Objective. The goal of this research was to examine the morphological characteristics and exact anatomical positioning of the greater palatine foramen (GPF), with reference to nearby anatomical landmarks. Material and Method. The research was performed on dry human skulls belonging to the Bosnian and Herzegovina population, using digital vernier calipers. The study began by noting the GPF’s position relative to the maxillary molars, then measuring its distance from the median palatine suture (MPS), the incisive fossa (IF), the posterior border of the hard palate (PBHP), and the posterior nasal spine (PNS). Measurements were conducted bilaterally, and afterwards the data were analyzed using Student’s t-test and Chi-squared test. A statistical significance was set at P<0.05. Results. The statistical analysis revealed that: the distance of the greater palatine foramen (GPF) from the midline is approximately 15.80±1.28 mm on the right side and 15.86±1.19 mm on the left side. The distance of the GPF from the incisive fossa measures about 40.12±2.19 mm on the right side and 40.34±2.08 mm on the left side. The GPF is positioned around 4.00±1.07 mm on the right side and 4.35±1.34 mm on the left side from the posterior border of the hard palate. Lastly, the distance from the GPF to the posterior nasal spine means 17.55±1.99 mm on the right side and 17.61±1.81 mm on the left side in the entire study population. The highest percentage of skulls (73.05%) showed the GPF positioned at the level of the third molar. Conclusion. The findings of this study further emphasize the variations in the location of the greater palatine foramen and underline the importance of thorough preoperative assessment in patients undergoing maxillofacial surgeries and regional block anesthesia.
Abstract Objectiv: Anatomic characterization of the nutrient artery of upper extremity long bones differs among the several textbooks on human anatomy. To elucidate the anatomical features of the nutrient foramen (NF) through which the nutrient arteries pass, we examined the morphology and topography of the NF on the diaphysis of the long bones of the upper extremities. Methods: A total of 150 (50 humeri, 50 radii, 50 ulnae) macerated and degreased adults, long bones of the upper extremities, unknown age, and gender were used as material in this study. The following parameters were determined for each bone: total number of NF, foramina index (FI), total bone length, position of the NF based on the FI value and the surface of the shaft/body of the bones, and obliquity of the nutritional canal (NC). Results: The largest number of NF was found on the middle third of the anteromedial side of the humerus diaphysis, with NC directed distally, that is, towards the elbow. Radius and ulna had predominantly one NF, on middle third of anterior surface, with NC directed proximally. Conclusion: This study provides additional and important information on the location and number of NF in the long bones of the upper and lower extremities in the Bosnian and Herzegovinian population.
Background: Zearalenone is a widely spread mycotoxin, contaminant of most cereal grains. It has uterotropic, estrogenic and anabolic activity in farm animals. The results are hormonal disbalances as hyperestrogenism, Zearalenone inhibits follicle-stimulating hormone production, thus supressing ovarian follicle development and ovulation. Also, it induces oxidative stress. Melatonin acts as a potent natural antioxidant and regulates the reproductive function by modification of steroidogenesis. Objective: The present study was conducted to provide detailed qualitative histological analysis of uterus of female rats treated with zearalenone and melatonin and contribute to better understanding of the topic. Methods: Forty adult, female Wistar rats were equally divided into five groups: Z group – zearalenone, 0,3 mg/kg, i.g.; M group – melatonin, 10 mg/kg, i.p.; ZM group –concomitant application of zearalenone and melatonin in the same dosing regimen, VZ group–zearalenone vehiculum/sunflower oil, i.g. and MZ group–melatonin vehiculum/5% ethanol in Ringer, i.p. Animals were treated daily for 28 consecutive days. After that period, all animals were sacrificed to obtain samples for qualitative histological analysis using the light microscope. Results: Zearalenone led to the alterations of the uterine structures, predominantly in the endometrium that were characterized by metaplasia and hypertrophy of the epithelial cells and hypercellularity of the stroma. In the myometrium, zearalenone induced hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the myocytes. Conclusion: Melatonin, when applied together with zearalenone, blocked the adverse effects of the zearalenone.
Objective. The objective of this study was to study the morphometry of the styloid process of the temporal bone and the prevalence of an elongated styloid process in relation to side and gender. Material and Method. The present study included 200 human skulls which were procured from the rich osteological collections of the Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo. The styloid process was observed macroscopically on both sides of all the skulls and elongations, if any, were noted. The lengths of the styloid processes were measured using digital vernier calipers. The measurements were taken from the point of emergence of the process (base) up to the tip. Results. Out of 200 specimens, only 14 cases (7%) exhibited an elongated styloid process. The mean length of the styloid process was 25.8±4.68 mm and 24.2±4.54 mm for the right and left sides, respectively. The size of the styloid process did not different significantly between the two sides (P=0.724). The mean length of the styloid process was 24.05±3.54 mm in females and 25.95±5.68 mm in males, and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.023). Conclusion. The study and knowledge of the anatomical variations of the styloid process in the Bosnian population may help clinicians to diagnose Eagle’s syndrome. Knowledge of this disorder can prevent the worsening of the painful symptoms related to an elongated styloid process.
Aims: Nutrient artery is the principal source of nutrition to the long bones. The topography of nutrient foramina on long bones is well known, but it has not yet been established whether the number of nutritive foramina (NF) is related to total bone length. The objective of the present study was to study the correlation of total number of nutrient foramina and long bone length of upper and lower limb to provide detailed data on such features. Study Design: A cross-sectional, descriptive study Place and Duration of Study: Department of anatomy, Medical Faculty University of Sarajevo. Study duration was 3 months. Methodology: In the present study, 300 adult human long bones of the upper (50 humeri, 50 radii, 50 ulnae) and lower (50 femora, 50 tibiae, 50 fibulae) limbs were investigated to determine the number of their nutrient foramina. The nutrient foramina were identified analysed macroscopically and total number of nutrient foramina for each bone was recorded. Total length of each bone within a group was recorded. Statistical analysis was performed to determine correlation between total bone length and number of nutrient foramina, by using SPSS version 17.0 for Windows. Results: A statistically significant negative correlations between the left humerus length and the number of NF was found. A positive correlations between the length of the right radius and the number of NF, the left ulna length and the number of NF, the right ulna length and the number of NF were found. A negative correlations between the length of the left radius and the number of NF and between right humerus length and number of NF were found. A positive correlation between the length of the right and left femur and the number of NF were found. A negative correlation between the length of left tibia and the number of NF was found, as well as negative correlation between the length of right and left fibula and number of NF. Conclusion: Total bone length is not related to the number of nutrient foramina. The number of nutrient foramina does not depend on the total length of the bone, which is important when assessing the success of grafts for transplantation on long bones in taller people.
Introduction: Spleen acts as blood reservoir both in animals and human beings. Spleen contracts during the exercise and so augment the systemic circulation and helps body to maintain longer on high intensity exercise. Reviewing all available literature, the human spleen shows a decrease in volume, in range from 8% to 56%, depending on the work intensity. Aim: To evaluate the percentage of the decrease in splenic volume after the treadmill exercise at specific workloads: aerobic threshold intensity, anaerobic threshold intensity, submaximal intensity and maximal intensity. Methods: This prospective study with repeated measurements included 16 healthy subjects, divided in two groups. First group consisted of 8 elite long-distance runners and second group of 8 recreational runners. First testing consisted of treadmill ergospirometry test. This data was crucial for the second testing where subjects were exercising on treadmill at specific workloads. Four specific workloads were determined: treadmill exercise at aerobic threshold intensity (1st workload), anaerobic threshold intensity (2nd workload), submaximal intensity (3rd workload) and maximal intensity (4th workload). Workloads were controlled by the speed of treadmill, for each subject individually regarding the ergospirometry test. Ultrasound measurement of spleen was done before and after each workload. Results: Elite long-distance runners showed greater spleen contraction than recreational runners after four workloads. Spleen contraction was the biggest after the 3rd workload in elite long-distance runners. Smallest contraction was in group of recreational runners after the 1st workload. Statistically significant difference was not found between the groups, regarding the splenic volume after exercise at four specific workloads (p>0.05). Conclusion: Elite long-distance runners had greater decrease in splenic volume than recreational runners, after exercise at four specific workloads, without significant difference. Greatest decrease happened in elite long-distance runners, after exercise at submaximal intensity - 49% decrease in splenic volume.
Introduction: The Femoral angle of anteversion (FAA) is responsible for the medial and anterior direction of the femoral neck and therefore the femoral head towards the acetabulum. The aim of this study was to determine the difference in FAA between male and female samples, the correlation between the FAA and biomechanically relevant parameters and to provide a review of relevant clinical features related to FAA. Methods: We included 100 human dry femora and analyzed FAA, Angle of Inclination (AI), Femoral Head Diameter (FHD), Femoral Biomechanical Length (FBL) and Linear Condylar Parameters (Epicondylar Breadth Width (EBW), Lateral Condyle Depth and Medial Condyle Depth). The measurements were made using a goniometer, sliding calipers and pieces of colored string. Results: Mean FAA values were 9.84±7.97° and 8.72±8.23° for the male and female samples, respectively (p<0.05). FAA and AI in both male and female correlated negatively (-0.076), while there was a positive correlation between FAA and FHD (0.069), FAA and FBL (0.072), FAA and EBW (0.029), while the correlation was negative between FAA and LCD (-0.072), FAA and MCD (-0.063). Conclusion: The difference in FAA between male and female femora was found to be significant. This finding may help better understanding such as hip impingement, total hip arthroplasty failure, and design of femoral endoprosthesis parts.
Introduction: High opening injection pressure (> 15 psi) can detect needle nerve contact. However, the reliability of injection pressure monitoring to detect needle – nerve or impingement may be affected by syringe size. We hypothesized that monitoring of opening injection pressure (the pressure at which injectate is detected by US) is affected by the size of the syringe used for injection. Methods: After Ethics Commitee approval, 22 gauge 50 mm needles were inserted under US to contact the C5, C6 and C7 nerve roots of fresh human cadavers. Hand-held injections were made using 3 different syringe sizes (5, 10, 20 mL) at a rate commensurate with typical clinical practice. Injections were made bilaterally at each of the above nerve roots. Opening injection pressure data were aquired with an in-line digital pressure recorder using a 60 mL syringe (10ml/min), and injection halted when spread was detected. Results: A total of 48 injection measurements were made. The peak (opening) pressures at which injection commenced in two cadavers were 30.50 psi and 34.07 psi with 5 mL syringe, 29.20 psi and 34.95 psi for 10 mL syringe, 26.03 psi and 29.42 psi for 20 mL syringe, all han-held injection. In automated pump injection 60 mL syringe was used, and maximum achieved pressures were 23.42 psi and 34.03 psi. Opening injection pressures were similar regarless of syringe size (p>0.05). Conclusion: The size of the syringe commonly used in clinical practice of peripheral nerve blockade did not significantly affect the monitoring of the open injection pressure. All injection with the needle – nerve contact resulted in injetion pressure > 20 psi, regardless of syringe size or method of injection. Our findings ate thus consistent with the fluid mechaminc described by Pascal's Law, where pressure exerted anywhere in a confined incompressible fluid system is transmited equally throughout until the opening pressure is reached and injection begins.
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