
Publikacije (33300)

Arnela Pašalić

Increased number of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has also heightened interest in finding and providing appropriate interventions. Early intervention is implemented at the moment when deviations are noticed, without waiting for an official diagnosis. Parents are crucial participants in interventions carried out with children; therefore, this research considers interventions focused on training parents to work with children with ASD up to the age of six. For the purposes of this paper, we searched the following journals: Autism, Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, and Research in Autism. The search was limited to editions from 2012 to 2022, and the following keywords were considered: parent training, early intervention, autism. References were searched manually. The initial search yielded a total of 992 articles. Twenty-four studies related to children up to six years old and involving parent training in early intervention were included in the analysis. Using a tool for assessing quantitative studies, the selected studies were evaluated, with each component assessed based on the information contained in the study as good, moderate, or weak. The overall rating for the paper can be strong, moderate, or weak. This paper highlights the importance of support to enhance parental competencies.

Radica Zivkovic Zaric, M. Radojevic, Katarina Krasic, J. Milovanović, S. Janković

Abstract Cancer of the cervix has a progressive character and is one of the most significant public health problems in many countries. Our research aimed to translate EORTC QLQ CX 24 (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer; Quality of life questionnaire-cervical cancer 24) from English to Serbian, to create essential cultural adaptations and to analyze psychometric properties of the translation in a model of female inpatients with cancer of the cervix. The QLQ CX 24 was translated and adapted according to internationally established guidelines, and then tested on a sample of 100 Serbian females with cancer of the cervix. The testing was repeated three times on the same patients. We calculated the internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha), criterion validity, convergent validity, and discriminative validity of the QLQ CX 24. We used factor analysis to discover the original construct. The Serbian translation of QLQ CX 24 showed good internal consistency, showed satisfactory reliability, and temporal stability. In the first, when was rated by the investigators Cronbach’s alpha was 0.607, and one month later when the questionnaire also was rated by investigators Cronbach’s alpha was 0.696. When the scale was rated by females themselves Cronbach’s alpha was 0.802. Divergent as well as convergent validity tests had good results. The factorial analysis exposed six domains. The Serbian translation of QLQ CX 24 is a trustworthy and appropriate specific instrument for measuring the quality of life in females with cervical cancer.

Dženan Pleho, Amra Mačak Hadžiomerović, Arzija Pašalić, Bakir Katana, Amila Jaganjac

Uvod: Mišićno-koštani poremećaji uzrokovani radom (engl. Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders – WRMSDs) najčešća su oboljenja povezana s radom, a opisuju širok dijapazon degenerativnih i upalnih stanja. WRMSDs pogađaju milione radnika na području cijele Evrope i svijeta, a sami poslodavci zbog njihovih posljedica troše milijarde eura. Zdravstvo kao poseban sektor ima jednu od najvećih prevalenci radom uzrokovanih mišićno-koštanih poremećaja (MKP) u svijetu daleko ispred građevinarstva, rudarstva i proizvodnje. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanje bilo je uključeno 177 zdravstvenih profesionalca oba spola koji su svojim radom aktivno uključeni u pružanje zdravstvenih usluga, kategorizirani prema životnoj dobi i vrsti radnih zadataka koje obavljaju u različitim položajima tijela u okviru svojih stručnih službi. Instrumenti koji su se koristili u istraživanju su standardizirani holandski upitnik za MKP (Dutch Musculoskeletal Discomfort Questionnaire – DMQ), standardizirani upitnik za procjenu indeksa radne sposobnosti (Work Ability Index – WAI) i ergonomski interventni program. Istraživanje je trajalo od januara 2021. do oktobra 2021. godine. Rezultati: Najveća učestalost MKP povezanih s radom kod zdravstvenih profesionalaca prije i poslije provođenja ergonomskog interventnog programa bila je u području vrata (83,1% prije, 64,9% poslije), u regiji gornjeg dijela leđa (71,8% prije, 56,5% poslije) te u regiji donjeg dijela leđa (68,4% prije, 55,9% poslije). Prosječna vrijednost indeksa radne sposobnosti prije uvođenja ergonomskog interventnog programa iznosila je 35,44±8,59, dok se poslije provedenog ergonomskog interventnog programa statistički signifikantno povećala i iznosila je 38,40±7,30. Zaključak: Ergonomski interventni program je utjecao na smanjenje učestalosti MKP uzrokovanih radom, i povećanje radne sposobnost zdravstvenih profesionalaca.

J. Grujić-Milanović, J. Rajković, Sladjan D. Milanović, Vesna Jaćević, Z. Miloradović, L. Nežić, R. Novaković

Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a group of diseases with a very high rate of morbidity and mortality. The clinical presentation of CVDs can vary from asymptomatic to classic symptoms such as chest pain in patients with myocardial infarction. Current therapeutics for CVDs mainly target disease symptoms. The most common CVDs are coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, and valvular heart disease. In their treatment, conventional therapies and pharmacological therapies are used. However, the use of herbal medicines in the therapy of these diseases has also been reported in the literature, resulting in a need for critical evaluation of advances related to their use. Therefore, we carried out a narrative review of pharmacological and herbal therapeutic effects reported for these diseases. Data for this comprehensive review were obtained from electronic databases such as MedLine, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Conventional therapy requires an individual approach to the patients, as when patients do not respond well, this often causes allergic effects or various other unwanted effects. Nowadays, medicinal plants as therapeutics are frequently used in different parts of the world. Preclinical/clinical pharmacology studies have confirmed that some bioactive compounds may have beneficial therapeutic effects in some common CVDs. The natural products analyzed in this review are promising phytochemicals for adjuvant and complementary drug candidates in CVDs pharmacotherapy, and some of them have already been approved by the FDA. There are insufficient clinical studies to compare the effectiveness of natural products compared to approved therapeutics for the treatment of CVDs. Further long-term studies are needed to accelerate the potential of using natural products for these diseases. Despite this undoubted beneficence on CVDs, there are no strong breakthroughs supporting the implementation of natural products in clinical practice. Nevertheless, they are promising agents in the supplementation and co-therapy of CVDs.

Enes Saletovic, Elmir Babovic, Đulaga Hadžić, Nevzudin Buzađija

This paper presents a new method that enables automatic channel change in case of intense interference on the active channel of a wireless communication point-to-point link. Channel change algorithms on the master and slave side of the communication link are presented, which enable the automatic selection of a new communication channel from a predefined set of available communication channels. By applying this method, it is possible to maintain a stable communication link in case of intense unpredictable interference on the transmitter or receiver side. The method applies to two-way master-slave communication links, regardless of the frequency spectrum and the number of used communication channels.

Enes Saletovic, Nevzudin Buzađija, Đulaga Hadžić

Abstract Within this paper, the possibility of using advanced LoRa technology in the field of long-range remote control was considered. For testing purposes, a one-way point-to-point LoRa remote control link was implemented based on the LoRa Ra-02 SX1278 transceiver and the corresponding 32-bit Cortex-M3 microcontroller. The remote control application software is developed in the Arduino development environment. The implemented link was tested experimentally to check the range, data transfer speed and link stability. Test results show that LoRa transceiver modules can be used in the field of long-range remote control.

Mario Ostojić, A. Bosovic

Abstract Voltage unbalance is common issue encountered in low voltage distribution networks, caused by uneven allocation of single-phase customers among phases. This paper analyses part of real low voltage distribution network in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The impact of single-phase customers and single-phase connected micro photovoltaic power plants (MPPP-s) were analysed. To reduce unbalance and improve voltage profiles, Phase Balance Optimization toolbox in DIgSILENT PowerFactory software was performed in six scenarios with different distribution of customers and different percentage of penetration of MPPS-s. The aim was to find method with least number of changes in customer and photovoltaic phase connection that fits within defined limits of voltage variations and voltage unbalance of European standard for power quality (EN 50160). Conclusion is that MPPP-s cause voltage increases in the network, as well as an increase in voltage unbalance, but these effects can be mitigated by proper distribution of customer loads and MPPS-s among phases.

S. Karović, Marina Simović

The focus of the authors’ interest is the criminal offense of embezzlement in the service, which we classify in the catalogue of corrupt criminal offences, by its nature, operationalization method, consequences and other specificities. In addition, it is a criminal offense from the catalogue of premeditated criminal offenses, so the paper pays due attention to the interconnection and cumulative conditionality of objective and subjective elements, that is, the action of execution and the subjective component. Special attention is directed to the discovery of the existence of this criminal offense, i.e. the realistic discovery possibilities and capacities, then the objectivesubjective concept based on the legal description of this criminal offense, and the aspect of gathering the necessary evidence in connection with establishing the existence of the criminal offense and guilt, considering the restrictive legal requirements. The complexity of discovering and proving this criminal offense arises from the very nature of this criminal offense and certain specificities that are directly related to the way it is operationalized. The criminal law autonomy and independence, as well as the clear differentiation of this criminal offense in relation to other related criminal offences, are emphasized in order to avoid (possible) wrong identifications, and with the aim of a better and more comprehensive understanding of the very nature of this criminal offence

L. Vuić, J. Hivziefendic, M. Saric, Jakub Osmić

Abstract Islanded microgrids with low-inertia distributed energy resources (DERs) are prone to frequency fluctuations. With the increasing integration of DERs in microgrids, the complexity of control and stability has also increased. Moreover, the integration of DERs into microgrids may result in a power imbalance between energy supply and demand during sudden changes in load or energy generation. This can cause frequency variations in the microgrid, which could have disastrous consequences such as equipment damage or even blackouts. This paper proposes a control strategy to ensure the efficient operation of an islanded hybrid microgrid consisting of a PV generator, battery energy storage system (BESS), and emergency diesel generator. According to Energy Exchange Model proposed in this paper, the hybrid system presented operates independently without being connected to the electrical grid, where the PV system and BESS act as the main energy sources, while the emergency diesel generator provides active power backup with voltage and frequency regulation. The novel in this paper is also that DER aids in frequency regulation during active power transients by delivering and absorbing active power in accordance with the inverter's suggested P droop control strategy. In this way inverter droop control decreases system frequency nadir emulating so called “synthetic inertia”. To design both the islanded hybrid system and the proposed control strategy, the MATLAB/Simulink environment is utilized. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the analyzed microgrid system is capable of maintaining stability and operating efficiently in a range of operating conditions.

Asmin Veladžić, D. Gačo, Aida Veladžić

This paper brings the introduction of the analysis of foundation solution for the noise protection walls on the reinforced earth along the Highway Corridor Vc, a road and rail transport corridor that connects Hungary, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, included in the network of Pan-European transport corridors. A solution with pile foundations made of steel IPE profiles is presented in detail. During the design and modelling, as well as the calculation of the structural foundation, the modern software program PLAXIS was used, and the calculation was made in accordance with EN 1997 Eurocode 7, Geotechnical Design. Special attention is devoted to the analysis of the impact of driving IPE steel profiles, as foundation piles, on reinforced earth. The presented solution was then verified by an additional control calculation and a field test of the impact of the horizontal load on the bearing capacity of the IPE steel profile driven into the reinforced slope. Based on the conducted analyses and testing, it has been proven that it is possible to build noise protection walls on the reinforced earth without disturbing the internal stability and functionality of the reinforced earth.

Hata Milišić, E. Hadžič

Modeling flow in open channels is essential for determining channel capacity and predicting flood events. The key segment for creating flood hazard and risk maps is a high-quality hydraulic model of the flow in the main bed with its tributaries. Several software packages have been developed for hydrodynamic simulations of flood events. In addition to the geometric characteristics of the watercourse, the equations of a one-dimensional flow model include a parameter that connects all influences that provide resistance to the flow of water. Determining the roughness of a natural channel is one of the most demanding procedures for the development of hydraulic models. Therefore, it is necessary to calibrate and validate the Manning coefficients of the channel roughness using simulation models. In the present study, the estimation of channel and floodplain roughness for the Veseočica River in Bosnia and Herzegovina was performed using the HEC-RAS hydrodynamic model. After calibration and verification of the model, flood hazard maps were created for flood waves with return periods of 20, 100, and 500 years. ArcGIS and HEC-GeoRAS software tools were used to create the flood risk maps.

Large-scale incorporation of new energy generation units based on renewable sources, such as wind and photovoltaic power, drastically alters the structure of the power system. Because of the intermittent nature of these sources, switching in grids (connection and disconnection) occurs much more frequently than with conventional sources. As a result, the power system will inevitably experience a large number of transients, which raises questions about the stability of the system and the quality of the electrical energy. Therefore, measuring various types of transients in power system is crucial for stability, power quality, fault analysis, protection design, and insulation design. Transient recorders that are currently used are generally expensive and only suitable for particular locations in power systems. The number of installed transient recorders is insufficient for a comprehensive analysis of problems that may occur. Hence, it is important to have inexpensive and efficient transient recorders that can be installed at multiple points in the power system on various types of objects. It is also essential to have a transient record database with open access, which can be used by researchers to develop new analysis techniques based on artificial intelligence. This paper proposes an inexpensive measurement and acquisition system designed to record transient phenomena on different objects within the power system. The system is designed to use autonomous power, a standardized data acquisition module, a low-budget system for transmitting recorded transient events to the server via mobile network, and a sensor system adapted to the object where transients are recorded. The proposed system is designed to be used for all types of objects in the power system where transients may occur, such as power lines, transmission towers, surge arresters, and transformers. All components of the system are described, and the system is tested under laboratory conditions. The modular nature of the system allows customization to the specifics of the location in power system by choosing appropriate components. The calibration method of the custom designed Rogowski coil is described. The cost analysis of the proposed system and power consumption analysis are performed. The results show that the system’s performance meets application requirements at a low cost.

Lejla Kuralić-Čišić, Adela Čokić, Džana Sultanić

Educational institutions record an increase in behavioral disorders in children and adolescents every day, with severe symptoms that result in hospitalization or the imposition of criminal sanctions for juvenile delinquents. Behavioral disorders of children and young people stand out as one of the primary problems of today's society. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed insight into the state of emotional and behavioral disorders, from those that are hidden such as withdrawal, apprehension, fear,anxiety to behavior that children and young people come into conflict with others, even committing acts that are legally recordable as punishable. It has been proven in various studies that early diagnosis and preventive interventions in working with children give the best results. The hypothesis that behavioral disorders and emotional problems among children and young people in primary and secondary schools are present and require the application of appropriate preventive and treatment programs has been confirmed. Through the presentation of modern approaches to the detection, prevention and diagnosis of behavioral problems, this work shows the relationship between biological factors, parental qualities, education, the influence of peers, school and socialnorms, and the way in which they become risky for the development of problematic behavior. Detecting risk factors and stopping the action of risk processes, which have been proven to have a positive correlation with the occurrence of aggressive behavior in children, leads to a decrease in the rate of its occurrence. It has been observed that there are several successful ways of working with children that result in a reduction in the rate of behavioral disorders, even in provoking situations. Communication and problem-solving skills training can successfully reduce inappropriate child behaviors. Teaching social-emotional skills, in addition to reducing behavioral disorders, also results in higher self-esteem and more positive attitudes in children.Schoolshave a need for continuous implementation of science-based prevention programs that include interventions aimed at children and work with parents Keywords: Behavioral disorders, interventions, children, adolescents, parents, prevention programs

Hasan Talić, Melisa Haurdić, Fatka Kulenović

In order to determine the bending strength of wood or wood-based panels, an experimental method is typically used to test samples of different sizes that involves bending or compression. However, such tests are expensive and time-consuming, so mathematical models are often applied that allow predicting the bending strength based on a smaller number of obtained test results. One such model is the Lagrange interpolation polynomial. The study discusses Lagrange’s interpolation model. Using the results of tests done on plywood of various thicknesses, approximates the bending strength of plywood for values that could not be tested directly and provides an estimate of strength for particular values.

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