
Publikacije (33289)

S. Solaković, Haris Serhatlic, Nina Solaković, Fedja Hajrulahović, Amina Godinjak, R. Pavlović, Mensur Vrcić, Zhanneta Kozina et al.

Introduction: We are increasingly witnessing the self-initiated, uncontrolled stacking of incompatible anabolic substances in various cycles in the young Balkan Recreational Bodybuilding population group, increasingly frequent acts of violence in our country and the emergence of a neglected and very silent epidemic that is taking on an increasingly aggressive course of illness and psychological behavior. Black market anabolic steroids are associated with many generally health problems and uncontrolled aggression behavior by abusers. Young unsolicited recreate bodybuilding are also associated with generalized atherosclerosis and potential increased high risk for heart disease that can structural and functional damage the cardiovascular system during muscle mass steroid cycles. Besides high calorie intake, elevating serum blood lipid cholesterol levels LDL lowering HDL levels, elevating, systolic and diastolic blood pressure take a certain participation in cardiovascular risk and therefor need a development of certain cardiovascular protection strategies for this avoiding medical supervision anabolic steroids abuser group which are not yet appropriate established. The aim of the short study was to estimate Cardiovascular Protective Strategy Measures on lipid levels, and blood pressure status in a young recreational bodybuilder with different ethnic groups who Abuse Anabolic Steroids during controversial and different mass Cycles with and without taking Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) and Statins. Subjects and methods: This study was conducted from beginning of January, 2022 till end of July, 2022. 140 subjects are included age 17-30 (74 male Recreational Bodybuilder Who Abuse Anabolic Steroids on Simvastatin’s 10mg and Acetylsalicylic Acid 150mg doses of (ASA) and 10 grams of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids during mass Steroid Cycles and 66 impellers group of male Recreational Bodybuilder Who Abuse Anabolic Steroids consisting without consume Statins and Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) during mass Steroid Cycles). For the testing of statistical significance of differences between the exanimated groups non-parameter and parameter tests were used. The difference at a level of p< (0,001) was statistically significant. Results: In all the tested subjects we investigated increasing lipid levels and blood pressure after six months of study. Analysis shows the statistically insignificant influence of antiplatelet therapy (150mg Acetylsalicylic acid) (ASA), combined with Simvastatin 10mg p<(0,001) in steroid abuse subjects during irrational muscle mass steroid cycles. Conclusion: Lack of familiarity with combinations of anabolic substances, as well as the danger of oral applications of very harmful steroids from the former Soviet Union and German Democratic Republic (GDR), this study showed. Avoidance of physician supervision by recreate bodybuilders by deceiving of the athletic subjectivity look, seams appears almost always in gym. This cardiovascular protective measures have poor benefit appeared to be usefully blind preventing strategy of controlling blood lipid levels during muscle mass steroid cycles, with no guaranty of worsen cardiovascular condition by abusing anabolic steroids. The influence of the reflection of the COVID 19 virus on such dramatic therapeutic results in this population group of two groups cannot be ruled out for sure.

S. Solaković, Haris Serhatlic, Nina Solaković, Fedja Hajrulahović, R. Pavlović, Mensur Vrcić, Zhanneta Kozina, Dan Alexe et al.

Introduction: Adequate individual physical activity after COVID 19 infection as a inevitable part of postoperative therapy of surgically treated vascular and endovascular patients witch still remains a scientific unexplored international neglected secret. General post-covid symptomatology is increasingly present in patients with surgical or endovascular procedures on the iliac segment in the form of a manifestation of various complaints that can affect the very accessibility of the choice of treatment according to the TASC II guidelines, but also affect physical activity and quality of life. Besides the medicament treatment, the management of moderate intensity exercise therapy and future consistency of self-controlled exercise after surgical and endovascular after treatment in iliac critic stenosis with other asymptomatic systemic atherosclerosis can be important factor to support and improve benefits of surgical and endovascular treatment outcome in variable symptomatology of POSTCOVID 19 patients treated classical surgical and endovascular. Goals: The focus is on priority of investigation of remodeling the pattern of cultural smoking behavior and increasing the dynamic of physical activity trying to prevent and avoid potential risk of sudden death, myocardial infarction, stroke graft (stent) occlusion, and cardiovascular mortality in patients with POSTCOVID 19 symptomatology in which is besides other asymptomatic systemic atherosclerosis is the main disease critical iliac artery stenosis (TASC II A and B). Scientifically unproven that sometimes can be associated with poor outcome of surgical intervention the which are in deficit with scientific studies to confirm these scientific observations. Second goals are to investigate the potential possibility of POST COVID 19 symptomatology associated with the success of classic surgical bypass or endovascular intervention and the possibility of reflection on physical activity after vascular intervention. Also the improving and secure the quality of life after successful surgical bypass and endovascular revascularization treatment with influence on primary iliac (TASC II A and B) vascular intervention potency one of main goals as well suppress permanent or permanent consequences of the Covid 19 virus during therapeutic surgical or endovascular procedures of the iliac segment (TASC II A and B) Traditional food as well wrong choice of diet and continuous fight with nicotinism is still remains generally main health threat. Subjects and Methods: 266 Symptomatic post COVID 19 Patients with were observed during 3 years (134 patients with surgical dacron reconstruction and 132 with endovascular treatmant of short segment critical iliac artery stenosis) Moderate interval Intensity Training with Short Interval Repetitions on standard treadmill procedure. Results: The connection of the outcome of surgical and endovascular treatment with post and long covid 19 symptomatology is possible and has a significant impact on the quality of the continuation of physical medication therapy. Difference between the surgical and endovascular groups was observed after the implementation of the treatment as well as factors affecting the outcome of therapy. the outcome is devastating with the prevention of the risk factor of nicotism as well as with the lack of physical activity in some groups. Conclusion: Primary potency after Three years of Endovascular procedure and Dacron bypass Revascularization, has shown as successful with support of supervised exercise training in POSTCOVID 19 patients. Nicotiism still remains highly potency outcome threat when supporting exercise therapy. Also, future and recent studies on this topic should expand their understanding of the effect of the COVID 19 virus on the body in this patients, as well as improving the quality of life in order to improve the patency of bypass or endovascular intervention on the arterial iliac segment.

Danijela Živković, M. Živković, Tijana Purenović-Ivanović, Anđela Đošić, Nebojša Ranđelović, S. Pantelić

Frequent sedentary behavior caused by the increased use of new technologies has contributed to the increase in overweight and obesity in children. These lifestyle changes include insufficient physical activity (PA) or an unfavorable relationship between food energy intake and energy expenditure. Parents and the family environment play a significant role in the development of obesity in their children. This study aimed to determine parents' attitudes about the FA of children of different nutritional levels (body mass index - BMI). A total of 149 respondents, parents of students in the first to fourth grades of urban and rural elementary schools, participated in the research. For the purposes of this research, the Fels Questionnaire (FELS PAQ) was used to assess the level of PA in children. The results indicate that there is no statistically significant difference in the intensity of attitudes about PA between parents of overfed and obese children and parents of normally fed children, as well as between mothers and eyes. A statistically significant association between actual and perceived PA levels was found in parents of over-nourished and obese children. Analysis of the difference in the intensity of attitudes about PA among parents of overfed and obese children from urban and rural areas revealed that there is no difference in the attitudes of parents from urban and rural areas

M. Živković, Danijela Živković, Anđela Đošić, Nikola Stojanović, S. Pantelić

The aim of this research was to determine whether there is a relationship between body composition and motor abilities. A total of 50 participants, non-athletes, school-aged, from the school "Vožd Karađorđe" from Niš, male and female, average age 12.9 years, participated in this research. The research examined whether there is a relationship between parameters of the body composition and tests of explosive power, speed and agility. Tests were used to asses explosive power: countermovement jump (CMJ), countermovement jump with free arms (CMJA), squat jump (SJ) and five jump test (5JT). To asses speed we conducted tests 5m sprint (5m), 10m sprint (10m) and 20m sprint (20m). The following tests were used to assess agility: T-test, Zig Zag and Slalom. We used Pearson's correlation analysis to determine the relationship between body composition variables and motor abilities variables. As a result, it was proven that there are statistically significant correlation between body composition and motor abilities of school-age children.

Ivana Stević, Maja Vajagić, Bojana Knežević, Branislava Raičević, Slobodan M. Janković, Dušanka M. Krajnović, Andrijana Milošević-Georgiev, D. Lakić et al.

Obesity is a chronic, complex, relapsing disease impacting healthcare systems and the economy worldwide. We aim to analyze the utilization trends of antiobesity drugs, and their reimbursement status on drug lists of health insurance funds (HIF) in selected European countries. The DDD/1000 inhabitants/day methodology is used for utilization trend analysis, where data from official national utilization reports were used. For the reimbursement status analysis of 5 antiobesity drugs (orlistat, semaglutide, liraglutide, naltrexone/bupropion, setmelanotide), the websites of national health insurance funds (HIF) of 22 European countries were screened. Trend analysis revealed fluctuation for almost all antiobesity drugs (the highest decrease seen for orlistat in Serbia, and the highest increase for liraglutide in Croatia). Novel antiobesity drugs show an increasing utilization trend in almost all the countries. In two out of three European countries, 437 antiobesity drugs are not covered by the HIF. Slovenia and Denmark reimburse most of the antiobesity drugs. The Netherlands is the only country where the cost of setmelanotide is paid by the HIF. Our results emphasize the importance of prioritizing the introduction and implementation of new strategies and reimbursement scheme models in global and national antiobesity policies.

D. Marković, Marina Matović, E. Xhajanka, A. Zukanović, A. Syngelakis, C. Charalambous, M. Tsantidou, Elizabeta Gjorgievska et al.

Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the national oral health programmes in the Balkan countries, to compare key measures and activities in the implementation of the general and specific objectives of the programme, and to analyse the results achieved after the implementation of the programme. Material and Methods: The data were obtained through an electronic search of publicly available documents published by the relevant institutions in the field of dental health care in the Balkan countries. The search terms were: "national programme", "strategy", "action plan", "project", and "oral health". The search was conducted in English and in the native languages of the Balkan Peninsula countries. A comparative analysis of valid documents and those whose validity period has expired was carried out. Results: Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia have valid national preventive programmes. In Cyprus, a strategic plan for the provision of dental services is described. An oral health promotion programme for elementary school children and universal preventive programme for children ("dentist pass") have been implemented in Greece. Serbia has a national preventive programme that has expired, but the programme activities still apply. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania, and Turkey do not have national oral health preventive programmes. Countries in the region with no oral health promotion programmes have poorer oral health indicators compared to countries with existing programmes. Conclusions: While countries in the Balkan Peninsula have made progress in improving the oral health of their inhabitants, the absence of national oral health promotion programmes is striking in many countries in the region. Greater involvement of the community in activities to maintain and improve oral health is needed, as is more comprehensive dental care for vulnerable populations. This paper (Part I) compares national oral health promotion programmes of the Balkan countries, the key measures and activities, and general and specific objectives of the programme.

F. Catibusic, S. Užičanin, Emina Salihbegovic, Zinka Huseinbegovic

Background: Levetiracetam (LEV) is a broad spectrum second-generation antiepileptic drug (AED). Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of levetiracetam for childhood epilepsies. Methods: This is single, tertiary centre observational, prospective study, that included paediatric patients who were treated with levetiracetam at Paediatric hospital University Clinical Centre Sarajevo, during the period of 15 years (2008-2022). Inclusion criteria were: paediatric patients age > 1 month, diagnosed with epilepsy according to International League Against Epilepsy. After the introduction of levetiracetam, each patient has been followed up at least 12 months. According to the outcome the patients were divided into 5 groups: seizure reduction >50%, seizure reduction <50%, complete seizure freedom, the same number of seizures and increased number of seizures. From these groups two intergroups have been formed: responders (seizure reduction >50% and complete seizure freedom) and non-responders (seizure reduction <50%, the same number of seizures and increased number of seizures). Results The study enrolled 259 patients (141 female and 118 male), with mean age 7 years (3,0–12.0). Comorbidities were present at 129/259 (49.8%) patients. After 12 months of treatment, 25/259 (9.7%) patients had seizure reduction >50%, 30/259 (11.6%) patients had seizure reduction <50%, 154/259 (56.5%) patients had achieved seizure freedom, 31/259 (12%) patients had same number of seizures, while 19/259 (7.3%) patients had increased number of seizures. Seizure frequency between responders and non-responders, before treatment and after 12 months of treatment was statistically significant (p<0.001). Discussion: Non responders had the best outcome with ditherapy (30/79; 38%), while responders had the best outcome with monotherapy (161/180;89.4%). Conclusion: Levetiracetam is efficient antiepileptic drug for different types of epilepsies in childhood, used as mono, di or polytherapy.

Tarik Selimović, Marijana Peti, Stjepan Bogdan

In this article, we address a form of active perception characterized by curiosity-driven, open-ended exploration with intrinsic motivation, carried out by a group of agents. The multiple agents and a large number of possible actions are the main motivation for incorporating Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning used to train a neural network in order to derive agent’s policy. Partially Observable Markov Decision Process framework is used to accommodate the inaccuracy of sensors and probabilistic nature of agent’s actions. The proposed method incorporates a consensus that derives the common belief vector, thus allowing each agent to make its decisions based on information acquired by all agents involved in the process of active perception. A well-known benchmark problem with a decentralized tiger scenario was used to demonstrate the possibility of the method to generate agents with different perceptual characteristics by simply changing the agents’ reward function related to their intrinsic motivation. The main validation of the proposed approach was performed by using an example of multi-agent search mission. Final results are presented and discussed, and possible avenues for progress on open problems are identified.

A. Šljivo, A. Abdulkhaliq, Ahmed Mulać, Vlado Lukic, Ivona Margeta, Marija Rako, Emira Kapisazović

Background: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) refers to the cessation of mechanical cardiac activity outside healthcare facilities which requires prompt intervention and intensive resuscitative efforts. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruptions to OHCA systems-of-care, adversely affecting every component of the chain of survival. Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on OHCA events, to draw comparisons between the period before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: This cross-sectional study encompassed data pertaining to all OHCA incidents attended to by the Emergency Medical Service of Canton Sarajevo, covering the period from January 2017 to December 2022, before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Results: During observed period, a total of 1418 [796 (56.1%) before and 622 (43.9%) during COVID-19 pandemic] OHCA events have occurred in Canton Sarajevo of which 297 (20.9 %) [180 (12.7%) before and 117 (8.2%) during COVID-19 pandemic] obtained ROSC. After a 30-day period following the ROSC) it was observed that the predominant outcome, accounting for 181 (12.7%) [106 (7.4%) before and 75 (5.2%) during COVID-19 pandemic] of cases, was a complete recovery. An examination before and during COVID-19 pandemic revealed a decline in OHCA during the year 2021 and 2022 when COVID-19 pandemic was at its highest in the country Being younger, quicker EMT response time and individuals with the initial rhythm of VF or VT were significantly associated with obtaining ROSC (p<0.05). Only 48 (3.3%) of 1418 OHCA events were assisted by bystanders There was no report of AED usage. Conclusion: In conclusion, our investigation highlights the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on OHCA events in Canton Sarajevo, revealing a decrease in OHCA incidence and a reduction in cases achieving ROSC. Notably, EMT response time was shorter during the pandemic.

Anida Asotic, Mirsad Dorić

Background: Cervical cancer is a cancer that occurs in the cells of the cervix–the lower part of the uterus that connects it to the vagina and represents a global public health problem. In 2008, 530,000 new cases and 275,000 deaths from cervical cancer were recorded worldwide, and in 2018, an increase to 570,000 new cases and 311,000 deaths was recorded. For many years, it has been known that the main cause of preinvasive lesions and cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus–HPV. The total prevalence of HPV in the cervix in the general population of women is 10%. In developing countries, this prevalence is higher and describe most frequent clinical manifestations in the praxis. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze and describe molecular genetic basis of cervical cancer and the most frequent clinical manifestations in the praxis. Methods: This is cross-sectional study based on meta-analysis of the facts published in scientific literature stored in indexed databases Medline, PubMed Central, Scopus, Hinari, etc., about molecular genetic basis of the cervical cancer with description of clinical manifestations and its consequences describing morbidity and mortality rate in the population worldwide. Results and Discussion:  In 2008, 530,000 new cases and 275,000 deaths from cervical cancer were recorded worldwide, and in 2018, an increase to 570,000 new cases and 311,000 deaths was recorded. The main cause of preinvasive lesions and cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus–HPV. HPV infection is most common in young, sexually active women under the age of 25, but cervical cancer is more common in older women. Oncogenic types of human papillomavirus 16 and 18 together with HPV 45 and 31 are the causative agents of 80% of cervical cancer cases. HPV 16 has the highest oncogenic potential. Epigenetic changes include DNA methylation and post-translational modifications of histones, such as: methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, ubiquitination and sumoylation. Cervical intraepithelial (CIN / SIL) lesion is a premalignant change of the cervix that occurs due to chronic infection with high-risk types of HPV. Persistent infection with oncogenic types of HPV causes almost all cases of cancer. HPV DNA was detected in 99.7% of cancer samples. Conclusion: There are four main steps in the development of cervical cancer: infection of the metaplastic epithelium of the transformation zone, viral persistence, progression towards precancerous lesions and invasion of the basement membrane. Histologically, in about 80% of cases, squamous cell carcinomas arise from preexisting dysplasias. Adenocarcinoma accounts for about 15-20% of cancer cases. HPV 16 is the main cause of squamous cell carcinoma, unlike HPV 18 which is typically associated with adenocarcinoma.

Sanela Vesnic, A. Jogunčić, V. Sarajlic, Mirsad Dorić

Background: Lymphadenopathy is a common finding in clinical practice. The cause of enlarged nodes on clinical examination alone is challenging and there may be multiple reasons for this enlargement. It may become enlarged due to stimulation by infectious agents or the involvement of metastasis or malignant diseases, such as lymphoma. Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the diagnostic role of fine needle aspiration cytology of lymph nodes in metastatic cancer and lymphoma. Methods: A total of 48 FNAC lymph nodes suspicious for malignancy were sampled with follow-up biopsy in Clinical Center of University of Sarajevo from 2017 to 2023. Lymph nodes were aspirated using 20-22 G needle with minimally 2 passes, spread on slides, air-dried, stained with May-Grünwald-Giemsa or Papanikolaou and residual material sent for cytoblock. Results: Out of 48 cytological samples, 30 (62.5%) revealed metastatic epithelial cells and 12 (25%) lymphoproliferative neoplasm. Three samples were suspected for malignancies, one sample was unrepresentative, one inconclusive and one falsely negative. Histopathological confirmation had 35 patients, while others were confirmed based on clinical presentation and radiological techniques. Compared to histopathological diagnosis, cytology had a sensitivity of 89.47%, specificity of 93.33%, positive predictive value (PPV) 95.04% and negative predictive values (NPV) 86.13% for epithelial metastatic cancer. The overall diagnostic test accuracy was 91.06%. For lymphoproliferative neoplasms cytology in comparison to histopathology had sensitivity 85.71%, specificity 91.18%, PPV 76.4% and NPV 95.04%. The overall diagnostic test accuracy was 89.81%. In both ways cytology is showing significant possibility to be used as a primary tool in detecting cancers. Conclusion: FNAC is a fast, reliable, and efficient method for diagnosing malignant lymphadenopathy. The cytological diagnosis can sometimes be accepted as the definitive diagnosis without further correlation with histopathology, especially in advanced malignancies and known primary malignancies.

Verica Pavlić, Tijana Adamović, Smiljka Cicmil, Danijela Staletovic, Sasa Dabic, Z. Brkic, Zdenka Stojanović


Adriana Lipovac, Ante Mihaljevic, V. Lipovac

Large peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) and carrier frequency offset (CFO) are dominant impairments of the orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) symbol transmission that is applied within the state-of-the-art wireless operator networks. In this work, we deal with consequences of the amplitude peak clipping that is commonly used at the transmitter to reduce the PAPR of the OFDM symbol, and thus prevent its non-linear distortion which would otherwise be imposed by the output high-power amplifier (HPA). Accordingly, regardless of the clipping generating mechanism at the transmitter being either inherent (related to the HPA) or deliberate (due to PAPR reduction), the clipped incoming OFDM symbol at the receiver may lead to degraded detection accuracy and transmission performance. However, the methods that have been applied so far at the receiver for compensating non-linear distortion due to clipping, are quite complex and computationally demanding. On the contrary, we propose effective mitigation of the problem to be performed at the receiver, by deriving the closed-form enhanced detection criterion, which requires common measurements of the mean and the rms values, as well as the autocorrelation of the received OFDM symbol comprising both un-clipped and clipped sections. Such improved detection was shown to significantly reduce the side effects of clipping, and restore satisfactory transmission performance – the bit error rate (BER) in particular. The proposed analytical model was preliminarily verified by versatile Monte-Carlo simulations and professional industry-standard vector signal analysis (VSA) test system, as well as by BER testing. The evident convergence of the three methods’ test results leads to the conclusion that the proposed clipped OFDM symbol detection method provides clear improvement with respect to the conventional one.

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