
Publikacije (33289)

Ajla Bukva, Haris Memisevic

Fine motor skills are a good indicator of a child’s overall development. They underpin almost all everyday activities from self-care skills such as dressing to academic skills such as writing and drawing. In this study we examined the development of fine motor skills of early elementary school children. The sample for this study consisted of 175 children (93 boys, 82 girls, mean age= 120 months; SD = 10.7 months). attending 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. We used Grooved Pegboard test for measuring fine motor skills. We found a medium, statistically significant, correlation between age and motor skills, with stronger correlation at younger age. In relation to child’s grade, there were statistically significant differences in motor skills between children attending 3rd and 4th grade, but no differences between children in 4th and 5th grade. As for the gender, there were no mean differences between boys and girls in the 3rd grade, but there were differences in 4th and 5th grade with girls achieving statistically significantly better scores on Grooved Pegboard test. Fine motor skills should routinely be examined in children and appropriate remediation programs should be set if a child falls behind in motor skills. We concluded a paper with several ways how elementary schools can include fine motor exercises in their curricula.

Šejla Cerić, E. Begić, Buena Aziri, Nusret Salkica, Halil Čorović, Selma Agić-Bilalagić, A. Begić

Two main types of cardiac amyloidosis (CA) exist, as a result of either aberrant plasma cell production of misfolded monoclonal light chains, known as immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis (AL), or production of disintegrated and misfolded transthyretin (TTR) proteins by the liver, also called transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR). Non-invasive diagnostics (cardiac uptake on diphosphonate scintigraphy, Perugini score 2 or 3) have gained prominence in modern cardiology in correlation with the negative findings of free light chains in serum and the results of negative immunofixation in serum and urine. Additionally, criteria related to echocardiography or cardiac magnetic resonance are necessary for establishing a diagnosis. A total of 3.063 99mTc-MDP bone scintigrams were analyzed between August 2018 and March 2023, of which Perugini score 1 was validated in 13 patients, Perugini score 2 in 10 patients and Perugini score 3 in 1 patient. From our experience, we could observe that cardiac uptake can be verified in daily clinical practice and that is meaningful for monitoring patients with ATTR-cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM). Although the sample size is not large, the importance of the study lies in the fact that it involves patients whose findings have been incidentally verified. If patients are selected according to clinical characteristics, the number of positive findings may potentially increase. Our study aimes to raise awareness among physicians of various specialties about the significance of the diagnostic algorithm for infiltrative cardiomyopathies. This is to ensure early diagnosis of this problem and initiation of treatment in the earliest stages when the therapeutic effect is most optimal. Such an approach would yield benefits for both patients and the entire healthcare system. A meticulous diagnostic and therapeutic approach is therefore fundamental for improving clinical outcomes in patients with ATTR-CM, including careful attention to specific TTR genetic variants and long-term follow-up.

M. Fazlic, Selma Poparic, Nina Čamdžić, Suada Vlahovljak, M. Babić, E. Halilović

Background: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common nonmelanoma skin cancer. Although there has been a noticeable increase in incidence over the last decades, the exact incidence is difficult to establish, because data and cancer registries are heterogeneous among countries. Objective: The study aimed to analyze the recent clinical trends of basal cell carcinoma by reviewing a six-year single institution’s experience. Methods: A total number of 582 patients with histologically diagnosed BCC were included in the study. All relevant data were collected from medical records and patients, using short questionnaire. Results: BCC was slightly more common among the male population with female to male ratio of 1:1.24. At the time of diagnosis, male patients were statistically significantly older (70.47±11.9 years) compared to female patients (67.64±12.22 years) (p=0.005). The most common types of BCC were nodular (51.64%) and superficial (25.95%), affecting most commonly the head and neck region (71.2%). Relative risk (RR) for development of BCC is 2.79 times higher in sun-exposed skin areas (p<0.001). Conclusion: Sun exposure remains one of the most important risk factors for the development of BCC, with episodes of sunburns, occupational and recreational risks noted among the majority of patients. Although non-fatal disease, due to morbidity and high frequency, prevention and early diagnosis are important to prevent further increase in the incidence of BCC among the population.

M. Topalović, Damir Zenunović

During vibrations, the structure passes through different behavior areas (elastic or inelastic). Different areas of behavior correspond to different approaches to analysis and design. Modeling vibrations as a phenomenon includes its presentation in the form of a mathematical model, with certain parameters specific to the system, which define and control the vibration process itself, namely mass, stiffness and damping. While mass and stiffness can be more accurately described mathematically, damping modeling involves the state and medium in which the system resides. Due to differences in understanding of the state variables that control damping forces, there is still no single accepted model of damping. The wrong selection of damping model in the dynamic analysis of structures can result in the response of the structure being underestimated, which can be the cause of the collapse of the structure. The paper analyzed the response of the bridge structure to pedestrian excitation, applying different numerical damping models and the damping determined experimentally. At the end of the paper, a comparative analysis with conclusions is given.

Marko Pavlovic, M. Dojcinovic, Jasmina Nikolic, Anja Terzić, Vladimir Pavicevic, Sasa Drmanic, Enita Kurtanović

In this study, pyrophyllite was used for the first time in the composition of protective refractory coatings together with supplementary waste resources. The proposed refractory coatings are applicable for metallic and non-metallic structures, with the option of using them to protect machinery components in the chemical industry, metallurgy, and mining. Given that pyrophyllite has a low hardness, the goal was to improve the coating's resistance to cavitation erosion by adding 20 wt.% of hard refractory materials, i.e., crushed and micronized waste bricks based on mullite and corundum, respectively. Previous studies have demonstrated that protective coatings using a pyrophyllite filler have refractory qualities but insufficient resistance to cavitation erosion. As a result, the composition of refractory coatings, the preparation techniques, and the coating manufacturing process were altered. This study presents a simple method for combining conventional coatings made of refractory fillers (primary resource: pyrophyllite) with waste materials (mullite brick and corundum brick) used as reinforcement in protective refractory coatings for metal and non-metal structural elements that are highly resistant to cavitation erosion.

Sanja Bajić, Dragoljub Bajić, Branko Gluščević, R. Gaćina, Josip I. Išek

When solving real problems, and to make a quality decision, it is necessary to consider a great number of often complex parameters. For these reasons, the development of decision-making process modeling has seen significant growth in recent years, and multi-criteria optimization models have stood out among them as useful for solving complex and conflicting phenomena. Multi-criteria optimization models make it easier for decision-makers to find the optimal solution in situations where there are many different criteria, which can often conflict with each other. The choice of the appropriate method of exploitation of mineral deposits follows the consideration of the problem and the approach to further development, which is primarily the determination of the criteria that influence the choice of the optimal alternative.

Izet Masic

Background: The Social Medicine and organization of health is science organized on the application of modern medicine principles in the health care of human groups and nations. The significant difference of social medicine from clinical disciplines is that the clinical medicine deals with problems of individuals and social medicine is devoted to community health and illness of the family, schools and work organizations from population groups to the overall people of one area or country. Public health refers to all organized measures (whether public or private) to prevent disease, promote health and prolong life among the population as a whole. Its activities aim to provide conditions in which people can be healthy and focus on entire populations, not on individual patients or diseases . Objective: The aims of this article are to show, based on the available literature: a) The development of Social medicine and Public health in the World and Bosnia and Herzegovina from the medieval period until the today. b) The most significant historical events that marked the development of Social medicine and Public health with emfesized most important scientists and discoverers with their achievements. Methods: The subject of this study was the development of Social medicine and Public health in the world and in the areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the uncient peertiod until today. In order to achieve the set goals, a) Retreival of professional and scientific literature; and b) Search of scientific databases and web pages on the Internet that offer adequate and relevant data and historical facts related to the subject of studies were carried out. Most of the facts are covered in previously published articles by the author of this paper and deposited in the PubMed and PubMed Central databases, as well as in books and monographs by the author of this text. Results and Discussion: Social medicine with the organization of the health care system is the scientific discipline, defined by the huge contents, clear goal and specific methodology. It has been presented flow of socio-medical development and implementation on worldwide during the past. Public health was defined by Charles-Edward A. Winslow, in 1920. as „the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life, and promoting physical health and efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, the control of community infections, the education of the individual in principles of personal hygiene, the organization of medical and nursing service for the early diagnosis and preventive treatment of disease, and the development of the social machinery which will ensure to every individual in the community a standard of living adequate for the maintenance of health“. The names of those who are deserved for socio-medical development and its insufficiency on the organization on health system and some specific parts of it. Social medicine, and Public health as sciences and profession had high level among other disciplines, but also as profession per se, specially at the international level. There is huge evidence of numerous projects, books, papers, recognized by indigenous and international audience. Conclusion: The most importants role in organizatiionn and realization of all kind of public health activities and measures at every healthcare protection levels has World Health Organization (WHO) with its brench offices at all continents and all countries in the world. The author described information flow how it was happened during the history of its development.

Izet Masic

Here we will focus on two of the four indexed biomedical journals that were published in Sarajevo during wartime conditions in 1992-1995. The first is the Medical Archives, which was founded in 1947 and whose last editor until 1991 was the respected Academician Mirko Grujic, and whose last edited issue remained in storage (then the printing was done on Heidelberg machines and the text was typed using lead letters) and that unprinted issue – the number one volume in 1991 never even came out. Given that the contracts with the strongest index database MEDLINE included the Contract of the Assembly of doctors of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), which at that time was the owner of the journal, and the pause in printing had already been going on for two years, Medline withdrew this journal as well. Numerous correspondences with the main responsible person Mr. Sheldon Kotzin, we received an unexpected consent from the Medline database to try to fill the gap with at least a few double-issues within 6 months, and Medline will meet us and reactivate the depositing of the Medical Archive in Medline. In addition to these facts, I was reminded of the incredible activities related to the preparation and printing of 47 books and monographs out of a total of 98 in B&H in the war period 1992-1995, and their list is in the attached tables. Those war publications were created in various ways. Very important collection of published monographs are printed during wartime written by very famous scientists from Golden Arabic Ages: Ibn Sina, Ibn Haitham, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Nafis, Al Biruni, Ar Razi, which has been forgotten, translated by famous professors Sakir Sikiric and Hamdija Karamehmedovic until 1962. In addition to these facts, I was reminded of the incredible activities related to the preparation and printing of 4 scientific journals out of 8 biomedicine which today indexed journals in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Very important item from wartime was recording documetary movie "Amputation or Reconstruction in Wartime Conditions" recorded by Izet Masic and Zoran Ridjanovic which made in 1994 and showen in Lisbon during MIE '94 Conefernce as one of war miracles. Finaly, during wartime in B&H Avicena organized and published Proceedings of ten scientific meetings held in sieged Sarajevo and all presented papers were published and deposited in PubMed Central database. Total amount of published books and monographs during past thirty years is more than 200, and, also published papers by Avicena during 30 years in four Avicena Publisher's journals have number more than 15,000 papers writen at least by 60,000 authors, from over 50 countries from all continents, and almost a half of them are stored in most influential indexed databases. It is incredible job of one very small publisher from small countriy.

Mladen Živković, Amel Mekić, Slobodan Furunović, Nikola Stojanović, N. Milošević, Anđela Đošić, Danijela Živković

The aim of this research was to systematize the available literature on the types and frequency of locomotor injuries in combat sports. The sample consisted of martial arts athletes (judo, karate, wrestling, boxing and taekwondo) of both sexes, aged 11-49 years. Survey questionnaires and medical reports were used as measuring instruments for assessing injuries in the research. The found data, presented numerically and in percentages, were used for further analysis. The results of this research show that the characteristics of injuries of the locomotor system in martial arts usually do not depend on the sex of the respondents. There is a higher frequency of injuries in competitions and lower in training (except for under-18s). The most common locations of injuries (head and neck, extremities and joints), types of injuries (contusions, bruises and fractures), and severity of injuries (mild, moderate, or severe) depended on the characteristics of martial arts (sports techniques, tactics, physical and mental fitness, etc.). By applying additional methods, by improving physical preparation that is adequately dosed with the improvement of technical and tactical elements, injuries to athletes could be prevented.

Pediatric arrhythmology deals with studying of frequency and regularity of heart rhythm disorders in childhood. Rhythm disturbances (dysrhythmias, arrhythmias) occur as a result of disturbances in the creation or conduction of stimuli in the specific or working musculature of the heart. Simplifying the knowledge of everyday work on pediatric arrhythmias, they can originate from the atria of the heart when we speak about supraventricular arrhythmias or from the heart chambers when we talk about ventricular arrhythmias. There are currently three major problems that burden pediatric cardiologists and pediatric arrhythmologists, and which are the focus of interest in pediatrics as a whole. These are primarily sudden cardiac death in children (SCD), fetal arrhythmias (FA) and postoperative-incisional arrhythmias (IA). The development of pediatric arrhythmology is imperative in the development of pediatrics and pediatric cardiology.

A. Iglica, N. Šabanović-Bajramović, A. Džubur, Edin Međedović, Z. Begić, Lejla Granulo, E. Begić

Given the undeniable clinical and prognostic value, the function of the left atrium (LA) plays a leading role in the contemporary evaluation of cardiac diseases and is considered an essential morphological substrate for the development of cardiovascular diseases. It is sensitive to nervous, endocrine, and immunological stimuli. New evidence from the literature highlights the importance of fibrotic, electrical, and autonomic remodeling of the LA, introducing the concept of atrial cardiomyopathy, which is closely associated with atrial fibrillation and stroke. In the past, the diameter of the LA was the most important parameter for assessing its characteristics, but new information about the various roles of the LA has created the need for parameters that more precisely or thoroughly evaluate LA function. The function of the LA is complex, consisting of three phases: the reservoir phase (ventricular systole), the conduit phase (early diastole), and the pump phase (late diastole). The introduction of myocardial deformation analysis, or strain of the LA via speckle tracking, has achieved significant progress in detecting even subtle functional abnormalities before an increase in LA size. This method improves the diagnostic capabilities of standard echocardiographic examinations, and its diagnostic and prognostic value is sometimes comparable to more advanced and less accessible techniques such as cardiac magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.

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