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Selma Aličelebić

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Maida Šahinović, Dina Kapić, E. Ćosović, S. Aličelebić, S. Čustović, V. Muzika, Eldan Kapur, Almira Lujinović, Alma Voljevica et al.

Background: Zearalenone is a widely spread mycotoxin, contaminant of most cereal grains. It has uterotropic, estrogenic and anabolic activity in farm animals. The results are hormonal disbalances as hyperestrogenism, Zearalenone inhibits follicle-stimulating hormone production, thus supressing ovarian follicle development and ovulation. Also, it induces oxidative stress. Melatonin acts as a potent natural antioxidant and regulates the reproductive function by modification of steroidogenesis. Objective: The present study was conducted to provide detailed qualitative histological analysis of uterus of female rats treated with zearalenone and melatonin and contribute to better understanding of the topic. Methods: Forty adult, female Wistar rats were equally divided into five groups: Z group – zearalenone, 0,3 mg/kg, i.g.; M group – melatonin, 10 mg/kg, i.p.; ZM group –concomitant application of zearalenone and melatonin in the same dosing regimen, VZ group–zearalenone vehiculum/sunflower oil, i.g. and MZ group–melatonin vehiculum/5% ethanol in Ringer, i.p. Animals were treated daily for 28 consecutive days. After that period, all animals were sacrificed to obtain samples for qualitative histological analysis using the light microscope. Results: Zearalenone led to the alterations of the uterine structures, predominantly in the endometrium that were characterized by metaplasia and hypertrophy of the epithelial cells and hypercellularity of the stroma. In the myometrium, zearalenone induced hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the myocytes. Conclusion: Melatonin, when applied together with zearalenone, blocked the adverse effects of the zearalenone.

The purpose of this study was to explore possible protective effects of vitamin D3 on serum glucose concentration, body weight and histopathology of pancreas and liver. Animals were divided into 3 groups: Control group (n=6), streptozotocin (STZ) group (n=6) and streptozotocin + vitamin D3 (STZ+D3) group (n=6). Rats in the STZ+D3 group starting from the 7th day of experiment were given vitamin D3 for 14 days. Glucose levels and body weight were measured on the 1, 7, 14 and 21st day of experiment. Qualitative histological analysis of pancreas and liver was done using the light microscope with a digital camera. Differences between the groups were tested by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Dunnett's posttest. Differences in repeated measures were tested using paired t-test. On day 14 and 21, blood glucose level in STZ+D3 group was significantly higher compared to the control group of animals but significantly lower than the glucose level registered in STZ group of rats. On day 14 and day 21, body weight in STZ rats was significantly lower compared to weight in STZ+D3 and control groups of rats. Morphological changes, such as shrinkage of islets, vacuolation of both endocrine and exocrine cells, were observed in pancreas of STZ group of animals but were nearly absent in STZ+D3 rats. Similarly, STZ+D3 group of rats showed preserved liver histoarchitecture. Obtained results suggest that vitamin D3 treatment reduces hyperglycemia, exerts beneficial effects on body weight and alleviates histopathological changes in pancreas and liver in STZ-induced diabetic rats.

V. Muzika, S. Čustović, S. Aličelebić, E. Ćosović, A. Zahirović, E. Kahrović

OBJECTIVES Dinuclear ruthenium(II) Schiff base complex was selected for in vivo study among many other novel metal-based compounds, because of its previously proved in vitro anticancer and antibacterial properties. The aim was to investigate the potential toxicity of this compound in animal model through biochemical and histopathological assessment. METHODS Adult Swiss albino mice of both sexes were divided into high-dose and low-dose group that received a single intraperitoneal dose of ruthenium complex (175 mg/kg and 25 mg/kg, respectively) and one control group (vehicle only). After a follow-up period of 14 days, animals were sacrificed to obtain blood samples and organs. RESULTS The test compound was well tolerated in a low-dose group and did not cause any mortality. The histological findings and serum biochemistry suggested a reversible character of alterations found in vital organs of this group. However, in the high-dose group, adverse effects were more severe and indicated dose and gender-related toxicity. CONCLUSION Mild side effects found in a low-dose group together with excellent in vitro properties, made dinuclear ruthenium(II) Schiff base complex a promising candidate for further investigation and development as anticancer and antimicrobial agent (Tab. 4, Fig. 6, Ref. 32).

Azra Metović, J. Mušanović, S. Aličelebić, E. Pepić, S. Šljuka, Maida Mulić

Introduction: Malignant breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women between 40 and 55 years of age. Dermatoglyphs are polygenetically determined properties, whose appearance and number are determined by a specific gene. They represent the skin reefs that are created by epidermis on the fingers or toes, palms and soles. Palmar dermatoglyphs have been used to estimate the hereditary basis of many diseases. Aim: The aim of the paper is to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between the observed qualitative and quantitative parameters of both palms between the experimental and the control group. Material and Methods: A survey of the qualitative and quantitative properties of the palmar complex was carried out on a total of 100 female respondents. The first group included 50 women with breast cancer. Comparative data were used for the analysis of palmar dermatoglyphs in the second group of respondents, or 50 phenotypic healthy female subjects. The imprints of the palmar complex were taken using the printake ribbons, analyzed, and the data was then statistically processed and displayed in charts. An analysis of the number of reefs between two digital triradius was performed, followed by the determination of the axially triad position, as well as the ATD angle measurement. Results: Quantitative analysis of ATD-angle showed statistically significant difference between the left and right palms of the analyzed groups. However, the analysis of the number of reefs between triradius A-B, B-C, C-D did not show statistically significant results for both the left and right hand between the analyzed groups. Conclusion: These results indicate that the quantitative palmar parameter, ATD-angle, can play a role in identifying women with increased risk of breast cancer.

Maida Šahinović, S. Aličelebić, Z. Mornjaković, E. Ćosović, Dina Kapić, Eldan Kapur, S. Mačkić, V. Muzika, S. Čustović

The mycotoxin zearalenone is often found in cereals and animal feeds. The intake of zearalenone through food can result in the hyperestrogenic syndrome, and is related to ovarian structural and functional alterations in mammals. It competitively binds to estrogen receptors and generates oxidative stress. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland with a strong effect on reproduction as it inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. It has also direct and indirect antioxidative effects in the ovarian tissues. Our aim was to explore the effect of melatonin on the histological changes of the ovary induced by zearalenone. Forty female Wistar rats were divided into five equal groups and treated for 28 days according to the following scheme: 1. Zearalenone vehiculum (sunflower oil)- treated group, 2. Melatonin vehiculum- (5% ethanol in Ringer) treated control group, 3. group treated with zearalenone (0.3 mg/kg b.w), 4. group treated with melatonin (10 mg/kg b.w) and 5. group of rats treated with zearalenone (0.3 mg/kg b.w) and melatonin (10 mg/kg b.w). Zearalenone induced degenerative changes in all developmental forms of ovarian follicles, hypertrophy of stroma with blood vessel dilatation and hyperemia. The concomitant application of melatonin and zearalenone resulted in milder morphological changes of the ovary, especially of preovulative follicles. Melatonin administration prevents the zaeralenone-induced structural alterations on an ovary. Keywords: zearalenone, melatonin, rat, ovary, histology

I. Susko, S. Aličelebić, E. Ćosović, Maida Šahinović, Dina Kapić, S. Čustović, V. Muzika

Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of pinealectomy and melatonin treatment on the rat thymus gland characteristics, taking into consideration possible gender differences. Materials and methods Thirty adult Wistar rats of both sexes were divided into three groups. Group C and group PX served as control groups and included sham-pinealectomized and pinealectomized animals that were treated with 10% ethanol solution (0,1ml/daily, subcutaneous). Animals from third group (group PXM) underwent pinealectomy and seven days after surgery started receiving melatonin dissolved in 10% ethanol solution (3mg/kg/daily, subcutaneous). All animals were treated for 4 weeks. Results Volume density of the thymus cortex showed statistically significant (p<0,05) decrease while the volume density of the thymus medulla was increased in the pinealectomized compared to the sham-pinealectomized female rats. Numerical density of macrophages as well as the distribution of blood vessels showed no gender differences. The numerical density of lymphocytes was statistically significantly decreased in female in comparison to the male pinealectomized rats. Melatonin treatment was proved to cause reverse effects in the sense that the results from the melatonin treated group corresponded to the results obtained from the control group of animals. Conclusion The results of this study suggest that the pinealectomy causes gender-related changes in the rat thymus. Short-term melatonin treatment showed reverse effect, equally in both sexes.

M. Lelic, Z. Fatušić, Ermina Iljazović, S. Ramić, S. Marković, S. Aličelebić

Introduction: Hydatidiform moles (HM), presenting as complete (CHM) and partial (PHM) form, are rare pregnancy disorder. Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation, ultrasound imaging findings and pathological examination of products of conception. Protein p57, encoded by CKDN1C gene, is paternally imprinted and maternally expressed gene and provides quick insight in genetic basis of HM and allows distinction of CHM from all other conceptions. compare the preevacuational and pathohistological diagnosis with outcome of p57 immunostaining. Material and methods: All cases of HM diagnosed between January 2011 and December 2015 were included in this research. Maternal age, gestational age and input diagnosis data were recored. p57 immunostaining was performed in order to evaluate the diagnosis based on tissue slides examination. Results: There were 198 cases of histologically confirmed HM, 185 PHM, 12 CHM and one case of undefined HM. Mean maternal age in the CHM group was 24,7 and in the PHM group 26,9 years, with no significant differences among these two groups (p=0,27). For CHM mean gestational age was estimated at eight and for PHM 9,2 gestational weeks. Pregnant woman older than 40 years present significant earlier compared with younger woman (p<0,01), and those younger than 20 years tend to present at the beginning of the second trimester more often than older women (p<0,05). In the CHM group, 9 (75%) input diagnoses were mola in obs, and 3 (25%) of them were signed as abortion, unlike the PHM where 126 (67%) were qualified as abortion, 35 (19%) as blighted ovum, and 26 (14%) were suggestive for molar pregnancy. p57 immunostaining results confirmed all pathohistological diagnosis of CHM whereas 8% of PHM demonstrated divergent p57 expression. Conclusion: PHM, compared with CHM, represent a greater diagnostic challenge for both gynecologist and pathologist even when presenting in more advanced pregnancies.

E. Ćosović, Z. Mornjaković, S. Aličelebić, Dina Kapić, Maida Šahinović, Almira Lujinović, V. Muzika, S. Čustović

Previous studies linking the effect of certain pharmacological agents with the status of connective tissue and nerve fiber regeneration after traumatic transection were focused mainly on the proximal nerve stump. In our study, qualitative and quantitative histological analysis of the proximal and the distal nerve stump were done. Male Wistar rats underwent transection and excision of an 8-mm nerve segment of the left sciatic nerve. The vehiculum group of animals (n=7) was administered with 5% ethanol in Ringer solution (vehiculum), while the melatonin group (n=10) received 30mg/kg of melatonin dissolved in vehiculum, daily, intraperitoneally (i.p.) for 14 consecutive days. Then, intravital excision of the marginal zone of the proximal and distal nerve stump was performed and the samples were further processed for qualitative photomicroscopic and stereological analysis. Macroscopic and microscopic examinations of both nerve stumps showed absent or slight stump thickening in the melatonin group compared to the vehiculum group of animals, which is the result of reduced connective tissue proliferation. The mean epineurial volume density of the proximal nerve stump was statistically significantly lower (p=0,003) in the melatonin (0,36) than in the vehiculum group of animals (0,51). The difference in mean epineurial volume density of the distal stump was also statistically significant (p=0,039) with 0,33 in melatonin and 0,46 in the vehiculum group. Our study revealed that the administration of exogenous melatonin was effective in suppression of trauma-caused extrafascicular connective tissue proliferation in neuroma of the proximal nerve stump as well as fibroma formation in the distal nerve stump.

S. Aličelebić, Fatima Gavrankapetanović Smailbegović, Alena Pehlić, V. Muzika, S. Čustović

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate relation of preterm delivery with mother´s age, premature rupture of amniotic sac, number of spontaneous vaginal deliveries or Cesarean sections (C-sections), Apgar score in the first and the fifth minute, as well as birth weight of newborns. Methods: The study was retrospective, comparative, and data were obtained at the Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the University Clinical Centre Sarajevo for the period from October 2013 through February 2014. The sample was divided into two groups based on the timing of delivery: preterm delivery group (before 37th week of pregnancy) and term delivery group (after 37th week of pregnancy). The standard methods of descriptive statistics and the univariate analysis were performed. Results: Univariate analysis showed that there was no significant association of mother´s age with preterm delivery (OR=1.02, CI: 0.94, 1.10; p=0.72). Rupture of fetal membranes was 4.53 (OR=4.53, CI:1.95, 10.51, p<0.001) while C-section was 9.8 (OR=9.80, CI: 3.34, 36.14; p<0.001) times more frequent in preterm compared to term delivery group. Severely depressed Apgar score (0-3) was 84% (OR=1.84, CI: 1.01, 03.35; p=0.046) more frequent in the first and 52% (OR=1.52, CI: 0.72, 2.98; p=0.29) more frequent in the fifth minute after preterm compared to term delivery. Low birth weight (<2500g) was associated with preterm delivery group (OR=3.78, CI: 1.75, 9.33, p<0.001). Conclusion: Significant association of preterm deliveries with rupture of fetal membranes, C-section, severely depressed one-minute Apgar score (0-3) and low birth weight was documented. Keywords: premature membranes rupture, Apgar score, Cesarean section


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