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Z. Fatušić

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AbstractAim Hydatidiform mole is a rare pregnancy disorder, with wide variety of reported incidence. The aim of the study was to estimate the incidence of hydatidiform moles (HM) in Tuzla Canton, specifically partial (PHM) and complete (CHM) forms.Material and methods All cases of HM that have been diagnosed at the University Clinical Center, Tuzla, between January 2011 and December 2015 were registered. The overall incidence of HM, as well as the incidence of PHM and CHM was calculated using the Tuzla Canton's live birth rate during the study period. A second review of tissue slides and p57 immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining was performed to determine the validity of the criteria for the diagnosis and distinction of the molar specimens.  Results There have been 256 cases of HM, 243 cases of PHM, 12 cases of CHM, and one case of unspecified HM. The average incidence of PHM was estimated at 11.03/1,000 and CHM at 0.54/1,000 live births. A second pathologist review revealed one PHM as a non-molar specimen, confirmed all CHM and identified an unknown HM as a PHM. Out of the 50 randomly chosen samples of PHM, p57 expression confirmed the diagnosis in 48 cases, disclosed one case as unrecognized CHM, and one sample showed discordant staining. IHC staining for p57 approved the diagnosis for all cases of CHM.Conclusion: HM incidence reporting remains a challenge due to the study design. p57 immunohistochemistry confirmed the strong validity of histopathological criteria in the diagnosis of CHM.

Jasenko Fatušić, Maida Skokić, Z. Fatušić

Objectives: cesarean section rates show a wide variation among countries, ranging from 0,4-40%, and continuous rise. Our aim was to test hypothesis that higher Cesarean rate than 15% does not correlates with lower perinatal mortality rate.Methods: We analysed 18-year period with high–quality cesarean delivery and perinatal mortality rates information data. Data were analised by Chi-square test with Yate's correction for large values.Results: Cesarean section rates has increasing trend. In first six-years of observed period (1998-2003) mean cesarean section rate was 17,24%, in second (2004-2010) 19,33% and in third (1011-2015) 23,97%. In observed period mean perinatal mortality rate was 9,90‰, with fluctuation of 20,70‰ to 3,82‰. In first six-years of observed period (1998-2003) mean perinatal mortality rate was 13,81‰, in second (2004-2011) 8,28‰ and in third (2011-2015) 7,46‰. These data clearly showed that increase of cesarean section rate more than 19,33% is not correlate with decreasing od perinatal mortality.Conclusion: Despite many suggestions that improvement in perinatal mortality does not necessarily rely upon an ever-increasing cesarean section rate and recommendation by World Health Organisation that cesarean section rate should not exceed 10-15 percent to optimise neonatal outcomes, this recommendation may be too low, and suggests rate of 19%.

L. Kamerić, Almir Halilović, G. Bogdanovic, D. Ljuca, Z. Fatušić

The aim of this research is to present that pregnant women with preeclampsia risk factor often give birth to infants with lower birth weight as well as infants who have lower Apgar score values. Material and methods: This prospective study included 240 pregnant women of different priority, aged 20 to 40, with one or more preeclampsia risk factors which are related to personal or family anamnesis and their infants. Results: Pregnant women with preeclampsia risk factors gave birth to infants with 19% chance of being hypotrophic, chance that infants might be hypotrophic is 3,16 (95%CI: 1,39-7,41) is bigger in this group of pregnant women. Giving birth to babies with lower birth weight is often with pregnant women who have more preeclampsia syndromes. Linear decline of Apgar score values has been evident with increased number of infants with lower birth weight, meaning more children with lower birth weight have lower Apgar score values at the 1st. minute of birth. Lower Apgar score values at birth is seen with infants from mothers who had more preeclampsia syndromes. Conclusion: Frequency of giving birth to infants with lower birth weight as well as giving birth to infants with lower Apgar score values is often with mothers who have preeclampsia risk factors.

Introduction: Hydatidiform moles (HM), presenting as complete (CHM) and partial (PHM) form, are rare pregnancy disorder. Diagnosis is based on clinical presentation, ultrasound imaging findings and pathological examination of products of conception. Protein p57, encoded by CKDN1C gene, is paternally imprinted and maternally expressed gene and provides quick insight in genetic basis of HM and allows distinction of CHM from all other conceptions. compare the preevacuational and pathohistological diagnosis with outcome of p57 immunostaining. Material and methods: All cases of HM diagnosed between January 2011 and December 2015 were included in this research. Maternal age, gestational age and input diagnosis data were recored. p57 immunostaining was performed in order to evaluate the diagnosis based on tissue slides examination. Results: There were 198 cases of histologically confirmed HM, 185 PHM, 12 CHM and one case of undefined HM. Mean maternal age in the CHM group was 24,7 and in the PHM group 26,9 years, with no significant differences among these two groups (p=0,27). For CHM mean gestational age was estimated at eight and for PHM 9,2 gestational weeks. Pregnant woman older than 40 years present significant earlier compared with younger woman (p<0,01), and those younger than 20 years tend to present at the beginning of the second trimester more often than older women (p<0,05). In the CHM group, 9 (75%) input diagnoses were mola in obs, and 3 (25%) of them were signed as abortion, unlike the PHM where 126 (67%) were qualified as abortion, 35 (19%) as blighted ovum, and 26 (14%) were suggestive for molar pregnancy. p57 immunostaining results confirmed all pathohistological diagnosis of CHM whereas 8% of PHM demonstrated divergent p57 expression. Conclusion: PHM, compared with CHM, represent a greater diagnostic challenge for both gynecologist and pathologist even when presenting in more advanced pregnancies.

Jasenko Fatušić, I. Hudic, Z. Fatušić, Aida Zildzic-Moralic, M. Zivkovic

Objective: For last decades, there has public concern about increasing Cesarean Section (CS) rates, and it is an issue of international public health concern. According to World Health Organisation (WHO) there is no justification to have more than 10-15% CS births. WHO proposes the Robson ten-group classification, as a global standard for assessing, monitoring and comparing cesarean section rates. The aim of this study was to investigate Cesarean section rate at University Hospital Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods: Cross sectional study was conducted for one-year period, 2015. Statistical analysis and graph-table presentation was performed using Excel 2010 and Microsoft Office programs. Results: Out of 3,672 births, a total of 936 births were performed by CS. Percentage of the total number of CS to the total birth number was 25,47%. According to Robson classification, the largest was group 5 with relative contribution of 29,80%. On second and third place were group 1 and 2 with relative contribution of 26,06% and 15,78% respectively. Groups 1, 2, 5 made account of realtive contribution of 71,65%. All other groups had entirely relative contribution of 28,35%. Conclusion: Robson 10-group classification provides easy way in collecting information about CS rate. It is important that efforts to reduce the overall CS rate should focus on reducing the primary CS. Data from our study confirm this attitude.

I. Hudic, B. Stray-Pedersen, F. Skokić, Z. Fatušić, Aida Zildzic-Moralic, Maida Skokić, Jasenko Fatušić

The aim: of the study was to determine the situation of preterm births and early neonatal mortality during 2007-2014 in Tuzla Canton, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods: The study covers a 8-year period and is based on the protocols at the Tuzla Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics that covers all birth in Tuzla Canton area. We analyzed the gestational age of all newborns and recorded the number of neonatal deaths in the first week after birth. Demographics, pregnancy and birth characteristics were collected from the maternal records. Results: The total number of births in the period was 32738. Preterm birth was identified in 2401 (7.3%) cases with 12,5% occurring before 32 gestational weeks and 64% in 35-36 gestational weeks. The mothers of the 24-31 gws preterm group were significantly younger that those in the 32-36 group. In the 32-36 group there were significantly greater proportions of mothers with assisted reproductive technology and pre-eclampsia and 16.7% was medical induced preterm births versus 11.4 % in the 24-31 PTB group, p<0.05. The incidence of PTB did no vary significantly during the period, the lowest rate was found in 2010 (6.4%). A total of 221 children died giving a early mortality rate of 6.8 per 1000 live born over the 8 years. The majority 156 dying infants (70.6%) were preterm, only 5.7% died being born in the 35-36 gestational week (5.9 per 1000). Overall the preterm early mortality (7.3 per 1000) has shown a decreasing tendency during the latter years. Conclusion: During the last 8 years there have been no significant decline in preterm birth in the Tuzla region while a decline in early neonatal death has been registered.

Jasenko Fatušić, I. Hudic, Z. Fatušić, E. Čičkušić, Goran Šarkanović

A 57-year-old multiparous housewife was hospitalized at University Clinical Center with painless, ulcerated, huge tumor of the vulva, which had progressively increased in size during the last five years. It was a firm, ulcerated mass involving the left vulva and measuring 35 cm in diameter. The vaginal orifice was deviated to the right by the tumor. The adnexa and the uterus were normal. The patient underwent total excision of the tumor in general anesthesia, and histology confirmed aggressive angiomyxoma. She had an uneventful postoperative period with satisfactory healing of the wound.

I. Hudic, B. Stray-Pedersen, J. Szekeres-Bartho, Z. Fatušić, L. Dizdarević-Hudić, V. Tomić, B. Polgár, Bahrudin Hadžiefendić, Jasenko Fatušić

Introduction: Angiomyofibroblastoma is a tumor which is consists of two components: blood vessels and stromal cells, with always prominent vascular component. Angiomyofibroblastoma is benign tumor, but in literature is reported a case of recurrence and one case with sarcomatous transformation, which shoved that these tumors may rarely be associated with malignant component. Case report: A 78-year-old multiparous housewife was hospitalized at University Clinical Center because of painless, asymptomatic tumor of vaginal portion (posterior side). Tumor size was 7 millimeters in diameter. Internal genital organs did not present abnormalities. The patient underwent operative removal of the tumor and went to home at some day. At the histological examination the tumor presented as a angiomyofibroblastoma cervices uteri.


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