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Dženita Ljuca

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A. Cerovac, D. Ljuca, L. Arnautalić, D. Habek, G. Bogdanović, Jasminka Mustedanagić-Mujanović, G. Grgić

Abstract Background We compared the accuracy of preoperative transvaginal ultrasound (TVUS) versus magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the assessment of myometrial invasion (MI) in patients with endometrial cancer (EC), while definitive histopathological diagnosis served as a reference method. Patients and methods Study performed at a single tertiary centre from 2019 to 2021, included women with a histopathological proven EC, hospitalized for scheduled surgery. TVUS and MRI were performed prior to surgical staging for assessment MI, which was estimated using two objective TVUS methods (Gordon’s and Karlsson’s) and MRI. Patients were divided into two groups, after surgery and histopathological assessment of MI: superficial (≤ 50%) and deep (> 50%). Results Sixty patients were eligible for the study. According to the reference method, there were 34 (56.7%) cases in the study with MI < 50%, and 26 (43.3%) with MI > 50%. Both objective TVUS methods and MRI showed no statistical significant differences in overall diagnostic performance for the preoperative assessment of MI. The concordance coefficient between both TVUS methods, MRI and histopathology was statistically significant (p < 0.001). Gordon’s method calculating MI reached a positive predictive value (PPV) of 83%, negative predictive value (NPV) of 83%, 77% sensitivity, 88% specificity, and 83% overall accuracy. Karlsson’s method reached PPV of 82%, NPV of 79%, 69% sensitivity, 88% specificity, and 80% overall accuracy. Accordingly, MRI calculating MI reached PPV of 83%, NPV of 97%, 97% sensitivity, 85% specificity, and 90% overall accuracy. Conclusions We found that objective TVUS assessment of myometrial invasion was performed with a diagnostic accuracy comparable to that of MRI in women with endometrial cancer.

A. Cerovac, D. Ljuca, G. Bogdanovic, G. Grgić, Haris Zukić

Aim To investigate clinical and obstetrical characteristics, an outcome and a prognosis for pregnant women with diagnosed and treated genital or extragenital cancer and their newborns. Methods This retrospective cohort study included pregnant and childbearing women with a history of cancer diagnosed before pregnancy during the period between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2018. Data related to the course of pregnancy and childbirth were collected from medical records (mothers' disease history and partogram). The analysis covered clinical and histopathological characteristics of cancers, type of the treatment (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy), demographic data, obstetric characteristics, comorbidities of women, and outcome of the newborns. Results The study recorded 18 414 deliveries, of which 30 (0.16%) were pregnancies in women who had been diagnosed and treated earlier for genital or extragenital cancer. The average age of the women at the time of delivery was 29.43±5.97 years. There were six (20%) women with genital and 24 (80%) with extragenital cancer. The most frequent extra genital cancer was Hodgkin lymphoma, in eight (26.6%) cases; ovarian cancer was the most frequent genital cancer, in four (13.3%) cases. The average time span from the cancer diagnosis and start of the treatment to the delivery was 59.2±44.4 months (5 years) (range 12 months - 15 years). Two (6.6%) women died. Conclusion Our data demonstrate a favourable obstetric and neonatal outcome for women who have survived cancer.

A. Cerovac, G. Grgić, D. Softić, D. Ljuca, S. Marković, Amer Mandžić

Aim To compare maternal, foetal and neonatal characteristics, and perinatal outcome of preterm and term deliveries in twins pregnancies in order to improve perinatal care in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods This retrospective cohort study included pregnant women with twin pregnancy who delivered during the period between 1 January 2012 and 31 December 2018 at the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics, University Clinical Centre Tuzla. Results During the seven-year period 26 734 deliveries were recorded, out of which 362 (1.35 %) were twin pregnancies, 226 (62.4%) preterm and 136 (37.5%) term ones. In the preterm group 38 (16.8%) pregnancies were assisted medical reproduction, and 16 (11.7%) of those were in the term group. The average birth weight was significantly higher for the first twin in both groups (p<0.00001). Incipient intrauterine foetal asphyxia was more frequent in the preterm group (p<0.05). The most common indication for Caesarean section was abnormalities of foetal presentation and lie, 176 (68.2%) for the overall sample. Conclusion Cornerstone of twin pregnancy antenatal care is to get correct data about amnionicity and chorionicity. Since majority of prenatal data did not have this information we call all obstetricians to declare about amnionicity and chorionicity in twin pregnancies during the first trimester ultrasound examination.

Dino Pavoković, A. Cerovac, D. Ljuca, D. Habek

Abstract We present an overview of the case of a patient with early hysterorrhaphy dehiscence (uteroperitoneal fistula) with endomyometritis and post-cesarean section peritonitis and puerperal acute abdomen in a 35-year-old puerpera. A exploratory relaparotomy, necrectomy, and resuture of the dehiscent part of the hysterotomy were performed with placement of hemostatic sponges on the same portion of the uterus with good recovery.

D. Ljuca, A. Cerovac

Introduction/Background Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors (MOGCTs) account for 2–5% of all ovarian cancers and among them pure embryonal cell cancer is rare condition.1 2 3 4 Methodology Aim: To show successful pregnancy after unilateral salpingooopherectomy and chemotherapy in a girl with embryonal carcinoma of ovary (ECO). Results Case report: A 11 year old girl presented in January 2008. with pain in abdomen and abdominal wall hardness. CT revealed a 12 × 10 × 11 cm heterodense mass. Right sided salpingoophorectomy, omentectomy, biopsy left sided ovary was done. Histopathology examination and immunohistochemistry revealed embryonal cell cancer of ovary. Patient had FIGO stage III c disease. After the surgical removal of the tumour, the patient underwent six cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin. Within eight year after the completion of chemotherapy she conceived spontaneously. At 39th gestational week, laparotomy as well as a C-section was done and the patient was managed successfully in giving birth to a healthy female baby (birth weight and lenth 3,430 gm/53 cm, Apgar score: 9/9). At the last follow-up visit (May 5, 2018), all the tumor markers were negative, and the control MRI and ultrasound examinations did not reveal tumor recurrence or pathological lymph nodes. Conclusion Fertility preservation surgery followed by chemotherapy may be considered as standard care of treatment in embryonal carcinoma of ovary in young girls, who want to retain fertility. Disclosure Nothing to disclose.

A. Cerovac, Adnan Šerak, Haris Zukić, Enida Nevačinović, D. Ljuca, Alma Brigic, D. Habek

Introduction: There are many ethical and moral dilemmas regarding the termination of pregnancy(TOP) with severe fetal anomalies. Aim: Our aim is to present a case of severe fetal hydrocephalus (HCP), spina bifida aperta and, meningomyelocoella (MMC). Case report: A gynecologist examined a 23-year-old patient with vital pregnancy of 24/25 week of gestation (WG) with the anomaly of the fetus. At the Perinatological Medical Advisory Board, a decision was made that the pregnancy should be continued and monitored bearing in mind that pregnancy exceeded the legal framework for TOP. Medical Advisory Board’s ultrasound examination showed the following: severe hydrocephalus (HCP), spina bifida aperta, hyperehogen intestine, pes equinovarus. Via multidisciplinary consultation it was decided to make a delivery with the elective caesarian section (CS) causing as little trauma to the fetus as possible, with 37 WG completed due to the pelvic presentation and fetal anomalies. The patient gave birth via CS to a live female newborn–birth weight 3920 grams, birth length 56 cm, head circumference 48 cm, and Apgar score 8/8. The head was hydrocephalic with spaced suture. There was thoracolumbar defect of spina bifida aperta and meningomyelocele (MMC) 10x12 cm in size. An urgent surgical procedure - the external ventricular derivation of the liquor, and then the successful resection and plastic meningomyelocele was performed by a team of neuro and plastic surgeons. During the fourth postoperative day due to a suspicion of abscess collection and febrility of the mother a relaparotomy is performed and the abscess collection of Retzius space was found. Due to the fall in blood count, blood transfusion in a total dose of 580 ml was given. The patient was discharged on a home treatment as she had a regular general and local status. After the surgery, the condition of the newborn resulted in deterioration, the progression of HCP and dehiscence of head wounds and the thoracolumbar region, in spite of all the measures taken. At that time a decision was made to provide palliative care and this decision was conveyed to the mother. The child had a prolonged apnoeic episode and was not resuscitated. The child died in hospital after surviving for two months postpartum. Conclusion: Indication of TOP based on fetal anomalies could be a medical decision but also a personal moral choice of the mother related to legal rules, socio-cultural values and religious beliefs.

L. Kamerić, Almir Halilović, G. Bogdanovic, D. Ljuca, Z. Fatušić

The aim of this research is to present that pregnant women with preeclampsia risk factor often give birth to infants with lower birth weight as well as infants who have lower Apgar score values. Material and methods: This prospective study included 240 pregnant women of different priority, aged 20 to 40, with one or more preeclampsia risk factors which are related to personal or family anamnesis and their infants. Results: Pregnant women with preeclampsia risk factors gave birth to infants with 19% chance of being hypotrophic, chance that infants might be hypotrophic is 3,16 (95%CI: 1,39-7,41) is bigger in this group of pregnant women. Giving birth to babies with lower birth weight is often with pregnant women who have more preeclampsia syndromes. Linear decline of Apgar score values has been evident with increased number of infants with lower birth weight, meaning more children with lower birth weight have lower Apgar score values at the 1st. minute of birth. Lower Apgar score values at birth is seen with infants from mothers who had more preeclampsia syndromes. Conclusion: Frequency of giving birth to infants with lower birth weight as well as giving birth to infants with lower Apgar score values is often with mothers who have preeclampsia risk factors.

A. Cerovac, G. Gordana, D. Ljuca

Introduction: The method of carrying out PTB is one of the most controversial topics of modern perinatology, because there are no clear and undeniable works and studies that would in any case support vaginal delivery (VD) or delivery to the cesarean section (CS). Aim: To determine more frequent mode of delivery in different groups of birth weights and degrees of prematurity from single and twin pregnancies. To determine the degree of vitality of premature born vaginal delivery (VD) in relation to the cesarean section (CS) in different degrees of prematurity from single and twin pregnancies. Patients and methods: Research has retrospective cohort character. Data were collected from the databases of University Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics Tuzla for the period of five years (January 1st, 2012–December 31st, 2016). The study included newborns of both genders, gestational age from 24 to 37 weeks of gestation (WG) in singleton and twin pregnancies. Results: Out of 19506 births, 1350 (6.92%) were preterm birth (PTB). Singleton PTB was 1180 (87.40%), and the twins were 170 (12.59%). Vaginal delivery (VD) was born 788 (58.37%). Cesarean section (CS) was born 562 (41.63%). There was statistically significant association between the mode of delivery (MD) in singleton and twins pregnancy in all three subgroups of birth weight (BW) 1000-1499, 2000-2499 and >2500 grams in 33-37 WG. In this group was more frequent VD than CS mode of singleton delivery, and CS than VD mode of twins delivery. In contrast to newborn with BW 1500-1999 grams (chi-square = 23.16, P <0.0001) in same gestational period where was more frequent CS than VD (OR: 2.56, 95% CI: 1.71-3,85). Apgar score (AS) at first and five minute 5-7 and 8-10 in the period 28-32 and 33-37 was a statistically significant frequent in VD and singletons in contrast to CS and twins. Conclusion: VD was more frequent in the higher WG, as well as the higher AS in singletons in contrast to twins delivery.

A. Cerovac, D. Ljuca, Enida Nevačinović, A. Tulumović, Ermina Iljazović

Introduction: Malignant ovarian germ cell tumors (MOGCTs) account for 2-5% of all ovarian cancers and among them pure embryonal cell cancer is rare condition (1, 2, 3, 4). Aim: To show successful pregnancy after unilateral salpingooopherectomy and chemotherapy in a girl with embryonal carcinoma of ovary (ECO). Case report: Patient had FIGO stage III c disease. After the surgical removal of the tumour, the patient underwent six cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy with bleomycin, etoposide and cisplatin (BEP). Eight years after chemotherapy she conceived spontaneously. The patient went through regular antenatal checkups in a consultation with a gynecological oncologist. In addition to all regular examinations and controls, monthly monitoring of carbohydrate antigen (CA) 125, human epididymis protein 4 (HE 4), Roma Index is also recommended. Congenital malformation excluded at 20 weeks of gestation by level III ultrasonography. At 39th gestational week, laparotomy as well as a C-section was done and the patient was managed successfully in giving birth to a healthy female baby. Three months after delivery, the woman was recurrence free and the infant did not show any problems. At the last follow-up visit (May 5, 2018), all the tumor markers were negative, and the control MRI and ultrasound examinations did not reveal tumor recurrence or pathological lymph nodes. Conclusion Normal gonadal function and fertility are possible after fertility preservation surgery for ovarian germ cell malignancies, even with adjuvant chemotherapy.


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