
Publikacije (89)

F. Nišić, N. Jovanovic, Milka Mavija, E. Alimanović-Halilović, Aida Nišić, O. Lepara, Adem Cemerlic

Introduction The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) concentration in vitreous on postoperative complications after pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Material and methods Ninety subjects were surgically treated with PPV and followed up for 12 months at the Clinical Centre University Sarajevo, Clinic for Eye Disease. Exclusion criteria were presence of other eye diseases, systemic acute/chronic inflammatory conditions, or malignant neoplasms; previously performed PPV surgery; previously received intravitreal or systemic anti-VEGF therapy. A vitreous sample was obtained while performing the PPV procedure, using the Quantikine ELISA test to determine VEGF level, as a risk factor. Outcome measures were intraoperative and postoperative complications reported using categorical data: blunt and sharp dissection of membranes, intraoperative hemorrhage stopped by increasing infusion pressure, pressing with blunt instrument, or using diathermy. The following postoperative complications were assessed on the first day and at the 12-month follow-up visit: vitreous hemorrhage, fibrovascular proliferation (FVP), rubeosis iridis, and neovascular glaucoma (NVG). Results Levels of vitreous VEGF at the time of PPV were significantly higher in eyes with: vitreous hemorrhage on the first day after PPV (p = 0.003); FVP on the first day and 12 months after PPV (p = 0.002 and p < 0.001, respectively); iris rubeosis on the first day and 12 months after PPV surgery (p < 0.001, and p = 0.001, respectively); NVG on the first day and 12 months after PPV surgery (p = 0.043 and p = 0.011, respectively), compared to the eyes without complications. Conclusions Preoperative levels of VEGF in vitreous can be a useful biomarker and predictor of the postoperative outcome in terms of intraoperative and postoperative complications.

Asija Začiragić, Mehmed Elezovic, N. Avdagić, N. Babic, A. Dervišević, O. Lepara, J. Huskic

Objective: Association between neck circumference (NC) and components of metabolic syndrome in different countries and ethnic groups is still insufficiently investigated. The aim of the present study was to assess an impact of gender on NC values and to determine whether NC correlates with standard anthropometric measures and blood pressure values in Bosnian young adults. Material and Methods: Study participants were recruited by the snowball method. NC, Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist circumference (WC), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were measured by trained personnel. Differences between the means were assessed by a Student t-test. Coefficients of correlation were determined by Pearson’s test. This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this article as: Zaciragic A, Elezovic M, Avdagic N, et al. Relationship between neck circumference, standard anthropometric measures and blood pressure values in Bosnian young adults. Eurasian J Med 2018; DOI: 10.5152/eurasianjmed.2018.18197. ©Copyright 2018 by Atatürk University School of Medicine Available online at www.eajm.org Results: In young men (n =49) value of NC was 37.71±1.79 cm, while in young women (n=62) value of NC was 32.23±1.83 cm (P<0.001). Significant positive correlation in both gender between NC and BMI (r= 0.70; P<0.001 in men and r= 0.53; P<0.001 in women), and between NC and WC (r= 0.48; P<0.001 in men and r= 0.38; P=0.01 in women) was found. Significant correlation of NC with SBP (r=0.08; P=0.57), and with DBP (r=0.20; P=0.17) in young men was not determined. Likewise, in young women significant correlation of NC with SBP (r=0.08; P=0.54), and with DBP (r=0.09; P=0.49) was not observed. Conclusions: Results of the present study suggest possible use of NC measurement as a valid method of obesity assessment in young adults. Lack of an association between NC and blood pressure values requires additional investigation.

Almir Fajkić, M. Musić, A. Kulenović, Asija Začiragić, N. Avdagić, N. Babic, O. Lepara, E. Pepić et al.

BACKGROUND The aim of the present study was to evaluate serum nitric oxide (NO) and C reactive protein (CRP) concentration in veterans with and without PTSD. Furthermore, we aimed to assess whether there is a correlation between serum NO and CRP concentrations in tested groups. SUBJECTS AND METHODS Cross-sectional study included 90 male individuals, with and without experience of direct war combat, divided into three equal groups (n=30): group 1- included war veterans with PTSD, group 2 - included war veterans without PTSD, and control group - 30 apparently healthy volunteers, without experience of direct war combat. The diagnosis of PTSD was assessed according to the guidelines in the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). High-sensitivity CRP was determined by immunonephelometry. The serum NO level was determined by classic colorimetrical Griess reaction. RESULTS Serum CRP concentration in veterans with (3.54±1.19 mg/L) and without PTSD (3.24±2.04 mg/L), was significantly higher (p<0.05) compared to control group (1.26±1.06 mg/L). Serum NO concentration in veterans with (7.64±4.43 μmol/L) and without PTSD (7.12±2.60 μmol/L) was significantly lower (p<0.05) compared to control group (11.26±7.01 μmol/L). Statistically significant correlation between serum NO and CRP concentration was determined in veterans without PTSD (r=-0.473; p<0.01). No correlation was observed between serum NO and CRP concentration in veterans with PTSD (r=0.118; p=0.534) and in control group (r=-0.067; p=0.727). CONCLUSION The present study has showed significant increase of serum CRP and significant decrease of serum NO concentrations in veterans with and without PTSD. Furthermore, statistically significant negative correlation between serum NO and CRP concentration was determined only in veterans without PTSD. Obtained results indicate that the complex mechanism of the pathogenesis of PTSD requires further research.

S. Alajbegović, O. Lepara, Almira Hadžović-Džuvo, Alma Mutevelić-Turković, Lejla Alajbegović, Asija Začiragić, N. Avdagić, A. Valjevac et al.

Aim To investigate total homocysteine (tHcy) serum concentration in patients with probable vascular dementia (VD) and in agematched controls, as well as to determine an association between tHcy serum concentration and cognitive impairment in patients with probable VD. Methods Serum concentration of tHcy was determined by the Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay on the AxSYM System. Cognitive impairment was tested by the Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE) score. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated for each subject included in the study. Results Age, systolic, diastolic blood pressure and BMI did not differ significantly between the two groups. Mean serum tHcy concentration in the control group of subjects was 13.35 µmol/L, while in patients with probable VD it was significantly higher, 19.45 µmol/L (p=0.002). A negative but insignificant association between serum tHcy concentration and cognitive impairment in patients with probable VD was found. Conclusion Increased tHcy concentration in patients with probable VD suggests the possible independent role of Hcy in the pathogenesis of VD.

A. Ćorić, H. Resić, G. Spasovski, O. Lepara, S. Ajanović, Nermina Klapuh, N. Prohić, A. Bečiragić

Abstract Introduction. Bone disease is a chronic complication of chronic kidney disease and major clinical problem in hemodialysis (HD) patients. The aim of our study was to assess the influence of treatment longevity on biochemical parameters of mineral and bone metabolism in HD patients, and to identify the most important parameters. Methods. The research was observational and retrospective, involved 70 patients, mean age 58.69±12.54, divided into groups in respect to the duration of dialysis treatment (Group I-5 years, Group II-5-10 years and Group III-over 10 years). Results. Serum phosphorus was increased, but the values tend to increase along with dialysis duration - (Group I: 1.93±0.45; Group II: 1.97±0.50; Group III: 2.01±0.37; p>0,05). Calcium values were also not significantly increased based on the duration of treatment [Group I: 2.3 (2.2-2.41); Group II: 2.46 (2.15-2.6), Group III: 2.35 (2.10-2.52)]. Dialysis and PTH correlated positively in the first group of patients (Rho=0.470, p=0.013). The values of calcium and alkaline phosphatase correlated positively in all patients (Rho=0.351, p=0.003). PTH was significantly higher in the second and third compared to the first group (p=0.009 and p=0.038, respectively), and there was no significant difference between the second and the third group. Interestingly, parathyroidectomized patients had higher PTH values compared to those without parathyroidectomy (557 vs. 359 pg/ml). Conclusion. The most reliable marker for clinical monitoring of bone disease in dialysis patients is PTH. The values of calcium and phosphorus are highly variable and not reliable parameters for bone disease follow-up.

S. Hasić, Lejla Redžić, Nina Čamdžić, Emina Spahić, O. Lepara, E. Kiseljaković, R. Jadric

Objectives: We hypothesized that cardiac biomarker levels could be elevated in patients with dementia due to high frequency of cardiovascular risk factors in older patients with vascular and neurodegenerative type of this disease. The aim was to determine possible association between cardiac Troponin I (cTnI) blood levels and dementia. Methods: The cross-sectional study included 88 patients, female gender, and mean age 81 years, who were recruited from specialized unit of the Health Care Hospice for persons with disabilities in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to the Hachinski ischemic score, 59 patients with dementia were classified in two groups- vascular (VD) and neurodegenerative dementia (ND), while 29, age-matched asymptomatic persons, were used as a control group(CG). The cTnI was measured using ELISA kit Humani Tn-I/TNNI3 (Elabscience Biotechnology Co., Ltd), using immunoanalayzer STAT FAX 2100, USA. Results: The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)score was significantly lower in dementia patients than in control group (p<0.01). No significant difference in cardiac TnI levels was found in Alzheimer’s (AD), vascular dementia (VD)  and control group (AD: Me = 3.41, VD: Me = 3.49, control group: Me=3.57; (p=0.737). Conclusion: The participants’age and comorbidities are probable factors causing no association between dementia and cTnI. It is known that troponins are associated with risk of dementia but cTnI levels are as well under influences of a possible epigenetic modification of cTnI that should be the objects of the future investigation.

A. Dervišević, H. Resić, Š. Sokolović, N. Babic, N. Avdagić, Asija Začiragić, A. Bečiragić, Almir Fajkić et al.

Introduction Leptin is a cytokine-like hormone which has a complex role in inflammation. However, the importance of leptin in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is far from being fully elucidated. The aim of the study was to determine serum leptin levels in RA patients and to evaluate whether there is an association between disease activity, anthropometric indices and leptin levels. Material and methods This hypothesis-generating study included 55 RA patients and 25 matched healthy subjects. The serum leptin concentration was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results Median serum leptin level in RA patients of 27.4 ng/ml (14.5–54.9 ng/ml) was statistically significantly higher (p = 0.03) compared with the median leptin value of 16.3 ng/ml (9.6–38.8 ng/ml) determined in healthy controls. The serum leptin level in the high disease activity group was significantly higher (p < 0.0005) than that in the low disease activity group and in healthy controls. A significant difference (p = 0.001) in serum leptin level was also found when the high disease activity group was compared with the moderate disease activity group. In the RA group a statistically significant positive correlation (rho = 0.390; p = 0.003) was observed between serum leptin level and disease activity score (DAS28). Conclusions The present results show that serum leptin levels are increased and significantly associated with disease activity in patients with RA and may have a valuable role in the inflammatory reactions and pathogenesis of RA.

The aim of this study was to determine the value of micronuclei test (MN) on peripheral blood lymphocytes from 200 healthy participants of both gender from general population of FB&H, as well as to determine if the gender, age or smoking habit have influence on MN frequency. Standard protocol for MN test cultivating and micronuclei analyzing from peripheral blood binuclear lymphocytes have been applied. Results have presented that range of singe values are from 0 to 8 MN in 1000 binuclear cells. It has been determined that gender, age and smoking habit do have influence on MN frequency, especially on 2 MN frequencies. Females on average do have higher values of all variables of MN test than men. It has been proven that smoking habit do have influence on increased number of cells with 2MN, as well. The results of this study will help to form data base as start for comparative research in

Almira Hadžović-Džuvo, A. Valjevac, O. Lepara, S. Čustović, A. Vatreš, Alma Agačević, Samra Rahmanović, Sabina Zukic

Objectives: Postmenopausal period is associated with the decline in antioxidant levels due to gradual loss of estrogen, increased body weight and central adiposity. The present study aimed to evaluate association of adiposity and regional fat distribution with total antioxidant capacity in postmenopausal women. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 90 apparently healthy postmenopausal women. We measured anthropometric indices including body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC) and waist-hip ratio (W/H ratio). Total fat mass (TFM), total lean mass (TLM), percentage fat mass (%FM), visceral fat diameter (VFD) and subcutaneous fat diameter (SFD) were measured using ultrasound. Serum total antioxidant capacity (TAC) was measured by quantitative colorimetric determination using Total antioxidant Capacity -QuantiCromAntioxidant Assay Kit (BioAssay systems, USA; DTAC-100). Results: Out of 90 postmenopausal women, 35.9% were overweight and 25.0% obese, while 60.9% had central obesity. Postmenopausal obese women had significantly lower median TAC level [308.3 (283.0-375.1)] mM Trolox equivalents compared to overweight [383.38 (356.5-389.4) mM Trolox equivalents; p<0.001] and normal weight women [376.3 (318.0-388.7) mM Trolox equivalents; p<0.005]. Serum logTAC level was inversely associated with BMI, TFM, TLM and WC in postmenopausal women. However, when stratified by central obesity, inverse associations between serum logTAC level and BMI (r=-0.503; p<0.001), TFM (r=-0.383, p=0.004) and WC (r=-0.408; p=0.002) were observed only in postmenopausal women with central obesity. Conclusion: Our results provide evidence that obesity and central obesity during postmenopausal period are associated with decreased total antioxidant capacity and depleted antioxidant defenses possibly due to elevated oxidative stress. Larger prospective studies are needed to evaluate whether obese postmenopausal women might benefit from antioxidants supplementation for the prevention of obesity related diseases. Keywords: total antioxidant capacity, oxidative stress, obesity, overweight

S. Kasumovic, Milka Mavija, Aida Kasumović, O. Lepara, Belkisa Duric-Colic, Emir Čabrić, L. Muhamedagić, Adisa Sakovic-Racic et al.

Aim: To determine the possible relation between intraocular pressure (IOP), central corneal thickness (CCT) and corneal resistance (CR) in kerotoconic eyes before, 3,6 and 12 months after collagen crosslinking procedure (CXL) with aim to find out does the thicker cornea means already more resistance cornea followed with higher IOP. Methods: Thirty eyes (30 patients) with central keratoconus (KC)were evaluated in retrospective cross sectional study. The corneal biomechanical parameters were taken with Wave Light Allegro Oculyzer produced by Alcon before the CXL, 3, 6 and 12 months after the procedure. IOP were checked by Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT) before, 3, 6 and 12 months after CXL. Results: The value of IOP before the CXL was 12,0 mmHg (10,62-15,25 mmHg), 3 months later 13,5 mmHg (11,0-16,0 mmHg), 6 months 14,0 mmHg (11,0-16,0 mmHg) and 12 months later 15,0 mmHg (10,37-17,25 mmHg) and was statistically significant higher (p=0,015) comparing to the value of IOP 3 months after the CXL, IOP 12 months after CXL procedure was statistically significant higher comparing to preoperative values (p=0,010). There were no statistically significant difference between the values 3 and 6 months after CXL. The CCT before the CXL procedure was 449 (433-505,75 microns), 3 months after CXL was 420 (383-473microns, p < 0,005), 6 months later 437 (401,25-480,25, p=0,001), 12 months after CXL 437 (401-503 microns, p=0,001). However there is statistically significant difference in CCT 12 months after CXL 437 (401-503microns p=0,032) and the value of CCT 3 months later the procedure (p=0,004) and the CCT 12 months after CXL and the value of CXL 6 months after CXL (p=0,036). The value of CCT did not show any statistically significant difference 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Conclusion: After riboflavin-UVA CXL in eyes with KC there was significant decrease in central corneal thickness 3 and 6 months after the procedure and the thickness is almost the same 12 months later. However IOP is low before CXL, raising up 3 and 6 months after CXL but significant increase is seen 12 months later. It means the regular measurement of IOP could be the serious and confident indicator of increasing of corneal resistance which is the main goal of CXL treatment.

M. Musić, A. Dervišević, E. Pepić, O. Lepara, Almir Fajkić, Belma Ascić-Buturović, E. Tuna

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate liver function in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with and without metabolic syndrome (MS) by determining serum levels of gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). We also investigated correlation between levels of liver enzymes and some components of MS in both groups of patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 96 patients (age 47–83 years) with T2DM. All patients were divided according to the criteria of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) in two groups: 50 patients with T2 DM and MS (T2DM-MS) and 46 patients with T2DM without MS (T2DM-Non MS). The analysis included blood pressure monitoring and laboratory tests: fasting blood glucose (FBG), total lipoprotein cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), triglyceride (TG), fibrinogen and liver enzymes: GGT, ALT and AST. T2DM-MS group included patients which had FBG ≥ 6,1 mmol/L, TG ≥ 1,7 mmol/L and blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mm Hg. Results: T2DM-MS patients had significant higher values of systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and medium arterial pressure compared to T2DM-Non MS patients. Serum levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, VLDL-C and FBG were significantly higher in the T2DM-MS group compared to the T2DM-Non MS group. Serum fibrinogen level and GGT level were significantly higher in patients with T2DM-MS compared to the serum fibrinogen level and GGT level in T2DM-Non MS patients. Mean serum AST and ALT level were higher, but not significantly, in patients with T2DM and MS compared to the patients with T2DM without MS. Significant negative correlations were observed between TC and AST (r= -0,28, p<0,05), as well as between TC and ALT level (r= -0,29, p<0,05) in T2DM-MS group of patients. Conclusion: These results suggest that patients with T2DM and MS have markedly elevated liver enzymes. T2DM and MS probably play a role in increasing the risk of liver injury.

A. Dervišević, A. Subo, N. Avdagić, Asija Začiragić, N. Babic, Almir Fajkić, O. Lepara, Almira Hadžović-Džuvo

Objectives: Aim of the present study was to investigate serum concentration of leptin and its association with values of body mass index (BMI), C-reactive protein (CRP), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 60 HD patients (34 male, 26 female) and 30 age- and sex-matched (4 males, 26 females) apparently healthy subjects. Serum leptin concentration was determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Serum CRP concentration was measured by means of particle-enhanced immunonephelometry. ESR value was determined by Western Green method. BMI was calculated as weight (kg) divided by height squared (m2). Results: Results have shown that median serum leptin concentration (30.65 ng/mL; 12.48-86.40 ng/mL) was statistically significantly higher in HD patients compared to median serum leptin concentration (15.75 ng/mL; 9.15-30.65 ng/mL) in the control group of healthy subjects (p<0.05). Likewise, median serum CRP concentration (5.5 mg/L; 1.93-8.9 mg/L) and median ESR value (57.5 mm/h; 40.5-77.0 mm/h) were significantly higher in HD patients compared to median serum CRP concentration (0.8 mg/L; 0.38-1.43 mg/L) (p<0.001) and median ESR value (10.0 mm/h; 6.5-14.0 mm/h) (p<0.001) determined in the control group. Statistically significant positive correlation was found between BMI values and serum leptin concentration in HD patients (rho=0.434; p<0.001). Positive, although not significant, correlation was observed between serum CRP and leptin levels in HD patients (rho=0.171; p>0.05). Negative correlation between ESR values and serum leptin concentrations in HD patients was determined but it was not statistically significant (rho= -0.029; p>0.05). Conclusions: Increased serum concentration of leptin as pro-inflammatory cytokine as well as elevated serum values of CRP and ESR indicate presence of systemic micro inflammation in HD patients. Results of the present study point to possible use of serum leptin concentration as an indicator of nutritional status in HD patients based on observed significant positive correlation between serum leptin concentrations and BMI values. However, absence of significant association between serum leptin and CRP levels as well as between serum leptin concentrations and ESR values in HD patients requires further investigation and clarification.

Sanja Sefic Kasumovic, Adisa Racic-Sakovic, Aida Kasumović, Suzana Pavljašević, Belkisa Duric-Colic, Emir Čabrić, Milka Mavija, O. Lepara et al.

Goal: This study aimed to investigate the differences in values of K1 and K2 readings, the central corneal thickness (PAH) before the collagen crosslinking procedure (CXL) and 3, 6, 12 months later. Methods: 64 eyes were evaluated in retrospective cross sectional study. The corneal biomechanical parameters were taken with WaveLight Allegro Oculyzer produced by Alcon before the CXL, 3,6, 12 months after the procedure. The curvature of K1 reading and K2 reading were taken and the central corneal thickness were considered due to the time after CXL. Results: The value of K1 reading before the treatment was 48.8 diopters (D) (46.65-50.50) and was statistically significant lower comparing to the value of K1 3 months after the collagen CXL procedure 46.30 D (43.57-49.45) (p=0.0006), K1 reading one year post collagen CXL procedure was 47.20 D (44.35-50.07) (p=0.002). The value of K2 reading before the collagen CXL procedure was 52.65 D (47.55-54.72), 3 months after the procedure was 51.4 (45.05-54.0), 6 months later 48.55 D (47.20-50.62), 12 months later 51.30 D (47.22-54.77). There is statistically significant lower value of K2 reading 6 months after the treatment comparing to the values 3 months postoperatively (p=0.014). However there is significantly lower values of K2 reading 12 months postoperatively comparing to preoperative period (p=0.006). The value of central corneal thickness preoperative was 431.0 microns (398.0-446.25), 3 months after collagen CXL procedure was 373.50 microns (363.25-430.75), 6 months later 435.0 microns (360.0-464.75), 12 months after the CXL procedure was 429.50 microns (357.75-496.25). There is statistically significant lower values of central corneal thickness 3 months after collagen CXL treatment comparing to the central corneal thickness preoperative (p<0.005). There is statistically significant lower values of pachymetry 12 months after the CXL procedure comparing to the values 6 months later (p=0.036) and those preoperativelly (p=0.032). There is no statistically significant difference in the values of central corneal thickness in the period from 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Conclusion: After riboflavin-UVA CXL in eyes with keratokonus there was significant decrease in central corneal thickness 3 and 6 months after the procedure and the thickness is almost the same 12 months. However, K2 (Kmax) reading is significantly changed 3 and 6 months later and is followed by changing of K1 reading.

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