
Publikacije (33291)

Muhamed Ajanović, Alma Kamber, Selma Tosum Pošković, A. Dervišević, Kemal Tucak

Introduction: Many studies have examined values of crestal bone loss according surgical techniques, time of implant placement (immediate post-extraction or after alveolar socket healing), platform switching or convectional platform, surface of the implant, functional loading (immediate or delayed), etc. Methods: This study analyzed a total of 443 dental implants on 115 images: 161 Bredent blueSKY dental implants and 282 Ritter spiral dental implants. All images were taken at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Sarajevo: before implantation and after 1 year of functional loading. Crestal bone loss was measured on the mesial and distal side of each implant from the coronal portion of the abutment to the noticeable margin of the alveolar bone. Results: There is statistically significant differences between Bredent blueSKY and Ritter spiral dental implants regarding mesial (p < 0.001, df = 441, tstat = −64.22) and distal (p < 0.001, df = 441, tstat = −151.21) bone losses. Conclusion: Platform switching dental implants showed more bone loss on the mesial and distal side of implant than dental implants with conventional platform.

C. Cappellaro, Nina Dumrukcic, Isabella Fritz, Francesca Franzon, Martin Maiden

Emir Nazdrajić, Daniel A Rickert, Janusz Pawliszyn

Fentanyl and its analogues are potent opioids that pose a significant threat to society. Over the last several years, considerable focus has been on the concerning trend of increasing fentanyl usage among drug users. Fentanyl analogues are mainly synthesized to evade analytical detection or increase their potency; thus, very low concentrations are sufficient to achieve a therapeutic effect. In an effort to help combat the synthetic opioid epidemic, developing targeted mass spectrometric methods for quantifying fentanyl and its analogues at ultralow concentrations is incredibly important. Most methods used to analyze fentanyl and its analogues from whole blood require manual sample preparation protocols (solid-phase extraction or liquid-liquid extraction), followed by chromatographic separation and mass spectrometric detection. The main disadvantages of these methods are the tedious sample preparation workflows, resulting in lengthy analysis times. To mitigate these issues, we present a targeted method capable of analyzing 96 samples containing fentanyl, several fentanyl analogues, and a common fentanyl (analogue) precursor simultaneously in 2.4 min per sample. This is possible by using a high-throughput solid phase microextraction workflow on the Concept96 autosampler followed by manual coupling of solid-phase microextraction fibers to the microfluidic open interface for tandem mass spectrometry analysis. Our quantitative method is capable of extremely sensitive analysis, with limits of quantification ranging from 0.002 to 0.031 ng mL-1 and linearity ranging from 0.010 to 25.0 ng mL-1. The method shows very good reproducibility (1-18%), accuracy (81-100%) of calibration and validation points, and good interday reproducibility (6-15%).

Daniela Zubović, Kamber Hamzić

Understanding divisibility at the primary school level is a strong predictor of students’ mathematical achievements in secondary education. To correctly measure students’ understanding and achievements, a valid and reliable test is needed. This research focuses on the construction of valid and reliable test for the divisibility area studied at the primary school level. After constructing three pilot tests according to learning outcomes and standards for divisibility, and qualitative validation, tests were distributed in six primary schools, with 380 participating students (ages 12 – 13). The results were used for reliability and quantitative item analysis, and the final version of the test, which covered standards of students’ achievement and had all items of appropriate difficulty and discriminative validity, was created. This test can be used by mathematics teachers in classrooms but also in large scale testing, like state or international testing.

Ivana Bevanda, Vedran Bjelanović, T. Barišić, Marjana Jerković Raguž, Ana Čuljak

Background: The aim of this study was to determine type and frequency of complications during multiple pregnancies, mode of delivery and perinatal outcome in three groups of pregnant women, categorized by gestational age of pregnancy.Methods: In cross-sectional epidemiological study data were collected and processed from the medical database of University Clinical Hospital in Mostar in the period between 2015. and 2019. A total of 149 pregnant women and their neonates were included and divided into three groups according to gestational age: moderately preterm birth (from 22 to 33 + 6 weeks - MPTB), late preterm birth (from 34 to 36 + 6 weeks - LPTB ), term birth (from 37 weeks). SPSS for Windows software (version 23.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA) was used for statistical analysis.Main findings: Of the total 149 pregnancies, 64.86% were completed by C-section and it was the dominant mode of delivery in all gestational groups. Hypertension, PPROM and gestational diabetes pregnancy were the most common complications in the group of term birth, PPROM and preeclampsia in the LPTB group, multiple maternal complications in the group MPTB (p <0.001). In both twins, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) was the most common complication in MPTB group, and neonatal jaundice and perinatal infection and sepsis in the LPTB and term birth group.Principal conclusions: Caesarian section was dominant mode of delivery in all groups. RDS and multiple complications were significantly more common in MPTP group, and neonatal jaundice, perinatal infections and sepsis in LPTP and term birth group.Key words: multiple pregnancy, PPROM, preeclampsia, hypertension, perinatal complications, caesarian section.

Josip Stipić, P. Rastović, Gojko Bogdan

Background: The aim of this paper was to investigate the dynamics of inflammatory parameters in patients after infrarenal abdominal aneurysm surgery.Methods: The retrospective study included patients with operated infrarenalabdominal aneurysm, divided into two groups. First group were patients that underwent endovascular aneurysm repair procedure (EVAR), and second group were patients that had open surgery. General data and inflammatory parameters (CRP, leukocytes, platelets, and fibrinogen) had been taken during hospitalization, compared mutually and analyzed.Main findings:All inflammatory parameters, observed preoperatively, were close to referent range. Serum CRP values in EVAR patients raised after operation, but returned to the reference range more quickly as well as leukocyte count. Around the middle of their own hospital stay and at the day of discharge, the group operated on by the open method had statistically significant higher platelet values than the EVAR group. During the preoperative period and in the middle of hospitalization, the group operated on by the open method shows higher fibrinogen values, while the opposite is at the day of discharge, where the EVAR group shows statistically significantly higher fibrinogen values.Principal conclusions: Observed serum inflammatory parameters (CRP, leukocytes, fibrinogen, and platelets) in different phases of hospitalization were lower; closer to the reference value in patients with infrarenal abdominal aneurysm that underwent EVAR, compared to patients operated by the open surgery method. Also, the observed parameters, except fibrinogen, returned to the reference value faster in patients who underwent EVAR.Key words: abdominal aortic aneurysm, endovascular aneurysm repair, inflammatory parameters

Drago Župarić, Seada Brkan

In this paper, a linguistic analysis of the Itinerarium Egeriae, one of the oldest documented Christian pilgrimages to the eastern Mediterranean, is presented. The aim of the work is to present characteristics related to Vulgar Latin. The linguistic analysis is focused on characteristics which are not in keeping with classical norms, in an attempt to describe certain changes with regard to Classical Latin and traditional grammar, which may cause difficulty for the reader. It is evident that the Itinerarium Egeriae is not characterized by ornate expression like the texts of classical writers, but it offers interesting, if sometimes confusing, deviations from classical norms. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first section Egeria, the purpose of the trip, the text, the author’s ability to observe, and her style aimed at spiritual instruction are presented. Egeria’s style of Latin are the subject of the second and main section of the work, which includes language, style, literary aspect and phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical characteristics of travel writing.

Language, as the linguistic manifestation of extralinguistic experiences, often functions as a means for the creation and expression of societal inequality. In addition to the fact that the participants of social reality are almost never socially equal, which means that someone has power over others, the linguistic reflection of those relationships always derives from the author, who has the power to control the context; his practical instrumentation comes from his own lexical and grammatical choices, as well as their conscious and targeted combination. In this paper, the focus is on noticing and distinguishing, and analyzing and interpreting the choices of V. Paterculus as an author within the framework of collective agency and the topoi with which the Roman national identity is first built, and then positioned as superior to the identities of the peoples with whom the Romans came into contact. While for authors from the 1st century A.D. the language strategies touched on in this paper were not available, since they were neither described nor defined before the 20th century, ancient writers used them completely unconsciously in their spontaneous writing; therefore, these texts, as well as modern ones, are subject to linguistic analysis, interpretation and criticism precisely according to the guidelines of modern language criteria. In this paper one of the possible methods of analysis of the construction of the national and supranational identity of a nation in the historiographical discourse will be offered; the analysis will be based on discursive strategies and macro-strategies offered by the discursive-historical approach and based on empirical data gathered in tabular reviews. An indispensable part of the analysis will be the analyst’s criticism, which derives from democratic norms, human rights and the criteria of rational argumentation from today’s temporal, cultural and political context, because the purpose of critical discourse studies is to expose and point out how domination, i.e., the abuse of social power and inequality, are realized and reproduced in text and speech, but also on how to oppose them in a social and political context (van Dijk 2001, 352).

Zumreta Pintol, Zorica Pušara, Suad Imamović, Đenad Hodžić, Amira Skopljak, A. Šukalo, Meliha Mehić, Amna Tanović Avdić et al.

Background: Acute nasopharyngitis is a common condition usually accompanied by nasal congestion. The aim of this study was to compare efficacy and safety of the spray containing xylometazoline and lysozyme with spray containing only xylometazoline in the treatment of acute nasopharyngitis.Methods: Prospective, comparative, post-marketing study was performed on subjects with acute nasopharyngitisdivided into xylometazoline+lysozyme or xylometazoline nasal spray groups. Data collection was performed at the baseline before and 30 minutes after the therapy application and seven days after baseline.Main findings: Out of 173 included subjects, 59 were in the xylometazoline+lysozyme and 114 in the xylometazoline group. In both groups nasal patency was significantly improved 30 minutes after the therapy application (p<0.001). In the xylometazoline+lysozyme group all subjects had nasal decongestion within 20 minutes and this was significantly shorter (p=0.037) compared to xylometazoline group where 16 subjects (14%) needed 20 to 120 minutes for nasal decongestion. All adverse events were mild and there was no significant difference in the number of adverse events between the groups.Principal conclusions: Nasal sprays containing xylometazoline with or without lysozyme were effective and safe in the treatment of acute nasopharyngitis. Nasal spray containing xylometazoline with lysozyme showed a faster effect with significantly shorter time to nose decongestion. All recorded adverse events were mild and there was no difference between the groups in the number of recorded adverse events. Key words: nasopharyngitis, nasal obstruction, lysozyme, xylometazoline,nasal sprays

<p class="Abstract"><span lang="EN-GB" style="mso-ansi-language: EN-GB;">The strut-type hybrid system can be made in different geometric shapes, which are affected by: the number and arrangement of struts, the shape and position of the cable in relation to the girder, and the size and shape of the cross-section of the girder. When choosing a system, all the listed parameters can vary geometrically, which has consequences on the behaviour of the girder when carrying the load by directly affecting the change in the stiffness of the system. In addition to the geometric parameters, the stiffness of the hybrid system is affected by variations in the properties of the incorporated materials and their mutual relations. In this paper, based on a detailed parametric analysis, the principles of design, the choice of materialisation, and the possibility of further optimisation of the persistent-type hybrid systems are given, with the aim of additionally increasing the load capacity and reducing the deformability. The results of this research are presented in the form of general expressions and diagrams, which can be applied with sufficient accuracy in practice when choosing the form and materialisation of the hybrid system, as well as the possibility of further optimisation of the system by applying pre-stressing. Using the example of external pre-stressing of a glued laminated timber girder, with the assumption of ensuring the lateral stability of the system, the results of the analysis of the behaviour of such a system under load in real conditions, i.e. the influence of the environment and changes in material properties, are given.</span></p>

Asim Kurjak, Milan Stanojević, Edin Medjedović, Sanja Malinac

Adnan Osmanspahić, Mile Despotović, Teodora Bošnjak, Goran Mijović, Marija Lukić, Nada Avram, Bojan Joksimović

<p><strong>Introduction. </strong>Long-term care is series of health and social care services provided at home or in an institutional environment to people with reduced functional capacity. Even though it is known that the quality of life (QoL) of elderly is on a lower level when compared to younger people, there is a small amount of information about QoL of long-term health care patients. The aim of our study was to determine the difference in QoL, depression, anxiety and stress of longterm health care users placed in and outside the institution.</p> <p><strong>Methods.</strong> This cross-sectional study included 100 long-term healthcare users, divided in two groups. First group consisted of 50 respondents from primary level of health care and second group consisted of 50 residents of nursing home. The research was conducted in the period from June to July 2022. A general socio-demographic questionnaire, SF-36 health questionnaire for estimating the QoL and the scale of depression, anxiety and stress (DASS-21) were used as instruments in this study.</p> <p><strong>Results. </strong>Respondents who were institutionalized had significantly lower values of domains and summary scores of QoL compared to respondents whose health care took place outside of institutions, where the difference was observed in physical health summary score (37.67&plusmn;6.20% vs. 50.39&plusmn;10.74%, p&lt;0.001), and the mental health summary score (44.87&plusmn;11.82% vs. 51.83&plusmn;16.01%, p =0.015). Respondents who received long-term health care institutionally had significantly (p=0.011) more mild anxiety (12%) and moderate anxiety (34%) compared to respondents who received long-term health care outside the institution (4% vs. 14%).</p> <p><strong>Conclusion. </strong>Our results showed that residents of nursing home had significantly worse physical and mental functioning, as well as more frequent occurrence of anxiety symptoms compared to users of longterm health care placed outside institutions, in home environment.</p>

Smiljka Cicmil, Ognjenka Janjić-Pavlović, Mihael Stanojević, Ana Cicmil, Olivera Govedarica, Zorica Stojanović, Jelena Lečić

<p><strong>Introduction.</strong> Denture-induced fibrous hyperplasia (DFH) is a reactive lesion that occurs as a result of chronic trauma caused by the denture on the oral mucosa.</p> <p><strong>Case report.</strong> A female patient, 56 years old, reported to the Specialist Center for Dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine in Foča for the fabrication of complete dentures. She wore previous complete dentures for about 25 years and complained about their age and discoloration. Clinically, both dentures were poorly retained and stabilized by short wings, with pronounced signs of wear. Denture hygiene was poor. Multiple folds of hyperplasic connective tissue were observed in oral cavity upper vestibule mucosa. The lesion folds were pink and firm, corresponding to denture edges. Based on the anamnesis and clinical examination, a temporary diagnosis of denture-induced hyperplasia was made. The patient was informed about clinical condition assessment as well as possible therapeutic procedures and gave written consent to accept the offered therapeutic procedures. She was advised not to wear dentures for four weeks and to maintain proper oral hygiene. After that, the hyperplasia was surgically removed under local anesthesia. A tissue sample was sent for pathohistological analysis. A new pair of total dentures was made. Removed tissue pathohistological examination confirmed the diagnosis: &ldquo;Epulis fissuratum&rdquo;.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion.</strong> Education and regular check-ups are essential for the prevention of DFH. Patients should be given detailed oral and written instructions on oral and denture hygiene maintenance, with special reference to possible changes in oral tissues and the importance of regular follow-ups.</p>

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