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Leila Begić

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Mirela Duranovic, Leila Begić, Zlata Avdić, Jasmina Klebić

The objective of this research was to investigate impulsivity among children with dyslexia and comorbid dyslexia/ADHD. Children with these disorders, along with a non-ADHD/dyslexia sample, completed a self-report on impulsivity. Additionally, a specific impulsivity scale was completed by the children's parents and teachers. The analysis revealed a main effect for groups, indicating that children with dyslexia and comorbid dyslexia/ADHD reported more symptoms of impulsivity than normally achieving children. Furthermore, differences were identified between children with dyslexia and those in the comorbid dyslexia/ADHD group. Specifically, children with comorbid dyslexia/ADHD exhibited more impulsive behavior than children with dyslexia alone. Notably, there was a high level of consensus in ratingsof impulsivity between children and their teachers and parents.Keywords:dyslexia, ADHD, impulsivity

Mirela Duranovic, Leila Begić, Gavrić Babić, M. Lauc

Introduction. A newly discovered SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes an infectious disease called Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread around the world. Objectives. The study aims to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on speech-language pathologists (SLPs) clinical service delivery. Accordingly, this study aims to determine which modifications were used in the provision of speech-language pathology (SLP) services and which procedures were used by SLPs in their clinical practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) during the third pandemic wave. The second aim of the study was to analyze how many SLPs from B&H used telepractice and what are the barriers to performing this type of work. Methods. The study included 107 SLPs, who voluntarily joined the survey, after sending the questionnaire directly to the e-mail or placing the questionnaire in online SLPs groups. The survey comprised questions to assess participants' demographics, personal protective equipment, procedures, provision of telepractice, and barriers and limitations to telepractice implementation. Results. Results showed that 93.4% of SLPs reported they use measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 pandemic. Only 28% of SLPs used telepractice in their work, which is a very low rate. The majority of SLPs (59.2%) reported that they did not receive the appropriate education about using telepractice. Conclusion. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a change in service delivery by SLPs requiring them to modify their work or to provide services through telepractice.

Leila Begić, Herzegovina, Mirela Duranovic, Mirza Sitarević, Fata Becirbasic

The main objective of the study was to determine the developmental abilities of preschool children before and after six months of speech therapy treatment, and to examine the impact of the time of initiation of speech therapy treatment on the developmental abilities of children. The sample consisted of 35 children (20 male children and 15 female children), and all respondents reported early intervention due to speech and language difficulties. The age of the respondents ranged from 25 to 60 months. After conducting interviews with parents, taking anamnestic data, professional speech therapy diagnosticobservational procedure and determining speech-language disorders, the children underwent speech therapy treatment. After six months, a final assessment was made and the results showed statistically significant progress in all variables describing developmental abilities in children. The predictor “Time of treatment initiation” also had a statistically significant impact on all tested variables of developmental abilities of preschool children. The results showed that speech therapy treatment enables significant progress in all developmental areas in children, i.e. that progress in one development area follows the development of other areas.

Mirza Sitarević, Herzegovina, Leila Begić, Valentina Misanovic

Mirza Sitarević, Leila Begić, Z. Mrkonjić

The main aim of the research was to determine the development of grammar and the use of grammatically complex sentences in stuttering and non-stuttering children, and to determine whether there are differences in the above abilities between these two groups of respondents. The sample of respondents consisted of a total of 64 children aged 56-83 months. Respondents are divided into two groups. The experimental group consisted of 32 stuttering children, of whom 19 were male and 13 female. The control group consisted of 32 children who did not stutter, and who compared with age and gender, were equal with the respondents of the experimental group. The research was conducted in preschools and elementary schools in the area of the Tuzla and Una-Sana Cantons in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results of the study showed that stuttering children show statistically lower abilities during repetition of sentences, as well as recognition, understanding and use of common morphological forms. However, it is important to point out that children who stutter, regardless of significantly lower results than their fluent speaking peers, have shown above-average grammatical abilities. Also, the results showed that both children who stutter and children who do not stutter in their spontaneous speech use complex sentences.

Leila Begić, Z. Mrkonjić, Mirza Sitarević, Šejla Kunić

The main goal of this research was to examine the influence of the educational level and employment of parents on the development of phonological awareness of pupils of first and second primary school grades. The sample of respondents consisted of a total of 70 students whose age ranged from 78 months to 104 months. Observing respondents in relation to gender, 37 were male and 33 were female. The research was conducted in primary schools in the municipalities of Travnik and Novi Travnik in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The obtained results showed that the level of parents' education and the employment of parents influence the development of the phonological awareness of pupils of the first and second grades of primary schools. Namely, phonological awareness was more developed with pupils whose parents were employed and had a higher education level. The obtained results point to the need for professionals to pay more attention to the phonological development of children coming from families of low socioeconomic status. It is very important to timely identify students with difficulties in the development of phonological awareness with the aim of organizing and providing adequate professional assistance. If the student has difficulty in the field of phonological awareness, in that case the mentioned difficulties may also have a negative effect on the learning skills in other areas.

Leila Begić, Branka Babić

The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether the length of sentences has influence on the frequency of speech disfluencies for children who stutter. The participants included 30 children who stutter 19 male participants and 13 female participants, whose age ranged between 4 years and 8 months to 6 years and 11 months (56 to 83 months of age). Research was conducted in kindergartens and primary schools in Tuzla Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina2 . The test consisted of 36 sentences. In relation to the length, sentences were divided into three groups: in the first group there were 9 sentences which included 3 to 5 words, in the second group, there were 14 sentences which included 6 to 8 words and in the third group there were 13 sentences which included 9 to 11 words. Testing was conducted so that the examiner was pronouncing one sentence after which the participant repeated the same sentence. Each participant was requested to repeat exactly what he/she had heard. Speech and language pathologist has recorded all speech disfluencies in all sentences. The results showed that the sentences containing 9 to 11 words had most effects on the overall dynamics of speech disfluencies in children who stutter. The results suggest that during the process of assessment and diagnosis of children who stutter, it should be required to assess the child's ability to use complex linguistic statements and to assess the frequency of disfluencies in relation to the complexity of the sentences. Precision diagnostics would provide guidelines for the treatment of stuttering in terms of implementation of approaches and strategies which include language treatment and gradually increasing the length and complexity of statements of children who stutter during speech.

Leila Begić, Z. Mrkonjić, N. Salihović

The aim of this study was to determine characteristics of phonological awareness of stuttering children and children with fluent speech. The sample consisted of 64 children, between 56 and 83 months old (4 years and 8 months to 6 years and 11 months). Examinees were divided in two groups. The first group consisted of 32 stuttering children, 19 males, and 13 females. The control group consisted of 32 children with fluent speech, whose age and sex were equal to the age and sex of the children in the experimental group. The research was conducted in preschools and primary schools in Tuzla and Una-Sana Canton in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The subjects were examined with 7 subtests (syllable and phoneme blending abilities, ability to rhyme, phoneme segmentation, phoneme deletion, phoneme transposition and spoonerisms). Each of the subtest scores, which index a variety of phonological awareness abilities, was examined separately. Phonological awareness score is the total score which relates to a common result that the subjects achieved on these 7 individual subtests. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences between stuttering children and their peers with fluent speech in relation to Phonological awareness score. The examination of differences between stuttering and non-stuttering children in individual variables, which describe phonological awareness, showed that there was statistically significant difference in the ability to rhyme between these two subjects groups. T-test was used for examination of the differences between the male stuttering children and their fluent peers, and also female stuttering children and their fluent peers for the phonological awareness variables. The results exhibited statistically significant differences in the variable Rhyme between the male stuttering children and their fluent peers. In addition, we examined the ability of phonemic analysis of children who stutter and children with fluent speech. The results showed that there were not statistically significant differences between stuttering and nonstuttering children related to phonemic analysis abilities.

N. Salihović, Selma Hasanbašić, Leila Begić

ЗАЧЕСТЕНОСТ НА ПЕЛТЕЧЕЊЕТО КАЈ ДЕЦАТА НА УЧИЛИШНА ВОЗРАСТ СО DOWN-ОВ СИНДРОМ Невзета САЛИХОВИЌ1, Селма ХАСАНБАШИЌ2, Лејла БЕГИЌ1 1 Универзитет во Тузла, Факултет за об­ра­зо­ва­ние и рехабилитација  2 Институт за посебно образование и ре­ха­би­ли­тација на децата со интелектуална попреченост „Mеденица“, Сараево INCIDENCE OF STUTTERING IN SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN WITH DOWN SYNDROME Nevzeta SALIHOVIC1, Selma HASANBASIC2, Leila BEGIC1 1 University of Tuzla, Faculty of Еducation and Re­habilitation 2 Institute of Special Education and Re­ha­bi­li­ta­ti­on for Children with Intellectual Disabilities "Mjedenica", Sarajevo Примено: 27.09.2011 Прифатено: 16.12.2011 UDK: 159.946.3-056.31-053.2 Recived: 27.09.2011  Accepted: 16.12.2011 Original Article Резиме Abstract Главната цел на ова истражување е да ја ис­пи­та појавата (зачестеноста) и тежината на пел­течењето помеѓу децата на училишна воз­раст со  Down-ов синдром. Примерокот беше сос­тавен од 37 машки и женски деца на училишна возраст кои беа дијагностицирани со Down синдром. Ова истражување беше спро­ведено во следните установи: Институт за посебно образование и рехабилитација на деца со  интелектуална попреченост „Mе­де­ни­ца“; Центар за образование, обука и вра­бо­ту­вање на деца со ментална ретардација, деца со аутизам и целебрална парализа „Вла­ди­мир Назор“ во Сараево; Основно учи­лиш­те за посебно образование „Зеница“; Ос­нов­но училиште „Ковачиќи“ во Сараево; Здру­же­ние на обединетата граѓанска иницијатива ДУГА од Сараево и асоцијацијата „Биди мој при­јател“ од Илијаш. Сите испитаници беа ис­питувани одделно. Резултатите покажаа дека 13,51 % од децата со Down синдром пел­течат, а крајниот резултат на сериозноста на пелтечењето покажа умерено пелтечење. Овие  резултати  покажуваат  дека  децата со Down синдром треба да бидат интензивно вклу­­­чени во терапијата за говор со цел да им се по­могне да го совладаат пелтечењето, да ја по­доб­рат секојдневната комуникација и да се по­ду­­чат како да се справуваат со оваа го­вор­на ма­на. The main purpose of this study was to examine the incidence (frequency) and stuttering severity in the school-age children with Down syndrome. The sample was consisted of 37 school-age children with Down syndrome, both male and female. The study was conducted in the following institutions: Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation for Children with Intellectual Disabilities "Mjedenica"; Centre for Education, Training and Employment of Mentally Retarded Children, Children with Autism and Cerebral palsy "Vladimir Nazor" in Sarajevo; Primary School of Special Education „Zenica“; Primary school "Kovacici" Sarajevo; "Association of United Civic Actions – DUGA" in Sarajevo; and The Association "Be my friend" in Ilijas. All of the subjects were individually examined. The results showed that 13,51 % of the children with Down syndrome stuttered, and the total result of stuttering severity indicates a moderate stuttering. These results show that children with Down syndrome should be enrolled intensively in speech therapy in order to help them overcome their stuttering, to facilitate their everyday communication and to teach them how to cope with stuttering. Клучни зборови : зачестеност на пелте­че­ње­то, Down синдром, тежина на пелтечењето Key words: incidence of stuttering, Down syndrome, stuttering severity Адреса за кореспонденција: Невзета САЛИХОВИЌ Владимир Назор 8 75 000, Tузла, Босна и Херцеговина  E-пошта:  nevzeta@gmail.com Corresponding address: Nevzeta SALIHOVIC Vladimira Nazora 8 75 000, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Email:  nevzeta@gmail.com


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