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Ivan Kvesic

Društvene mreže:

Dragan Mijatovic, Miran Pehar, Šime Veršić, Ivan Kvesic, Goran Gabrilo

Flexibility is an important determinant of dynamic balance, but studies rarely examined the chronic effects of flexibility training on changes in balance capacity. This study aimed to determine the influence of different forms of flexibility exercises on dynamic balance in female professional football players. Participants were 30 female professional football players (age =19.0±4.1 years), divided into three groups dynamic stretching group (DSG; N=10, age =18.9±3.3 years), static stretching group (SSG; N=10, age =19.5±4.3 years) and control group (N=10, age =18.5±3.3 years). All groups participated in equal football training, while DSG and SSG performed additional flexibility training 3-times a week (10-15 min of duration) throughout the study course (16 weeks). Dynamic balance was measured by the Y-balance test (YBT), and ANOVA for repeated measurement was applied to identify the effects. Results evidenced the significant influence of both flexibility programs on dynamic balance. Both DSG and SSG were equally effective in the first part of the study (until the 8th week), but between the 8th and 16th study week, only DSG improved their balance capacity significantly. Static stretching should be applied in the first phases of flexibility training aiming at the improvement of dynamic balance, but in later phases, usage of dynamic stretching is suggested.

N. Zenić, Ivan Kvesic, Matea Ćorluka, T. Trivic, P. Drid, J. Saavedra, Nikola Foretić, Toni Modrić, Barbara Gilić

Alcohol drinking is an important health-related problem and one of the major risk factors for a wide array of non-communicable diseases, while there is a lack of studies investigating environment-specific associations between sports participation and alcohol drinking in adolescence. This study prospectively investigated the relationship between sports factors (i.e., participation in sports and competitive achievement), with the prevalence of harmful alcohol drinking (HD), and HD initiation in 14-to-16 years old adolescents from Bosnia and Herzegovina (n = 641, 337 females, 43% living in rural community). Participants were tested over 4-time points divided by approximately 6 months, from the beginning of high school to the end of the second grade. Variables included gender, factors related to sport participation, a community of residence (urban or rural), and outcome: alcohol consumption was assessed by the AUDIT questionnaire. Results evidenced that the prevalence of HD increased over the study period from 6 to 19%, with no significant differences between urban and rural youth. Logistic regression for HD as criterion evidenced adolescents who participated in sports and then quit as being at particular risk for drinking alcohol at the study baseline. Sports factors were not correlated with HD initiation in the period between 14 and 16 years of age. It seems that the problem of alcohol drinking should be preventively targeted in all youth, irrespective of living environment. Although sports participation was not evidenced as being a factor of influence on HD initiation, results highlight the necessity of developing targeted preventive campaigns against alcohol drinking for adolescents who quit sports.

Dora Marić, A. Bianco, Ivan Kvesic, D. Sekulić, N. Zenić

Background and Objective: Although smoking and the physical activity level (PAL) are important determinants of health status in adolescence, there is a lack of information on the relationship between smoking and PAL in early adolescence. The objective of this study was to evaluate the gender-specific relationship between smoking and PAL in 14-to-16-year-old adolescents. Materials and Methods: The sample included 650 adolescents (337 girls, 14.7 ± 0.5 years at first testing wave) from Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the first testing wave, participants were tested using structured questionnaires. Second testing was commenced after approximately 20 months (16.4 ± 0.6 years). The variables were age, gender, socioeconomic status, living environment, cigarette smoking (predictors), and PAL (criterion). Predictors were measured at the first wave, and criterion at the first-wave and second-wave. Results: For girls, smoking was negatively correlated to PAL at the first-wave (OR: 0.75, 95% CI: 0.55–0.95) and at the second-wave (OR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.71–0.96). No significant association between smoking and PAL was found for boys. Results suggest that adolescent boys and girls do not follow the equal trajectories when it comes to relationships between smoking and PAL. Conclusions: In developing promotional public health actions related to a decrease of smoking and increase of PAL, a gender-specific approach is highly recommended. Further studies analyzing the cause–effect relationship between consumption of other types of psychoactive substances and PAL in this age group are warranted.

Dora Marić, Ivan Kvesic, Ivana Kujundžić Lujan, A. Bianco, N. Zenić, Vlatko Šeparović, Admir Terzic, Šime Veršić, D. Sekulić

Parental/familial factors are important determinants of the physical activity level (PAL) in children and adolescents, but studies rarely prospectively evaluate their relationships. This study aimed to evaluate the changes in physical activity levels among adolescents from Bosnia and Herzegovina over a two-year period and to determine parental/familial predictors of PAL in early adolescence. A total of 651 participants (50.3% females) were tested at baseline (beginning of high school education; 14 years old on average) and at follow-up (approximately 20 months later). The predictors included sociodemographic characteristics (age, gender) and parental/familial factors (socioeconomic status of the family, maternal and paternal education, conflict with parents, parental absence from home, parental questioning, and parental monitoring). Physical activity levels were evidenced by the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents (PAQ-A; criterion). Boys were more active than girls, both at baseline (t-test = 3.09, p < 0.001) and at follow-up (t-test = 3.4, p < 0.001). Physical activity level decreased over the observed two-year period (t-test = 16.89, p < 0.001), especially in boys, which is probably a consequence of drop-out from the sport in this period. Logistic regression evidenced parental education as a positive predictor of physical activity level at baseline (OR [95% CI]; 1.38 [1.15–170], 1.35 [1.10–1.65]), and at follow-up (1.35 [1.11–1.69], 1.29 [1.09–1.59], for maternal and paternal education, respectively). Parents with a higher level of education are probably more informed about the importance of physical activity on health status, and thus transfer this information to their children as well. The age from 14 to 16 years is likely a critical period for maintaining physical activity levels in boys, while further studies of a younger age are necessary to evaluate the dynamics of changes in physical activity levels for girls. For maintaining physical activity levels in adolescence, special attention should be paid to children whose parents are less educated, and to inform them of the benefits of an appropriate physical activity level and its necessity for maintaining proper health and growth.

D. Sekulić, M. Blažević, Barbara Gilić, Ivan Kvesic, N. Zenić

Background: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global authorities have imposed rules of social distancing that directly influence overall physical activity in populations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the trends of changes in physical-activity levels (PALs) in adolescents and factors that may be associated with PALs among the studied boys and girls. Methods: Participants in this prospective study comprised 388 adolescents (126 females; mean age: 16.4 ± 1.9 years) from southern Croatia who were tested at a baseline (before the imposed rules of social distancing) and at a follow-up measurement (three weeks after the initiation). Baseline testing included anthropometric variables, variables of fitness status (done at the beginning of the school year), and PALs. At the follow-up, participants were tested on PALs. PALs were evaluated over an online platform using the Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents. Results: A significant decrease of PALs was evidenced for the total sample (t-test = 3.46, p < 0.001), which was primarily influenced by a significant decrease of PALs in boys (t-test = 5.15, p < 0.001). The fitness status (jumping capacity, abdominal strength, aerobic endurance, and anaerobic endurance) was systematically positively correlated with PALs at the baseline and follow-up among boys and girls, with the most evident association between aerobic and anaerobic endurance capacities and PALs. Correlations between anthropometric and fitness variables with changes in physical activity (e.g., the difference between baseline and follow-up PALs) were negligible. Conclusions: Differences in PAL changes between genders were probably related to the fact that PALs among boys were mostly related to participation in organized sports. Correlations between baseline fitness status and PALs indicated the importance of overall physical literacy in preserving PALs in challenging circumstances, such as the COVID-19 pandemic observed here.

Purpose: Physical activity levels (PA-levels) significantly decline during adolescence, and sport participation during childhood and adolescence is frequently emphasized as protec-tive factors of PA-decline. However, there is a lack of studies which specifically examined sport-related factors and its influence on changes in PA (PA-changes) in adolescence. This study aimed to prospectively observe sport factors as: (i) correlates of PA-levels and (ii) pre-dictors of PA-changes in the period between 16 and 18 years of age among urban adoles-cents from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods: The sample of participants comprised 324 adolescents (44% females) who were prospectively observed over two testing waves: (i) baseline, when participants were 16 years old; and (ii) follow-up, 20 months later (18 years of age). The variables were collected by previously validated questionnaires including questions on predictors (sociodemographic variables and various sport factors [current/former/ever participation in individual and team sports, experience in sports, competitive result achieved]), and criteria (PA level obtained at study baseline and follow up, measured by Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents [PAQ-A], and difference between PA-levels at baseline and follow-up). The t-test was used to compare PA-levels. The associations between variables were evidenced by: (i) Spear-man’s rank order correlations (between predictors and PA-levels), and (ii) logistic regression analysis (between predictors, and PA-changes observed as binomial criterion [PA-incline vs. PA-decline] – excluding those participants who reported active sport participation at study baseline). Results: The PA-level significantly declined over the study course (t-test: 6.60, p < 0.01). Sport-related predictors were significantly associated with PA at baseline (Spearman’s R: 0.33–0.45, p < 0.01), and PAat follow-up (Spearman’s R: 0.32-0.45, p < 0.01). Meanwhile, there was no significant correlation between studied predictors and differences in PA-levels between baseline and follow-up. Also, logistic regression did not reveal any significant influ-ence of predictors obtained at study baseline and PA-changes observed as binomial criterion (PA-incline vs PA-decline). Conclusion: While studied sport-related predictors significantly influence the PA-levels in the age of 16 and 18, with the higher level of PA among those adolescents who are actively in-volved in sports, sport-participation do not predict changes in PA-levels over the observed period of life. Knowing the influence of PAon overall health status, future studies should pro-vide additional details on possible predictors of PA-changes in adolescence.

Ivan Kvesic, D. Sekulić, Ante Kordić

Ne postoje informacije o povezanosti između razlicitih oblika reaktivne agilnosti. Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi povezanost između reaktivne agilnosti koja se manifestira kroz „non-stop“ obrazac kretanja (SKRAG), i iste sposobnosti koja se manifestira kroz „stani- kreni“ obrazac kretanja (NSRAG). Uzorak ispitanika sacinjavali su studenti (n = 40) i studentice (n = 15) Kinezioloskog fakulteta u Splitu (prosjecna dob 21-22 godine), koji su testirani na testovima SKRAG i NSRAG. Pouzdanost testova kod žena i muskaraca bila je relativno visoka i kod muskaraca i kod žena. Zajednicki varijabilitet SKRAG i NSRAG i kod muskaraca i kod žena bio je manji od 10%. Može se stoga pretpostaviti kako razliciti oblici reaktivne agilnosti trebaju biti razmatrani kao odvojene sposobnosti, sto znaci da bi se i trening razlicitih oblika reaktivne agilnosti trebao diferencijalno planirati i provoditi. Istraživanje je imalo preliminarni karakter i rezultate svakako treba provjeriti na vecim uzorcima ispitanika ukljucenima u specificne sportove.

U ovom radu istraživane su razlike antropoloskog statusa ucenika i ucenica petog i sestog razreda osnovne skole koja žive u urbanom podrucju (Mostar) u odnosu na ucenike i ucenice petog i sestog razreda osnovne skole koji žive u ruralnom podrucju (Biograci-Siroki Brijeg). Na uzorku 79 ispitanika, 19 ucenika i 19 ucenica iz Mostara, 22 ucenika i 19 ucenica iz Biograca primijenjeno je 9 testova za procjenu antropometrije, fleksibilnosti, brzine izvođenja naizmjenicnih pokreta, eksplozivne snage, repetitivne snage, jakosne izdržljivosti, koordinacije i aerobne izdržljivosti. Nezavisnim t – testom i diskriminacijskom analizom je utvrđeno postojanje statisticki znacajnih razlika između ucenika i ucenica iz Mostara i ucenika i ucenica iz Biograca. Ucenici i ucenice znacajno se razlikuju u eksplozivnoj snazi, repetitivnoj snazi, fleksibilnosti i aerobnoj izdržljivosti dok u ostalim varijablama nema statisticki znacajnih razlika.

U radu su detaljno opisani svi parametri proizvodnje sira, masla, sirnih namaza, te pecenog sira. Proces proizvodnje pracen je od sirovog mlijeka do konacne izrade proizvoda, koji su proizvedeni po tradicionalnoj recepturi . Provedene su fizikalno-kemijske analize polutvrdog sira, te masla. Senzorsko ocjenjivanje svih proizvoda proveo je panel od osam ocjenjivaca. Ocjenjivanje je provedeno metodom bodovanja sustavom od 20 ponderiranih bodova. Ocjenjivan je okus, miris, naknadni okus u ustima i konzistencija. Na osnovi ukupnih rezultata senzorskog ocjenjivanja, sirevi, maslo, sirni namazi, te peceni sir, svrstani su u tradicionalne proizvode vrhunske kakvoce


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