
Publikacije (33289)

Mihajlo Marković, Đurađ Hajder, Milan Šipka, Mladen Todorović, Nery Zapata, T. A. Paço, E. Riezzo, S. Čadro

The increased need for smart management of agricultural resources resulted in the preparation and implementation of H2020 project SMARTWATER. This publication aims to present the main outcomes of SMARTWATER in three years of implementation (2021-2023), to encourage relevant target groups to participate in the action in 2024 and to promote smart management of agricultural resources. During project implementation different results were obtained. SMARTWATER team will continue with different twinning activities in 2024 aiming to promote smart agriculture practices, increase the competencies of scientists and young researchers and disseminate the project outcomes.

Miralem Mehic, E. Dervisevic, Patrik Burdiak, Vlatko Lipovac, P. Fazio, Miroslav Voznák

Vesna Radojčić, Miloš Dobrojević

: Within this research, the focus was on analyzing the effectiveness of Computer Vision (CV) in detecting vehicles and pedestrians in traffic. The YOLOv5 model was utilized for object detection, along with publicly available, unmodified libraries like OpenCV and TensorFlow. The approach involved a careful selection of three different traffic scenarios: a rainy day, daytime, and night-time, with the intention of creating realistic conditions for testing the performance of vehicle and pedestrian detection systems. An algorithm for detecting pedestrians and vehicles was implemented, contributing further to road safety. Through experiments, exploration was conducted into how various factors, such as weather conditions and lighting, influence the accuracy of the system. Following a meticulous analysis of the results, situations in which the system exhibits high detection accuracy, as well as those that pose a challenge to the system were identified, in order to provide a profound understanding of different aspects of pedestrian tracking and vehicle detection. Through the application of image analysis techniques, the focus was on identification of key features of pedestrian crossings, contributing to the recognition of potentially dangerous situations. The objective was to draw accurate conclusions regarding the system's performance under actual traffic conditions, thus enhancing the overall comprehension of how these technologies effectively contribute to improving road safety.

V. Radic, I. Komljenović, Borislav Petkovic

Birdsfoot trefoil is a perennial legume for the production of high-quality forage. Improving the production and quality of forage is one of the strategic objectives of breeding programs. The genotypes for this trial were selected from promising offspring collected from local populations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. A trial with eight genotypes (7 promising lines and 1 variety) was designed in a randomized block system with four replicates. In the first growth, 11 components of yield and quality of biomass were analyzed, and in the second growth, four additional parameters for seed production. In the first growth, highly significant correlations were found between plant height and the proportion of leaves (0.85**) and the yield of green matter and dry matter (0.81**), while a high negative correlation was found between the nitrogen-free extract (NFE) and the crude protein content (-0.79**). In the regrowth, statistically highly significant (p<0.01) positive correlations were found between the content of NFE and ash (0.77**). Statistically significant (p<0.05) positive relationships were found between green matter yield and dry matter yield (0.81**), green matter yield and stem diameter (0.79*), seed yield and number of pods (0.83*), and cellulose content and plant height (0.73*). The identification of positive correlations for certain productive and nutritional traits will be used in breeding programs for the creation of new varieties with improved forage quality.

Tatjana Žarković, Amila Zdralovic, Nikola Jocić

In post-conflict societies internal demarcation is based on tradition, religion, and heterosexual family values and within this frame sexual citizenship is considered ?as ideology? and as a threat to society imposed from outside. At the same time the influence and importance of international norms and changes in the standard of international politics and the emerging culture of human rights cause conflict between inside and outside, national sovereignty and universal human rights. This conflict is not specific only to stabilocracy and hybrid systems, but the omnipresent illogicality of a closed system of citizen-ship. Following the Butler?s observation that ?conjuncture of street and media constitutes a very contemporary version of the public sphere? (2011: 9), media textual and visual reports about Pride Parade in Belgrade and Sarajevo were analysed. In the analysis focus is on the borders of citizenship within the patriarchal matrix of nation-state confronted with the present bodies on the streets. The analysed textual and visual media reports confirm a hierarchisation of urban public space formed by national history and its material structures.

K. Grbić, O. Čustović, J. Alić, Kenan Kadić, M. Dapčević, Z. Lepara, Hajrudin Spahović, F. Krupic

Background: The Lung adenocarcinoma, a subtype of non-small cell lung cancer, exhibits diverse histopathological patterns, impacting prognosis and therapeutic outcomes. Objective: This study explores the correlation between smoking habits and the prevalence of different histopathological subtypes in invasive lung adenocarcinoma (IAC). Methods: A single-center, cross-sectional study included 140 patients with surgically treated, histopathological verified lung adenocarcinoma. The patients were classified based on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) histopathological patterns, and smoking status data were collected from medical records. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were performed using SPSS software. Results: The predominant histopathological subtypes were acinar (47.9%) and solid (30.7%) IAC. Smokers constituted 84.3% of the patients, with a majority (61.7%) consuming more than 20 cigarettes per day. A weak, statistically significant correlation was found between histopathological patterns and smoking habits among smokers (rho=0.054; p=0.04). Acinar IAC was more common in those consuming up to 20 cigarettes daily, while the solid pattern predominated in those smoking more than 20 cigarettes (rho=0.189; p=0.04). No significant correlation was observed with the duration of smoking history. Conclusion: The study reveals a predictive relationship between smoking habits, including the number of cigarettes consumed, and the histopathological pattern of IAC in resected specimens. Acinar and solid subtypes were more prevalent, with distinct associations to smoking behaviors. Understanding these relationships can contribute to personalized treatment approaches and further research on lung adenocarcinoma.

In this paper, we analyze the role and activities of the Supreme Defense Council (SDC) of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) according to the Constitution of FRY from 1992. The decision to establish the FRY, encompassing Serbia and Montenegro, as well as the provinces of Kosovo and Vojvodina, represented a continuation of the political and territorial restructuring of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRJ), as well as a basis for further military and political actions aimed at realizing expansionist project. Through the establishment of the SDC and its role in managing the military, especially during the period of aggression, it is evident how political decisions directly influenced military operations, as well as the international position and sanctions that followed in response to the aggressive policy of the FRY. SDC sessions were important for making decisions on military issues, including the appointment, promotion, and dismissal of officers, as well as decisions on military activities. Analysis of SDC session transcripts reveals details about FRY's military involvement in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the formation of the so-called Army of Republika Srpska (VRS). SDC members, the President of FRY, and the Presidents of Serbia and Montenegro, along with other attendees including the Minister of Defense and the Chief of the General Staff of the Yugoslav Army (VJ), actively participated in military matters and decision-making. This paper also explores the role of FRY in the wars in the former Yugoslavia during the early 1990s, with a particular focus on its relationship with the self-proclaimed Republika Srpska (RS) and participation in the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through the lens of logistical, military, and comprehensive support provided by FRY, including attempts to conceal the involvement of military personnel through the 30th Personnel Center, we shed light on its direct involvement in military operations that had a decisive impact on the course of the war. Despite efforts to conceal the role of FRY and its structures in the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, documents and SDC transcripts reveal enough evidence confirming FRY's crucial role in the preparation, support, and execution of aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina through RS. The SDC organized and supported activities aimed at supporting the VRS and other military formations, often with a conspiratorial approach. Discussions at SDC sessions covered funding for the VRS, logistics, organization of soldier training, and defense strategy. Military operations, as well as political and military relations within Bosnia and Herzegovina, were particularly analyzed. „Controversial topics“ such as arming the population in Serbia and crimes committed against Bosniaks in Sandžak and Bosnia and Herzegovina were also discussed at the sessions. Relations with the political leaderships of RS and the Republic of Serbian Krajina (RSK), as well as reactions to losses and defeats, were also important topics at SDC sessions. The sessions also included analysis of political and military events and presentations of the views of FRY President Slobodan Milošević on peace negotiations, military operations, and territorial goals achieved. SDC transcripts provide insight into Slobodan Milošević's acknowledgment of the involvement of the State Security Service (SDB) in the formation, arming, and support of „paramilitary units“ sent to Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to the direct involvement of VJ in the aggression, plans for joint military operations were extensively documented, aiming to create a „united state of the Serbian people“. Key figures, such as Ratko Mladić, who were in VRS, remained members of VJ even after the aggression. The SDC continued to exist until 2001 but lost its significance compared to the period from its establishment to the end of 1995.

This paper proposes an ac fault ride-through (FRT) method for high-voltage dc (HVDC) transmission systems that serve as an interconnector between the onshore ac grid and an islanded offshore ac grid. In conventional HVDC systems for offshore wind farms FRT is realized by consuming excess power with braking resistors. However, the same method cannot be applied if the offshore ac grid includes not only wind farms but also various loads, which are being considered for integration into multipurpose interconnectors or energy islands. In this article, a novel FRT method based on voltage control for HVDC interconnectors operating with bidirectional power flow is proposed. The proposed method curtails the ac voltage formed by the offshore converter according to the converter’s dc current and voltage. The effectiveness of the proposed FRT method is established through experiments on a mini model.

Adriana Lipovac, V. Lipovac, M. Hamza, Anamaria Bjelopera

The optical time-domain reflectometer (OTDR) is a primary test and measurement instrument for detecting, localizing, and qualifying various fiber optic link events induced by breaks, splices, and connectors. However, in spite of a number of innovative enhancements of the OTDR capabilities proposed throughout decades of its use in the communications test application area, few reports can be found about extending the OTDR capabilities beyond detecting and qualifying refractive and reflective events of the fiber under test, to also include prediction of performance and impairments specifically related to the coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) symbol transmission over fiber link. As large enough OTDR dynamic range (DR) provides alike optical signal-to-noise-ratio (OSNR) even at the far end of the fiber, then the dominantly reflective OTDR trace pattern can be considered as the two-way power-delay profile (PDP) of the fiber. Furthermore, in this work, we also justifiably assume that the cyclic prefix (CP) is applied to guard the OFDM symbol against inter-symbol interference, as well as that the (formerly eventually large) peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) is significantly reduced, e.g., by simple peak clipping at the transmitter. This finally retains the OFDM carrier frequency offset (CFO) as the major OFDM-inherent signal impairment to dominantly determine the bit error rate (BER) floor in this case. Accordingly, in our model, we abstracted the CFO by the additional delays added to the original OTDR trace pulses, which would produce an equal BER increase as the CFO does with the original trace. Inversely, this enables indirect estimation of CFO by simple BER testing, rather than by using dedicated and complex test instrumentation such as vector signal analyzer (VSA), not always at hand in field conditions.

D. Mujagić, Omer Beganović, B. Fakić

<p>More recently modified stainless steels have been used to produce various structural elements that work in complex operating conditions. Stainless steel X8CrNiS18-9 (standard EN 10088-3) is the most commonly used from the group of austenitic stainless steel in terms of machinability. This steel has high mechanical and working properties thanks to a complex alloying, primarily with elements such as chromium and nickel. The content of sulphur present in the steel from 0.15 to 0.35% improves machinability. However, sulphur at the same time decreases the mechanical properties, particularly toughness. In steel, tellurium stabilizes carbides and reduces the microporosity of the structure. Also, tellurium is now recognized as a powerful sulphur modifier as well as a machinability additive when used in combination with lead and sulphur. This work aims to determine the influence of tellurium on the machinability, corrosion resistance and mechanical properties of the mentioned steel.</p>

A. Raspor, Petra Kleindienst, Predrag Ljubotina, Bojan Rojko, Zoran Mastilo, Lazar Stošić, Andrijana Mrkaić Ateljević, Vesna Miletić et al.


A. W. Aidoo, Ajla Avdibašić, Ognjen Riđić

The study measures and compares the levels of financial integration in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia between 2000 and 2020. This study aims to determine the impact of industrial index, gross domestic product per capita, trade openness, and corporate tax rate on the level of international financial integration. The statistical methods employed are unit root tests, OLS regression, the Breusch-Pagan test, and the heteroskedasticity test. For the 20-year time span and annual data for each parameter, the results have shown a significant positive correlation between gross domestic product per capita and financial integration for both countries. The results for Slovenia indicate that financial integration is negatively affected by trade openness and corporate tax rates, whereas gross domestic product per capita and industrial production index affect positively. In the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, corporate tax rate and industrial production index affect financial integration negatively, while trade openness affect positively but insignificant with financial integration.

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