0 31. 12. 2024.

Georgi-Glashow SU(5) - basis for proton decay and neutrino mass problem from SM to GUT

<p style="text-align: justify;">In this article we present the original Georgi-Glashow &nbsp;model with gauge and fermion sector derivation in order to show grand unified theory (GUT) through this model, but also to correlate &nbsp;and Standard Model (SM). One of the correlations reside in neutrino mass sector where both and Standard Model (SM) see neutrinos as massless particles. We will show that gauge sector yields twelve gauge bosons that will mediate proton decay within <i>.</i> Beside this, Georgi-Glashow model provides a basis for development and extrapolation in terms of reconstructing it to find viable neutrino mass mechanism that we present in our conclusion.</p>

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