
Publikacije (33300)

Mirela Duranovic, Leila Begić, Zlata Avdić, Jasmina Klebić

The objective of this research was to investigate impulsivity among children with dyslexia and comorbid dyslexia/ADHD. Children with these disorders, along with a non-ADHD/dyslexia sample, completed a self-report on impulsivity. Additionally, a specific impulsivity scale was completed by the children's parents and teachers. The analysis revealed a main effect for groups, indicating that children with dyslexia and comorbid dyslexia/ADHD reported more symptoms of impulsivity than normally achieving children. Furthermore, differences were identified between children with dyslexia and those in the comorbid dyslexia/ADHD group. Specifically, children with comorbid dyslexia/ADHD exhibited more impulsive behavior than children with dyslexia alone. Notably, there was a high level of consensus in ratingsof impulsivity between children and their teachers and parents.Keywords:dyslexia, ADHD, impulsivity

Fatka Kulenović, Nedim Hurem, A. Talić-Čikmiš

The work represents the continuation of the research of the maximum bending stress force of a wooden beam up to the moment of failure, which is defined experimentally and with a corresponding mathematical model. The goal was to confirm the accuracy of the mathematical model of the breaking force using numerical simulation and the Solid Works software. Five different types of wood and five different beam thicknesses were used as input parameters whose influence was monitored trough the simulation. The stress deformation state and deflection for the calculated fracture forces were analysed separately for each variant. The breaking force model, which is defined depending on the density of the wood and the thickness of the board, proved to be adequate for defining the maximum stresses and deflections when bending beams.

Umejr Šljivo, Redžo Hasanagić, Leila Fathi, M. Bahmani

The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanical behavior of beech and fir finger joints under laboratory conditions. The samples were manufactured using a 9 mm finger joint with glued surfaces, in accordance with the EN 14 080 standard. Polyurethane adhesive of class D3, commonly used for the production of exterior wooden structures in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was applied to the samples. The specimens were subjected to destructive four-point bending tests according to the BAS EN 408 standard, and the achieved bending strength was statistically evaluated and compared to the results of unglued samples.

Mirsad Dorić, Nina Čamdžić, Dževad Durmišević, M. Babić, Edina Lazović Salčin, Suada Kuskunović-Vlahovljak

Abstract Introduction: Bones, lungs, brain and liver are the most common metastatic sites of breast carcinoma, although invasive lobular carcinoma can give metastases to less common sites, such as the gastrointestinal tract and the female genital tract. Case presentation: We present the case of a 57-year-old female with colic abdominal pain that was sent to surgery for cholecystectomy. Histopathology revealed a poorly cohesive individual or in single file neoplastic cells infiltrating all layers of the gallbladder. Immunohistochemistry revealed these cells to be CK 116, CK7, GCDFP-15, ER and PR positive, and CK20, HER-2, S-100 and E-cadherin negative. PET/CT showed numerous lytic bone lesions, but ultrasound, mammography, MRI and PET/CT revealed no breast mass. Conclusion: Although rare and poorly understood, metastases of invasive lobular carcinoma to gallbladder do exist in a minor percentage of patients, presenting usually as exacerbated cholecystitis. The problem are silent cases and patients with no history of breast carcinoma. This case is unique in that even after the diagnosis of metastatic lobular breast carcinoma to the gallbladder, the primary tumour of the breast was not detected.

Minka Ćehić, Hasan Talić, Salah Eldien Omer

In the process of creating composites, especially if we talk about wood-based composites, great attention should be paid on a variety of factors which affect the final composite properties.One of the essential elements is proper adhesive selection. Most common used are synthetic formaldehyde adhesives. We are aware how dangerous emission of free formaldehyde can be; we tend to minimize its usage. Using adhesives which are safe for the environment and humans as well, we tend to find safer composites which are ecologically acceptable and recognized as a better option.The paper briefly describes the adhesives used so far and their dangers, and selects several types of adhesives with basic characteristics that can meet the requirements for the production of ecologically acceptable composite panels, with an emphasis on wood-based composites. Certain tests and achievements in the development of these adhesives are also presented.

The 2020 earthquakes that hit the Croatian capital city Zagreb and Petrinja revealed the (un)preparedness of the country once exposed to strong earthquake motion. Three years after, numerous buildings out of 25,000 that have been heavily damaged and destroyed still have not been reconstructed. The effect of the earthquake was felt as well in the bordering cities and towns in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH). Seismic assessment of the existing buildings in BIH is done by individual researchers and there is no defined methodology not policy for such activities. This paper aims to present the work that has been done in this field up to now and to give guidelines for the further work that needs to be conducted. The starting point was the calculation of the earthquake risk for the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina based on the rapid assessment taking into account the vulnerability of buildings, seismic hazard, and population exposure. A more detailed assessment was conducted for the three largest cities in BIH, specifically Sarajevo, Banja Luka, and Tuzla. Typical residential masonry structures were identified, and detailed calculations were conducted, leading to the need for their strengthening. To have a more detailed picture much work has to be conducted.

Abstract This paper addresses a underlying assumption of financial statements: going concern assumption. The going concern assumption constitutes a foundational premise presuming that the entity will conduct its operations in the forthcoming period (at least 12 months) without significant risk of business interruption. The primary objective of financial reporting is to provide information regarding the entity's financial position and performance to diverse users. Management is obligated to apprise users, and auditors are tasked with scrutinizing the assertion that the entity will continue its operations for a period exceeding 12 months. This paper meticulously examines the regulatory framework grounded in International Financial Reporting Standards and International Standards on Auditing. It particularly scrutinizes the role and significance of auditors in assessing the going concern assumption, encompassing an analysis of factors influencing the auditor's opinion on the going concern assumption and addressing criticisms directed at auditors. Furthermore, the paper explores past experiences in developing models for evaluating going concern assumptions, potentially aiding forensic accountants in uncovering irregularities in financial statements, given the correlation between a heightened bankruptcy risk and fraudulent activities.

Emina Melic, Merisa Hanjalić, M. Saric, J. Hivziefendic

Abstract This paper presents a method for distributed generation (DG) allocation in medium voltage (MV) distribution system based on energy loss minimization. The main objective of the research is to design, implement and test a DG allocation (siting and sizing) method and to investigate how optimal DG allocation influence the operational parameters of the system from the Distribution System Operator (DSO) perspective. The problem is formulated as a single objective optimization problem solved by using both genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization techniques. Model of a realistic Electric Power Distribution System (EPDS) and IEEE 37-bus EPDS are used as test systems. The results confirm that proposed algorithms can be used for practical DG allocation. The research presented contributes to the field as it provides a DG allocation method for energy loss reduction performed on a EPDS which can be applied in realistic planning and regulatory situations using open-source software.

Husein Rošić, Aldin Bjelić, Atif Hodžić, Miran Merhar

It is known from theory and practice that the workability of wood depends on structural parameters that are closely related to the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of the type of wood itself, and disturbance parameters that refer to the technological and geometric parameters determined by the specific processing regime. That machinability, in addition to the mechanical output sizes, is often expressed by the quality, that is, the roughness of the processed surface. By defining a mathematical model in the process of planing solid wood in which the input sizes are processing parameters: wood density (ρ), feed rate (m/min) and number of cutting spirals (z), and the spilled sizes are praamters of roughness of the treated surface (Ra and Rz), and by applying optimization methods, optimal solutions for the process of planing solid wood on planer machines will be determined, so that the obtained Yoptim model will aim to improve the workability of solid wood, specifically its roughness of the processed surface.

Darije Custovic, S. Fontanella, Adnan Custovic

Preschool wheezing and childhood asthma create a heavy disease burden which is only exacerbated by the complexity of the conditions. Preschool wheezing exhibits both “curricular” and “aetiological” heterogeneity: that is, heterogeneity across patients both in the time‐course of its development and in its underpinning pathological mechanisms. Since these are not fully understood, but clinical presentations across patients may nonetheless be similar, current diagnostic labels are imprecise—not mapping cleanly onto underlying disease mechanisms—and prognoses uncertain. These uncertainties also make a identifying new targets for therapeutic intervention difficult. In the past few decades, carefully designed birth cohort studies have collected “big data” on a large scale, incorporating not only a wealth of longitudinal clinical data, but also detailed information from modalities as varied as imaging, multiomics, and blood biomarkers. The profusion of big data has seen the proliferation of what we term “modern data approaches” (MDAs)—grouping together machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science—to make sense and make use of this data. In this review, we survey applications of MDAs (with an emphasis on machine learning) in childhood wheeze and asthma, highlighting the extent of their successes in providing tools for prognosis, unpicking the curricular heterogeneity of these conditions, clarifying the limitations of current diagnostic criteria, and indicating directions of research for uncovering the etiology of the diseases underlying these conditions. Specifically, we focus on the trajectories of childhood wheeze phenotypes. Further, we provide an explainer of the nature and potential use of MDAs and emphasize the scope of what we can hope to achieve with them.

Leila Fathi, Redžo Hasanagić, Aldin Bjelić, M. Bahmani

Timber structures have been a popular choice for construction due to their natural and aesthetic appeal. However, with the increasing focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness, alternative building materials are gaining popularity. One such material that has gained attention is coconut wood. Coconut wood is a by-product of the coconut industry and has several unique properties that make it an excellent choice for timber structures. This paper reviews the properties and applications of coconut wood in timber structures and discusses its advantages, limitations, and challenges. We discussed the physical and chemical properties and durability of coconut wood. The average density of coconut palm wood ranges from 0.41-1.11g/cm3, while its moisture content ranges from 50% to 400%. Coconut wood has low shrinkage and swelling rates, reducing the risk of cracking or warping. The holocellulose content is about 67% while the lignin content is approximately 25%. Chemical and natural products, are effective in protecting coconut wood against decay and insect attack. Understanding such characteristics of coconut wood is critical for its optimal utilization in various industries. By employing appropriate preservation techniques and utilizing this versatile and sustainable resource, coconut wood can continue to provide significant benefits for communities and industries around the world.

Nina Čamdžić, V. Muzika, S. Čustović, M. Babić, Mirsad Dorić, Edina Lazović Salčin, Suada Kuskunović-Vlahovljak

Abstract Objective of this study was to identify the histopathological patterns and their frequency in testicular biopsy specimens from azoospermic patients and to categorize it according to Modified Johnsen scoring system. Methods: Testicular biopsies from male patients with clinical diagnosis of azoospermia were included in this study. All tissue samples were fixed in buffered 10% formalin, routinely processed and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. All cases were examined microscopically and categorized according to the histopathological patterns and Modified Johnsen scoring system. Results: Total 219 cases of testicular biopsies from 125 azoospermic male patients were evaluated, with 94 cases of bilateral testicular biopsy. The most prevalent age group was of 30-39 years (66.2%). The most common histological pattern was of Sertoli cell only syndrome (58.4%) while the least represented pattern was germ cell maturation arrest, seen in 4.6% cases. The most common Modified Johnsen score was 2 (66.7%). There was discordance in histologic pattern in both testes in 12.76% of patients who had bilateral testicular biopsy. Conclusion: Our study gives an insight on the most common histopathological patterns of azoospermic patients and emphasizes the need for a better national statistics and epidemiological studies of this entity. It also points out the significance of the bilateral testicular biopsy, as both, diagnostic and therapeutic procedure.

Altijana Hromić-Jahjefendić, Kenneth Lundstrom, M. Adilovic, Alaa A. A. Aljabali, M. Tambuwala, Ã. Serrano-Aroca, V. Uversky

Nizama Šukurović, Rasema Okić, Z. Jatic, Maja Pločo

Aimof this study was to present data on addicts with the imposed protective measure of compulsory treatment of addition that were sent to the Institute for Addiction Diseases for the period 2014-2020. The study compares artsof law violation, art of addiction as well as duration of the protective measure of compulsory treatment.Out of 61 patients, 59 (96 %) were males and 2 (4%) females. The only reason for compulsory treatment for all of them was domestic violence. Out of 61 patients 41 (67%) underwent compulsory treatment due to use of psycho-active compounds (PAS) and 20 (33%) due to use of alcohol. Incidence of alcohol or PAS was statistically significant higher in males than in females (19 vs 1, p<0.001; 40 vs 1, p<0.001, respectively). Duration of the treatment was significantly longer in patients who used PAS than in those who used alcohol (10.29 vs 7.4 months; p<0.05). There was not statistically difference between duration ofthe treatment in males and females (9.36 vs 9.00 months; p>0.05). Incidence of the compulsory measures was significantly higher in 2018, 2019 and 2020 than in 2014, 2015 and 2016 (p<0.001). In all analyzed years, except 2015, incidence of the mandatory measureswas significantly higher in patients who misused PAS than who misused alcohol. The most common difficulties are:lowmotivational capacity,inadequate way of thinking, inadequateway of behaving with the adoption of new models and, ultimately, inadequate independent functioning. Keywords: addiction, compulsory treatment, violation of the law, criminal behaviour.

Amel Toroman, A. Mujčić

This paper investigates the application of Adaptive Fuzzy PID Control in the context of car control using a bilateral teleoperator. A bilateral teleoperator allows the operator to operate a remote car using his own controls and at the same time receive feedback on the car’s condition. The goal of the research is the analysis and comparison of different control methods, including PID controller, Adaptive Fuzzy PID controller, and the use of energy and wave variables of the bilateral teleoperator. The paper presents a car control model by means of a bilateral teleoperator, which was implemented in a simulation environment. Then performance comparisons of different control methods were made. The PID controller was used as the basic method, while the Adaptive Fuzzy PID controller was additionally included to achieve system adaptivity. Also, the use of energy and wave variables of the bilateral teleoperator was additionally investigated. The results of the comparison show that the use of bilateral teleoperator wave variables gave the best response of the control system. The analysis of signal waveforms and frequencies enabled more precise monitoring of the car’s condition and the detection of possible problems or instability in the system. This knowledge can be of great importance for improving the performance of car control by means of a bilateral teleoperator.

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