
Publikacije (33300)

J. Niškanović, Dragana Stojisavljević, S. Stojisavljević, B. Djikanović, Dijana Manigoda

Abstract Adoption of eating habits starts early in life, through interaction with family members and alongside preschool settings that offer context for developing healthy lifestyles among children. The aim of this study was to explore the perceptions and practices of teachers and parents related to the development of healthy eating habits among preschool children. Focus groups were conducted with a total sample of 48 parents and teachers (three focus groups among parents and three among teachers) from 15 kindergartens in the Republic of Srpska, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. All of the mentioned kindergartens are part of the “Nutrition friendly preschool/school initiative”, a program aimed at creating and developing settings that support and improve children's health. Focus groups were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed according to the Framework Method. Teachers emphasized that good communication and support from parents are important factors for the development of healthy eating habits. During COVID‐19, direct communication with parents was restricted, and mutual activities among teachers, children, and parents were reduced. Lack of knowledge, finance, and time are perceived by parents as main obstacles to the improvement of children's healthy eating habits. All participants in the focus groups agreed that more education and informative material are needed so their skills related to good nutrition can be improved and adopted in a culture‐sensitive way. Mutual support, education, and dissemination of informative materials are imposed as particularly important needs by all actors involved in the upbringing of children in order to support the development of children's healthy eating habits.

Daniel Maestro, Arzija Pašalić, Aida Ramić-Čatak, Zarema Obradović

Pravilnom pripremom hrane moguće je spriječiti većinu hranom prenosivih bolesti. Značajni napori uloženi u usaglašavanje legislative na širim geografskim područjima, rezultovali su formiranjem općeprihvaćenog stava da je većina kupljenih namirnica sigurna za konzumiranje. Međutim, neophodno je da potrošači nastave dobre prakse rukovanja, pripremanja i čuvanja namirnica u domaćinstvima. Ovo istraživanje je provedeno kao presječna, deskriptivno-analitička i eksperimentalna studija u periodu novembar 2020. – juli 2021. godine. Mikrobiološka analiza briseva je provedena u akreditovanoj laboratoriji Odjela za mikrobiološku analizu namirnica, voda i predmeta opšte upotrebe pri Zavodu za javno zdravstvo Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine. U domaćinstvima je uzorkovano po 7 briseva radnih površina i pribora u kuhinjama (n = 2681) u skladu sa smjernicama standardne metode BAS EN ISO 18593:2019 – Horizontalne metode za uzimanje uzoraka sa površine. U više od polovine domaćinstava (61,5%) izolovane su ciljane bakterije u vrijednostima iznad referentnih. Najveća odstupanja u bakteriološkoj ispravnosti utvrđena su na radnim površinama u kuhinjama (45,8%), daskama za rezanje (34,1%) i slavinama (34,1%). Staphylococcus aureus je izolovan u 153, Enterobacteriacea u 151, a aerobne bakterije u 286 domaćinstava. Prema kategorizaciji ukupnog rizika, 17% domaćinstava na području Kantona Sarajevo spada u kategoriju visokog rizika od hranom prenosivih bolesti u svojim domaćinstvima. Obzirom da javnost nije upoznata sa rizikom u kojem se nalazi, smatramo da je što hitnije potrebno poduzeti korake u podizanju kolektivne svijesti o javno-zdravstvenom značaju sigurnosti hrane u domaćinstvima.

M. Topčagić, Fuad Julardžija, Arzija Pašalić, Adnan Šehić, Enis Tinjak

Kultura sigurnosti je set vrijednosti, znanja, vještina, stavova i prakse na individualnom i institucionalnom nivou organizacije radioterapijskog procesa koji uspostavlja način rada u kojem sigurnost i zaštita zdravlja predstavljaju prioritet prilikom obavljanja radnih zadataka. Razvoj kulture sigurnosti na individualnom i institucionalnom nivou postalo je jedno od ključnih sigurnosnih pitanja u savremenoj radioterapiji. Cilj ovog istraživanja je procijeniti mogućnost upotrebe elektronskog sistema za prijavljivanje incidenata u razvoju kulture sigurnosti kod zdravstvenih profesionalaca u radioterapiji i mogućnost izgradnje sistemske primjene seta vrijednosti koji omogućava obavljanje svih radnih zadataka u radioterapiji uz davanje maksimalnog priorieta sigurnosti. Kao instrument istraživanja korišten je elektronski sistem za prijavljivanje incidentata u formi strukturiranog kompjuterskog intervjua prema ROSEIS metodologiji. Na osnovu informacija prikupljenih pomoću sistema napravljena je procjena razvijenosti različitih segmenata kulture sigurnosti, predložene mjere na njenom razvoju i poboljšanju, te data pocjena njihove efikasnosti u unaprijeđenju sigurnosti u radioteapiji. Razvijena kultura sigurnosti u radioterapijskom radnom okruženju može značajno unaprijediti kvalitet radioterapijskog tretmana, reducirati pojavu incidenata, poboljšati efikasnost i efektivnost radioterapijskog tretmana. Razvoj kulture sigurnosti ne podrazumijeva samo uspostavu standardnog seta pravila, nego i promjenu stavova, ponašanja i profesionalne prakse na individualnom i institucionalnom nivou.

Lejla Čano Dedić, Emsel Papić, Arzija Pašalić, Dalila Smajlović, Sabina Šečić – Selimović, S. Šegalo

Introduction: Hypothyroidism is a common disorder of the endocrine system caused by insufficient biologically active hormones at the tissue level or the inability of the tissue to utilize thyroid hormones. Iron plays a crucial role in the synthesis and metabolism of thyroid hormones, and it is stored in the body as ferritin. We aimed to evaluate the correlation between serum ferritin (SF) levels and thyroid hormone panel levels in both hypothyroid and euthyroid subjects. Methods: In 2022, a matched case–control study was conducted. The study involved participants with hypothyroidism and a control group (n = 53). The levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free triiodothyronine (fT3), free thyroxine (fT4), and SF were measured using the chemiluminescence immunoassay on a Mindray Cl 900-i analyzer (Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co., China). Results: The hypothyroid group had TSH levels that were significantly higher (10.76 [8.54-18.76] vs. 1.76 [1.26-2.58]; p < 0.001) and SF concentrations that were significantly lower (39.08 [21.15-45.70] vs. 54.09 [41.41-71.82]; p < 0.001) compared to the control group. In both male and female subjects of the hypothyroid group, a strong negative correlation was found between SF concentration and TSH levels ([Rho = −0.855,p < 0.01]; [Rho = −0.747; p < 0.01]). In female subjects of the hypothyroid group, a weak positive correlation was found between SF concentration and fT3 (Rho = 0.488; p < 0.05). In the euthyroid group, a correlation of the same strength and direction was found for fT4 (Rho = 0.366; p < 0.05). Conclusion: Research results indicate a correlation between lower SF concentrations and hypothyroidism, which is of particular importance for understanding the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment modalities of patients with hypothyroidism.

Sanja D Tomić, G. Malenković, A. Šljivo, E. Mujičić, Slobodan Tomić

Background. The management of breast cancer treatments within the limitations of family, social, and professional life is emotionally burdening and negatively affects physical, psychological, and social well-being, reducing the overall quality of life of patients and their families. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive–analytical study was conducted from March to August 2023 at the “Dr. Radivoj Simonović” General Hospital in Sombor. A total of 236 breast cancer patients participated in this study. The research was conducted using the following instruments: a questionnaire on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients, the Berlin Social-Support Scales—for assessing social support—and the Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale—for assessing resilience. This study aimed to determine the predictors and levels of social support and resilience of breast cancer patients. We also wanted to examine whether resilience is a mediator between patients’ sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and levels of social support. Results: The total average value of social support was 3.51 ± 0.63, while on the resilience scale, the respondents achieved a total average score of 52.2 ± 9.63. Perceived and actually received social support of breast cancer patients were positively correlated with resilience [p < 0.01], while no statistically significant correlations were found for the need for support and satisfaction. The sets of predictors can significantly predict their effects on all types of perceived social support (emotional social support: 9%; perceived instrumental social support: 9%) and all types of received social support (actually received emotional social support: 8%; actually received instrumental social support: 7%; actually received informational social support: 8%). There is a potential mediating role of resilience in relation to sociodemographic factors, clinical characteristics, and the need for support. Conclusion: This study confirms that a strong connection exists between social support and resilience. However, the analysis did not confirm the mediating role of resilience between the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics on the one hand and social support on the other.

A. Ahmetspahić, E. Burazerovic, Dragan Jankovic, Eleonora Kujaca, Hana Rizvanovic, I. Omerhodžić, Haso Sefo, Nermir Granov

Abstract Background  Many recent studies show that exoscopes are safe and effective alternatives to operating microscopes (OM). Developments of robotics and automation are present in neurosurgery with the appearance of a newer device such as RoboticScope (RS) exoscope with a digital three-dimensional (3D) image and a head-mounted display. The body of the RS is connected to a six-axis robotic arm that contains two video cameras, and serves as stereovision. This robotic arm allows accurate 3D camera motions over the field of view, giving the user a great degree of freedom in viewpoint selection. The surgeons may specify the direction and speed of the robotic arm using simple head movements when the foot pedal is pressed. Since its development in 2020, the RS has occasionally been used in neurosurgery for a multitude of procedures. Methods  This study showcases vessel microanastomosis training on chicken legs using the RS. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of the RS without a comparative analysis of the standard OM. The study was conducted in 2023 during a month-long trial period of the device at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. All procedures including RS-assisted anastomosis were performed by a neurosurgeon in anastomosis training (A.A.) supervised by a senior vascular neurosurgeon (E.B.). For the purpose of the study, we evaluated occlusion time in minutes, bypass patency with iodine, and overall satisfaction of the trainee in terms of light intensity, precision of automatic focus, mobility of the device, ergonomics, and convenience of the helmet. Results  Ten RS-assisted microanastomoses were performed by interrupted suturing technique with 10.0 nylon thread. Bypass training included seven “end-to-side,” two “end-to-end,” and one “side-to-side” microanastomoses. The smallest vessel diameter was 1 mm. Occlusion time improved by training from 50 to 24 minutes, with contrast patency of the anastomoses in all cases without notable leakage of the contrast, except one case. Complete satisfaction of the trainee was achieved in 7 out of 10 cases. During this period, we also performed different RS-assisted surgeries including a single indirect bypass, convexity brain tumor resection, and microdiscectomies. Conclusion  RS provides a new concept for microanastomosis training as an alternative or adjunct to the standard microscope. We found a full-time hands-on microsuturing without the need for manual readjustment of the device as an advantage as well as instant depth at automatic zooming and precise transposition of the focus via head movements. However, it takes time to adapt and get used to the digital image. With the evolution of the device helmet's shortcomings, the RS could represent a cutting-edge method in vessel microanastomosis in the future. Nevertheless, this article represents one of the first written reports on microanastomosis training on an animal model with the above-mentioned device.

Colin J McMahon, I. Voges, Petra Jenkins, M. Brida, Annemien E van der Bosch, Mikael Dellborg, Ruth Heying, Jörg I Stein et al.

Objectives This study aimed to determine the status of training of adult congenital heart disease (ACHD) cardiologists in Europe. Methods A questionnaire was sent to ACHD cardiologists from 34 European countries. Results Representatives from 31 of 34 countries (91%) responded. ACHD cardiology was recognised by the respective ministry of Health in two countries (7%) as a subspecialty. Two countries (7%) have formally recognised ACHD training programmes, 15 (48%) have informal (neither accredited nor certified) training and 14 (45%) have very limited or no programme. Twenty-five countries (81%) described training ACHD doctors ‘on the job’. The median number of ACHD centres per country was 4 (range 0–28), median number of ACHD surgical centres was 3 (0–26) and the median number of ACHD training centres was 2 (range 0–28). An established exit examination in ACHD was conducted in only one country (3%) and formal certification provided by two countries (7%). ACHD cardiologist number versus gross domestic product Pearson correlation coefficient=0.789 (p<0.001). Conclusion Formal or accredited training in ACHD is rare among European countries. Many countries have very limited or no training and resort to ‘train people on the job’. Few countries provide either an exit examination or certification. Efforts to harmonise training and establish standards in exit examination and certification may improve training and consequently promote the alignment of high-quality patient care.

Atif Hodžić, Aldin Bijelić, D. Hodžić

We consider the machinability of the material as a technological feature that expresses the ability of the material to remove the maximum number of shavings from its machined surface in the minimum time with satisfactory processing quality, with as little cutting force as possible and as little tool wear as possible. The aim of the experimental research in this work is to examine the significance of the influential kinematic parameters of the roughness of the machined surface, i.e. of wood density (ρ), feeding speed (s’) and the number of spiral cutting knices (z) in the process of planning massive wood on the roughness of the newly created processing surface, which will vary in 14 trials, of which 6 are repetitions in the central point of the compositional plan, where the roughness parameter Ra is obtained as an output value, and the analysis of experimental data from the point of view of possible achievement of a better quality of the processed surface. The obtained mathematical model is essentially applicable and can be used to optimize the machinability parameters in the planning process of solid wood, and the experimental results can be used in further research into other parameters of the machinability of solid wood in the planning process.

D. Hodžić, Elma Veladžić

Paper presents comparative analysis of experimental and analytical results of mechanical properties on truss members. Deformations are experimentally determined on the model of plexiglass truss, using six strain gauges. Strain gauges are measuring the deformation of truss members at the pre-defined measuring points. Knowing modulus of the elasticity and Hooke’s law, it is possible to calculate the stress values. The experimental stress values will be compared with the values obtained by the software and the results will be analyzed.

S. Durgut, L. Salihefendić, D. Pećar, I. Čeko, N. Mulahuseinović, M. Izmirlija, R. Konjhodžić

Abstract Background Almost 50% of NSCLC patients who initially show a successful response to tyrosine kinase inhibitors targeted therapy (TKI therapy) eventually develop acquired EGFR T790M mutation. The T790M secondary mutation can cause resistance to the targeted therapy and disease relapse. Since this mutation can be present at very low frequencies in liquid biopsy samples, droplet digital PCR (ddPCR), due to its high sensitivity, has opened the possibility for minimally invasive monitoring of the disease during TKI targeted therapy. Materials and methods For this study, a total of 45 plasma samples from NSCLC patients with previously detected EGFR-activating mutations were analyzed. Extracted circulating free DNA was amplified and examined for the presence of T790M mutation using ddPCR technology. For the data analysis, QuantaSoft Software was used. Results Of 45 tested plasma samples, a total of 14 samples were identified as positive for the T790M mutation. The same samples eventually showed the presence of T790M mutation in FFPE. Droplet digital PCR showed its great advantage in high sensitivity detection of rare allele variants. Our ddPCR assay detected T790M mutant allele in frequencies from 0.1%. The average number of droplets generated by ddPCR was 9571. Conclusion Monitoring of the T790M mutation has an important role in the examination of the effects of the prescribed TKI therapy. Since monitoring of potential changes during TKI therapy requires repeated sampling, our results showed that ddPCR technology has made it possible to use liquid biopsy as an adequate minimally invasive alternative for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) detection.

Amra Čaušević

In the past ten years, there has been significant growth in tourism worldwide, including in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The tourism sector is facing a series of challenges and limitations in the general business environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as is the entire global economy. The current pandemic has slowed down the growth of world tourism and thus led to the poorer performance of private tourism subjects and an increase in unemployment in the sector. This study aims to analyse the habits of the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the changes in behaviour caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The two main questions entertained are: whether socio-demographic variables influenced the intention to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic, and whether tourist travel habits influenced the intention to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study uses a quantitative research approach that included data collection through an online survey. The questionnaire link was distributed electronically, via Facebook (social network), and e-mail. The population included in this research are the inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The convenience sample included 265 respondents and the research was conducted for one and a half months (from March 2, 2022 to May 17, 2022). The results of the research show that socio-demographic factors influenced the intention to travel during the COVID-19 pandemic and that respondents who own a car would travel more in 2022 than respondents who do not own a car; that respondents aged 31-50 would travel more in 2022 than the older respondents, that respondents who are employed would travel more in 2022 than pensioners, that respondents living in a household of 1-2 members would travel more in 2022 than respondents living in a household of 5 or more members, that respondents with postgraduate studies would travel more in 2022 than respondents with elementary studies only and that respondents with a monthly income of over 2,500 BAM would travel more in 2022 than respondents with monthly income between 500 to 1,500 BAM. The results also show that those respondents who travelled frequently before the COVID-19 pandemic would travel less in 2022 in the context of the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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