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Ago Omerbašić

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Flight to the Moon (1969), according to many researchers of the history of science and civilization, is the greatest scientific and technological achievement of the human race. Thus, a centuries-old dream came true: man left Earth for the first time and stepped on another celestial body. Stunned by the achieved success, the scientists set themselves new, more difficult goals, which seemed feasible to them: conquering the planets of the solar system and migrating life to them. And even more and even harder: going beyond the solar system, deep into Cosmos. Analyzing exactly this, undoubtedly, extraordinary success of human thought, and extending it to the scale of the Cosmos, we conclude in this paper that it is a “false symbol”: The moon is so close to Earth that man's flight to the moon is not a flight to Cosmos. We have shown by calculation that, due to the constants that God has determined perfectly precisely and according to which the Cosmos functions (and which, regardless of the development of science, we cannot change), man will never travel through the Cosmos! Thus, the circle is closed: science has led us to God’s instructions as eternal truths given in the Holy Books: God ordained the earth for man’s life.

Zerina Zahirovic, A. Omerbašić, Ermina Sitnic-Milanovic, -. EdinaLazovic, Salcin

Objectives: The aim of this article is to determine the prevalence of hearing impairment caused by noise among workers in two companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, to correlate hearing loss with age and years of specific work experience, and to indicate the occurrence mechanisms for these impairments. Methods: The study included 60 respondents who were divided into two groups: one group consisted of respondents with hearing impairment, and the second group respondents whose hearing was not impaired. Data were collected over a period of 5 years, by testing with sounds in frequency range 250-8000 Hz, which were graphically represented by audiograms. Statistical processing and comparison of the results of the control group and the group with hearing impairment were performed. Results: The age of the respondents ranged from 31 to 65 years, and the length of service ranged from 1 to 37 years. Hearing impairment was found in 46 workers, while the rest of the respondents had normal hearing. The average value of the hearing threshold in respondents with hearing impairment at 1 kHz was 21 dB, and the average value of hearing impairment was 34.45 dB (mild hearing impairment). -----------------------------------------------------------------------* Corresponding author. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) (2021) Volume 76, No 1, pp 20-32 21 Majority of workers have a mild degree of impairment. The largest differences in the audibility threshold between the two groups of workers with and without impairment were noticed at 4 kHz in the age group 46 to 55 years, and in the group with work experience from 21 to 30 years. Conclusion: Workplace noise effects are most clear in the 4 kHz frequency range. The age of the respondents and the years of work experience are significantly correlated with the hearing impairment: older workers and workers with longer work experience have greater hearing impairments.

A. Omerbašić, Herzegovina

In this paper, we try to modestly, but strictly, using a mathematical approach, show that life was created with a certain goal and that the possibility of accidental origin of life is equal to zero. To calculate the probability of accidental creation of only one protein molecule, the basic building block of living systems, we selected a hemoglobin molecule that, because it is well studied, has become the standard for protein research. For comparison, together with this calculation, we also made a calculation of the probability of the systematic stacking of chaotically scattered playing cards from a certain height on a certain surface, a probability that is generally accepted as - improbably!

Edina Lazović Salčin, M. Babić, A. Omerbašić, Nina Čamdžić, S. Radović, Mirsad Dorić, Suada Kuskunović-Vlahovljak, Haris Čampara

Objectives : The main objective of the study was to determine whether the distribution fsaand th Gastric cancer progression in correlation with distribution and density of T-lymphocytes e level of fsa: The main objective of the study was to determine whether the distribution and the level of density of tumor infiltrating CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes correlates with standard prognostic factors for gastric cancer and whether it has impact on tumor progression. Methods: The study included 60 tissue samples of operable gastric carcinomas of known regional lymph node status, stained by standard hematoxylin eosin and immunohi Objectives: The main objective of the study was to determine whether the distribution and the level of density of tumor infiltrating CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes correlates with standard prognostic factors for gastric cancer and whether it has impact on tumor progression. Methods: The study included 60 tissue samples of operable gastric carcinomas of known regional lymph node status, stained by standard hematoxylin eosin and immunohistochemical method in order to determine standard pathologic prognostic factors for gastric cancer and to evaluate distribution and density of tumor infiltrating T- lymphocytes. Results: CD8+ T lymphocytes were predominantly distributed along the margin of carcinoma infiltration, while inside the cancer tissue there were generally few. CD4+ lymphocytes were few in almost all three analyzed zones (margin of carcinoma infiltration, cancer stroma and cancer tissue). The density of CD8+ showed significant positive correlation with CD8+ T lymphocytes within the cancer’s stroma. There was statistically significant difference in density of CD4+ T lymphocytes distributed along the margin of carcinoma infiltration and histological tumor grade, as well as in tumor grade according to Goseki. Conclusion: CD8+ T lymphocytes are densely arranged along the margin of carcinoma infiltration and they correlate with histological grade of gastric carcinoma. Keywords: gastric cancer, tumor microenvironment, T- lymphocytes stochemical method in order to determine standard pathologic prognostic factors for gastric cancer and to evaluate distribution and density of tumor infiltrating T- lymphocytes. Results: CD8+ T lymphocytes were predominantly distributed along the margin of carcinoma infiltration, Gastric cancer progression in correlation with distribution and density of T-lymphocytes while inside the cancer tissue there were generally few. CD4+ lymphocytes were few in almost all three analyzed zones (margin of carcinoma infiltration, cancer stroma and cancer tissue). The density of CD8+ showed significant positive correlation with CD8+ T lymphocytes within the cancer’s stroma. There was statistically significant difference in density of CD4+ T lymphocytes distributed along the margin of carcinoma infiltration and histological tumor grade, as well as in tumor grade according to Goseki. Conclusion: CD8+ T lymphocytes are densely arranged along the margin of carcinoma infiltration and they correlate with histological grade of gastric carcinoma. Keywords: gastric cancer, tumor microenvironment, T- lymphocytes density of tumor infiltrating CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes correlates with standard prognostic factors for gastric cancer and whether it has impact on tumor progression. Methods : The study included 60 tissue samples of operable gastric carcinomas of known regional lymph node status, stained by standard hematoxylin eosin and immunohistochemical method in order to determine standard pathologic prognostic factors for gastric cancer and to evaluate distribution and density of tumor infiltrating T- lymphocytes. Results : CD8+ T lymphocytes were predominantly distributed along the margin of carcinoma infiltration, while inside the cancer tissue there were generally few. CD4+ lymphocytes were few in almost all three analyzed zones (margin of carcinoma infiltration, cancer stroma and cancer tissue). The density of CD8+ showed significant positive correlation with CD8+ T lymphocytes within the cancer’s stroma. There was statistically significant difference in density of CD4+ T lymphocytes distributed along the margin of carcinoma infiltration and histological tumor grade, as well as in tumor grade according to Goseki. Conclusion : CD8+ T lymphocytes are densely arranged along the margin of carcinoma infiltration and they correlate with histological grade of gastric carcinoma. Keywords : gastric cancer, tumor microenvironment, T- lymphocytes

Elvira Talović, Alma Voljevica, Eldan Kapur, A. Omerbašić

ABSTRACT Introduction:  The importance of studying anatomical variation is also indicated by the fact that more than 10% of clinical vices occur as a result of ignoring and neglecting the existence of these. The study of anatomical variation therefore has a significant place in medical education, both due to the way in which they occur and the incidence of occurrence, and the practical application of acquired knowledge in clinical practice. Aim: The aim of the paper is to determine the frequency of occurrence of supernumerary renal arteries as well as their position in relation to the kidney. Material and Methods:  The analysis covered 209 patients who for any therapeutic reasons were operated at the Urology Clinic of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. In the preoperative period, within the diagnostic procedure, all patients were analyzed using three-dimensional radiological methods (CT and MR). Results: Of the total number of supernumerary renal arteries found, the most commonly registered lower polar arteries, followed by hilar arteries, and the rarest upper polar arteries. A larger number of supernumerary renal arteries were registered with the CT method (35 versus 29). Correlation test found that the location of supernumerary renal arteries, with the use of both diagnostic methods, does not depend on gender of the subjects because it is p > 0.05. Conclusion:  Thorough knowledge of the renal artery structure is essential to ensure that all surgical procedures are performed safely and efficiently, providing us with modern radiological techniques.The greatest contribution to morphological and topographic research of the living organism is the use of modern three-dimensional radiological methods, such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MR). Keywords: Supernumerary renal arteries, CT, MR

Nejra Gondžetović, Z. Jatic, A. Omerbašić

Introduction: Lower urinary tract symptoms are highly prev-alent in aging population, particularly in men. Comorbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart failure and meta-bolic syndrome are contributing the progression of these symp-toms. The aim of this study is to assess the association between the degree of lower urinary tract symptoms with hypertension. Methods: Patients are men 50 – 70 years of age (n= 206), who do not have any prostate pathology and had no surgical inter-ventions regarding LUTS, nor use organ specific symptom relief therapy. The data were collected during two months, from April to June 2018. In this cross-sectional study we used IPSS ques-tionnaire to assess lower urinary tract symptoms. Results: The mean age of patients is 60.6. Of the total number of patients, 67% have hypertension. It was found that there is a significant positive correlation between the age and the IPSS, while no significant variation was detected in the total IPSS be-tween patients who suffer from hypertension and those who do not. The probability that patients with hypertension have mod-erate or severe symptoms of lower urinary tract is 1.54 times higher than in patients without hypertension. No significant correlation has been noted between the amount of cigarettes consumed annually and the severity of LUTS according to IPSS. Conclusion: In family medicine, men suffering from hyperten-sion do not have more intense lower urinary tract symptoms ac-cording to the IPSS than those who do not have hypertension, regardless of the age group. Keywords: lower urinary tract symptoms, prostate, hyperten-sion, men

A. Hamzić, A. Omerbašić, Izet Eminovic, Marija Vladušić, Damir Suljevic

In this research, we examined the influence of low voltage (9 V) electric current frequencies (1.4 and 17 Hz), laser irradiation (648 and 532 nm) and combined treatment (one frequency and one laser beam) on the viability of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Each treatment was conducted using modified methods and equipment in air-filter equipped working chamber. Staining was performed by a non-vital/vital staining technique that has shown an increase in viability of all samples. Counting of yeast cells in 1 ml of sample gave us several positive results in terms of different treatments, cell viability and increase in the number of healthy cells. Treatment with electric current at higher frequencies (4 and 17 Hz) showed increased cell death counts and, although compensating by an increase in viability, the 17 Hz frequency was considered more hazardous. The most adequate treatments (both increased viability and cell count) were the combined treatments (1 Hz/4 Hz + one of the two laser beams). Although, all electric treatments show certain increases in cell viability, combined treatments (1 or 4 Hz coupled with green or red laser beam) show the most promise in achieving both increased cell viability and increased cell counts. Acta Biol Szeged 60(2):139-144 (2016) KEy WoRdS cell viability electrical current laser irradiation Saccharomyces cerevisiae Submitted October 2, 2016; Accepted December 5, 2016 *Corresponding author. E-mail: alen_hamzic@hotmail.com

It is impossible, nowadays, to imagine modern medical diagnostic without devices that work on the basis of "Dopplers Effect". Within medicine (in medical diagnostic as well as in medical therapy" "Dopplers Effect" is mainly used indirectly, in other words, using the devices based on "Dopplers Effect", due the the gathering of some useful results, but their physics background or direct usage and understanding of this scientific theory are usually left outside. The physical nature of "Dopplers Effect", biographical facts on J.C. Doppler and main ways of "Dopplers Effect" usage are mentioned in the following thesis.

Helmholtz left an indelible mark in science. He was a predecessor to the multidisciplinary scientific approach, and his contribution to physics (The Law on Energy Sustainability, Helmholtz's Free Energy, Gibs-Helmholtz's Equationes, Helmholtz Theory of Rotational Liquids Flow, Helmholtz's Oscillatory Cycle, Helmholtz's Waves Equation) and to medicine (Ophthalmoscope, Young-Helmholtz's Theory of Colours, Sight Theory, Speed of Impulse Transfer, Speech and Tone of Voice, The Sound Transfer to Nerves) was indispensable. Helmholtz was surrounded by the respect and love of his contemporaries, appreciated and respected by his followers for the results he left. As a respectable professor of anatomy, physiology and physics at the most eminent universities, "he used to give lectures in such a clear and concise way that they could have been, without any changes, published in a form of a textbook" (Ostwald).

Merjema Ibranovic, A. Omerbašić

The golden ratio (golden section, golden mean, divine proportion) is an irrational number whose value is approximately Φ = 1.618. The golden ratio has imposed itself throughout history as a kind of principle of unison and harmony that is so subtly and fascinatingly repeated in nature, science, art, and even in the structure and function of the human body. What is typical for the golden ratio is that it places the larger segment in relation to the smaller segment, uniting them into a single whole, which again place it in the same relationship with its larger part. If we consider the cardiac cycle as one such whole, its “larger segment” would refer to the diastolic phase, while the “smaller segment” would refer to the systolic phase of one cardiac cycle. In this article, the mathematical processing of 100 ECG records included the measurement of intervals representing the systolic and diastolic phases of the cardiac cycle, where the ratio of diastolic and systolic phases, and the ratio of one cardiac cycle and diastolic phase was obtained. The study has shown that people with normal ECG records have a ratio of the diastolic and systolic phases of the cardiac cycle, and the cardiac cycle and the diastolic phase, which are very close to the golden ratio. On the other hand, persons whose ECG records indicate certain pathological conditions in the heart muscle have ratios of diastolic and systolic phase, and of the total cardiac cycle and diastolic phase, which deviate to varying degrees from the value of the golden ratio. It has been shown that for a certain pathological condition there is a characteristic deviation of the diastole/systole and cardiac cycle/diastole ratio from the number Φ, which opens the possibility of applying this method as a potential diagnostic or screening method in rapid analysis of ECG records.


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