
Publikacije (35378)

B. M. Xavier, Merim Dzaferagic, M. Martinello, Marco Ruffini

Besides the quality of colour reproduction itself, there are other secondary print quality attributes. Secondary print quality evaluation is very important and is influenced primarily by the print method and type of substrate. For textile printers, there is an additional challenge related to macro non-uniformities due to the nature of the substrate. One of these secondary quality attributes is print mottle, which is influenced by macro non-uniformities that remain at the top layer of the print after the ink is fixed on the substrate. Print mottle values primarily consist of an analysis of macro non-uniformities and can be analysed using the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) method, among others. In this study, the GLCM method was used as well as the macro non-uniformity index or NU value verification method performed by ImageJ software. Four different textile printing methods and one cotton fabric substrate are used. The objective is to examine print mottle and the impact of printing method on macro non-uniformities. The printing methods include DTF, DTG, screen printing, and screen transfer printing. The aim is to compare the results of different printing methods and to determine their relation to perceived non-uniformity as assessed visually.

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease in childhood, significantly contributing to both short- and long-term disability. While certain human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles are known to be associated with specific subgroups of JIA, emerging evidence suggests a strong correlation between these alleles and treatment response. This study involved 143 JIA patients diagnosed according to International League of Associations for Rheumatology criteria. Each patient underwent HLA class II typing, including HLA-B27, as well as tests for rheumatoid factor (RF) and antinuclear antibodies (ANA). Comprehensive rheumatological assessments were conducted at diagnosis, with follow-ups at three and six months post-onset. After six months of methotrexate (MTX) treatment, patients were categorized as responders or non-responders. Responders achieved clinically inactive disease based on the American College of Rheumatology Provisional Criteria for Defining Clinical Inactive Disease and Clinical Remission. Non-responders, who did not reach clinically inactive disease after six months of treatment, required the addition of another non-biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) or a biological DMARD. Our analysis revealed that the HLA-DRB1*01 allele is a significant prognostic marker for therapeutic response, predicting therapeutic resistance (P=0.01). The most prevalent HLA-DRB1 alleles in the treatment-resistant group were HLA-DRB1*08:11 (11.3%), HLA-DRB1*01:01 (8.5%), HLA-DRB1*01:13, HLA-DRB1*04:11 (7%), HLA-DRB1*08:13, and HLA-DRB1*08:15 (4.2%). These findings highlight the critical role of HLA class II alleles in pediatric rheumatology, particularly in relation to treatment response and disease prognosis. In the era of personalized medicine, understanding the genetic contributions to treatment response and outcomes in JIA patients is essential. A key limitation of this study was the lack of comparison of treatment responses across different JIA subtypes. Future studies should prioritize evaluating MTX efficacy within specific JIA subgroups to enable a more tailored understanding of its effectiveness.

Hrast kitnjak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Lieblein) jedna je od ekonomski i ekološki vrlo važnih vrsta šumskog drveća i javlja se u oko 15% svih šuma u Bosni i Hercegovini. Prirodne populacije hrasta kitnjaka u Bosni i Hercegovini predstavljaju specifične zajednice koje se razlikuju od jedinki iz svog optimuma u zapadnoj, južnoj i istočnoj Europi, te predstavljaju genetičke specifikume bitne za očuvanje biološke raznolikosti hrasta kitnjaka u Europi. Istraživanjem morfoloških svojstava listova željelo se utvrdi stupanj unutarpopulacijske i međupopulacijske varijabilnosti hrasta kitnjaka na području Bosne i Hercegovine, te veze između variranja populacija u fenotipskim svojstvima i geoklimatskih čimbenika. Rezultati istraživanja bit će iskorišteni prilikom odabira mjera za očuvanje ove vrste šumskog drveća. Analizirano je 13 svojstava listova hrasta kitnjaka, sakupljenih sa 237 stabala iz 24 prirodne populacije. Rezultati su pokazali da su koeficijenti varijacije za sva mjerena svojstava u rasponu od 13.3% za duljinu plojke, do 26.5% za duljinu peteljke. Analiza varijance (ANOVA) otkrila je postojanje fenotipskih varijacija unutar i među populacijama. Varijacija unutar populacija bila je prosječno 28.44% i veća nego između populacija (prosječno 16.2%). Klaster analiza pokazala je razdvajanje populacija u dva glavna klastera, gdje su jednom klasteru pripale populacije Jajce Komotin i Fojnica, a drugom klasteru sve ostale populacije. Većina analiziranih svojstava lista (osim duljine peteljke, omjera širine i duljine lista i broja režnjeva) bila je u korelaciji sa geografskom širinom, srednjom temperaturom kvartala s najviše padalina i količinom padalina u najtoplijem kvartalu. Ovi rezultati mogu biti korišteni za očuvanje raznolikosti i upravljanje resursima hrasta kitnjaka u budućnosti.

INTRODUCTION AND AIM Weight-adjusted waist index (WWI) represents a novel anthropometric measure for assessing obesity. Bearing in mind that there is insufficient data in the literature regarding gender differences in WWI values, the aim of the current study was to examine gender differences in WWI values among older adults.

Sazid Hasan, A. Brankovic, Md Abdul Awal, S. A. Rezaeieh, Shelley E Keating, A. Abbosh, Ali Zamani

Hepatic steatosis, a key factor in chronic liver diseases, is difficult to diagnose early. This study introduces a classifier for hepatic steatosis using microwave technology, validated through clinical trials. Our method uses microwave signals and deep learning to improve detection to reliable results. It includes a pipeline with simulation data, a new deep-learning model called HepNet, and transfer learning. The simulation data, created with 3D electromagnetic tools, is used for training and evaluating the model. HepNet uses skip connections in convolutional layers and two fully connected layers for better feature extraction and generalization. Calibration and uncertainty assessments ensure the model's robustness. Our simulation achieved an F1-score of 0.91 and a confidence level of 0.97 for classifications with entropy ≤0.1, outperforming traditional models like LeNet (0.81) and ResNet (0.87). We also use transfer learning to adapt HepNet to clinical data with limited patient samples. Using 1H-MRS as the standard for two microwave liver scanners, HepNet achieved high F1-scores of 0.95 and 0.88 for 94 and 158 patient samples, respectively, showing its clinical potential.

Una Glamočlija, Lejla Mahmutović, Esma Bilajac, V. Šoljić, Katarina Vukojević, Abas Sezer, M. Suljagić

Diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is classified into Germinal Center B-cell (GCB) and activated B-cell (ABC) subgroups originating from different stages of lymphoid differentiation. Cell of origin dictates the behavior and therapeutic response of DLBCL. This study aimed to evaluate single and combinatorial effects of metformin and thymoquinone (TQ) in two DLBCL cell lines belonging to GCB and ABC subtypes. Metformin and TQ caused dose-dependent responses in both ABC and GCB DLBCL subtypes. Metformin had a greater impact on the ABC subtype while TQ demonstrated more pronounced effects on the GCB subtype. Synergistic effects were observed in the DHL4 (GCB subtype) but not in the HBL1 (ABC subtype) cell line. This is the first study to compare the effects of metformin and TQ in ABC versus GCB subtype of DLBCL. It brings valuable results that could be utilized in further research aimed at reshaping treatments for subtype-specific lymphomas.

M. Mischkulnig, David Reichert, Lionel Wightman, Vanessa Roth, Marijke Hölz, L. I. Koerner, B. Kiesel, D. Vejzović et al.

Background: High hypericin-loaded polyvinylpyrrolidone (HHL-PVP) constitutes a novel approach to utilize the promising characteristics of hypericin for photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) and therapy (PDT) of brain tumors in an orally bioavailable formulation. The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of a Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) camera-based fluorescence imaging system to selectively visualize HHL-PVP in glioblastoma tissue even in the presence of 5-Aminolvevulinic acid (5-ALA) induced fluorescence, which is widely utilized in brain tumor surgery. Methods: We applied a previously established system with a non-hypericin specific filter for 5-ALA fluorescence visualization and a newly introduced hypericin-specific filter at 575–615 nm that transmits the spectrum of hypericin, but not 5-ALA fluorescence. Glioblastoma specimens obtained from 12 patients (11 with preoperative 5-ALA intake) were ex vivo incubated with HHL-PVP. Subsequently, fluorescence intensity and lifetime changes using both the non-hypericin specific filter and hypericin-specific filter were measured before and after HHL-PVP incubation and after subsequent rinsing. Results: While no significant differences in fluorescence signal were observed using the non-hypericin specific filter, statistically significant increases in fluorescence intensity (p = 0.001) and lifetime (p = 0.028) after HHL-PVP incubation were demonstrated using the hypericin-specific filter. In consequence, specimens treated with HHL-PVP could be identified according to the fluorescence signal with high diagnostic sensitivity (87.5%) and specificity (100%). Conclusions: Our CMOS camera-based system with a hypericin-specific filter is capable of selectively visualizing hypericin fluorescence in glioblastoma tissue after ex vivo HHL-PVP incubation. In the future, this technique could facilitate clinical investigations of HHL-PVP for PDD and PDT while maintaining the current standard of care with 5-ALA guidance.

Zhaohui Su, Ruijie Zhang, D. McDonnell, Yayra Kweku Adobor, Jianlin Jiang, Yifan Liu, Xin Yu, Ruru Chen et al.

The aim of the study is the isolation and identification of fungi using passive air sedimentation. This study analyzed 540 mycological samples from three primary schools in Zenica, collected in September, December, February, and May. Each season, 135 samples were taken from five rooms (two classrooms, a gym, a locker room, and a library) in each school. Samples were collected three times daily at three different heights with 15-minute exposure times. Samples were refrigerated and transported in sterile bags, incubated for 24 hours, and inoculated on specific agars with and without additives. Plates were incubated at 37°C and 25°C for up to 7 days, followed by examinations. Petri dishes were used for passive air sampling, and colonies were counted after incubation. The average number of microorganisms (CFU/m³) was calculated using Omeliansky’s method. Statistical methods included the Chi-squared test and p-value. Colony appearance was assessed visually and microscopically using a light microscope. Growth rate, size, structure, and color changes were monitored. In September, the highest mold concentrations were at H. Kikić Primary School (796 CFU/m³, not significant), M. Dizdar Primary School (1260 CFU/m³, not significant), and A. Šantić Primary School (3980 CFU/m³, significant). Penicillium spp. and Alternaria spp. were most prevalent, with Alternaria spp. significant at H. Kikić Primary School. In December, the highest mold/yeast concentrations were at H. Kikić Primary School (4578 CFU/m³, not significant), M. Dizdar Primary School (1924 CFU/m³, significant), and A. Šantić Primary School (2587 CFU/m³, not significant). Penicillium spp. was most prevalent. In February, the highest mold concentrations were at H. Kikić Primary School (4578 CFU/m³, not significant), M. Dizdar Primary School (2786 CFU/m³, not significant), and A. Šantić Primary School (5838 CFU/m³, significant). Aspergillus spp. and Penicillium spp. were equally prevalent. In May, the highest mold/yeast concentrations were at H. Kikić Primary School (6568 CFU/m³, significant), M. Dizdar Primary School (3516 CFU/m³, significant), and A. Šantić Primary School (7431 CFU/m³, significant). Aspergillus spp. was most prevalent. These findings highlight the importance of regular monitoring and implementing appropriate ventilation measures to manage air quality and health concerns in schools.

Regulatorna tijela Bosne i Hercegovine koja su se pojavila u posljednjih dvadesetak godina u procesu intenzivne agencifikacije i u toj državi većinom su neistražena pojava. Stoga je cilj ovoga rada utvrditi koje su od velika broja agencija te države regulatori, kakve imaju ovlasti i neovisnost, kojem komparativnom modelu pripadaju, a posebice postoji li uopće model bosanskohercegovačkog regulatora. S tom su svrhom uspoređeni regulatorni modeli određenih država od posebne važnosti i analizirana pitanja neovisnosti i sadržaja regulatornih ovlasti. Utvrđeno je postojanje sedam regulatornih agencija na središnjoj razini vlasti te da je većina bosanskohercegovačkih regulatora dio državne uprave. Osim toga, neovisnost pojedinih regulatora jako varira – od relativno visoke u području energije i komunikacija do niske u reguliranju željezničkog prometa, pri čemu pojedini regulatori imaju različite uzore, od angloameričkih do europskokontinentalnih, te je konačan zaključak da model bosanskohercegovačkog regulatora uopće ne postoji.

The aim of this research was to examine the relationship between absolute and relative lower extremity strength and the efficiency of gymnastics vault performance. Thirty healthy, physically active male students (age: 20.84 ± 0.99 years; height: 179.46 ± 5.91 cm; body weight: 73.88 ± 6.43 kg) from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education participated in the study. Absolute lower extremity strength was assessed by measuring the maximum load lifted (in kg) during a back squat (1RM). Relative lower extremity strength was calculated by dividing the estimated 1RM back squat by the participant's body weight (1RM/BW). Two types of vaults—the squat through (ST) and the front handspring (FHS)—were used to evaluate vault performance efficiency. Three criterion variables were applied: (d1) distance from the springboard in front of the vault, (d2) distance of landing beyond the vault, (d1 - d2) the difference between d1 and d2, and (pt) overall vault performance rating. The results showed statistically significant and strong correlations between both absolute and relative lower extremity strength and the variables measuring vault performance efficiency. The strongest correlations were observed for (d1), followed by (d2), (pt), and (d1 - d2). These findings can serve as guidelines for developing both absolute and relative lower extremity strength, which may lead to improved performance in gymnastics vaults.

Rijalda Mekic, Marianna A. Zolotovskaia, M. Sorokin, Tharaa Mohammad, N. Shaban, Ivan Musatov, Victor Tkachev, Alexander Modestov et al.

Introduction The differential ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous nucleotide substitutions (dN/dS) is a common measure of the rate of structural evolution in proteincoding genes. In addition, we recently suggested that the proportion of transposable elements in gene promoters that host functional genomic sites serves as a marker of the rate of regulatory evolution of genes. Such functional genomic regions may include transcription factor binding sites and modified histone binding loci. Methods Here, we constructed a model of the human interactome based on 600,136 documented molecular interactions and investigated the overall relationship between the number of interactions of each protein and the rate of structural and regulatory evolution of the corresponding genes. Results By evaluating a total of 4,505 human genes and 1,936 molecular pathways we found a general correlation between structural and regulatory evolution rate metrics (Spearman 0.08–0.16 and 0.25–0.37 for gene and pathway levels, respectively, p < 0.01). Further exploration revealed in the established human interactome model lack of correlation between the rate of gene regulatory evolution and the number of protein interactions on gene level, and weak negative correlation (∼0.15) on pathway level. We also found a statistically significant negative correlation between the rate of gene structural evolution and the number of protein interactions (Spearman −0.11 and −0.3 for gene and pathway levels, respectively, p < 0.01). Discussion Our result suggests stronger structural rather than regulatory conservation of genes whose protein products have multiple interaction partners.

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