
Publikacije (93)

Amel Selimović, D. Miličević, M. Jašić, A. Selimović, Đ. Ačkar, T. Pešić

Summary Wholegrain buckwheat flour was used to substitute 15 %, 30 % and 40 % of wheat flour to make buckwheat enriched wheat bread. Proximate composition, sensory evaluation, total phenols content and antioxidant activity of buckwheat enriched wheat breads were analysed and compared with wheat bread. Wholegrain buckwheat flour contained higher total phenols than wheat flour. The incorporation of buckwheat flour from 15 % to 40 % in bread samples increased the total phenols content from 0.25 (mg GA/g d.m. sample) to 0.65 (mg GA/g d.m. sample), and antioxidant activity from 208.45 (µmol Fe 2+ /L extract) to 354.45 (µmol Fe 2+ /L extract). Total phenols content decreased during the baking process, while the antioxidant activity increased. Bread samples with 15 %, 30 % and 40 % of wholegrain buckwheat flour showed lower lightness (L) and whiteness index (WI) values of crust and crumb colour compared to the wheat bread. Addition of buckwheat flour increased redness (a) and yellowness (b) colour values for crumb. Sensory results indicating that three breads with buckwheat flour were moderately acceptable. No differences were found in overall sensory attributes between buckwheat flour enriched bread samples with 15 % and wheat bread (control sample).

Rijad Arnautović, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, J. Sadadinović, Z. Iličković, Damir Alihodžić

Uvod:Pivo može sadržavati minerale u bioloski raspoloživoj formi. Sadržaj minerala u pivu može da varira. Alkohol u odnosu na vodu cesto omogucuje bolju topivost nekih spojeva sa specificnim funkcionalnim hemijskim grupama. Cilj rada:Cilj rada je bio ispitati da li postoje znacajne razlike u kolicini minerala kod alkoholnog i bezalkoholnog piva. Materijali i metode: Analizirani su uzorci bezalkoholnog i alkoholnog svijetlog piva. Dvije grupe uzoraka su bile ispitivane: alkoholno svijetlo pivo (A1 i A2), a dvije bezalkoholno (B1 i B2). Uzorci B1 grupe su bili proizvedeni bioloskim a uzorci (B2) fizickim postupkom. Za analizu sadržaja minerala u svim ispitivanim uzorcima koristena je Atomska apsorpciona spektrofotometrija. Rezultati i rasprava: Sadržaj minerala u uzorcima bezalkoholnog (B1) bio veci nego u uzorcima alkoholnog svijetlog piva (A1). Uzorci B1 i A1 su od istog proizvođaca. U ovom slucaju povoljniji mineraloski sastav pokazuje bezalkoholno pivo. Sadržaj minerala u uzorcima alkoholnog pivu (A2) bio je veci nego u uzorcima bezalkoholnog svijetlog piva (B2). Uzorci B2 i A2 su od razlicitih proizvođaca. Zakljucci:Sadržaj minerala u alkoholnom i bezalkoholnom svijetlom pivu zavise od tehnoloskog postupka proizvodnje ali i od udjela minerala u osnovnim sirovinama. Vecina minerala u pivu poticu iz osnovnih sirovina: vode, slada, hmelja i ne sladovanih žitarica.

Đ. Ačkar, D. Šubarić, M. Jašić, Borislav Miličević, Kristina Valek Lendić

Utjecaj mekinja na zdravlje ljudi dugo je predmet istraživanja. Zbog kemijskog sastava, posebno sadržaja sirovih dijetalnih vlakana sa sposobnoscu bubrenja, danas se mekinje koriste najvise u regulaciji peristaltike crijeva. Cilj ovoga rada je dati kratki pregled istraživanja kemijskog sastava i funkcionalnih svojstava psenicnih, zobenih i kukuruznih mekinja. Osim sirovih dijetalnih vlakana mekinje sadrže niz bioaktivnih spojeva koja pridonose povoljnom utjecaju na zdravlje. Brojne invitro i in vivo studije, uglavnom provedene na misevima i stakorima, pokazale pozitivan utjecaj mekinja na zdravlje probavnog, endokrinog i krvožilnog sustava. Međutim, dalje je potrebno istraživati ovo podrucje kako bi se u sto je vecoj mogucoj mjeri razjasnili mehanizmi djelovanja mekinja na ljudski organizam i razjasnile interakcija s drugim sastojcima hrane, te razvili novi proizvodi, obogaceni mekinjama, a sa funkcionalnim svojstvima.

Almir Azabagić, D. Kenjerić, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, I. Banjari

Introduction: Increased body mass contributes to onset of many diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, hiperlipidemia and cardiovascular diseases. Nowdays various methods of body mass reduction such as dietetic, pharmaceutical, surgical and behavioural are used. Education is one of obligatory methods, often used in combination with others. Aim of work: The aim of work was to explore the influence of education on both healthy and diseased individuals on body mass reduction. Methodology: Studied sample consisted of 77 respondents, out of which 39 were healthy, 9 were with diagnosed hypertension, 8 with diabetes, 11 had gastrointestinal disorders and 10 were with allergy symptoms. During the period of the study all patients were provided with education through the leaflet on healthy nutrition, printed menu for seven days and oral consultation. Study period was 3 months. BMI was calculated for each patient at the begining and at the end of study period. Results: Average reduction of BMI in healthy individuals was 3.26 units, in patients with hypertension 3.40, in patients with diabetes 5.08 and in patients with allergic disorders 0.10. Greatest average reduction was noticed in patients with diabetes. Conclusion: Education on healthy nutrition and life style through the leaflet on healthy nutrition, printed menu for seven days and oral consultation has significant influence on body mass reduction of both healthy and diseased individuals. Education of individuals with increased body mass could be very powerfull "weapon" in combating obesity.

R. Miličević, Borislav Miličević, Đ. Ačkar, S. Škrabal, D. Šubarić, J. Babić, A. Jozinović, M. Jašić

Production trend in the chocolate industry is to purchase finished cocoa liquor or finished chocolate mass which is then used in production of different chocolate products. If the finished chocolate mass is supplied to the facility, it is used within 30 days. The rheological properties of chocolate are highly important in quality determination and consumer preference. Since chocolate is a non-Newtonian fluid, its properties could be changed during the afore mentioned storage period. The aim of this research was to monitor the rheological properties of dark chocolate during 30-day storage at 50°C. Different emulsifiers (lecithin, PGPR, citric acid esters of and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids (citrem) and citric acid esters of and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids 2in1 (citrem 2in1)) were added to the chocolate in order to elucidate the influence of an emulsifier on the rheological properties during storage. The results showed that the rheological properties of all chocolate samples changed during storage. The addition of lecithin lowered plastic viscosity and yield value. At the end of the storage period, the yield value of the chocolate mass with lecithin increased, while other emulsifiers decreased its value.

Haris Hodzic, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, A. Jozinović, Đ. Ačkar, K. Aladić

Uvod: Psenicna klica je vrijedan izvor aktivnih komponenti kao sto su, vitamin B1, B3, B6, B9, a posebno je visok sadržaj vitamina E. Osim vitamina psenicna klica sadrži željezo i kalij, ali i znacajne kolicine cinka, kalcija, kalija, fosfora i selena. Sadarži i jednu od tri omega 3 masne kiseline, a posebno je znacajno prisustvo enzima. Bez obzira na funkcionalna svojstva psenicna klica se malo primjenjuje u praksi. Dobar nacin primjene je u proizvodnji peciva i hljeba. Cilj rada:Cilj rada je bio razviti pecivo sa poboljsanim funkcionalnim i prihvatljivim organoleptickim svojstvima uz upotrebu psenicnih klica. Metodologija:Za proizvodnju je koristeno standardno psenicno brasno T-500 i psenicne klice koje nisu prosle termicku obradu. Pri formulaciji proizvoda upotrebljavani su razliciti omjeri psenicnih klica i brasna i to 10% i 20% psenicnih klica u odnosu na masu brasna. Pored psenicnih klica u proizvod je dodano i 5% krupnih psenicnih mekinja kao kvalitetnog izvora dijetalnih vlakana. Tokom proizvodnje dodan je univerzalni aditiv i suhi gluten. Senzorsku ocjenu gotovog proizvoda izvrsio je panel od sest strucnjaka iz podrucja pekarstva po jedinstvenoj metodi bodovanja koju predlaže Evropska organizacija za kontrolu kvalitete (EOQC) za sve prehrambene proizvode. Primijenjena je metoda bodovanja sa sumom od 20 ponderiranih bodova. Svaki uzorak je zbog sto vece objektivnosti ocjenjivanja predstavljen s tri pojedinacna primjerka i svaki primjerak je posebno ocjenjivan. Kod svih uzoraka ocjenjivano je pet parametara kvalitete (oblik - volumen, spoljasnji izgled, izgled sredine, miris kore i sredine, ukus kore i sredine), i to ocjenama od 0 do 5 uz primjenu faktora znacajnosti za svaki pojedini parametar. Rezultati: Pecivo sa 10 % psenicnih klica ostvarilo je 18, 2 ponderiranih bodova sto ga svrstava u kategoriju kvalitete - odlican. Pecivo sa 20 % psenicnih klica ostvarilo je 16, 6 ponderiranih bodova, sto ga svrstava u kategoriju kvalitete - dobar. Nesto niža ocjena kod peciva sa 20 % psenicnih klica posljedica je slabijeg volumena. U domenu mirisa i okusa svih sest ocjenjivaca sve uzorke je ocijenilo maksimalnu ocjenom od 5, 00. Mikrobioloska analiza pokazuju da je proizvod zdravstveno ispravan. Zakljucak:Zbog prisustva aktivnih sastojaka iz psenicnih klica i mekinja, te prihvatljivih senzornih svojstava pecivo se preporucuje za svakodnevnu konzumaciju kao dieteski funkcionalni proizvod u cilju prevencije savremenih bolesti.

Benjamin Muhamedbegović, M. Jašić, N. Juul, D. Šubarić, Đ. Ačkar, K. Aladić

Ukupna svjetska proizvodnja hrane se vise nego udvostucila u zadnjih pedeset godina. To je uz druge faktore poput modernizacije prodaje, urbanizacije, rasta broja potrosaca i njihove kupovne moci uticalo narast potrebe za ambalažom.Ambalaža mora da odgovori na zahtjeve modernog stila življenja koji je kompleksan i sklon cestim promjenama. Ovaj stil je posebno izražen u industrijski razvijenim zemljama, odakle uglavnom i dolaze trendovi i inovacije u pakiranju hrane.Primjenatrenda ili inovacije u cilju poboljsanja funkcionalnosti ambalaže zavisi od rezultata brojnih tržisnih testiranja i evaluacija.U ovom radu su prikupljeni, analizirani i sitematizirani podaci o aktuelnim trendovima u pakiranju hrane.

Rijad Aranautović, Alma Salkić, M. Jašić, Ermin Bajrić, Amra Butković, D. Šubarić, Emilija Spaseska-Aleksovska

Food hypersensitivity is common. Its symptoms can occur by consumption of only few ppm of certain food substance. One of potential hypersensitivity roots in beer is histamine. The aim of this research was to define methodology and determine presence and quantity of histamine in alcoholic and non-alcoholic bright beer, and beer produced by biological and physical process. HPLC analysis was performed with detection and quantification of histamine on absorption PDA detector set at 280 nm, after derivatisation with dietiletoxymethilenemalonate (DEEMM). Separation was performed at 16 °C on Zorbax XDB C18 (150 mm × 4.6 mm ; 3.5 µm) with two mobile phases (A: acetate buffer 25 mM pH 5.8 with 0.02% sodium azide ; B: acetonitril:methanol 80:20) and flow of 1mL/min in gradient elution mode. Histamine content in alcoholic bright beers was between 0.085 mg/L and 0.119 mg/mL, whereas non-alcoholic beer contained 0.088 - 0.112 mg/L of histamine. Histamine content wasn't statistically different between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer, as well as between biologically and physically produced beers.

Almir Toroman, E. Karahmet, A. Vileš, N. Đulančić, M. Jašić

As it is well known, traditional production of smoked meat products requires technological processes, which carry some food safety hazards (e.g. content of Benzo[a]pyrene. (B[a]P). “OMEGA COMERC Ltd.”, a member of the meat industry in Visoko region, has implemented food safety management system according to the recommendations from Codex Alimentarius CAC-RCP (9), recommended International Code of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene. By implementing HACCP system, the Company established adequate control measures in producing Bosnian dry cured ham (bosanski prsut) on traditional way including the smoking process in the chambers. By doing this, they have created conditions to measure B[a]P content in the Bosnian dry cured ham and implement HACCP system without impairing traditional production and food safety of the final product. The aim of this study is to present the effect of the specific production process onto the meat smoking in order to preserve hygienic, nutritional and sensory values, and also to control B[a]P content in the final product. Key words: Bosnian dry cured ham, traditional production, smoking process, Benzo[a]pyrene, HACCP

A. Radosavac, N. Jovic, M. Jašić, J. Premović

Industrialized and developing countries increasingly develop rural tourism. It is particularly attractive for the population of highly urban areas and also because of the growing differentiation of lifestyles. Values that attract tourists in rural areas are: clean air, land, water, fresh food offer, peace and tranquility, cultural and historical heritage (monuments, folklore, country music) as well as other natural heritage (rivers, lakes, mountains). Good examples of rural tourism are existing traditional ethno-villages, as well as newly developed ones. Existing tourist organizations offer visits to villages with daily or weekend arrangements, and full boarding arrangements. The share of foreign tourists in the total share of tourists in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is about 56%, and in the number of overnight stays is 52% and it differs by entities. According to the research, the total number of foreign tourists in BiH is about 1.4 million per year. There are typical products in Bosnia and Herzegovina that represent a basis for the development of tourism. Those are authentic sorts of fruit and vegetables, authentic breeds of cattle and poultry, as well as products received from them. Rural tourism can also be based on tourists’ direct involvement in the countryside

Vineta Srebrenkoska, M. Jašić, S. Sokolović, R. Cvrk

Increasing population and living standards cause consumption rate to grow and cannot do forever. Finding ways to use materials more efficiently is a prerequisite for a sustainable future. Recent global attention to the issues and challenges of sustainable development is forcing industries to conduct self-assessments to identify where they stand within theframework for sustainability, and more importantly, to identify opportunities, strategies and technologies that support achieving this goal. Design for environmental sustainability is the long-therm view: that of adaptation to a lifestyle that meets present needs without compromising the needs of future generations. Technological development to be sustainable, it need to take account of social and ecological factors, as well as economic ones. In this paper a brief overview of the wide range of technological issues at an industry level was made emphasizing the need for an integrated approach and understanding of the different components of a sustainable system. Technology plays a very important role in sustainable development because it is one of the most significant ways in which we interact with our environment; we use technologies to extract natural resources, to modify them for human purposes, and to adapt our man-made living space. It is through use of technology that we have seen drastic improvements in the quality of life of many people. Large areas of land worldwide are converted for agricultural production. The increasing use of technology, fuels and chemicals has dramatically increased crop production, but has also created the chronic agricultural impacts. Sustainable agriculture and food production combines the goals of environmental and economic health and social equity. Sustainable technologies use less energy, fewer limited resources, do not deplete natural resources, do not directly or indirectly pollute the environment, and can be reused or recycled at the end of their useful life.

A. Radosavac, N. Jovic, M. Jašić, J. Premović, D. Kovačević

A. Radosavac, N. Jovic, M. Jašić, J. Premović, D. Kovačević

Industrialized and developing countries increasingly develop rural tourism. It is particularly attractive for the population of highly urban areas and also because of the growing differentiation of lifestyles. Values that attract tourists in rural areas are: clean air, land, water, fresh food offer, peace and tranquility, cultural and historical heritage (monuments, folklore, country music) as well as other natural heritage (rivers, lakes, mountains). Good examples of rural tourism are existing traditional ethno-villages, as well as newly developed ones. Existing tourist organizations offer visits to villages with daily or weekend arrangements, and full boarding arrangements. The share of foreign tourists in the total share of tourists in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is about 56%, and in the number of overnight stays is 52% and it differs by entities. According to the research, the total number of foreign tourists in BiH is about 1.4 million per year. There are typical products in Bosnia and Herzegovina that represent a basis for the development of tourism. Those are authentic sorts of fruit and vegetables, authentic breeds of cattle and poultry, as well as products received from them. Rural tourism can also be based on tourists’ direct involvement in the countryside food production process, providing a concept of active vacation.

D. Aličić, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, H. Pašalić

Danas se polen najcesce koristi u narodnoj medicini, a njegovi farmakoloski ucinci nisu jos naucno utemeljeni. Sastav i hemija polena jos uvijek nisu standardizovani niti definirani farmakopejom, te mogu varirati uslijed njegovog botanickog i geografskog porijekla, odnosno biljne vrste, ekoloskih uvjeta, starosti i nutritivnog statusa biljke. Zbog toga i vrsta polena zavisi od dostupne pcelinje ispase i vrste biljaka koje pcele posjecuju. Uglavnom je monoflornog porijekla sa manjim primjesama polenovih zrnaca drugih vrsta biljaka. Identifikacija polenovih zrnaca se utvrđuje melisopalinoloskom analizom uzimajuci u obzir razlike u boji i njegove karakteristicne morfoloske osobine. Polen uzet iz dva razlicita ekoloska stanista uvijek se bitno razlikuje po svom sastavu. Polen sadrži nutritivne i esencijalne supstance, ali također i znacajne kolicine polifenolnih supstanci, uglavnom flavonoida, koji se smatraju glavnim sastojcima polena te se mogu koristiti za uspostavljanje kvaliteta standarda u za kontrolu njegovog kvaliteta. (...)

A. Jozinović, D. Šubarić, Đ. Ačkar, J. Babić, Kristina Valek Lendić, M. Jašić

Extrusion, classified as a high temperature/short time process, is an important food processing technique used worldwide for the production and modification or improvement of quality of various products. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of wheat bran addition to corn grits (ratio grits:bran = 80:20) on properties of extrudates. Wheat bran are readily available and low cost by-product, and contain a large amount of dietary fibers. Prepared samples with 15% of moisture content were extruded in the laboratory single screw extruder at temperature profile 135/170/170 °C, using screw with compression ratio 4:1 and die with 4 mm diameter. Obtained extrudates were air-dried, and expansion ratio, texture, viscosity and fibre content were determined. The obtained results showed that addition of wheat bran to corn grits resulted in decrease of expansion ratio (ER) and fracturability, whereas bulk density (BD) and hardness of extrudates increased. Extrusion process resulted in increase of water absorption index (WAI) and water solubility index (WSI), but in decrease of peak, hot and cold viscosity. Addition of wheat bran to corn grits resulted in increase of fibre content, and extrusion cooking didn’t significantly influence fibre content. The obtained extrudates can be used as final products or as modified flours in bakery industry.

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