
Publikacije (26)

Almir Fajkić, M. Musić, A. Kulenović, Asija Začiragić, N. Avdagić, N. Babic, O. Lepara, E. Pepić et al.

BACKGROUND The aim of the present study was to evaluate serum nitric oxide (NO) and C reactive protein (CRP) concentration in veterans with and without PTSD. Furthermore, we aimed to assess whether there is a correlation between serum NO and CRP concentrations in tested groups. SUBJECTS AND METHODS Cross-sectional study included 90 male individuals, with and without experience of direct war combat, divided into three equal groups (n=30): group 1- included war veterans with PTSD, group 2 - included war veterans without PTSD, and control group - 30 apparently healthy volunteers, without experience of direct war combat. The diagnosis of PTSD was assessed according to the guidelines in the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). High-sensitivity CRP was determined by immunonephelometry. The serum NO level was determined by classic colorimetrical Griess reaction. RESULTS Serum CRP concentration in veterans with (3.54±1.19 mg/L) and without PTSD (3.24±2.04 mg/L), was significantly higher (p<0.05) compared to control group (1.26±1.06 mg/L). Serum NO concentration in veterans with (7.64±4.43 μmol/L) and without PTSD (7.12±2.60 μmol/L) was significantly lower (p<0.05) compared to control group (11.26±7.01 μmol/L). Statistically significant correlation between serum NO and CRP concentration was determined in veterans without PTSD (r=-0.473; p<0.01). No correlation was observed between serum NO and CRP concentration in veterans with PTSD (r=0.118; p=0.534) and in control group (r=-0.067; p=0.727). CONCLUSION The present study has showed significant increase of serum CRP and significant decrease of serum NO concentrations in veterans with and without PTSD. Furthermore, statistically significant negative correlation between serum NO and CRP concentration was determined only in veterans without PTSD. Obtained results indicate that the complex mechanism of the pathogenesis of PTSD requires further research.

N. Naser, M. Kulić, M. Dilić, A. Džubur, A. Durak, E. Pepić, Elnur Smajić, Z. Kusljugic

Introduction: Atrial fibrillation represents the most common cardiac arrhythmia in clinical practice. By year 2030, 14–17 million AF patients are anticipated in the European Union. Atrial fibrillation remains one of the major causes of stroke, heart failure, sudden death all over the world. Research Objectives: The objective of our study is to determine the cardiac and cerebrovascular events (myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, sudden cardiac death) and their cumulative incidence during 11 years follow up period. Patients and methods: This study includes 2352 ambulant and hospitalized patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) who were enrolled during the follow up period. All patients underwent clinical evaluation in order to determine cardiac and cerebrovascular events (myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, sudden cardiac death) and their cumulative incidence. Results: The results of cumulative incidence for sudden cardiac death was 1.71%, for stroke 2.56%, for myocardial infarction 1.20% and for heart failure was 5.73%. In our study the age-adjusted incidence and prevalence of AF are slightly lower in women. The study shows that the risk of death is higher in females than in males with AF. Conclusion: Despite good progress in the management of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), this arrhythmia remains one of the major causes of stroke, heart failure, sudden death. Effective treatment of patients with atrial fibrillation includes not only rate control, rhythm control, and prevention of stroke, but also management of cardiovascular risk factors and concomitant diseases.

A. Džubur, A. Nalbantić, Amela Džubur, E. Pepić, M. Mekić, J. Mušanović, Pešto Senad

Introduction: Many epidemiological studies have shown that there are numerous risk factors for acute coronary disease. The aim is to determine the effect of risk factors on the echocardiographic changes and quality of life in patients treated with different methods 1 year after myocardial infarction. Methods: The research was a prospective–retrospective, clinical, epidemiological study and was conducted at the Clinic of Cardiology, University Clinical Center Sarajevo. Patients were divided into four groups based on the therapy treatment they got. The patients were divided into four groups based on the therapy treatment they received. The first group consisted of 40 patients who had had myocardial infarction and were treated with medications. The patients in the groups II and III were treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) [who immediately after incident underwent primary PCI or delayed PCI], and each group consisted of 40 patients. The group IV consisted of 40 patients, who underwent surgical revascularization (coronary artery bypass surgery). After the treatments have finished, an echocardiogram was performed on every patient. The Short Form (SF)-36 health survey was used for testing the life quality. Echocardiogram and the quality of life (QoL) testing were repeated a year after the treatment. Results: The study included 160 patients with a history of myocardial infarction, of which 130 (81.3%) were men, and 30 (18.8%) were women. The average age in the total sample was 54.9 ± 8.8 years. The review of risk factors’ presence showed that in the total sample, most present was hypertension with 134 (83.8%), smoking with 120 (75.0%), and hypercholesterolemia with 110 or 68.8% of patients. Hypertension showed a statistically significant negative effect on the SF-scales only in the group III according to the mental health (P = 0.020), social functioning (P = 0.013), and pain (P = 0.011). A statistically significant effect of smoking was observed in the group III according to left ventricular internal dimension in end-diastole (P = 0.000) and left ventricular internal dimension in end-systole (P = 0.001) in the sense that smokers have the higher values of these parameters, and negative to ejection fraction (EF) (P = 0.001) in the sense that smokers have lower EF. In the group IV, positive correlation was observed to EF (P = 0.038), and negative toward the mitral regurgitation (P = 0.032). Conclusion: High blood pressure negatively affected the QoL. Smoking is negatively associated with all observed echocardiographic parameters in all the groups except with the size of the left atrium.

J. Mušanović, Azra Metović, E. Pepić, B. Imamović, Amela Džubur-Alić, Marijana Filipovska-Mušanović, D. Marjanovic

In this study the efficacy of short tandem repetitive sequences - STR was examined to prove kinship among the descendants of one parent pairs within the small local population by analyzing sharing of alleles per locus at siblings and non-siblings of the two villages: Vukotići and Orahovica and comparing these results with the results of a heterogeneous Bosnian-Herzegovinian population of our previous research. There was a significant difference in this division in the group of siblings and a group of non-siblings as well and the phenomenon of polarization when it comes to the representation of sharing zero and two alleles in the samples for both villages, with significantly overrepresented sharing of zero alleles at non-siblings and significantly overrepresented sharing of two alleles at siblings. By comparing sharing of alleles between sample from the small local population and the sample from mixed population from our earlier research, there is no statistically significant difference in the distribution of 2, 1 and 0 alleles between samples of these two population. This obtained ratio of dividing 2, 1 and 0 alleles in these two samples is about that both samples belongs to the same Bosnian-Herzegovinian population. and in the village of Vukotići. One of the possible reasons is the fact that Vukotići is less than the Orahovica. Using STR system in determining the kinship, or lack of the kinship in a small local populations within the Bosnian-Herzegovinian population, is proved to be a successful method based on the results of this research.

M. Musić, A. Dervišević, E. Pepić, O. Lepara, Almir Fajkić, Belma Ascić-Buturović, E. Tuna

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate liver function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with and without metabolic syndrome (MS) by determining serum levels of gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). We also investigated correlation between levels of liver enzymes and some components of MS in both groups of patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 96 patients (age 47–83 years) with T2DM. All patients were divided according to the criteria of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) in two groups: 50 patients with T2 DM and MS (T2DM-MS) and 46 patients with T2DM without MS (T2DM-Non MS). The analysis included blood pressure monitoring and laboratory tests: fasting blood glucose (FBG), total lipoprotein cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglyceride (TG), fibrinogen and liver enzymes: GGT, ALT and AST. T2DM-MS group included patients which had FBG ≥ 6,1 mmol/L, TG ≥ 1,7 mmol/L and blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mm Hg. Results: T2DM-MS patients had significant higher values of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and medium arterial pressure compared to T2DM-Non MS patients. Serum levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, VLDL-C and FBG were significantly higher in the T2DM-MS group compared to the T2DM-Non MS group. Serum fibrinogen level and GGT level were significantly higher in patients with T2DM-MS compared to the serum fibrinogen level and GGT level in T2DM-Non MS patients. Mean serum AST and ALT level were higher, but not significantly, in patients with T2DM and MS compared to the patients with T2DM without MS. Significant negative correlations were observed between TC and AST (r= -0,28, p<0,05), as well as between TC and ALT level (r= -0,29, p<0,05) in T2DM-MS group of patients. Conclusion: These results suggest that patients with T2DM and MS have markedly elevated liver enzymes. T2DM and MS probably play a role in increasing the risk of liver injury.

I. Hasanbegović, Eldan Kapur, A. Kulenović, Asija Gojacic, Amela Džubur, J. Mušanović, E. Pepić

Objective: In recent years regional anesthesia has gained great popularity. However, like any other medical procedure, the regional anesthesia carries certain risk of unintended intraneural injection and consequential neurological complications. Studies in animals have suggested that intraneural application of local anesthetics may cause mechanical injury. Previous studies, however, have used small animal models and clinically irrelevant injection speed or equipment. In this study we used equipment and injection methods in common clinical use to study the consequences and pressure dynamics of intraneural injection. Our hypothesis is that an intraneural injection is heralded by higher injection pressure and leads to neurologic impairment in pigs. Materials and Methods: Ten pigs of mixed breed (21-26 kg, 4-6 months old) were studied. After general anesthesia, the sciatic nerves (n = 20) were exposed bilaterally. Under direct vision, a 25-gauge insulated nerve block needle was placed either intraneurally (n = 10) or perineurally (n = 10), and 4 ml of preservative-free lidocaine 2% was injected using an automated infusion pump (15 ml/min). Injection pressure data were acquired using an in-line manometer coupled to a computer via an analog-to-digital conversion board. After injection, the animals were awakened and subjected to serial neurologic examinations during next 7 days. Results: All perineural injections resulted in injection pressures below 40 kPa. In contrast, intraneural injections resulted in significantly higher peak pressures (P 140 k Pa. Conclusion: High injection pressure (>140 kPa) predicts intraneural injection and consequential neurologic deficit. As long as the injection pressure is low, injection into poorly compliant tissue can be avoided and neurological complication can be prevented.

Alma Voljevica, Elvira Talović, E. Pepić, Amna Pleho Kapic

Introduction: Willis arterial circle (circulus arteriosus cerebri Willisi) is the most important part of the collateral circulatory system of the brain. It functions in normal and pathological situations such as valvular mechanism and thus allows optimal blood supply of all parts of the brain tissue, which reduces the risk of transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke. The main pre-requisite for the normal function of the circle is its completeness and the lack of hypoplastic vessels. Materials and Methods: In this research, we used 100 angiograms of carotid system shown by serial angiography by Seldinger taken from the archives of the Department of Radiology, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo. For morphometric analysis of blood vessels, we used specially designed software program ELLIPSE (ViDiTo, Zoltan Tomoris, Kosice, Slovak Republic, tomori@saske.sk. In this way, it was possible to more easily store and analyze angiograms that were used for morphometric analysis. Results: In our study, larger diameters of blood vessels in Willis circle were observed in the younger subjects compared to older except the diameter of the internal carotid artery, which was about 0.2 to 0.3 mm larger in the older subjects. In both age groups among males, we recorded larger diameters of the internal carotid artery and segment before the circle of the posterior cerebral artery in relation to the female population, while the rear communicating artery in females was 0.1 mm wider in diameter compared to men in category of younger respondents.

M. Dilić, A. Džubur, E. Pepić, Amela Džubur, Suvada Švrakić

Introduction: epidemiological data suggests worldwide burden of clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis, (i.e. coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral vascular diseases). Combined coronary and carotid disease is the most presented type of the polyvascular atherosclerotic disease. The goal is to evaluate the influence and correlation of multiple risk factors in combined coronary and carotid atherosclerotic disease and to compare them to isolated coronary atherosclerotic disease. Material and methods: we included total of 124 consecutive patients with established coronary and carotid atherosclerotic disease. Patients were divided in two groups; group with isolated coronary atherosclerotic disease (ICAD) (n=60) with clinicaly established atherosclerosis on coronary vascular bed. Group with combined carotid and coronary atherosclerotic disease (CCAD) (n=64), had clinicaly established combined atherosclerosis of two vascular beds, coronary and carotid. We performed clinical assessment, laboratory tests, and specific cardiac investigations, (i.e. invasive and non-invasive diagnostic procedures). Results: in ICAD group we found high significance in multiple risk factors; total cholesterol 92,6%, obesity 80%, and elevated fibrinogen 77,5%. In CCAD group we found high significance of multiple risk factors; total cholesterol (82,5%), elevated fibrinogen (82,5%) and tobacco smoking of 77,5%. In CCAD group in males most assessed risk factor was smoking 88,4%, and in females total cholesterol 92,8%. Comparing ICAD and CCAD group we found significantly more diabetes mellitus type 2 in CCAD group. Conclusion: in both groups of patients we found markedly increase risk factors especially arterial hypertension, smoking and total cholesterol level. Multiple regression analysis showed significant correlation of patients age as a predictor of arterial hypertension. In other risk factors; total cholesterol, obesity, diabetes mellitus and fibrinogen, we found no statistical significance related to patients’ age.

M. Dilić, A. Džubur, Z. Kusljugic, Sefkija Balic, E. Pepić

UNLABELLED Atherosclerosis is a systemic disease of blood vessels which in most of the cases affects two or three vascular beds. The occurrence and development of atherosclerotic disease is accelerated by multiple risk factors among which the significant role has arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. AIM of this article is to evaluate presence of hypertension and diabetes mellitus type 2 in patients with polyvascular atherosclerotic disease and compare them to those who have isolated disease of one vascular bed. MATERIAL AND METHODS we enrolled total of 160 consecutive patients. Patients were divided into 4 groups, in relation to the type of their atherosclerotic disease. COR-group included patients with coronary atherosclerotic disease, CAR-IF group included patients with carotid and iliac-femoral atherosclerotic disease, COR-IF group consists of patients with coronary and iliac-femoral atherosclerotic disease, and COR-CAR-IF group consists of patients with atherosclerotic disease in three vascular beds: coronary, carotid and iliac-femoral. We followed clinical variables: age, gender, arterial hypertension, tobacco smoking, total cholesterol and diabetes mellitus with focus on arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus. RESULTS we had significant percentage of patients with arterial hypertension in all four groups in relation to those with normal blood pressure. Hypertension in male subjects was significantly higher in those with polyvascular disease i.e. COR-CAR-IF, and COR-IF groups, compared to monovascular disease i.e. COR group, (p < 0.05). In females the prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher in COR-CAR-IF and COR-IF groups, (< 0.05). Males had higher systolic values in the COR-CAR-IF group compared to other groups, but only signif. differ. was between COR-CAR-IF group vs. CAR-IF group, (p < 0.05). In females we found signif. differ. in systolic values in COR-CAR-IF group compared to COR group, p < 0,05. In diastolic values we found no signif. differ. between groups. The significant percentage of diabetics was in COR-CAR-IF group (77.5%), and the difference to other groups was statistically significant, p < 0.05. We found significant percentage of diabetics in COR-CAR-IF group (77.5%), and the difference between the diabetics versus non-diabetics was statistically significant. The largest percentage of diabetics both men (76.1%) and women (84.2%) belonged to the patients with polyvascular disease i.e. COR-CAR-IF group respondents. CONCLUSIONS prevalence of arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus was statistically higher in individuals with polyvascular atherosclerotic disease.

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