
Publikacije (33278)

Malik Galijašević, Ruth Steiger, S. Treichl, Wing Mann Ho, S. Mangesius, Valentin Ladenhauf, Johannes Deeg, Leonhard Gruber et al.

One of the main causes of the dismal prognosis in patients who survive the initial bleeding after aneurysmal subarachnoidal hemorrhage is the delayed cerebral ischaemia caused by vasospasm. Studies suggest that cerebral magnesium and pH may potentially play a role in the pathophysiology of this adverse event. Using phosphorous magnetic resonance spectrocopy (31P-MRS), we calculated the cerebral magnesium (Mg) and pH levels in 13 patients who suffered from aSAH. The values between the group that developed clinically significant vasospasm (n = 7) and the group that did not (n = 6) were compared. The results of this study show significantly lower cerebral Mg levels (p = 0.019) and higher pH levels (p < 0.001) in the cumulative group (all brain voxels together) in patients who developed clinically significant vasospasm. Further clinical studies on a larger group of carefully selected patients are needed in order to predict clinically significant vasospasm.

Darko Božanić, Igor Epler, Adis Puška, Sanjib Biswas, Dragan Marinković, Stefan Koprivica

This paper presents a multi-criteria decision-making model based on the application of two methods, DIBR II and MABAC. The DIBR II method was used to define weight coefficients. The MABAC method was used to rank alternatives, and it was applied in a rough environment. Four experts were engaged in defining the criteria and alternatives as well as in the relation of criteria. The model was applied for ranking the methods and techniques of Lean organization systems management in the maintenance of technical systems of special purposes. At the end of the application was conducted a sensitivity analysis which proved the stability of the obtained results.

Adina Ćosić, F. Andrejaš, M. Džambić, Namir Halilović, Nevres Hurić

Bryophytes are a group of plants vital to many ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles and are well known bioindicators and biomonitoring tools. However, they have been deemed industrially less important than vascular plants and their potential for applications other than as biomonitoring tools has been overlooked. In recent years, however, bryophytes, and in particular mosses, are starting to gain attention as viable phytoremediation agents. Studies indicate that some moss species have the ability to uptake heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, As, and Cr from contaminated water. Tested mosses could both adsorb and absorb significant amounts of specific heavy metals without adverse effects on the plant. Results suggest that moss biomass, either dry or wet, could be used as a bio-sorbent in filtration of heavy metals. The review of available literature shows a promising prospect of moss to be used in phytofiltration of heavy metals. Existing knowledge on this topic could be the basis for further research which isneeded. KEYWORDS:moss; heavy metal; phytofiltration; bio-sorbent

Nevres Hurić, Almir Mehić, V. Stuhli, M. Džambić, Namir Halilović, Adina Ćosić

Livestock production is a potential environmental pollutan because of the high concentartions of animals on the small area. Production of biogas with anaerobic degradation from organic waste is one of the pledge alternative energetic solutions, especially from organic manure made from animal farming and other residuals of agricultural production.The aim of this paper was to determine posibillity of using manure different origin from extensive animal breeding for production of biogas in labaratory conditions. The results obtained will be based on posibillity of use waste streams from extensive animal husbandry as basic substrate for anaerobic digestion.In this regard, cosubstrates were formed as mixture 1 chicken excrement; mixture 2 sheep manure; mixture 3 cow manure; all three basic substrates were in mixture with the sludge from the wastewater treatment plant. The results showed production of 71,5 ml CH4/gVS for mixture 1, 68,65 ml CH4/gVS for mixture 2 and 48,68 ml CH4/gVS for mixture 3. KEYWORDS:extensive breeding, manure, anaerobic digestion, biogas, biomethane potentional

Amila Hasanspahić, E. Hadžalić, Anis Balić

– In this paper, the influence of waste shear strength parameters on landfill slope stability is studied. Namely, using the limit equilibrium method in GeoStudio 2018, stability analyses of a typical landfill slope are performed using semi-probabilistic and probabilistic approaches. The semi-probabilistic computations of slope stability are performed based on the available literature recommendations for the waste shear strength parameters. The results obtained for different recommendations are compared and discussed. In the probabilistic computations, the waste shear strength parameters are treated as random variables with Gaussian random distribution, where the parameters of the distribution are again selected based on the literature recommendations. Here, the influence of dispersion in the values of waste shear strength parameters is also examined. In addition, sensitivity analyses are also performed to gain insights into the relative importance of parameters. With the aforementioned analyses, an effort was made to investigate and derive conclusions about how the selection of waste shear strength parameters affects landfill slope stability.

Nowadays, bottled water has become part of the lifestyle, replacing tap water, and water from freestanding dispensers is increasingly being used. The main goal of this research was to determine the health suitability of bottled water in freestanding dispensers. The research included the microbiological analysis of a total of 100 samples of bottled water from freestanding dispensers. The samples were mostly taken in the wider area of the city of Doboj (doctor's offices, shops, public buildings), and one dispenser in the city of Tuzla. Water samples were taken twice, in the period from April to June 2022. Water samples from 6 different manufacturers (Vivia, Kristal, Nevra, Gora, Aqua doria, Aqua team) were analyzed. 9% of water samples (9/100) were microbiologically correct. Microbiologically defective samples contained a higher total number of bacteria at 22°C and 37°C, as well as a higher number of coliform bacteria than the maximum allowed values. No significant differences in microbiological quality were found between older and/or recently installed water dispensers, as well as in terms of environmental conditions, while visible differences were observed between dispensers that were regularly hygienically maintained.KEYWORDS:dispensers; bottled water; coliform bacteria; biofilms; total bacteria count

Belma Alihodžić, Tatjana Atanasova-Pachemska, Sanela Nesimović

Teaching is a process for which its plan should contain reflection onto previous experience. With that in mind, teaching situations should be continuously researched and improved in accordance with the research results. Led by this thought and the fact that students are uncritically using visualization to solve mathematical problems, we defined the aim of this research–determine the attitude of students about the visualization of mathematical content (VMC). The subject of this research are the attitudes of students towards VMC. By analyzing our research subject, we have discovered the research problem–students use visual aid to solve problems uncritically. Based on this problem, we have set the aim of our research. Our aim was to determine the students’ attitudes (and their opinions) about VMC. Based on the aim of our research, we have set four research tasks. Based on these research tasks, we have established the main (leading) research question–What is the attitude of high school students towards the application of VMC? We divided the main research question into five questions: Do high school students consider that they understand the term ‘VMC’? Who considers they use more methods of solving mathematical problems using visual aid–high school male students or female students? Students of which grades consider that they use solving problems using visual aid more? What is the attitude of high school students about the relationship between the substantiality of the picture (the amount of data it encompasses) and the difficulty of solving the problem? What is the attitude of students about the use of software to solve mathematical problems? The research has been conducted with 1,240 high school students from Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina. For the purposes of this article, we employed a survey, questionnaire-based research. The research was created as part of a larger study conducted in the context of preparing a doctoral dissertation related to VMC. It is one fundamental research. An essential aspect of this research involves students’ attitudes toward VMC. After obtaining all necessary approvals from relevant institutions and parents, students proceeded to testing and surveying in their school classrooms, under the supervision of designated individuals who facilitated the conduct of the research. The distribution of the data was not normal, so we used the Pearson Chi-square, likelihood ratio Chi-square, and linear-by-linear association test to examine the association between student attitudes and categorical variables (gender and grade). In addition, we used frequencies and percentages. It has been concluded that the students are mostly positive towards applying visualization in their process of solving mathematical problems and these should be used in the direction of improving the students’ success, their confidence and their level of contentment in their mathematics class, as well as in other life situations that encompass mathematical content. In future research, it could be examined why students expressed such attitudes about the presented situations. Additionally, it would be significant to explore why students do not consider themselves successful in applying VMC, despite claiming to understand the term. The analysis could extend to the content presented in textbooks or instructional materials students use–how visualized the content is or whether students are required to visualize it themselves. It would also be worthwhile to investigate the extent to which teachers encourage students to visualize specific tasks or do so on their behalf. Given the fluctuation in results (we observe affirmative answers–partially or completely) observed across grades–initial decrease, subsequent increase, followed by another decrease–it might be explored whether this is related to the curriculum taught in each grade (such as content, volume, number of class hours, etc.). Regarding images leading to incorrect conclusions, it would be interesting to investigate the types of images students have in mind, how frequently they encounter such situations, where they use these images, who creates them, and similar aspects. These are just some questions for future research.

Mirha Pjanić, M. Aleckovic-Halilovic, N. Bašić-Jukić

The John Cunningham virus (JCV) is a polyomavirus that usually infects people at a young age and does not cause any symptoms in immunocompetent individuals. However, in immunocompromised individuals, such as kidney transplant recipients, JCV can cause severe and potentially fatal disease. Unfortunately, JCV has not been researched as extensively as the BK virus and is not mentioned in relevant kidney transplant guidelines. This lack of attention to JCV can lead to less consideration in kidney transplant patients’ care. Surveillance using locally available diagnostic methods is of the utmost importance. The presence of JCV can be diagnosed with urine decoy cells, viruria, or viremia verified by the PCR method. A low threshold for considering JCV as a possible cause of any neurological or renal dysfunction in kidney transplant recipients must be maintained. In such cases, kidney and brain biopsy are indicated. Maintaining the appropriate immunosuppression while avoiding over-immunosuppression to prevent JCV disease is crucial, and the approach should be individual, according to overall immunological risk. We hypothesize that the presence of the JCV can indicate overt immunosuppression and identify kidney transplant recipients more prone to opportunistic infections and diseases, including some malignancies. To explore that, future observational studies are needed.

Nadina Kurtanović, Ena Gogić, E. Tanović, Damir Čelik, Elmina Mulić Hadžiavdić

There is increasing evidence of neurological involvement in patients with coronavirus disease. Reports of neurological manifestations include altered mental status, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) and its forms, encephalopathy, psychosis, neurocognitive (dementia) syndrome, ischemic strokes, intracerebral hemorrhage, and acute transverse myelitis. We present three patients with rare neurological manifestations of the COVID-19 disease, with a special focus on rehabilitation in a health resort setting. Outcomes were evaluated based on neurological examination and the modified Barthel index. We highlight the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to reduce disability and improve functionality and quality of life.

Bruce McDonald, Sarah Larson, Craig S. Maher, Shayne Kavanagh, Kenneth Hunter, Christopher Goodman, Honey Minkowitz, Sean McCandless et al.

Public budgeting and finance is a discipline that encompasses communities of research and practice. Too often, however, these communities fail to engage each other, instead choosing to operate independently. The result is that the research being conducted fails to address the questions of the day and our governments’ challenges. In this article, we come together as a community of academics and practitioners to establish an agenda for where future research should be conducted. This agenda aims to align the research being undertaken within the academic community with the needs of those working in the community of practice. After establishing ten areas where research is needed, we followed a ranked-choice voting process to establish a prioritization for them. Based on the outcome of this process, the two primary areas where research is currently needed most are the fiscal health of our governments and the implementation of social equity budgeting.  

F. Tandir, R. Avdić, Nejra Dučić, Aida Džanković, Redžep Tandir, E. Šaljić, Anel Vejzović, N. Hadžiomerović

Simple Summary The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the morphology of root canals in the carnassial teeth of German shepherds and mixed-breed dogs. Knowledge of the morphology of root canals is essential for a successful endodontic procedure. It has been determined that an apical delta, which represents a complex structure that consists of multiple cavities whose purpose is to allow the passing of nerves and blood vessels from the pulp cavity to the apex of the root, was present in 247 roots. There are four main types of apical delta. The most common type in superior fourth premolars was type II, with up to 10 apical ramifications, whereas type IIIA, with 10–20 apical ramifications, was most commonly present in inferior first molars. Abstract Root canal treatment of carnassial teeth in dogs is a common endodontic technique which aims to re-establish or maintain the health of the periapical tissues. In total, 43 dogs were used in this study. Root canal morphology was evaluated in 86 superior fourth premolars and 86 inferior first molars. Apical delta was present in 247 roots, while obliteration of the root canal was found in 11 roots. The most common type of apical delta of the roots of superior fourth premolars was type II, with up to 10 apical ramifications, while type IIIA, with 10–20 apical ramifications, was most commonly present in the roots of inferior first molars. Considering that knowledge of the morphology of root canals is essential for a successful endodontic procedure, the aim of this study was to analyze and compare the morphology of root canals in the carnassial teeth of German shepherds and mixed-breed dogs. Apical resection for the purpose of endodontic therapy of the superior fourth premolar and the inferior first molar is indicated at a length of 4 to 6 mm from the anatomical tip of the roots, which would completely remove the apical delta of these two teeth.

Riccardo E Giunta, Dirk Johannes Schaefer, C. Demirdöver, Giovanni Di Benedetto, Anna Elander, Rado Žic, Alexandru Georgescu, Mark Henley et al.

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