward sustainable-timber resource management and climate-change mitigation by extending the life cycles of wood products and their cascading in Central and Southeastern Europe. A comprehensive survey involving the general public and professional organizations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, and Slovenia, reveals significant support for wood product reuse in construction, emphasizing ecological aspects and sustainability. Despite doubts about wood product quality, motivation for reuse remains high. Challenges, including limited availability and cost, are acknowledged. Reusing and recycling wood products at the end of their life cycle can extend the life of the wood resource and reduce carbon emissions. Cascading is a promising way to combat climate change and prolong the life cycle of wood products. This study highlights the potential of cascading wood use, underscores the necessity to improve the quantification of wood usage through material intensity analysis of buildings, and emphasizes the requirement for more comprehensive education and explanations to promote sustainable practices.

Adnan Alagic, Natasa Zivic, E. Kadusic, Dženan Hamzić, Narcisa Hadzajlic, Mejra Dizdarević, Elmedin Selmanovic

The number of loan requests is rapidly growing worldwide representing a multi-billion-dollar business in the credit approval industry. Large data volumes extracted from the banking transactions that represent customers’ behavior are available, but processing loan applications is a complex and time-consuming task for banking institutions. In 2022, over 20 million Americans had open loans, totaling USD 178 billion in debt, although over 20% of loan applications were rejected. Numerous statistical methods have been deployed to estimate loan risks opening the field to estimate whether machine learning techniques can better predict the potential risks. To study the machine learning paradigm in this sector, the mental health dataset and loan approval dataset presenting survey results from 1991 individuals are used as inputs to experiment with the credit risk prediction ability of the chosen machine learning algorithms. Giving a comprehensive comparative analysis, this paper shows how the chosen machine learning algorithms can distinguish between normal and risky loan customers who might never pay their debts back. The results from the tested algorithms show that XGBoost achieves the highest accuracy of 84% in the first dataset, surpassing gradient boost (83%) and KNN (83%). In the second dataset, random forest achieved the highest accuracy of 85%, followed by decision tree and KNN with 83%. Alongside accuracy, the precision, recall, and overall performance of the algorithms were tested and a confusion matrix analysis was performed producing numerical results that emphasized the superior performance of XGBoost and random forest in the classification tasks in the first dataset, and XGBoost and decision tree in the second dataset. Researchers and practitioners can rely on these findings to form their model selection process and enhance the accuracy and precision of their classification models.

Irfan Šljivo, Ivan Perez, Anastasia Mavridou, Johann Schumann, Pavlo G. Vlastos, Corey Carter

Nathaniel Benz, Irfan Šljivo, Pavlo G. Vlastos, Aaron Woodard, Corey Carter, Mohammad Hejase

Laura Goddard, M. Kaestli, E. Makalic, Anna P Ralph

In Australia, there is a high burden of acute rheumatic fever (ARF) among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Clinical diagnostic criteria can result in a diagnosis of ‘definite’, ‘probable’ or ‘possible’ ARF and outcomes range from recovery to severe rheumatic heart disease (RHD). We compared outcomes by ARF diagnosis, where the main outcome was defined as disease progression from: possible to probable ARF, definite ARF or RHD; probable to definite ARF or RHD; or definite ARF to definite ARF recurrence or RHD. Data were extracted from the Northern Territory RHD register for Indigenous Australians with an initial diagnosis of ARF during the 5.5-year study period (01/01/2013–30/06/2019). Descriptive statistics were used to describe cohort characteristics, probability of survival, and cumulative incidence risk of disease progression. Cox proportional hazards regression was used to determine whether time to disease progression differed according to ARF diagnosis. Sub-analyses on RHD outcome, clinical manifestations, and antibiotic adherence were also performed. In total there were 913 cases with an initial ARF diagnosis. Of these, 92 (13%) experienced disease progression. The probability of disease progression significantly differed between ARF diagnoses (p = 0.0043; log rank test). Cumulative incidence risk of disease progression at 5.5 years was 33.6% (95% CI 23.6–46.2) for definite, 13.5% (95% CI 8.8–20.6) for probable and 11.4% (95% CI 6.0–21.3) for possible ARF. Disease progression was 2.19 times more likely in those with definite ARF than those with possible ARF (p = 0.026). Progression to RHD was reported in 52/732 (7%) of ARF cases with normal baseline echocardiography. There was a significantly higher risk of progression from no RHD to RHD if the initial diagnosis was definite compared to possible ARF (p<0.001). These data provide a useful way to stratify risk and guide prognosis for people diagnosed with ARF and can help inform practice.

A. Cerovac, Enida Nevačinović, D. Habek, A. S. Laganà, Vito Chiantera, Antoine Naem, Ermin Čehić, Ramiz Halilović et al.

Introduction: Providing adequate healthcare for premature infants is an important issue in perinatal medicine. The aim of this study is to assess the level of the perinatal healthcare institution (PHI) where the newborns were delivered and the possibilities of transporting them to the cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The authors also aimed to examine the overall survival of low birth-weight infants (LBWI) in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to compare the survival of newborns according to the PHI where they were born and the PHI where they were treated. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study included newborns of both sexes that were born in the maternity wards in 10 cantons of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a gestational age between 22 and 42 weeks, and a birth weight less than 2500 g. Result: From the PHI of the first and second level, 159 newborns were referred to the third level. A total of 159/669 (23.7%) were referred from a second level PHI to a third level PHI, and 127/669 (l8.9%) LBWI were definitely taken care of. A total of 513/669 (76.8%) LBWI were definitely taken care of in the third level PHI. Out of a total of 159 LBWI referred from other PHI, only 31 (19.5%) LBWI were transported in less than 4 h, and 128 (80.5%) newborns were admitted to the third level PHI within 4 h of birth (P<0.0001). In second level PHI, most LBWI died in the first 12 h after birth, while in third level PHI, 69.2% of LBWI died after 1 week of life. Conclusion: Based on world experience and assessment of the situation in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is necessary to take measures to improve perinatal care and its regional organization.

Milan Latas, Branko Stefanovski, Alma Mihaljević-Peleš, A. Memić Serdarević, I. Pajević, Nera Zivlak Radulović, Sabina Radulović, Bojana Đukić et al.

Introduction This paper aims to examine the frequency and significance of diagnostic comorbidity of psychiatric disorders and somatic diseases in a sample of patients with depression as well as present current psychopharmacological treatment of the patients in the sample. Methods The subjects in this study sample were 489 patients from the four Western Balkan countries with current primary diagnosis of major depression according to ICD 10. Comorbid psychiatric disorders and non-psychiatric illnesses were noted according to ICD 10 criteria during the diagnostic interview and analysed later. Additionally, the pharmacological treatment (existing and newly introduced) for each patient was noted and analysed later. Results At least one comorbid psychiatric disorder was present in 72.5% of patients. The most frequent were anxiety disorders (53.6%), specifically generalized anxiety disorder (20.2%); non-organic sleep disorders (50.7%), specifically insomnia (48.4%); and sexual dysfunctions (21.4%), specifically lack of sexual desire (20.2%). Comorbidity with any non-psychiatric illness was present in 80.3% of patients. The most frequent were circulatory system diseases (55.9%), specifically hypertension (45.9%); endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders (51.3%), specifically hyperlipidaemia (24.0%); and other non-psychiatric disorders (60.7%), specifically low back pain (22.7%). All patients received pharmacological treatment with different medications. Most patients received monotherapy or combination therapy of antidepressants, anxiolytics, antipsychotics and antiepileptics. The most frequently used antidepressants were escitalopram, sertraline, and duloxetine. The most frequently used anxiolytics were alprazolam and diazepam, the most used antiepileptic was pregabalin, and the most used antipsychotics were olanzapine, quetiapine, and aripiprazole. Conclusion The results of the study confirm the results of previous research studies about the high prevalence of psychiatric and non-psychiatric comorbidities in patients with depression that were conducted in the past. It would be important if future studies could prove the importance of those comorbidities on clinical severity, choice of treatment, and its outcome in patients with depression.

Lukas Mayer-Suess, Tamara Peball, S. Pereverzyev, R. Steiger, Malik Galijašević, S. Kiechl, M. Knoflach, E. Gizewski et al.

Background Assessments of subclinical connective tissue disorders depend on complex approaches, emphasizing the need for more accessible methods applicable to clinical routine. Therefore, we aimed to establish a reliable approach assessing cervical vessel tortuosity, which is known to be associated with such disorders. Methods Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images of ReSect study participants [single-center prospective cohort of spontaneous cervical artery dissection (sCeAD) patients] were used. Each patient underwent the same magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) protocol. The segmentation procedure was done using MATrix LABoratory 9.4 [up-sampling of raw MRA images, distance metric (DM) calculation], ITK-SNAP [region of interest (ROI) determination, vessel segmentation] and Vascular Modelling ToolKit (centerline determination). To assess inter-user variability and validity, we (I) had two blinded independent users segment all arteries and we (II) compared the results of our method to visual appraisal of vessel tortuosity done by two blinded expert neuro-radiologists. Results A total of 526 extracranial cervical arteries were available for analysis. The inter-user variability of our method users was below 0.5% throughout. Overall, our method outperformed the visual tortuosity appraisal, as the visual grading underestimated the DM in 38.8% subjects when tasked to assess overall cervical artery tortuosity (both vertebral and internal carotid arteries) and in 16.6% and 33.3% respectively if tasked to grade anterior or posterior circulation separately. Conclusions We present a reliable method to assess cervical artery tortuosity derived from MRA images applicable in clinical routine and future research investigating the potential correlation of sCeAD and connective tissue disorder.

L. Rudnicka, M. Arenbergerová, R. Grimalt, D. Ioannides, A. Katoulis, E. Lazaridou, M. Olszewska, Y. Ovcharenko et al.

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune form of non‐scarring hair loss. It is usually characterized by limited areas of hair loss. However, the disease may progress to complete scalp and body hair loss (alopecia totalis, alopecia universalis). In patients with alopecia areata hair loss significantly impacts the quality of life. Children and adolescents with alopecia areata often experience bullying, including physical aggression. The disease severity evaluation tools used in clinical practice are: the Severity of Alopecia Tool (SALT) score and the Alopecia Areata Scale (AAS). A SALT score equal to or greater than 20 constitutes a commonly accepted indication for systemic therapy in alopecia areata. When using the AAS, moderate to severe alopecia areata should be considered a medical indication for systemic treatment. Currently, the only two EMA‐approved medications for alopecia areata are baricitinib (JAK 1/2 inhibitor) for adults and ritlecitinib (JAK 3/TEC inhibitor) for individuals aged 12 and older. Both are EMA‐approved for patients with severe alopecia areata. Other systemic medications used off‐label in alopecia areata include glucocorticosteroids, cyclosporine, methotrexate and azathioprine. Oral minoxidil is considered an adjuvant therapy with limited data confirming its possible efficacy. This consensus statement is to outline a systemic treatment algorithm for alopecia areata, indications for systemic treatment, available therapeutic options, their efficacy and safety, as well as the duration of the therapy.

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