Objective. The goal of this research was to examine the morphological characteristics and exact anatomical positioning of the greater palatine foramen (GPF), with reference to nearby anatomical landmarks. Material and Method. The research was performed on dry human skulls belonging to the Bosnian and Herzegovina population, using digital vernier calipers. The study began by noting the GPF’s position relative to the maxillary molars, then measuring its distance from the median palatine suture (MPS), the incisive fossa (IF), the posterior border of the hard palate (PBHP), and the posterior nasal spine (PNS). Measurements were conducted bilaterally, and afterwards the data were analyzed using Student’s t-test and Chi-squared test. A statistical significance was set at P<0.05. Results. The statistical analysis revealed that: the distance of the greater palatine foramen (GPF) from the midline is approximately 15.80±1.28 mm on the right side and 15.86±1.19 mm on the left side. The distance of the GPF from the incisive fossa measures about 40.12±2.19 mm on the right side and 40.34±2.08 mm on the left side. The GPF is positioned around 4.00±1.07 mm on the right side and 4.35±1.34 mm on the left side from the posterior border of the hard palate. Lastly, the distance from the GPF to the posterior nasal spine means 17.55±1.99 mm on the right side and 17.61±1.81 mm on the left side in the entire study population. The highest percentage of skulls (73.05%) showed the GPF positioned at the level of the third molar. Conclusion. The findings of this study further emphasize the variations in the location of the greater palatine foramen and underline the importance of thorough preoperative assessment in patients undergoing maxillofacial surgeries and regional block anesthesia.
Background Understanding the anatomy and morphological variability of the orbital region is of great importance in clinical practice, forensic medicine, and biological anthropology. Several methods are used to estimate sex based on the skeleton or parts of the skeleton: classic methods and the geometric morphometric method. The objective of this research was to analyse sex estimation of the orbital region on a sample of skulls from a Bosnian population using the geometric morphometric method. Materials and Methods The research was conducted on three-dimensional models of 211 human adult skulls (139 males and 72 females) from the Osteological Collection at the Faculty of Medicine in Sarajevo. The skulls were recorded using a laser scanner to obtain skull 3D models. We marked 12 landmarks on each model to analyse sexual dimorphism. Landmarks were marked using the program Landmark Editor. After marking the landmarks, we used the MorphoJ program to analyse the morphological variability between male and female orbital regions. Results After Procrustes superimposition, generating a covariant matrix, and introducing sex as a variable for classification, a discriminant functional analysis (DFA) was applied which determined the estimation for males with 86.33% accuracy and for females with 88.89% based on the form of the orbital region. The results of regression analysis showed that the size of the orbital region has a statistically significant effect on its shape's sexual dimorphism. After excluding the influence of size and providing DFA, we concluded that sex estimation was possible with 82.01% accuracy for males and 80.55% accuracy for females based on the shape of the orbital region in the examined sample. Conclusion Sex estimation based on the orbital region was possible with more than 80% accuracy for both sexes, which is a high percentage of correct estimation. Therefore, we recommend using the orbital region of the skull for sex estimation.
Abstract Objectiv: Anatomic characterization of the nutrient artery of upper extremity long bones differs among the several textbooks on human anatomy. To elucidate the anatomical features of the nutrient foramen (NF) through which the nutrient arteries pass, we examined the morphology and topography of the NF on the diaphysis of the long bones of the upper extremities. Methods: A total of 150 (50 humeri, 50 radii, 50 ulnae) macerated and degreased adults, long bones of the upper extremities, unknown age, and gender were used as material in this study. The following parameters were determined for each bone: total number of NF, foramina index (FI), total bone length, position of the NF based on the FI value and the surface of the shaft/body of the bones, and obliquity of the nutritional canal (NC). Results: The largest number of NF was found on the middle third of the anteromedial side of the humerus diaphysis, with NC directed distally, that is, towards the elbow. Radius and ulna had predominantly one NF, on middle third of anterior surface, with NC directed proximally. Conclusion: This study provides additional and important information on the location and number of NF in the long bones of the upper and lower extremities in the Bosnian and Herzegovinian population.
Background: Zearalenone is a widely spread mycotoxin, contaminant of most cereal grains. It has uterotropic, estrogenic and anabolic activity in farm animals. The results are hormonal disbalances as hyperestrogenism, Zearalenone inhibits follicle-stimulating hormone production, thus supressing ovarian follicle development and ovulation. Also, it induces oxidative stress. Melatonin acts as a potent natural antioxidant and regulates the reproductive function by modification of steroidogenesis. Objective: The present study was conducted to provide detailed qualitative histological analysis of uterus of female rats treated with zearalenone and melatonin and contribute to better understanding of the topic. Methods: Forty adult, female Wistar rats were equally divided into five groups: Z group – zearalenone, 0,3 mg/kg, i.g.; M group – melatonin, 10 mg/kg, i.p.; ZM group –concomitant application of zearalenone and melatonin in the same dosing regimen, VZ group–zearalenone vehiculum/sunflower oil, i.g. and MZ group–melatonin vehiculum/5% ethanol in Ringer, i.p. Animals were treated daily for 28 consecutive days. After that period, all animals were sacrificed to obtain samples for qualitative histological analysis using the light microscope. Results: Zearalenone led to the alterations of the uterine structures, predominantly in the endometrium that were characterized by metaplasia and hypertrophy of the epithelial cells and hypercellularity of the stroma. In the myometrium, zearalenone induced hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the myocytes. Conclusion: Melatonin, when applied together with zearalenone, blocked the adverse effects of the zearalenone.
Objective. The aim of this study was to learn about the morphological characteristics of the supraorbital foramen and to determine its precise position in relation to the surrounding anatomical landmarks in the adult population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Material and Methods. For this purpose, 60 skulls from the Bosnia and Herzegovina population of known sex (32 males and 28 females), taken from the osteological collection of the Department of Human Anatomy of the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo, were subjected to morphological and morphometric analysis. Morphometric measurements were performed using a digital vernier caliper (Mitutoyo Corporation, Japan). Results. The study showed that most supraorbital nerves exit the orbit through the supraorbital notch (73.8%) and the rest through the foramen (26.2%). Of this number, bilateral supraorbital notches were recorded in 58.33% of cases, a bilateral supraorbital foramen in 18.34% of cases, while in 23.33% of cases a notch was recorded on one side and a foramen on the contralateral side. Morphometric measurements performed to determine the exact position of the supraorbital foramen relative to the surrounding landmarks showed different values in males and females. An accessory foramen was also observed on the examined skulls in 16.67% of cases. Conclusion. Detailed knowledge of anatomical variations of the supraorbital foramen is required for safe and successful administration of regional anesthesia, in order to avoid iatrogenic nerve injuries during orbitofacial region surgery.
ABSTRACT Introduction: The importance of studying anatomical variation is also indicated by the fact that more than 10% of clinical vices occur as a result of ignoring and neglecting the existence of these. The study of anatomical variation therefore has a significant place in medical education, both due to the way in which they occur and the incidence of occurrence, and the practical application of acquired knowledge in clinical practice. Aim: The aim of the paper is to determine the frequency of occurrence of supernumerary renal arteries as well as their position in relation to the kidney. Material and Methods: The analysis covered 209 patients who for any therapeutic reasons were operated at the Urology Clinic of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. In the preoperative period, within the diagnostic procedure, all patients were analyzed using three-dimensional radiological methods (CT and MR). Results: Of the total number of supernumerary renal arteries found, the most commonly registered lower polar arteries, followed by hilar arteries, and the rarest upper polar arteries. A larger number of supernumerary renal arteries were registered with the CT method (35 versus 29). Correlation test found that the location of supernumerary renal arteries, with the use of both diagnostic methods, does not depend on gender of the subjects because it is p > 0.05. Conclusion: Thorough knowledge of the renal artery structure is essential to ensure that all surgical procedures are performed safely and efficiently, providing us with modern radiological techniques.The greatest contribution to morphological and topographic research of the living organism is the use of modern three-dimensional radiological methods, such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR). Keywords: Supernumerary renal arteries, CT, MR
Introduction: Determination of sex from an unknown human bone is an important role in forensic and anthropology field. The mandible is the largest and hardest facial bone, that commonly resist post mortem damage and forms an important source of information about sexual dimorphism. Aim: To determine the sex of unknown human adult mandible using metrical parameters. Material and Methods: A random collection of 80 dry, complete, undamaged human adult mandibles of Bosnia and Herzegovina population were subjected to metrical parameters like Bigonial width, Bicondylar width using specially designed Ellips software. The data’s were expressed as Mean ± SD and then analysed by t-test by use of SPSS software. Discriminating point and limiting points were also calculated. Results: In the present study, the Bigonial width was observed to be 9.57 ±5.19 cm in males and 8.87 ± 6.78 cm in females. The independent t test was done on to compare the two sets of means and P value was less than 0.0001 (p<0.05) which proves to be statistically significant. The Bicondylar width was observed to be 11.27 ± 5.57 cm in males and 10.75 ± 7.68 cm in females. The independent t test was done to compare the two sets of means and P value was less than 0.008 (p<0.05) which proves to be statistically significant. Conclusion: The present study revealed that the sex of human mandible can be assessed by using metrical parameters as an additional tool to establish the identity of a person. Keywords: Mandible, Sex determination, Bigonial width, Bicondylar width
SUMMARY Objectives: The objective of this research was to determine the morphometric characteristics of lateral pterygoid plate, incidence and detailed anatomy of pterygospinous and pterygoalar bony bridges and their correlation with oval foramen. Material and methods: The anatomical variations of lateral pterygoid plate were studied at 100 dried human skulls (50 males, 50 females), bilaterally. The statistical analyses were conducted according to the side of cranium, gender and age. Results : The presence of complete pterygospinous foramen was found in 4% and presence of pterygoalar foramen in 15% of cases. The significant difference of incomplete pterygospinous bony bridges incidence according to gender has not been confirmed. However, it has been established higher frequency of complete pterygospinous and pterygoalar foramen, as well as incomplete pterygoalar foramen in men compared with female skulls. Higher frequency of pterygospinous foramen was noticed on male skulls in comparing to female skulls with a ratio 3/1. The pterygoalar foramen had left-sided predominance, independently to gender. We found a significantly higher frequency in presence of complete ossified pterygoalar bony bridges on the left side (12% cases), comparing to right side (3% cases) regardless to gender. Conclusion: Ossifications of pterygospinous and pterygoalar ligaments aren't as rare as previously thought. While interpreting radiological images and performing procedures that require access to foramen ovale, infratemporal fossa and parapharyngeal region, variable ossified formations at lateral plate's posterior border of pterygoid process should be kept in mind. Key words: Lateral pterygoid plate, pterygospinous and pterygoalar bony bridges, the pterygospinous and pterygoalar foramen
Objectives: Th e objective of this research was to determine the morphometric characteristics of lateral pterygoid plate, incidence and detailed anatomy of pterygospinous and pterygoalar bony bridges and their correlation with oval foramen. Material and methods: Th e anatomical variations of lateral pterygoid plate were studied at 100 dried human skulls (50 males, 50 females), bilaterally. Th e statistical analyses were conducted according to the side of cranium, gender and age. Results: Th e presence of complete pterygospinous foramen was found in 4% and presence of pterygoalar foramen in 15% of cases. Th e signifi cant diff erence of incomplete pterygospinous bony bridges incidence according to gender has not been confi rmed. However, it has been established higher frequency of complete pterygospinous and pterygoalar foramen, as well as incomplete pterygoalar foramen in men compared with female skulls. Higher frequency of pterygospinous foramen was noticed on male skulls in comparing to female skulls with a ratio 3/1. Th e pterygoalar foramen had left-sided predominance, independently to gender. We found a signifi cantly higher frequency in presence of complete ossifi ed pterygoalar bony bridges on the left side (12% cases), comparing to right side (3% cases) regardless to gender. Conclusion: Ossifi cations of pterygospinous and pterygoalar ligaments aren’t as rare as previously thought. While interpreting radiological images and performing procedures that require access to foramen ovale, infratemporal fossa and parapharyngeal region, variable ossifi ed formations at lateral plate’s posterior border of pterygoid process should be kept in mind.
OBJECTIVE To provide anatomical information on the position, morphological variations and incidence of mental foramen (MF) and accessory mental foramen (AMF) as they are important for dental surgeons, anesthetists in nerve block and surgical procedures, to avoid injury to the neurovascular bundle in the mental foramen area. METHODS Our study was conducted on 150 adult dry human mandibles from the osteological collection of the Department of Anatomy of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sarajevo. The location and shape of the MF and the presence of the AMF were studied by visual examination. The size and position of the MF were measured using a digital vernier caliper. SPSS, version 17 software was used for the statistical analysis. RESULTS Bilateral mental foramina were presented in all 150 mandibles. In the majority of mandibles, the MF was located between the first and second premolar (20.3%) or on the level of the root of the second premolar (60.3%), midway between the inferior margin and the alveolar margin of the mandible. Most of the mental foramina were oval in shape (83.3%). An AMF was present in four mandibles (2.7%) on the right side. CONCLUSION This study may be a very useful new supplement to data on variations in the incidence, position, shape and size of mental and accessory mental foramina, which may help surgeons, anaesthetists, neurosurgeons and dentists in carrying out surgical procedures successfully.
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