
Publikacije (33289)

J. Arsić, Dušanka M. Krajnović

The paper analyzes the effects of medicines policy on the functional separation of pharmacy and drugstore businesses from the early 19th century to the Second World War. Attempts to maintain personal and professional interests in the delivery of medicines prompted the long-standing dispute between pharmacists and druggists over the control and trade of drugs and poisons. The issue of state control generated complex processes that emphasized the professional role of pharmacists as providers of pharmaceutical services and druggists as wholesalers of medicines.

Borislav Vukojević, Miloš Španović

In the dynamic realm of online gaming, sustaining player engagement and immersion within a virtual environment is paramount for both the player community and game developers. World of Warcraft (WoW), a prominent massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), has experienced considerable evolution since its inception in 2004. As gaming technologies advance and player expectations shift, a variety of media platforms, such as forums, social networks, and streaming services, have surfaced, playing a pivotal role in augmenting the WoW gaming experience. This study delves into the impact of different versions of WoW on the players' content experience, focusing on how these media platforms influence player engagement, communication strategies, and problem-solving approaches. Employing qualitative research methods, particularly in-depth interviews, this paper weaves a comprehensive narrative that sheds light on the intersection of technological evolution and gaming experiences. Our findings indicate that the specific version of WoW plays a critical role in shaping player interactions and problem-solving methods. The Classic WoW iteration fosters a sense of community and interaction, necessitating collaboration and the use of external resources. In contrast, Modern WoW has streamlined gameplay mechanics, thereby reducing the emphasis on collaborative efforts and the role of community within the game. This research underscores the fluid nature of social dynamics within the game, evolving in response to the changing preferences and expectations of the player base.

Selma Hadžalić, Irnesa Osmanković, A. Zahirović

<p>Three new neutral complexes of copper(II) containing chalcone ligands derived from 2'-hydoxyacetophenone and 4-substituted benzaldehydes were synthesized. Complexes were prepared by solution synthesis and characterized by spectroscopy. The catalytic activity of complexes was examined in the reaction of 3,5-di-tertbutylcatehcol (DTBC) oxidation. The kinetics of DTBC catalytic oxidation by copper(II) complexes (1 &ndash; 3) was investigated spectrophotometrically under pseudo-first-order conditions. Catalytic parameters, the maximum reaction rate (vmax), Michaelis-Menten constant (KM), catalytic efficiency, catalytic reaction rate constant (kcat), turnover number (TON), and turnover frequencies (TOF) for complexes 1 &ndash; 3 in DTBC oxidation were collected. The studied complexes 1 and 2 were found to have moderate catalytic activity, while complex 3 does not show catalytic properties.</p>

K. Kregar, Jusuf Topoljak, Muamer Đidelija, Admir Mulahusić, Nedim Kulo, Tomaž Ambrožič

The article explores the methods and potential applications of terrestrial laser scanning technology. It also presents the preliminary results of scanning the Bijambare cave, where a georeferenced three-dimensional model of the cave's interior was created. This model, based on available data, stands as the first accurate 3D representation of a speleological object in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first section of the paper provides a brief overview of the Bijambare cave area and the laser scanning technology employed, highlighting its advantages over other geodetic measurement techniques. Subsequently, the text delves into the stages of the measurement processing, followed by an examination of the various products generated. The practical significance of these products is illustrated using the example of the Bijambare cave.

Lejla Tekešinović, Emir Šišić

The pronoun en is usually described in the literature as an adverbial pronoun, although the adverbial value is only one of several functions in which it can appear. It is a pronoun whose use is very diverse and complex, which is best seen based on numerous syntactic functions that we will present first in this paper. Then we will emphasize the analysis of examples of its use in the corpus, which includes student works divided into three stages (PI / INT / AH). Our goal is to determine to what extent this pronoun is represented in the mentioned corpus and in which syntactic functions it appears most often, i.e., to what extent students master its use. The analysis will also include those examples in which the use of this pronoun was absent as well as those in which its use is unacceptable.

By asking the question: "What general, testable claims can be made about all media?", Marshall and Eric McLuhan (1988) sought to establish "laws of media" that could be tested, proven, or disproved by anyone, anywhere, anytime. They formulated these "laws" through four questions that can be asked upon the appearance of or regarding any human artifact/technology/media. The importance of this theory is indisputable insofar as its application can identify past, current, and at least partially predict future trends related to some human artifact/technology/media. In this paper we applied this theory to the websites/services for social networking, considering the increasingly widespread and intensive use of these sites/services in the world. Positive aspects are improved and accelerated communication and connection of people, opportunities for creative expression, association and struggle for common goals, and also earnings. The negative aspects range from a potentially bad impact on the user's mental health, pathological addiction, the increasingly difficult distinction between the real and virtual world, being trapped by filter bubbles, all the way to endangering personal data and security.

Ajdina Župić, Hana Hodžić, Merjem Sušić

The main goal of this paper is to point out the concept of creativity in teaching, specifically creativity in the teaching of Nature and Society. Nature and society, as a subject, provide many opportunities to express the creativity that we carry within us through the role of a teacher, as well as to teach students how to be creative. The paper highlights examples of different teaching units that indicate ways to encourage creativity in students and awaken their imagination. Through teaching, through tasks that the teacher creatively devises, we encourage students to think creatively and act, in addition to acquiring knowledge more permanently and functionally. Possibilities of creating Nature and Society lessons through creative examples and experiments, as well as evaluating and measuring creativity, were presented. The work results indicated that creative teachers create their fruits, which are called creative students, that they are causally connected, and that creativity is a synonym for an expert and professional teacher.

Benjamin Palić, Ante Mandić, Zrinko Prskalo, E. Fazlibegović

Traumatic arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is not a common disorder, and dermatological signs and heart failure caused by AVF are rarely reported. We present the case of a 55-year-old woman who was referred for congestive heart failure symptoms. Echocardiography revealed preserved left ventricular ejection fraction. Due to edema of the right leg with a long-standing leg ulcer and palpable femoral thrill, duplex ultrasonography was performed. It showed an AVF between the right superficial femoral artery (SFA) and the right femoral vein (FV). The patient recalled a 32-year-old gunshot injury that was not medically treated. After the diagnosis of AVF she was referred to a surgeon for an AVF ligation, with subsequent resolution of her symptoms. The differential diagnosis of leg ulcer with leg edema should include the possibility of AVF as a cause.

Remzija Hadžiefendić-Parić, Ramiza Smajić

The topic is romantic travelogues with the subject of Bosnia: descriptions andinsights into the perceived “reality” of the Bosnian area and people of the19th century presented through linguistic and stylistic means and on examples of selected travelogues from that period. New historical experiences of the writer opened the way for the emotional reception of collective practices of people, and this often leads to ahistorical conceptualization and long-lasting stereotypes. Considering that both linguistic activity and historical memory are mutual psychological processes, the diverse strategic character of the travel discourse through research shows that known cultural patterns can often deceive with their simplified form.

Nehad Gaši, Bakir Čičak, Almira Salkić

<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: 150%;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; line-height: 150%; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">6G stands for the sixth generation of mobile networks, which represents the future of wireless communication. While 5G networks are still being developed and expanded around the world, the industry is already thinking about the next generation to meet the needs of the accelerated digital transformation and the demands of modern society. 6G networks will be even faster, more reliable, with lower latency and higher capacity than their predecessors. It is expected to deliver incredible data transfer speeds of terabytes per second, enabling instant downloads of large files and supporting technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and other advanced applications.. One key features of 6G networks will be greater connectivity between people, machines and things, creating an intelligent network that will enable highly sophisticated communication scenarios. 6G networks are expected to provide the possibility of continuous connectivity with high quality of service, even in difficult environments such as rural areas, inside buildings or in motion. 6G networks will use multiple frequency bands, including terahertz frequencies, which will allow for greater capacity and higher data transfer speeds. It will also require advanced use of antenna systems, such as massive multiplexed antennas (Massive MIMO), in order to achieve a high degree of wireless efficiency. However, it is important to note that the 6G network is still in the research and development phase. Standardization and commercial implementation are expected only after 2030. Industry,</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><strong><i><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">Keywords</span></i></strong><i><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">: 6G, networks, future, IoT, transfer, industry, standardization</span></i></p>

Azra Ahmić

<p class="MsoNormal"><i><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-ansi-language: EN-US;">As organizations progressively integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into their operations, the role of human resource (HR) managers becomes monumental in navigating the complex landscape of AI practices and challenges. This study aimed to investigate HR managers' perceptions concerning AI meaning, its usage in daily business activities, presence of AI in HR departments, and opportunities and barriers for AI adoption.</span> </i><i><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif; mso-ansi-language: EN-US;">The research employed a single-method approach of questionnaires to gather insights from a diverse sample of HR managers across miscellaneous medium/large enterprises. The findings revealed a nuanced perspective among HR professionals, with a spectrum of attitudes ranging from enthusiasm for AI's potential to concerns about its impact on traditional HR functions. There are a practical and theoretical aspects of this study that are relevant to every industry in determining the practices and opportunities of AI in HRM which improve efficiency, reduce various costs, enhance profitability and add value to overall business.</span></i><i></i></p>

Ibrahim Badi, Željko Stević, D. Radovic, Bojana Ristić, Aleksandar Cakić, S. Sremac

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Muhamed Ajanović, Alma Kamber, Selma Tosum Pošković, A. Dervišević, Kemal Tucak

Introduction: Many studies have examined values of crestal bone loss according surgical techniques, time of implant placement (immediate post-extraction or after alveolar socket healing), platform switching or convectional platform, surface of the implant, functional loading (immediate or delayed), etc. Methods: This study analyzed a total of 443 dental implants on 115 images: 161 Bredent blueSKY dental implants and 282 Ritter spiral dental implants. All images were taken at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Sarajevo: before implantation and after 1 year of functional loading. Crestal bone loss was measured on the mesial and distal side of each implant from the coronal portion of the abutment to the noticeable margin of the alveolar bone. Results: There is statistically significant differences between Bredent blueSKY and Ritter spiral dental implants regarding mesial (p < 0.001, df = 441, tstat = −64.22) and distal (p < 0.001, df = 441, tstat = −151.21) bone losses. Conclusion: Platform switching dental implants showed more bone loss on the mesial and distal side of implant than dental implants with conventional platform.

C. Cappellaro, Nina Dumrukcic, Isabella Fritz, Francesca Franzon, Martin Maiden

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