In this paper, we present the main features of Dynamic Rapidly-exploring Generalized Bur Tree (DRGBT) algorithm, a sampling-based planner for dynamic environments. We provide a detailed time analysis and appropriate scheduling to facilitate a real-time operation. To this end, an extensive analysis is conducted to identify the time-critical routines and their dependence on the number of obstacles. Furthermore, information about the distance to obstacles is used to compute a structure called dynamic expanded bubble of free configuration space, which is then utilized to establish sufficient conditions for a guaranteed safe motion of the robot while satisfying all kinematic constraints. An extensive randomized simulation trial is conducted to compare the proposed algorithm to a competing state-of-the-art method. Finally, an experimental study on a real robot is carried out covering a variety of scenarios including those with human presence. The results show the effectiveness and feasibility of real-time execution of the proposed motion planning algorithm within a typical sensor-based arrangement, using cheap hardware and sequential architecture, without the necessity for GPUs or heavy parallelization.
Heuristic search is often used for motion planning and pathfinding problems, for finding the shortest path in a graph while also promising completeness and optimal efficiency. The drawback is it's space complexity, specifically storing all expanded child nodes in memory and sorting large lists of active nodes, which can be a problem in real-time scenarios with limited on-board computation. To combat this, we present the Search with Learned Optimal Pruning-based Expansion (SLOPE), which, learns the distance of a node from a possible optimal path, unlike other approaches that learn a cost-to-go value. The unfavored nodes are then pruned according to the said distance, which in turn reduces the size of the open list. This ensures that the search explores only the region close to optimal paths while lowering memory and computational costs. Unlike traditional learning methods, our approach is orthogonal to estimating cost-to-go heuristics, offering a complementary strategy for improving search efficiency. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach evaluating it as a standalone search method and in conjunction with learned heuristic functions, achieving comparable-or-better node expansion metrics, while lowering the number of child nodes in the open list. Our code is available at
This paper presents an effective approach to enable performance improvement in human-robot collaboration scenarios. The problem is tackled from the perspective of speed and separation monitoring principle, which stems from the recently instituted safety standard. The proposed approach attempts to seek for performance gains, measured by the speed-up of the production cycle, without compromising the safety constraints consistent with the standard. The approach is based on the notion of braking surface - an abstraction of the swept volume described by the manipulator during braking motion. We address two types of braking behavior: general and path-consistent. In both cases, the braking surface can be evaluated in a receding horizon manner. The robot velocity is continuously scaled such that, in case of a controlled stop, the corresponding volume spanned by the robot (braking surface) does not interfere with the surrounding obstacles. The approach is entirely kinematic and does not require the knowledge of the robot's dynamic model. Simulation study indicates that the pro-posed approach offers performance improvements compared to other state of the art methods. Moreover, the experiments demonstrate the real-time applicability of the method with the real robot in human-shared environment.
This article presents two approaches to power circuit breakers condition assessment. The first one covers a wide variety of machine learning classification algorithms where the input for the classification is a manually selected feature set. The second one utilizes deep learning classification based on the convolutional neural network. Both approaches revolve around the idea behind spectral kurtosis, one of which exploits its visual representation in the form of kurtogram. The first approach uses a spectral kurtosis curve as the base for feature extraction while the second approach uses a spectral kurtosis kurtogram as a single input into the convolutional neural network. The validation is performed on a large set of vibration signatures and compared to competing state-of-the-art algorithms. The results indicate promising features of the proposed approach.
This paper provides an overview of the influential parameters for the power circuit breaker condition assessment based on the vibration fingerprint. By creating the feature subsets based on the domain of computation originating from the vibration fingerprint, the features are firstly ranked by four features ranking algorithms. To confirm the ranked feature contribution to the classification performance, 11 different machine learning classifiers are trained. The training of the classifier is performed on the complete feature set where afterward the same classifiers are trained with the subset of the features ordered by the ranking algorithms. The ranking and the classifier performance yield the concept of kurtosis in the time and frequency domain as a highly promising feature for binary classification which credibly reflects the circuit breaker's mechanical condition.
This paper presents KF-RRT algorithm: a novel approach to path planning for robotic manipulators in dynamic environments. It is based on a modified RRT algorithm combined with Kalman filtering technique. RRT modification implies two aspects. The first one is related to continuous update of struc-ture/ordering within the tree to accommodate for online execution of the algorithm. The second one relies on forest-based replanning by combining connected components. On the other hand, Kalman filter is used to track/predict the motion of obstacles. Virtually augmented obstacles influence the growth of trees, which yields the improved safety margin of the resulting motion. KF-RRT is validated within a simulation study, where it is compared to comneting algorithms,
This paper deals with safe human-robot collaboration in the context of speed and separation monitoring paradigm. The core of the approach is to continuously track the separation distance between the robot and the human. The robot speed is then adjusted according to the perceived distance so that it will be able to stop before eventually come into contact with the human. We present an approach that aims at maximizing the productivity of the robot, i.e., its speed, while keeping the prescribed safety requirements satisfied. The method is based on explicit representation of danger zones – regions around the robot, where safety requirements are violated. The motion is then generated such that the robot moves as fast as possible, while its danger zone still does not collide with human operators. The approach is validated within an experimental study. Note to Practitioners—This article was motivated by the problem of maximizing productivity of the robotic manipulator while ensuring the safety of human collaborator. The increase in productivity is achieved by a faster traversal of predefined paths without compromising the safety of the human, which is specifically defined by industrial standard. The approach requires limited knowledge on robot’s dynamical properties. More precisely, we only need the braking time as a “lumped” representation of robot’s inertia. The underlying optimization problem is conveniently resolved by introducing danger zones that allow for intuitive visualization and geometrical representation of the regions around the robot that must be avoided. On the other hand, the method assumes the representation of humans via typical geometric primitives, which can be obtained using of-the-shelf depth perception systems. The solution to the problem reduces to a repeated collision checking between danger zones and the human. Such an approach turns out to be suitable for real-time implementation due to availability of fast and efficient collision checking algorithms/libraries.
This book provides a solution to the control and motion planning design for an octocopter system. It includes a particular choice of control and motion planning algorithms which is based on the authors' previous research work, so it can be used as a reference design guidance for students, researchers as well as autonomous vehicles hobbyists. The control is constructed based on a fault tolerant approach aiming to increase the chances of the system to detect and isolate a potential failure in order to produce feasible control signals to the remaining active motors. The used motion planning algorithm is risk-aware by means that it takes into account the constraints related to the fault-dependant and mission-related maneuverability analysis of the octocopter system during the planning stage. Such a planner generates only those reference trajectories along which the octocopter system would be safe and capable of good tracking in case of a single motor fault and of majority of double motor fault scenarios. The control and motion planning algorithms presented in the book aim to increase the overall reliability of the system for completing the mission.
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