
Publikacije (93)

D. Šubarić, M. Jašić

Uvod: Na nacionalnoj razini kao i razini Europske unije ustrojen je sustav zastite proizvoda posebnih svojstava koja proizilaze iz nacina proizvodnje kao i podneblja iz kojeg potjecu. Takvi proizvodi postižu visu tržisnu vrijednost, a time utjecu i na razvoj pojedinih ruralnih podrucja te stvaranje identiteta i prepoznatljivosti regija u kojima se proizvode. Cilj i metoda rada: Cilj ovoga rada je upoznavanje sa legislativom vezanom za zastitu izvornosti i zemljopisnog podrijetla poljoprivrednih i prehrambenih proizvoda i procedurom vezanom za pokretanje i provođenje postupka zastite. Rezultati: Danas su poznata tri oblika oznaka: oznaka izvornosti, oznaka zemljopisnog podrijetla i oznaka tradicionalnog ugleda hrane. Med i proizvodi od meda, po svojoj su prirodi tipicni lokalni/regionalni proizvodi cija svojstva ovise prije svega o podrucju u kojem se proizvode, uvjetima proizvodnje i skladistenja ali i o postupcima s proizvodima. Kako bi proizvod nosio jednu od navedenih oznaka potrebno je provesti propisanu proceduru koja ce na primjeru pcelinjih proizvoda biti opisana u ovome radu. Zakljucci: Na tržistu je sve vise poljoprivrednih i prehrambenih proizvoda koji nose oznake izvornosti i zemljopisnog podrijetla. Med i drugi pcelinji proizvodi bi ulaskom u ovaj sustav dobili na atraktivnosti, a sam sustav bi doprinio rjesavanju nekih problema u proizvodnji kao sto su kontrola proizvodnje, sljedivost, educiranost proizvođaca, bolja distribucija, priozvodnja dostatne kolicine proizvoda određenih svojstava i kvalitete i slicno.

M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, N. Vahčić, J. Filipi, M. Bašić, Asmir Budimlić, A. Jozinović, Emilija Spaseska-Aleksovska et al.

"Pcelinji proizvodi s dodanom vrijednoscu" je monografija podijeljena u 7 poglavlja: Uvod, Polen, Propolis, Maticna mlijec, Vosak, Pcelinji otrov i Ostali pcelinji proizvodi s dodanom vrijednoscu, u kojoj su prikazane osnovne karakteristike pcelinjih proizvoda.

D. Šubarić, M. Jašić, M. Bašić, Asmir Budimlić, A. Jozinović, Benjamin Muhamedbegović, Z. Jusufhodžić, E. Nogić et al.

Proizvodnji meda i drugih pcelinjih proizvoda posvecuje se sve veca pažnja s ciljem proizvodnje i distribucije proizvoda određenih svojstava sigurnih za potrosaca. Pcelinji proizvodi jos uvijek nisu kvalitetno standardizirani, a za sada se u uzgoju pcela sporadicno primjenjuju dobra pcelarska praksa, dobra veterinarska praksa i dobra higijenska praksa, a vrlo rijetko razlicite ISO norme u cilju kvalitetnije realizacije procesa i proizvoda. Monografija "Standardizacija i sheme kvalitete u pcelarstvu i proizvodnji pcelinjih proizvoda" predstavlja neke od osnovnih problema vezanih uz standardizaciju i sustave kvalitete u podrucju pcelarstva i pcelinjih proizvoda.

M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, J. Filipi, Borislav Miličević, A. Jozinović, D. Aličić

Studija okolisnih i bioloskih uvjeta za razvoj optimalnih uzgojnih podrucja matice sive pcele proizasla je u okviru projektnih aktivnosti koje su se odvijale tijekom 2015. i 2016. godine u okviru projekta BEE Promoted – Promocija pcelarstva. Projekt je financiran u sklopu EU IPA prekogranicnog programa Hrvatska – Bosna i Hercegovina (2007. - 2013.). Studija je pripremljena na osnovu prikupljenih, sistematiziranih i analiziranih podataka o potencijalima pcelarstva u tri podrucja: Zadar, Bihac i Posusje. Studija je podijeljena u 5 poglavlja i prikazuje potencijal proizvodnje pcelinjih proizvoda u navedenim podrucjima, zatim evaluaciju ljudskih i materijalnih resursa potrebnih za uzgoj matica, kao i SWOT analizu i pregled aktivnosti potrebnih za održivost i poboljsanje stanja pcelarstva u ispitivanom podrucju.

M. Šabanović, Jasmin Cikotić, M. Jašić, Almir Azabagić, R. Miličević, Emilija Spaseska Aleksovska

Introduction: The most common renal diseases are acute or chronic nephritis, renal interstitial inflammation, nephrotic syndrome, kidney stones, kidney degenerative diseaseare and renal tumors. In addition to the general principles of proper nutrition in kidney disease it is necessary to take into account the intake of minerals, proteins and water. Restrictive diets need to be individually tailored to each patient and carried out by medical supervision. Today on the market there can be found nutritional supplements for patients who are suffering from kidney disease Aim and Methodology: The objective was to collect, systematize and analyze the available literature data and recommendations on diet and nutrition guides in kidney disease, and to determine which supplements are available in pharmacies and are intended for patients suffering from kidney disease. On the basis of available scientific and technical resources are diet and nutrition guides in kidney disease described. To collect data about dietary supplements that can be found in pharmacies, a questionnare was conducted amoug pharmacists. Questionnaire consisted of 6 questions relating to food supplements in glomerular inflammation (glomerulonephritis), inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis) and kidney stones. The study included eight pharmacies in the area of Tuzla. Results: Diet in kidney stones depends on the type of stone that is created. Common recommendations for all types is to take in more liquids. Diet in glomerular inflammation and kidney inflammation involves avoiding foods with high content of protein, potassium, sodium and phosphorus and increase of calcium intake. From herbal remedies for inflammation cranberry fruit tea, reserves and horsetail (naći nazive na latinskom). Nutritional supplements that may be used in kidney disease are found in different pharmaceutical forms in almost all pharmacies. In practice, the most common nutritional supplements that are prescribed or recommended in patients with kidney problems are plant preparations and rarely vitamins and minerals. It was determined that doctors rarely recommend dietary supplements for patients with kidney problems, while most of pharmacists surveyed do. Pharmacists have stated that half of the patients with kidney difficulties seek supplements themselves. Conclusion: In kidney diseases it is extremely important to establish the proper balance of water intake, minerals and proteins. The right choice of dietary supplements can help treat the disease. Continuous education of health workers on the possibilities of diet is necessary, proper nutrition and use of dietary supplements in the treatment of kidney disease.

A. Avdagić, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, Benjamin Muhamedbegović, Almir Azabagić

Uvod: Doping predstavlja nacine na koji sportisti zloupotrebom hemijskih sredstava i drugim vrstama intervencija pokusavaju da nadmase u rezultatima ostale sportiste na stetu sopstvenog zdravlja. Konzumiranjem zabranjenih doping sredstava sportasi mogu narusiti zdravlje i biti doping pozitivni u slucaju doping kontrole. Zabranjena doping sredstva nalaze se na listi zabranjenih sredstava Svjetske antidoping agencije. Cilj rada: Cilj rada je opisati najcesce sastojeke u hrani i dodacima prehrani koji imaju svojstava dopinga. Rezultati: Zabranjeni su sljedece grupe: anabolicki androgeni steroidi, peptidni hormoni, faktori rasta, slicne supstance i mimetic, hormoni i modulatori metabolizma, diuretici, stimulansi, kanabinoidi, narkotici, alkohol, glukokortikoidi, betablokatori i drugi. Neke vrste prehrambenih proizvoda mogu da sadrži doping sastojke, u tragovima ili u vrijednostima koje nisu dozvoljene za konzumiranje, narocito anabolicke steroide, peptidne hormone, stimulanse itd. Sadržaj doping sastojaka u hrani je uglavnom u dozvoljenim granicama. Međutim ako se konzumiraju zajedno sa komercijalnim dopingom mogu imati aditivno ili cak sinergisticno djelovanje. Neke vrste dodataka prehrani se mogu naci u slobodnoj prodaji koji sadrže anabolicke steroide, stimulanse i druge sastojke sa doping karakteristikama. Sportisti cesto nisu dovoljno educirani o stetnosti konzumiranja ali i da prepoznaju u hrani i dodacima prehrani sastojke koji imaju doping svojstva. Na taj nacin se dovode u opasnost da u svoj organizam unesu takve sastojke pa se na taj nacin izlažu riziku narusavanja zdravlja i ugrožavanja sportske karijere. Zakljucak: Potrebna je kvalitetnija edukacija stanovnistva, a posebno sportasa i zdravstvenih radnika o putevima unosa doping sredstava iz hrane i dodataka prehrani kao posljedicama njihove konzumacije. Isto tako, potrebna je bolja zakonska regulativa koja ce kvalitetnije definirati nadzor proizvodnje, distribucije, prodaje i upotrebe dodataka prehrani koji imaju karakter dopinga. Posebno je potrebno definirati nadležne institucije za kontrolu i monitoring dodataka prehrani sa karakterom dopinga, a prema pozitivnom zakonodavstvu u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Borislav Miličević, J. Babić, Đ. Ačkar, A. Jozinović, J. Panak, D. Šubarić, M. Jašić, Huska Jukić

Since the various by-products of the food industry are rich with nutritionally valuable ingredients (dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants etc.) they represent a great potential for use in the production of various types of products. The aim of this work is to indicate the production of large amounts of by-products and problems of their disposal. The food industry produce large amounts of by-products, which mainly represent a major problem and in most cases they are resolved through the usage of these valuable raw materials as animal feed or through landfills. Therefore, in this paper indicates some possible uses of various by-products of the food industry, such as apple pomace, sugar beet pulp and brewers' spent grains, also as defatted oilseeds cake in the development of new products, such as bread, pasta, snack products, etc., which are consumed by wide population. The result of all this would be clearer picture of the extension of the said these by-products and the utilization of their potential in the development of new food products with better nutritional value.

Technologica Acta, Planjax Print Tešanj, Husejn Keran, M. Jašić, N. Juul, A. Odobašić, M. Salkić, Z. Ademovic et al.

Wild onion is a vegetable plant recognizable as food and folk medicine. Its greater application in the food and pharmaceutical industry has found in last decades. In food industry wild onion is mainly used as a spice, while in the pharmaceutical industry it is a common ingredient in dietary supplements. Processing of a fresh wild onion is constantly increasing. Active ingredients of wild onion are: raw vegetable fibers especially cellulose, allium compounds, chlorophyll, flavonoid, quercetin. Wild onion is used in a fresh and processed condition. In most cases it is processed by drying at 40-50 °C for 5 to 10 hours, but also the active ingredients are extracted with various technological processes. Water content in the final product ranges from 6 10% and water activity from 0,17 to 0,21. Total phenolic content was expressed as mg of gallic acid in 100 g of raw material and it was estimated as an average value 561,013. The antioxidant capacity was expressed as EC50 value that represents amount of sample required for the reduction of 50% DPPH free radicals and it was estimated as an average value 6,032. The content of the water was determined by drying. The water activity and color intensity were estimated by using instrumental methods. Antioxidant capacity was estimated by using of DPPH method and phenolic content by application of Folin-Ciocalteu calorimetry. Processing of fresh wild onion in the standardized dried semiproducts may be significant due to the conservation of biological properties, and possibility of applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries. Abbreviations: DPPH-2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl; EC50, concentration of antioxidant needed to reduce the original amount of radical by 50%.

Samir Tursunović, M. Jašić, A. Beganlić, Nadia Hot

Introduction: The majority of menopausal women is changing nutritional status. The causes of this may include: hormonal changes, bad eating habits, heredity, lifestyle etc. The most common symptoms of menopause are hot flushes, sweats and mood swings. Women entering menopause unprepared to cope with the changes of this period of life and with insufficient knowledge of dietary habits that lead to oversupply or lack of nutrients. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the degree of nutritional status in postmenopausal women and to determine the degree of correlation between nutritional status and dietary habits of women with menopausal symptoms and the frequency of certain health disorders. Methodology: The study was carried out collecting, systematization and statistical analysis of data on the nutritional status and dietary habits of a sample of 300 women aged 45 to 55 years old. For women, the absence of a menstrual cycle longer than three consecutive months, it was considered to be in menopause .The survey was conducted in five ambulance of family medicine. To collect the data is used standardized list of questions about eating habits, based on the Likert scale. Results and discussion: According to the body mass index (BMI), 12:33% of the patients were within the normal range of nutrition, while 87% of respondents were from overweight and obese. BMI was significantly higher in patients with an increased intake of: soft drinks, sweets and white bread. Soy as a food is present in the diet in only 18% of respondents. Women who have never had symptoms of menopause and menopausal disorders have significantly lower BMI (p<0,05). The most common diseases in the period of menopause in a patient were examined: hypertension (57%), diabetes (12%), depressive disorders (25%) and cancer (1%). Conclusion: Food habits of the respondents indicate insufficient knowledge of nutritional needs and recommendations, which resulting in the consumption of food that is not adapted to this period of life. The subjects are not feed buy the standards and recommendations of the WHO, and among them there is an increased risk of diseases typical for menopause, and as a result of the effects of improper nutrition. Nutrition according to the standards and recommendations of the WHO resulting in improved nutritional status of women in menopause, and as result of that is a reduction in the occurrence of diseases and negative symptoms of menopause. Recommendation: It's needed a systematic and organized education …

Almir Azabagić, D. Kenjerić, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, I. Banjari

Elevated body mass is an important risk factor of many diseases like hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, coronary heart disease etc. To reduce body weight various medicament, surgical, behavioural, dietetic and other approaches and methods are used. Education of patients is one of the key points in success, and besides solely implementation it is often used in combination with other methods. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of education in overweight and obese healthy and sick patients on the weight reduction. Study was conducted on the sample of 77 participants of which 39 were overweight and obese but otherwise healthy, 9 were patients with hypertension, 8 were diabetics, 11 patients with gastrointestinal problems and 10 patients with food allergies. During the study observation period all participants were educated on the importance of balanced nutrition via the flyer, weekly menu and individual interview. The observation period was 3 months per person. Basic anthropometric measurements were conducted and BMI calculated for each participant at the beginning and at the end of the observation period. Average reduction in BMI was 3.26 units in overweight and obese but otherwise healthy participants, 3.40 units in patients with hypertension, 5.08 units in diabetics, 0.12 units in patients with gastrointestinal problems and 0.10 in patients with food allergies. Greatest average reduction in BMI was noticed in diabetics. Education on balanced diet and healthy lifestyle via the flyer, weekly menu and individual interview resulted in significant body mass reduction in healthy as well as in patients with diagnosis. Education of overweight and obese persons could be an important tool in weight management programs.

D. Aličić, D. Šubarić, M. Jašić, H. Pašalić, Đ. Ačkar

Today, bee pollen is commonly used in folk medicine and its pharmacy effects have not yet been scientifically proven. The composition and chemistry of bee pollen are not yet standardized nor defined in pharmacopoeia, and may vary due to its botanical and geographical origin, the plant species, environmental conditions, age and status of plants. Because of this, the type of bee pollen depends on the available bee pasture and types of plant species visited by bees. Bee pollen contains nutritional and essential substances and also significant amounts of polyphenolic substances, mainly flavonoids, that are considered as the main ingredients of pollen and its antioxidant properties. Researches show that pollen has significant antioxidant activity and mostly depends on phenol compounds. Large deviations of the this antioxidant activity are considerable, as well as content of phenolic compounds between pollen grains taken from different plant species and different geographical regions. The pollen antioxidant activity is usually expressed as the antioxidant capacity, and primarily depends on its botanical and geographical origin that is the subject of many scientific and research papers. This article gives an overview of bee pollen, its chemical composition and botanical origin, antioxidant properties and its capacity.

A. Jozinović, D. Šubarić, Đ. Ačkar, Borislav Miličević, J. Babić, M. Jašić, Kristina Valek Lendić

Summary Western civilization problems nowadays are overweight, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and different disorders closely linked to unbalanced diet. Since it is extremely difficult to influence nutritional preferences of consumers, food industry is now increasingly developing new products, such as bread, pasta, snack products and other highly consumed products by all groups of consumers enriched with ingredients that are lacking in every day nutrition (fiber, polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamins, s-glucan…) and functional products which have scientifically proven beneficial effect on human health. Food industry by-products, such as apple pomace, by-products from sugar industry and brewers spent grains are rich source of polyphenols, fiber and s-glucan. Grape pomace is rich in polyphenols, tomato pomace in lycopene and carrot pomace in β-carotene. These are just some examples of by-products with great potential of application in enriched and functional food production. In addition to natural substances which are produced in this manner, problem of large quantities of waste disposal is also resolved.

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