
Publikacije (33282)

S. Kunić, O. Ibrahimagić, D. Smajlović, Amela Kunić, Jasmin Alić, Muhamed Lepuzanović, M. Tirić-Čampara, Aida Šehanović

Velika Britanija je primarno zbog njenih strateških interesa na Istoku i održanja ravnoteže u Evropi u 19. stoljeću važila za zaštitnika Osmanskog carstva, a zalaganje za očuvanje nezavisnosti i integriteta osmanske države bili su proklamirani temelji britanske politike u Istočnom pitanju. U tom pravcu se Britanija obavezala tri puta: Pariškim i Tripartitnim sporazumomiz 1856, te Londonskim iz 1871. godine. Podršci Porti je dodatno doprinosilo mišljenje u Londonu da moguće alternative osmanskoj vlasti na jugoistoku Evrope i na Bliskom istoku (ruska kontrola tih prostora ih vlast novonastalih balkanskih hrišćanskih kneževina) neće Velikoj Britaniji i Britancima omogućavati slobodan prolaz ka Indiji i slobodnu trgovinu i zaštitu već uloženog kapitala, kao stoje to slučaj s Osmanskim carstvom. Odbrana britanskih interesa na globalnom nivou podrazumijevala je snažnu flotu i spremnost da se ista upotrijebi kada druge metode ne uspiju. To je bila krajnja mjera, a prijetoga Velika Britanija je svoje interese i interese svojih podanika branila državnim autoritetom i razgranatom diplomatskom i konzularnom mrežom. 0 tome govori i činjenica daje u drugoj polovini XIX stoljeća samo u evropskom dijelu Osmanskog Carstva imala 10 konzulata i 16 vicekonzulata. 

Saida Ibragić, Aisa Mesinovic, Selma Arnaut, Emina Delic, R. Bešta-Gajević, Sabina Dahija, Muamer Dizdar, E. Karalija

This paper aimed to characterize the phytochemical profile and bioactivities of 22 plant species used in the traditional medicine of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The utilization of plants in traditional medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina holds significant importance, not only as a reflection of cultural heritage but also as a sustainable and time-tested approach to healthcare, fostering a harmonious connection between nature and well-being. The comprehensive analyses encompassed the determination of total phenolic and flavonoid content, alongside assessing antioxidant activity using DPPH and FRAP assays. Additionally, antimicrobial activity was tested against S. aureus. ssp. aureus, MRSA, P. aeruginosa, S. abony and C. albicans. Many of the analyzed plant extracts showed a high phenolic content (C. avellana, V. myrtillus) and antioxidant activity (C. avellana, V. myrtillus, B. pendula, S. officinale, E. angustifolium, J. globifera ssp. hirta). The majority of extracts showed good antimicrobial activity for S. aureus ssp. aureus and MRSA. The E. angustifolium extract was effective against all tested bacterial strains, with MIC values ranging from 1.25-10 mg/mL. The research identified significant levels of secondary metabolites and identified plant species with potent antioxidant and antimicrobial activity. The study also revealed significant correlations among various phytochemical parameters and bioactivities.

E. Šaljić, A. Hrković-Porobija, S. Šerić-Haračić, F. Tandir, Maja Varatanović, A. Ćutuk, B. Čengić

Minerals are essential substances with an important function in livestock, and their disbalance negatively affects the health and production, especially of ruminants. The addition of fat to the rations of dairy cows impacts the overall and mineral metabolism, and thus on health and production. The aim of the research was to examine the correlative relationships between balanced production meals and the mineral status of lactating cows with different ration compositions with or without the presence of vegetable oil. The research was conducted on 30 dairy cows of the Holstein breed at the Butmir farm, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Three groups of 10 animals were formed based on productivity (A, 13-15 kg of milk/day, B, 19-21 kg of milk/day and C, 25-27 kg of milk/day). Samples of feed, blood plasma and milk of animals were collected on three occasions a 3-week intervals. According to the feed analysis results, the rations were standardized for each group, given for three weeks without oil,and then for three weeks with the addition of sunflower oil in the amount of 2.5% of the ration dry matter. After determining the content of basic nutrients, dry matter and ash in the rations, the concentrations of Ca, Mg, Na and K were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry,while the colorimetric method was used to analyse P according to Woy and Eggertz-Finkener. Analysis of blood mineral parameters was performed spectrophotometrically. The content of fat, proteins, lactose, and non-fat dry matter in milk samples was determined by infrared spectrometry using an automatic analyser. Based on the results, we observed a similarity in changes of values and the statistical significance of the differences in plasma Ca, P and Mg between the study groups and at sampling intervals. Milk production was positively correlated with the concentration of Mg and Ca with addition of the sunflower oil to the meal, while no correlation coefficient was established for P in any of the samplings. Balanced meals with and without the addition of oil did not significantly affect the content of Ca, P or Mg in the blood plasma of the tested animals, nor were significant differences found between the groups. However, by determining the correlations between milk parameters and blood biochemical parameters, a significant positive correlation was established between the amount of milk and Ca and Mg levels with a diet supplemented by oil. Given that the addition of sunflower oil in the amount of 2.5% of dry matter of the balanced rations for cows had no negative effects on the mineral profile and the parameters of the tested animals, we conclude that the introduction of this oil could be useful both from the economic point and improving nutritional composition of milk as an animal food present in the daily human diet.

R. Galbusera, Erik Bahn, Matthias Weigel, A. Cagol, Po-Jui Lu, Sabine A. Schaedelin, Jonas Franz, M. Barakovic et al.

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES A subgroup of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) presents focal paramagnetic rims at the border between cortex and white matter (juxtacortical paramagnetic rims [JPRs]). We investigated the presence of this finding in our in vivo MS cohort and explored its potential clinical relevance. Moreover, we exploited postmortem MRI of fixed whole MS brains to (1) detect those rims and (2) investigate their histologic correlation. METHODS Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) and magnetization-prepared 2 rapid acquisition gradient-echo (MP2RAGE) images at 3T-MRI of 165 patients with MS from the in vivo cohort were screened for JPRs and the presence of cortical lesions. Five postmortem brains from patients with MS were imaged with 3T-MRI to obtain QSM and MP2RAGE sequences. Tissue blocks containing JPRs were excised and paraffin-embedded slices stained by immunohistochemistry for myelin basic protein (for myelin) and anti-CR3/43 (for major histocompatibility complex II-positive microglia/macrophages). DAB-Turnbull stain was performed to detect iron. RESULTS JPRs are present in approximately 10% of in vivo patients and are associated with increased cortical lesion load. One of the 5 postmortem brains showed JPRs. Histologically, JPRs correspond to an accumulation of activated iron-laden phagocytes and are associated with demyelination of the whole overlying cortical ribbon. DISCUSSION JPRs are a novel potential MRI biomarker of focal cortical demyelination, which seems related to global cortical pathology and might be useful for diagnostic and stratification purposes in a clinical setting.

Emir Begagić, A. Mekić-Abazović, H. Bečulić, A. Efendic, E. Selimović, Zlatan Memic, Lejla Mujbegović, Fatima Jurković-Bihorac

Aim: The primary aim of the study was to determine the incidence of testicular neoplasms in the Zenica-Doboj Canton (ZDC) region for the period from 2019 to 2021. Also, the study aimed to examine the age structure of the affected population, the frequency of testicular neoplasms in all the ZDC cities and municipalities, and the pathohistological characteristics of neoplasms. Material and methods: The study was conducted at the Oncology and Radiotherapy Department of the Zenica Cantonal Hospital. The study period refers to the time interval from January 2019 to December 2021. The study included 37 patients with a verified diagnosis of testicular neoplasm. Results: Arithmetic mean of patients’ age was 33.49 years, while the standard deviation was 12.59. Most respondents, accounting for 40.5%, were aged 26-35 years. The incidence of testicular neoplasms in the ZDC region was 4.2/100,000 per - sons in 2019, 3.08/100,000 persons in 2020, and 3.10/100,000 persons in 2021. Most diagnosed neoplasms (48.6%) were the myxoid type germ cell originating tumors. Conclusion: The incidence of testicular neoplasms in the ZDC was 4.2/100,000 persons in 2019, 3.08/100,000 persons in 2020, and 3.10/100,000 persons in 2021.

The current paper investigates the effects of geometric design parameters on the fatigue failure of the drive axle housing using the Finite Element Method (FEM). The study examines the effects of various factors on the fatigue life of the drive axle housing, such as axle housing wall thickness, housing cross-sectional rounding radius, and rounding radius of the central part of the housing. Based on the known material properties and dynamic loads, a CAD/FEM model of the drive axle housing was developed, and a structural analysis was carried out. Based on the results of the structural analysis, critical places on the housing were determined, and fatigue analysis and lifetime prediction were performed. Through a series of simulations, the study reveals that increasing housing wall thickness can significantly improve fatigue performance. Similarly, increasing the rounding radius at the housing cross-section, as well as the rounding radius at the central part of the housing can also lead to improved fatigue performance. However, the effect of increasing the value of these two radii is not as significant as the effect of the wall thickness. These findings give useful information regarding the design and manufacture of drive axle housings for vehicles, intending to reduce the likelihood of fatigue failure.

Adnan Custovic, Darije Custovic, S. Fontanella

Purpose of review To review the current state of knowledge on the relationship between allergic sensitization and asthma; to lay out a roadmap for the development of IgE biomarkers that differentiate, in individual sensitized patients, whether their sensitization is important for current or future asthma symptoms, or has little or no relevance to the disease. Recent findings The evidence on the relationship between sensitization and asthma suggests that some subtypes of allergic sensitization are not associated with asthma symptoms, whilst others are pathologic. Interaction patterns between IgE antibodies to individual allergenic molecules on component-resolved diagnostics (CRD) multiplex arrays might be hallmarks by which different sensitization subtypes relevant to asthma can be distinguished. These different subtypes of sensitization are associated amongst sensitized individuals at all ages, with different clinical presentations (no disease, asthma as a single disease, and allergic multimorbidity); amongst sensitized preschool children with and without lower airway symptoms, with different risk of subsequent asthma development; and amongst sensitized patients with asthma, with differing levels of asthma severity. Summary The use of machine learning-based methodologies on complex CRD data can help us to design better diagnostic tools to help practising physicians differentiate between benign and clinically important sensitization.

Introduction: The research aimed to determine individual variations in different core temperature measurements before the experiment, after submersion, after 20 min of exposure for heat stroke. Methods: Rats were divided into three groups depending on the temperature and length of exposure to water: CG, G41-20 and G41-UD. The protocol was made according to the earlier described methodology of heat shock induction. Results: A significant difference was observed in the G41-UD group; p < 0.0005. The lowest body temperature of the rats was observed, from normothermia, and the highest temperature after death, 37.87 ± 0.62 °C vs 41.20 ± 0.76 °C, the difference between all three groups is p < 0.0005. Conclusion: Exposure of Wistar rats to water temperatures in the CG and G41 groups led to a significant change in core temperature. In the control group, the thermoregulatory mechanism firmly established normothermia, while hyperthermia was revealed in the G41 group during the 20-minute exposure.

Orhan Emre Elma, Željko Stević, Mahmut Baydaş

Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) applications consist of techniques that enable the decision maker to make clearer decisions in scenarios where there is more than one alternative and criterion. The general approach for sensitivity analysis in MCDA applications implies sensitivity to the weight coefficient. In this study, as an alternative approach, we reinterpret sensitivity by using the statistical relationship between the final ranking produced by an MCDA method and a constant external factor. Thus, we both verify through an anchor and reveal to what extent the change in the weight coefficient changes the external relations of MCDA. The motivation for this study is to propose an alternative sensitivity methodology. On the other hand, brand value is a parameter that contains critical information about the future of the company, which has not integrated into financial performance studies made with MCDAs before. To that end, the financial performance of 31 companies with the highest brand value in Turkey and trading on Borsa Istanbul between 2013 and 2022 was analyzed with seven different MCDA applications via integrating brand value into the criteria for the first time. The study’s findings revealed that the proposed innovative sensitivity tests produced similarly robust results as traditional tests. In addition, brand value has been proved to be an advantageous criterion to be implemented into MCDAs for financial performance problems through the sensitivity analysis made.

S. ElHafeez, A. Kramer, Mustafa Arici, M. Arnol, Anders Åsberg, Samira Bell, J. Belliere, Carmen Díaz Corte et al.

BACKGROUND AND HYPOTHESIS Primary glomerular disease (PGD) is a major cause of end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) leading to kidney replacement therapy (KRT). We aimed to describe incidence (trends) in individuals starting KRT for ESKD due to PGD and to examine their survival and causes of death. METHODS We used data from the European Renal Association (ERA) Registry on 69 854 patients who started KRT for ESKD due to PGD between 2000 and 2019. ERA primary renal disease codes were used to define six PGD subgroups. We examined age and sex standardized incidence, trend of the incidence, and survival. RESULTS The standardized incidence of KRT for ESKD due to PGD was 16.6 per million population (pmp), ranging from 8.6 pmp in Serbia to 20.0 pmp in France. IgA nephropathy (IgAN) and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) had the highest incidence of 4.6 pmp and 2.6 pmp, respectively. Histologically non-examined PGDs represented over 50% of cases in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Romania and were also common in Greece, Estonia, Belgium, and Sweden. The incidence declined from 18.6 pmp in 2000 to 14.5 pmp in 2013, after which it stabilized. All PGD subgroups had five-year survival probabilities above 50%, with crescentic glomerulonephritis having the highest risk of death (adjusted hazard ratio: 1.8 [95% confidence interval: 1.6-1.9]) compared with IgAN. Cardiovascular disease was the most common cause of death (33.9%). CONCLUSION The incidence of KRT for ESKD due to PGD showed large differences between countries and was highest and increasing for IgAN and FSGS. Lack of kidney biopsy facilities in some countries may have affected accurate assignment of the cause of ESKD. The recognition of the incidence and outcomes of KRT among different PGD subgroups may contribute to a more individualized patient care approach.

E. Hamzic, Lemana Spahić, Nirvana Pistoljevic, Eldin Dzanko, Sanela Pasic, Lejla Kadric, F. Serdarevic, A. Hajdarpasic

Developmental disorders (DDs), such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), incorporate various conditions; once identified, further diagnostics are necessary to specify their type and severity. The aim of this exploratory study was to identify genetic variants that can help differentiate ASD early from other DDs. We selected 36 children (mean age 60.1 months) with DDs using Developmental Behavioral Scales (DBS) through “EDUS-Education for All”, an organization providing services for children with DDs in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We further rated children’s autistic traits with the preschool version of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale, second edition (CARS-II). We defined ASD if scores were >25.5 and other DDs if scores were <25.5. Diagnosis of ASD and DD were independently confirmed by child psychiatrists. Whole exome sequencing (WES) was performed by Veritas Genetics, USA, using Illumina NovaSeq 6000 (Illumina Inc., San Diego, CA, USA) NGS sequencing apparatus. We tested genetic association by applying SKAT-O, which optimally combines the standard Sequence Kernel Association Test (SKAT) and burden tests to identify rare variants associated with complex traits in samples of limited power. The analysis yielded seven genes (DSE, COL10A1, DLK2, CSMD1, FAM47E, PPIA, and PYDC2) to potentially differentiate observed phenotypic characteristics between our cohort participants with ASD and other DDs. Our exploratory study in a small sample of participants with ASD and other DDs contributed to gene discovery in differentiating ASD from DDs. A replication study is needed in a larger sample to confirm our results.

The paper explores the recently published Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows (Koenig 2021) as a corpus of neologisms coined to express different emotions that are usually (and universally) experienced but not easily expressed by words. Created from different languages in contact, the newly-coined words will be used to further explore theoretical frameworks on linguistic creativity and the concept of the dictionary as the definitions of the words are given in English. The aim of the paper is to focus on the words proposed to express different emotions related to specific kinds of fear, isolation and anxiety. In relation to the words' manifestation in letter or sound, the paper will also address mentalese (Pinker 1994) as a framework and a concept proposing that lexicons need to co-operate in this unique kind of a dictionary that does not call for an active usage of the words coined but rather presents a dictionary that is a container of new emotions. / Keywords: mentalese, new emotions, languages in contact, multilingual dictionary, contemporary English

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