
Publikacije (33273)


This research aims to evaluate JavaScript frontend frameworks by their performance and popularity to provide practitioners with guidance in making informed decisions when choosing frontend frameworks for their projects. For that purpose, three applications with the same features were built using three best-known JavaScript frontend frameworks: Angular, React, and Vue. Comparative analysis was employed to conduct the framework comparison using the content of the three applications. For performance evaluation, tools like PageSpeed Insights, WebPageTest, GTmetrix, Pingdom, Lighthouse, and Google Performance were used. In addition, the research also offers the overall comparison of JavaScript frameworks including documentation quality, ability to develop mobile applications, learning curve, built-in features, etc. The results indicate that while React is accepted as the most popular frontend framework, Vue is the one that offers the best performance. The research also compares JavaScript frameworks by specific features they offer such as state management and analyses the implications of these features to the development process. According to the results, these features have big implications on the development process and they are very important when we are making decisions on which framework we will choose for some project.

Rusmir Razić, N. Alić

The tendency to abolish, to obtain heat from coal in order to reduce atmospheric pollution, leads to the closure of coal deposits. The alternative for obtaining heat, especially in the category of heating smaller residential buildings, with wood pellets, although acceptable from an ecological point of view, has its drawbacks, if one takes into account the scale of the required amount of energy and the role of the forest in purifying the air. Wood pulp and coal as basic energy carriers have hydrocarbon compounds. So, in both cases COx and NOx gases appear as gaseous products. The difference is in their scale. Unlike wood, coal also contains sulfur compounds, which makes it an environmentally unacceptable fuel. By adding a certain amount of wood pulp and additives to the coal mass, in this work, pyrophyllite shale, the impact on the energy and ecological aspects of heat release of such a complex fuel mixture was investigated. The ecological aspect is accentuated through the release of sulfur from coal. The mixture was subjected to the briquetting process, and the obtained samples were tested with relevant parameters, primarily the obtained lower heat value and sulfur content (SOx) in these products. The obtained results are very optimistic with both parameters mentioned above and can be a guide for further research for this idea. Key words: coal, wood sawdust, briquette, calorific value, sulfur, ecology.

A. Jocić, Slađana Marić, Danijela Tekić, T. Lazarević-Pašti, Jasmina Mušović, Jelena Filipović Tričković, Aleksandra Dimitrijević

Đ. Đukanović, Relja Suručić, Milica Gajić Bojić, Saša M. Trailović, R. Škrbić, Ž. Gagić

Considering the escalating global prevalence and the huge therapeutic demand for the treatment of hypertension, there is a persistent need to identify novel target sites for vasodilator action. This study aimed to investigate the role of TRPA1 channels in carvacrol-induced vasodilation and to design novel compounds based on carvacrol structure with improved activities. In an isolated tissue bath experiment, it was shown that 1 µM of the selective TRPA1 antagonist A967079 significantly (p < 0.001) reduced vasodilation induced by 3 mM of carvacrol. A reliable 3D-QSAR model with good statistical parameters was created (R2 = 0.83; Q2 = 0.59 and Rpred2 = 0.84) using 29 TRPA1 agonists. Obtained results from this model were used for the design of novel TRPA1 activators, and to predict their activity against TRPA1. Predicted pEC50 activities of these molecules range between 4.996 to 5.235 compared to experimental pEC50 of 4.77 for carvacrol. Molecular docking studies showed that designed molecules interact with similar amino acid residues of the TRPA1 channel as carvacrol, with eight compounds showing lower binding energies. In conclusion, carvacrol-induced vasodilation is partly mediated by the activation of TRPA1 channels. Combining different in silico approaches pointed out that the molecule D27 (2-[2-(hydroxymethyl)-4-methylphenyl]acetamide) is the best candidate for further synthesis and experimental evaluation in in vitro conditions.

Syeda Atiya Bukhari, Lamia Shafqat, Khawar Bilal, Ashiq Hussain, Shaista Gul, S. Naz, Naseer Ali Shah, E. Dervišević et al.

INTRODUCTION Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is one of the neglected tropical diseases that affects impoverished communities throughout the world. In Pakistan CL is an endemic disease. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES This study aimed to determine the incidence of CL infection in the Baluchistan province of Pakistan from January 2020 to March 2022 during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODOLOGY A total of 1047 clinically suspected cases of CL from Bolan Medical College Hospital, Quetta, were followed up in the study. The data regarding the epidemiological characterstics, pathological information, and treatment of patients was collected. RESULTS Out of 1047 probable cases of CL, 594 (56.73%) cases were found to be positive for CL. Females had the highest infection rate, with the majority of reported cases being in the 0-9-year age group. Most CL cases were reported in April in the year 2020, with a few cases reported in June. But in the year 2021, the highest number of cases were reported in December. The number of overall cases has gradually increased in the year 2022, most likely because of the reduction in COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. The p value for the positive as compared to suspected cases in the years 2020, 2021, and 2022 was calculated as 0.8925, 0.8763, and 0.8535 respectively. CONCLUSIONS Further epidemiological studies and health education campaigns are recommended to increase public awareness. It is strongly advised that local, provincial, and national health authorities establish and maintain effective leishmaniasis surveillance systems to promptly identify disease outbreaks and implement timely control measures.

Mirzeta Memišević Hodžić, Dalibor Ballian

Crna topola (Populus nigra L.) je jedna od najznačajnijih europskih vrsta drveća koja nastanjuje aluvijalna staništa uz obale velikih rijeka. U Bosni i Hercegovini postoji značajan neiskorišten zemljišni potencijal pogodan za reintrodukciju autohtonih crnih topola, kao i podizanje intenzivnih i ekstenzivnih nasada hibridnih i američkih crnih topola. Cilj ovoga istraživanja je utvrditi početak i završetak fenoloških faza listanja, kao i zimsko zadržavanje lista, što će pomoći pri selekciji pogodnih klonova autohtonih crnih topola za reintrodukciju na određenom lokalitetu i za određene mikroklimatske uvjete u svrhu očuvanja autohtonog genofonda, te klonova hibridnih topola za osnivanje plantaža u Bosni i Hercegovini. Istaživan je materijal 161 klona autohtonih crnih topola iz 26 populacija iz slivova 6 rijeka, te 11 klonova proizvodnih hibridnih topola (euro-američke ili kanadske) i američkih crnih topola. Klonovi se nalaze u klonskom arhivu u Žepču, koji je podignut 2006. godine. Promatrana je fenologija listanja i to od 14.3.- 22.4.2019. godine i to u šest fenoloških faza 0 - uspavani pupoljak, 1 – napukli pup, 2 – probijanje pupa, 3 – pup otvoren, listovi skupljeni, 4 – listovi se razdvajaju, 5 – listovi potpuno razvijeni). Zadržavanje lista praćeno je od 30.8.-4.11.2019. godine i ocjenjivano u tri kategorije: 1 - prisutni svi listovi na stablu, 2 - 50% listova je preostalo na stablu, 3 – nema preostalih listova na stablu. Efektivna duljina vegetacijske sezone definirana je kao vrijeme između pojavljivanja faze pucanja pupova (ocjena 3) i ocjena opadanja lišća 2 (tj. kada je 50% lišća ostalo na stablu). Analiza varijance pokazala je statistički značajne razlike između klonova iz različitih populacija za duljinu trajanja fenoloških faza listanja. Fenološka faza 1 (napukli pupovi) najranije se javila 14.3. a faza 5 (potpuno otvoreni listovi) najranije 8.4. Rezultati zadržavanja listova pokazuju da su 4.11. svi klonovi u klonskom arhivu odbacili list 100%. Najkraću efektivnu duljinu vegetacijskog perioda imali su klonovi populacije Bugojno (154 dana), a najdužu klonovi Populus boleana i Populus nigra var. italica te klonovi populacija Čapljina (sliv rijeke Neretve); Dobrinje, Visoko, Babina rijeka, Maglaj, Doboj (sliv rijeke Bosne); Kopači i Tegare (sliv rijeke Drine). Rezultati istraživanja su značajni za odabir klonova sa boljom prilagodbom na uvjete staništa, te obnovu i uporabu klonskog reprodukcijskog materijala crnih topola u Bosni i Hercegovini.

A. Imamović, Omer Kablar, M. Oruč, Vedina Purić-Selimović, Lamija Sušić

<p>Modern steel production cannot be imagined without manganese, because almost all steels contain<br />manganese.<br />In this paper, we present the impact of manganese on the tensile strength values of high-carbon steel.<br />This paper presents an improvement in the quality of wire rolling with control of manganese content in<br />steel and the value of C-equivalent, in industrial conditions, which is of particular importance in the<br />production of this quality of steel.<br />For the presented quality of rolled wire made of high-carbon steel, it is possible to control the C-equivalent<br />in high-carbon steel to achieve values for tensile strength in exceptionally narrow tolerances of 1000 &plusmn; 30<br />MPa.</p>

B. Fakić, D. Mujagić, Omer Beganović

<p>Steel 17-7PH is austenitic-martensitic steel with high strength, hardness, and resistance to creep, and<br />corrosion. It is designed for aerospace components, but can also be used for other applications that require<br />high strength and corrosion resistance, as well as leaf springs for operation at temperatures up to 316 &deg;C. It<br />can be used in a solution-treated or heat-treated state to obtain a wide range of property values. This<br />paperwork shows that modification of the contents of alloying elements with a narrower interval of Cr, Ni,<br />and Al can be obtained from austenitic-martensitic steel 17-7PH which by, a subsequent heat treatment,<br />can have values of mechanical and chemical properties required for components of an automotive engine.<br />Chromium is an alphagenic alloying element that stabilizes the ferrite region, nickel is a gammagenic<br />alloying element that stabilizes austenite and gives these steels good strength and toughness, even at low<br />temperatures and aluminum increases corrosion resistance in low-carbon corrosion-resistant steels<br />Research has determined the most suitable interval of Cr, Ni, and Al, which in combination with the<br />cryogenic heat treatment RH950 at -50 &deg;C gives the mechanical and chemical properties that meet the<br />requirements for steel with standard chemical composition.</p>

Danijela Radulović, S. Mašić, D. Stanisavljević, D. Bokonjić, Svetlana Radević, Nina Rajović, N. Milic, Ivana Simic Vukomanovic et al.

Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global economy and public health, disrupting various aspects of daily life. Apart from its direct effects on physical health, it has also significantly affected the overall quality of life and mental health. This study employed a path analysis to explore the complex association among multiple factors associated with quality of life, anxiety, and depression in the general population of the Republic of Srpska during the pandemic’s second year. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted on a nationally representative sample (n = 1382) of the general population (adults aged 20+) during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Assessment tools included the DASS-21 scale for depression, anxiety, and stress, along with the Brief COPE scale, Quality of Life Scale (QOLS), and Oslo Social Support Scale (OSSS-3). Sociodemographic factors and comorbidities were also assessed. Structural equation modeling was used to identify the direct and indirect links of various characteristics to quality of life, anxiety, and depression. Results: This study revealed a considerable prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms (27.5% and 20.9%, respectively), with quality of life playing a significant mediating role. The constructed path model accounted for 33.1% of moderate to severe depression and 79.5% of anxiety. Negative coping was directly linked to anxiety and indirectly to depression via anxiety, while the absence of positive coping had both direct and indirect paths (through quality of life) on depression. Among variables that directly affected depression, anxiety had the highest effect. However, the bidirectional paths between anxiety and depression were also suggested by the model. Conclusions: Pandemic response strategies should be modified to effectively reduce the adverse effects on public mental health. Further research is necessary to assess the long-term effects of the pandemic on mental health and to analyze the contributing factors of anxiety and depression in the post-COVID period.

Zülfiye Kuzu, Oğuz Kaan Kaya, A. Akgün, H. Solmaz, M. Karataş, Mustafa Ferezeyn Yavuzkır

Aims: Congestive heart failure (CHF) is characterized by symptoms and signs of volume overload and tissue perfusion insufficiency and accompanied by neurohormonal activation. Copeptin is a part of pre-pro-vasopressin and synthesized in equal molar amounts with vasopressin. We aimed to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of copeptin in indicating the diagnostic value of CHF Methods: This retrospective study included a total of 80 patients including 40 with heart failure and 40 healthy individuals. The groups were compared in terms of demographic features, laboratory findings including copeptin levels. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of gender (p>0.05). Age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking were statistically significantly higher in the heart failure group compared to the control group (p<0.05). In both groups, serum copeptin levels were higher in men than in women. Copeptin levels in the heart failure group were statistically significantly higher than in the control group (p<0.05). In the heart failure group, there was a negative correlation between serum copeptin levels and age, gender, hypertension, smoking, HDL cholesterol, hematocrit, creatinine levels. Conclusion: Copeptin is a good indicator of the course of the disease in patients with heart failure.

Using the descriptive-analytical method and grammatical analysis, this paper explores the phenomenon of lexical and grammatical polysemy in the 90 th Qur'anic surah al-Balad. Contemporary works from Cognitive Linguistics and the tafsir tradition form the basis of the research. Some key lexical units in this surah are characterised by polysemy, as observed by commentators of the Qur'an. The commitment to a specific semantic structure during interpretation can lead to semantic changes in the text’s higher structures. The paper’s aim is to present the cognitive implications of the use of such expressions, and to discover why Qur'an translators opted for specific interpretive matrices in the Bosnian language.

A. Ruf, Hannah Thieron, Sabrine Nasfi, Bernhard Lederer, Sebastian Fricke, Trusha Adeshara, Johannes Postma, Patrick Blumenkamp et al.

RNA interference (RNAi) is a crucial mechanism that can contribute to immunity against infectious microbes through the action of DICER-LIKE (DCL) and ARGONAUTE (AGO) proteins. In the case of the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea and the oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis, plant DCL and AGO proteins have proven roles as negative regulators of immunity, suggesting functional specialization of these proteins. To address this aspect in a broader taxonomic context, we characterized the colonization pattern of an informative set of DCL and AGO loss-of-function mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana upon infection with a panel of pathogenic microbes with different lifestyles, and a fungal mutualist. Our results revealed that AGO1 and AGO4 function as positive regulators of immunity to a bacterial and a fungal pathogen, respectively. Additionally, AGO2 and AGO10 positively modulated the colonization by a fungal mutualist. Therefore, analysing the role of RNAi across a broader range of plant-microbe interactions has identified previously unknown functions for AGO proteins. For some pathogen interactions, however, all tested mutants exhibited wild type-like infection phenotypes, suggesting that the roles of AGO and DCL proteins in these interactions may be more complex to elucidate.

Heidi B. Borges, Johannes Zaar, E. Alickovic, C. B. Christensen, P. Kidmose

Objective This study aims to investigate the potential of speech-reception-threshold (SRT) estimation through electroencephalography (EEG) based envelope reconstruction techniques with continuous speech stimuli. Additionally, we aim to investigate the influence of the stimuli signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) on the temporal response function (TRF). Methods The analysis included data from twenty young normal-hearing participants, who listened to audiobook excerpts with varying background noise levels, while data were recorded from 66 scalp EEG electrodes. A linear decoder was trained to reconstruct the speech envelope from the EEG data. The reconstruction accuracy was calculated as the Pearson’s correlation between the reconstructed envelope and the actual speech envelope. An SRT estimate (SRTneuro) was obtained as the midpoint of a sigmoid function fitted to the reconstruction accuracy-vs-SNR data. Additionally, the TRF was estimated at each SNR level, and a statistical analysis was conducted to reveal significant effects of SNR levels on the latencies and amplitudes of the most prominent components. Results The behaviorally determined SRT (SRTbeh) ranged from -6.0 to -3.28 dB with a mean of -5.35 dB. The SRTneuro was within 2 dB from the SRTbeh for 15 out of 20 participants (75%) and within 3 dB from the SRTbeh for all participants (100%). The investigation of the TRFs showed that the latency of P2 decreased significantly and the magnitude of the N1 amplitude increased significantly with increasing SNR. Conclusion The behavioral speech-reception-threshold (SRTbeh) of young normal-hearing listeners, can be accurately estimated based on EEG responses to continuous speech stimuli. In this study, the electrophysiological speech-reception-threshold (SRTneuro) measure was derived from a sigmoid fit to the envelope reconstruction accuracy vs SNR. The reconstruction accuracy of the envelope and the TRF features were all affected by changes in SNR, suggesting that the reconstruction accuracy of the envelope and the TRF features are related to the same underlying neural process. Highlights Speech reception threshold (SRT) can be estimated from EEG using continuous speech SRT estimated using sigmoid fit on envelope reconstruction accuracy Latency of P2 in the temporal response function decreases with increasing SNR Magnitude of N1 in the temporal response function increases with increasing SNR

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