
Publikacije (35929)

Mersina Mujagić, Edin Dupanović

Post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina remains a society in which ethno-nationalist rhetoric and war memories permeate public discourse. This paper investigates the use of metaphors in media texts written in English and the Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian language on the topic of ‘two schools under one roof’. Writing about this peculiar construct within the country’s educational system tackles socio-political factors and their effects on the provision of primary and second-ary education. We describe how metaphors as cognitive devices are used to portray educational developments in this post-conflict country and the effects of their use on recipients. The paper points out cases of deliberate metaphor use, which influences recipients’ perspectives on the topic at hand. Keywords: conceptual metaphor; deliberate metaphor; segregation; MIPVU.

N. Zenić, Ivan Kvesic, Barbara Gilić

Introduction. Sports are frequently investigated in relation to alcohol consumption habits in adolescence, but few studies have reported various competitive- and recreational-sport factors as correlates of harmful alcohol consumption in youth. This cross-sectional study aimed to identify possible associations that may exist between sports factors and harmful drinking in adolescents, emphasizing the specific influence of participation in competitive and recreational sports. Material and Methods. The participants were 650 adolescents from Bosnia and Herzegovina (16-17 years of age, 313 females) who were tested for sociodemographic factors, competitive-sport factors, recreational-sport factors, physical activity levels (PALs), and outcome-alcohol drinking (obtained by Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test – AUDIT). For the purpose of statistical analyses, the obtained AUDIT score was dichotomized (non-harmful vs. harmful drinking). Results. Harmful drinking was more common in males than in females (χ2 = 47.01, p < 0.001), and those adolescents who reported better competitive success in sports (χ2 = 41.81, p < 0.001). The PAL was greater in those males who did not report harmful drinking (t-test = 2.45, p < 0.05), with no significant difference in females or in the total sample. Logistic regressions were performed with sex as a confounding factor and revealed that competitive success in sports was significantly correlated with harmful drinking (OR = 1.32, 95% CI: 1.02-1.66, p < 0.05). Conclusions. This study highlighted the specific association between competitive sports success and harmful drinking in adolescents, indicating the need for a more detailed analysis of the background of the established association. Further analyses on the potential association between PAL and substance misuse in youth are warranted.

Ana Jocić, Slađana Marić, Danijela Tekić, Jasmina Mušović, Jelena S. Milićević, S. Živković, Aleksandra Dimitrijević

Pesticides used in agriculture can contaminate foods like fruits and vegetables, posing health risks to consumers and highlighting the need for effective residue monitoring. This study explores aqueous two-phase systems (ATPSs) comprising phosphonium or ammonium ionic liquids (ILs) combined with ammonium sulfate as an alternative pre-treatment method for extracting and concentrating the pesticides clomazone, pyraclostrobin, and deltamethrin from strawberry samples. Liquid–liquid equilibrium measurements for each ATPS were conducted, followed by extraction experiments to determine the most efficient systems for pesticide extraction. Results showed that all three pesticides migrated effectively to the IL-rich phase across the tested ATPSs. For the most promising system, tetrabutylphosphonium salicylate ([TBP][Sal]) with ammonium sulfate, extraction efficiencies for each pesticide exceeded 98% under optimized conditions for parameters such as pH, temperature, and ATPS composition. Application of this ATPS to strawberries resulted in significant pesticide preconcentration, reaching mg/L levels suitable for detection by liquid chromatography. The method’s sustainability was supported by green chemistry metrics, with AGREEprep and AGREE scores of 0.68 and 0.55, respectively, underscoring its alignment with eco-friendly practices.

Belmin Bujaković, Jasmin Zahirović, Emin Mujezinović, Lejla Goletić, N. Muminović, Merima Aljić

This research is aimed at the importance of the value of a healthy lifestyle, especially among the younger population (students), and as an indicator of the level of health, the optimal level of sugar in the blood and the normality of the Body Mass Index represent an established prerequisite for longer-term life and cell health. The researchers used the Mann- Whitney U test for differences between a total of 73 female students of the University of Tuzla (N-35 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, N-38 Law). The research showed that the students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports who have a significantly higher number of physical activities in their daily activities have lower body mass index values and that showed a statistically significant difference between the students of these two faculties at the significance level of 99% (p<0.01 ) , also in the blood sugar level between these two groups of students, a statistically significant difference was shown at the level of 99% (p<0.01), and in this area of research, the female students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports have lower values (MEAN = 4.989 mmol/l) from students of the Faculty of Law (5.545 mmol/l). It is important to note that in both groups in both researched areas the results are in the normal criterion ranges, and based on the values of arithmetic averages, it can be seen that female students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports have lower values of blood glucose and body mass index, which would could lead to a connection with the specifics of the study programs, for example the scope of daily movement activities. Keywords: BMI, insulin, health

Enzo Marino, M. Gkantou, A. Malekjafarian, Seevani Bali, C. Baniotopoulos, Jeroen van Beeck, Ruben Paul Borg, N. Bruschi et al.

Floating Modular Energy Islands (FMEIs) are modularized, interconnected floating structures that function together to produce, store, possibly convert and transport renewable energy. Recent technological advancements in the offshore energy sector indicate that the concept of floating offshore energy islands has the potential to become more cost-effective and more widespread than previously anticipated. This review is specifically meant as a basis for the development of new approaches to the sustainable exploitation of multi-energy sources in the offshore environment leveraging the know-how of existing technologies and, at the same time, exploring new solutions for the specific challenges of FMEIs. The paper critically analyzes the current state of data-driven approaches and structural health monitoring techniques in the offshore energy sector. It also covers topics such as met-ocean data, loads estimation, platform dynamics, coupling actions, nonlinear dynamics of mooring lines, modelling considerations, and control of electrical subsystems. It is believed that this systematic and multidisciplinary review will facilitate synergies and further enhance research and development of offshore renewable energies.

M. Muratovic, Joseph T. Engelbrecht, P. Simka, Paweł Pietrzak, Fabian Mächler, Stefan Erismann, Christian M. Franck

Currently, there is significant effort worldwide in the research and development of <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\mathrm{{SF}}_{6}$</tex-math></inline-formula>-free high-voltage circuit breakers, both in academia and industry. One of the most important switching capabilities is thermal current interruption, a process that, in modern self-blast breakers, strongly depends on the coupled effects of nozzle geometry, nozzle ablation, backheating, pressure build-up and gas outflow, as well as contact and puffer cylinder motion actuated through the drive. Previously published investigations on the thermal interruption performance of novel switching gases have used such designs, however, due to the many coupled processes, it is not possible to control the interruption conditions in order to make a full and comparative evaluation of different <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\mathrm{{SF}}_{6}$</tex-math></inline-formula> alternative gas mixtures. The aim of the present contribution is to present an experimental circuit breaker tailored for use in basic experiments that allow for an unbiased comparison of properties of alternative gas mixtures relevant for current interruption. The breaker is based on a novel puffer design with an overpressure relief valve that allows the contact stroke and blow pressure to be predicted, controlled and adjusted over a wide parameter range at current zero. This contribution lists the requirements for such an experimental circuit breaker and focuses on its design realization. Experimental validation is given that this device can be used in benchmarking the interruption characteristics of <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\mathrm{{SF}}_{6}$</tex-math></inline-formula> alternatives. Systematic comparison of the thermal interruption performance of <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\mathrm{{SF}}_{6}$</tex-math></inline-formula> alternatives and investigations of the processes around current zero will be reported in other publications.

The beneficial effect of thermomineral (sulfur) water in the treatment of degenerative rheumatic diseases of the peripheral joints is the result of the incorporation of sulfur in the form of sulfates and sulfides into the cartilaginous parts of the joints. The aim research is to examine the therapeutic effects of thermomineral-sulfur water from Ilidza-Sarajevo using the iontophoresis method in osteoarthritis of the knee and compare it with the effects of the classic galvanization method. The study was observational, prospective, included 100 participants with osteoartritis of the knee, 50 in the Iontophoresis group with sulfur water (ISW) and 50 in the group where the Classic galvanization method (CG) was applied, both genders, aged between 31 and 80. The research was conducted in two Centers for Physical medicine and rehabilitation in Sarajevo Canton. The research results show that there is a statistically significant difference in the reduction of pain in patients after 10 days of therapy, using the ISW method 33%, with the CG method it is 24% (p< 0.05). After 15 days of treatment using the ISW method 57%, according to the CG method 45% (p<0.05). The increase in the range of mobility of the knee joint with the ISW method after 10 days of treatment is 13%, and with CG 10% (p=0.336). Results after 15 days of therapy with the ISW method 22%, and with CG treatment 16% (p=0.074). The use of Ilidza sulfuric water using the iontophoresis method in osteoarthritis of the knee improves the establishment of the functional ability of the knee joint.

Talia Weinstein, Nadine Vogelsang, Sandor Sonkodi, Itzchak Slotki, B. Martín-Carro, David Lappin, Jorge B Cannata-Andía, Uyen Huyn-Do et al.

The shortage of applications for fellowships in nephrology is a worldwide challenge. This is the first survey to explore in Europe the reasons physicians choose (and do not choose) a career in nephrology. An anonymous questionnaire was sent to the presidents of societies that are members of the European Renal Association (ERA), who invited trainees and nephrologists to respond. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v.26. (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Continuous variables were compared by Student's t-test or by one-way ANOVA. Responders included 516 (49%) females and 542 (51%) males. They comprised 278 (26%) trainees, and 780 (74%) nephrologists. The majority (64%) believe that students have an unfavourable perception of nephrology. For trainees, nephrology is not considered an attractive option due to ‘chronically ill patients’ (35%), ‘lack of contact during undergraduate training’ (37%), ‘nephrology is too challenging’ (38%), ‘poor remuneration’ (22%), ‘negative role models’ (15%), and ‘long working hours’ (14%). The factors with the greatest impact on choosing a career include a positive role model (46%), practical experience during medical school and early postgraduate training (42%). Trainees emphasize that work–life balance is very important for the younger generation. A strong mentorship along with early engagement is associated with a higher likelihood of pursuing a career in nephrology. It is crucial to create a strategy that will provide a positive experience, renew the interest in nephrology careers and ensure enough nephrologists to treat the growing number of patients with kidney disease.

Damir Mulamehmedović, Zehrudin Osmanović, Ervin Karić, Nedžad Haračić

The incorporation of waste glass as a component in clinker production presents a sustainable approach to addressing critical challenges in the cement industry, including the reduction of CO2 emissions and effective waste management. Waste glass, characterized by its high silica content and alkali properties, can serve as an alternative alkali source in clinker manufacturing, replacing traditional raw materials and regulating the alkali-sulphur ratio. This dual functionality not only optimizes the chemical balance in the kiln process but also enhances clinker quality by controlling phase formation. The utilization of waste materials in industrial processes is increasingly significant in promoting circular economy principles. Integrating waste glass reduces the dependence on natural raw materials such as limestone and clay, which are associated with high energy and CO2 emission intensities during production. Furthermore, waste glass contributes to a reduction in the carbon footprint of cement production by facilitating lower-temperature clinkering, thus cutting energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This study highlights the potential of waste glass as a viable alternative in clinker production, emphasizing its importance in achieving sustainability goals. Beyond the environmental benefits, adopting waste materials in industrial applications contributes to waste diversion from landfills, resource conservation, and cost efficiencies, aligning with global efforts to mitigate climate change and promote sustainable development.

Adis Puška, Miroslav Nedeljković, Andjelka Stilic, Darko Božanić

Smart technologies are increasingly used in agriculture, with drones becoming one of the key tools in agricultural production. This study aims to evaluate affordable drones for agricultural use in the Posavina region, located in northern Bosnia and Herzegovina. To determine which drones deliver the best results for small and medium-sized farms, ten criteria were used to evaluate eight drones. Through expert evaluation, relevant criteria were first established and then used to assess the drones. The selected drones are designed for crop monitoring and are priced under EUR 2000. Using the fuzzy A-SWARA (Adapted Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis) method, it was determined that the most important criteria for drone selection are control precision, flight autonomy, and ease of use, all of which are technical attributes. The fuzzy MARCOS method revealed that the best-performing drones are also the most affordable. The drones D5, D4, and D8 demonstrated the best results. These findings were confirmed through comparative analysis and sensitivity analysis. Their features are not significantly different from those of more expensive models and can, therefore, be effectively used for smart agriculture. This study demonstrates that drones can be a valuable tool for small farms, helping to enhance agricultural practices and productivity.

Edin Smailhodzic, Aline Fernandes, Nonhlanhla Dube, Monideepa Tarafdar

This study investigates inherent tensions between social media participation and the ways of life in an Indigenous community and subsequent navigation approaches. Relying on an in‐depth qualitative study and the notion of two‐eyed seeing as a theoretical approach, the study focuses on the complex relationship between social media platform participation and the ways of life in a ‘Guarani’ Indigenous community in South America. This community successfully navigates tensions between participation on social media platforms and preserving their traditional ways of life. We contribute to two streams of literature. First, we contribute to the literature on digital platforms and indigeneity showing that social media use by Indigenous communities leads to specific tensions, as these communities try to balance the use of social media with their desire to preserve their ways of life and protect the natural environment and how they navigate these tensions. Second, we contribute to the literature in relation to digital platforms and non‐economic value as we unpack social and environmental value in the context of the Indigenous community and show that non‐economic value benefits multiple entities. Overall, we contribute to a deeper understanding of how Indigenous communities navigate tensions between participation on social media and their traditional way of life. Our study also offers practical insights into how policy makers and designers of social media platforms can better meet Indigenous communities' needs.

Dragoljub Bajić, Sanja Bajić, Jelena Trivan, Ljubica Figun, Jelena Milovanović

The primary objective of the protocol is to establish and develop several scientific methodological procedures applicable to the design and selection of a suitable mine dewatering management plan. A significant challenge and contribution of the research lies in the initial hypothesis, which posits the feasibility of organizing a multidisciplinary team to collaboratively determine the optimal solution for long-term mine dewatering. Protection against groundwater is a highly complex hydrogeological challenge, particularly in mining operations. Mines are inherently dynamic systems, constantly expanding both horizontally and vertically, from the very beginning of mining, also reaching significant depths. Given the inherent uncertainty in geologic systems, such as ore deposits, the entire dewatering process requires continuous “learning” and hierarchical problem-solving. Addressing these complexities involved forming a team of experts, leveraging their knowledge and experience, as well as several methodological procedures based on applied mathematics in geosciences and mining engineering, such as numerical modeling and simulation, fuzzy optimization and decision analysis. These circumstances necessitated continual adjustment to evolving operating conditions and prompted the development of a protocol for effective dewatering planning and mineral ore protection against groundwater. Such a protocol generates alternative mine dewatering solutions and considers their individual characteristics. Additionally, it defines and analyzes multiple criteria for evaluating the solutions and selecting a method that ensures optimal decision-making. The applied methods constitute a holistic system, represented by a single protocol, which includes an interdisciplinary approach to creating sustainable groundwater management strategies.

Postmortem biochemistry is a valuable tool in forensic investigations, providing insights into the tissue damage and organ dysfunction associated with death. This study aimed to identify biochemical markers that distinguish primary and secondary hypothermia. Twenty-one Wistar rats were allocated into three groups: the Control group (n = 7), which was exposed only to hypothermic conditions, the Alcohol + Hypothermia group (n = 7), and the Benzodiazepines + Hypothermia group (n = 7). The temperature metrics assessed included the normal core temperature, the post-ketamine (0.3 ml injection) core temperature, the immersion temperature, temperature at the onset of hypothermia, and temperature at death. Blood samples were collected from the thoracic aorta in EDTA vacuum tubes for biochemical analysis. The key biochemical parameters measured included the Total Protein (g/L), Albumin (g/L), Globulin (g/L), Albumin to Globulin Ratio, Alanine Aminotransferase (U/L), Alkaline Phosphatase (U/L), Cholesterol (mmol/L), Amylase (U/L), and Lipase (U/L), using an automated IDEXX (Netherlands) cell counter. Significant between-group differences were found for the total protein and globulin levels (p < 0.001 and p = 0.002, respectively), with post-hoc tests confirming differences between the alcohol and control, and benzodiazepine and control groups. The cholesterol levels were found to be significantly different through an omnibus test (p = 0.03), but post hoc tests did not confirm these differences on a statistically significant level. The amylase levels varied significantly across all groups (p < 0.001), with post hoc tests confirming significant differences among all pairs: alcohol vs. benzodiazepine (p = 0.002), alcohol vs. control (p = 0.003), and benzodiazepine vs. control (p < 0.001). The lipase levels showed significant differences in the omnibus test (p = 0.030), but there was no significance in the post hoc tests. Amylase emerged as the most significant parameter in our study, with reduced levels strongly associated with secondary hypothermia. These findings highlight the potential use of total protein, globulin, and amylase levels as biomarkers to differentiate between primary and secondary hypothermia in forensic contexts.

This paper deals with a sensitivity analysis of engineering critical assessment, using a fracture assessment diagram of through-thickens axial flaws on pressure equipment. Basic option calculations are performed per BS 7910, using engineering fracture mechanics principles, followed by the provision of assessment points. For evaluation purposes, arbitrary design properties of pressure equipment and temperature-dependent materials properties were used. Several through-thickness axial flaw sizes were used for critical assessment. Furthermore, the sensitivity of critical assessment is evaluated by varying stress states and material fracture toughness. Finally, the sensitivity analysis shows how axial flaw growth may become critical, or its acceptability, depending on varying stress states and temperature-dependent material properties, on selected pressure equipment.

Attempts to adopt agile practices are challenged by outsourcing and distributed ways of working popularized in the world today. This paper focuses on outsourcing vendors and empirically examines the progress of agile and Scrum adoption in such environments through the case of information technology companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Qualitative content analysis was employed to analyze data obtained from 142 professionals from 43 companies, whose clients are located around the globe. The empirical results reveal a fairly good level of agile awareness in the tested community, but also confirm the findings of earlier research that obstacles to implementing Scrum in outsourced projects exist, emphasizing issues originating from distant Product Owners, diminished Scrum Master role, and customer influence. Team self-organization is recognized as the best adopted Scrum practice, while the product backlog definition, Scrum events, and the process managed through excessive meetings are among those that still require significant improvements.

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