
Publikacije (28)

Denis Čaušević, Semir Mašić, Ivor Doder, Kestutis Matulaitis, Seth Spicer

Background. As basketball constantly evolves, physical performance becomes more and more important. Physical fitness assessments are the most reliable way to find out at what level a basketball player is prepared to perform. Therefore, the main aim of this research was to determine if the speed, agility and power of under-16-year-old (U16) basketball players is related to their playing positions. Methods. The study included (n = 40) young basketball (aged 14.99 ± 0.84 years) players. The variables included height, body mass, body mass index (BMI), fat-free mass (FFM), the percentage of body fat (BF%), the counter movement jump (CMJ), counter movement jump with free arms (CMJ free arms), squat jump (SJ), 5m, 10m, 15m and 20m sprints, T-test, Illinois test and 505 test. Results. The results showed that centers are taller and heavier than other positions, while the speed, agility and power of forwards are greater than other positions. Conclusions. At the youth basketball level there are differences in anthropometric and physical fitness testing results between positions. This supports the fact that athletes may be more likely to be selected for a given position based on how their anthropometric and athletic abilities pair with the demands of a given position. Keywords: body composition; physical testing; playing position; performance.

Denis Čaušević, Erol Kovačević, Semir Mašić, S. Kovač, S. Spicer

Background and Study Aim. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) are incredibly common and are often related to work load. For any occupational or public health intervention, injury prevention is preferred to injury treatment. Occupational health and injury prevention research has the potential to help mitigate MSD in the workplace. The aim of this study was to determine how the work demands of ski instructors may affect the health of their musculoskeletal system. Material and Methods. A cross-sectional study involved the participation of 87 ski instructors (age = 34.61 ±10.67) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (ATUS in Bosnia and Herzegovina). Observed variables were the prevalence of MSD measured using a modified Nordic questionnaire about injuries during the previous ski season (neck, shoulders, elbows, wrist, upper back, lower back, one or both hips, one or both knees, and ankle). Means and standard deviations for each of the variables were calculated, and differences between genders were examined using an independent sample t-test. Results. Prevalence of MSDs in ski instructors was most common in neck (13.8%), shoulders (12.6%), elbows (4.6%), wrist (9.2%), upper back (10.3%), lower back (46.0%), one or both hips (9.2%), one or both knees (29.9%), and ankle (9.2%). The results showed statistically significant differences in MSD between genders in the neck (p=.034); shoulders (p=.017); upper back (p=.027); one or both knees (p=.003) and in the ankle joint (p=.011). Conclusions. MSD’s are common in ski instructors, especially in the low back and knees of female employees. Future research or injury prevention programs would benefit these populations.

Izet Bajramović, Ensar Abazović, Denis Čaušević, Ivor Doder, Haris Alič, Erol Kovačević, Nedim Babic, Slavenko Likić

High relationships between muscle strength and various forms of jumps are usually based on the research samples of professional athletes or students of sports and physical education. However such studies are less known in the case of recreational women. This study aimed to determine the relationship between isokinetic parameters of knee joint muscle strength with the efficiency of performing vertical jumps. The sample represents a group of 16 healthy and physically active women (age=31.04±3.71; height 168.13±8.34; weight 59.80±9.80). Knee extensors and flexors were evaluated by using an isokinetic dynamometer, while the two-foot vertical jump performance was measured using the Opto Jump System. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to determine correlation magnitude (p<.05). The obtained results indicated high correlations of the knee extension peak torque dominant leg (KEPT D), knee extension peak torque non-dominant leg (KEPT ND) and knee flexion peak torque non-dominant leg (KFPT ND) with counter movement jump free arms (CMJFA) (r=.525; r=.511; r=.594; p<.05). High correlations was also indicated between KFPT ND with counter movement jump (CMJ) (r=.514; p<.05). Given that these are recreational women, we can assume that the countermovement free arm jump type was the most natural form of expressing their explosive potential. It is certainly important that future studies further examine the relationships between muscle strength and performance of primary and specific motor tasks in recreational women.

Mirza Ibrahimovic, Emir Mustafovic, Denis Čaušević, Haris Alič, Eldin Jelešković, M. Talović

The goal of this paper is to determine the injury frequency rate in professional football players in leagues and national competitions by analyzing existing papers. We have chosen 21 articles according to the PRISMA method from the Google Scholar, ResearchGate Scopus, and Web of Science databases that fit both inclusion and exclusion criteria. We have discussed the following four segments based on the content of the selected papers: 1) An analysis of the injury frequency rate on the level of national teams, 2) An analysis of the injury frequency rate in club leagues, 3) A comparison of the injury frequency rate in matches and in practice, and 4) An analysis of the injury frequency rate in male versus female football players. The paper concludes that major national team tournaments have the highest injury frequency rate and that the probability of injury is four to five times higher in a match than in practice. The injury frequency rate in female players is lower than in male players regardless of the type of competition (national teams or leagues).

Semir Mašić, Denis Čaušević, Ivor Doder, Amila Hodžić, M. Talović, A. Mašala, Adis Tabakovi̇ć

Conflict is an integral part of sport, and it implies a normal occurrence in communication and relationship between athletes and coaches. The main aim of this paper was to present a conflict analysis of the coach-athletes relationship, but also its impact on the achievement of sports results. The review article analysed nine works that directly studied interpersonal relationships between coaches and athletes. Research results suggest that conflict is evident and inevitable, as well as expected since coaches spend a lot of time with athletes, and pass through the training process, but also the competition period, when athletes are exposed to greater pressure because of the competition itself. Timely response and adequate response to conflict can greatly contribute to improving relations and even better sports results.

Fikret Veljović, Denis Čaušević, D. Šečić, E. Begić, Nihad Selimović, Dženan Jahić, Halid Ganija, A. Voloder et al.

Background: A precise three-point shot (3S) is considered a key parameter of success in a basketball game, and therefore the factors that affect its success have always attracted the attention of researchers. Aim: The aim of this research was a biomechanical-mathematical analysis of 3S in basketball, in order to determine the key parameters for performing a 3S. Results: The research shows a model of shooting a basketball player from the central position of the shot with 6.75 m. The modeling led to the conclusion that the height of the throw, the speed and the angle of the throw of the ball have a positive and direct relationship with the angle at which the ball falls into the basket when it comes to a shot for three points. Conclusion: The height of the throw, the speed and the angle of the ball have a positive and direct relationship with the angle at which the ball hits the basket when it comes to a shot for three points. Anthropometric characteristics of the player, such as the length of the arm, and the height of the player, directly lead to a positive relationship with the throwing angle.

Denis Čaušević, Ensar Abazović, Semir Mašić, Amila Hodžić, Šemso Ormanović, Ivor Doder, Nedim Čović, Rasim Lakota

This study aimed to examine the relation between agility, sprint ability, and vertical jump performance of young basketball players. Fifty (n=50) young basketball players (mean±SD: age = 12.63±0.95; height = 160.84±6.31 cm; body mass = 50.82±6.88 kg) participated in the study. The agility T-test and 505 test were assessed to determine agility, 10m and 20m sprint was measured to determine sprint ability and countermovement jump (CMJ) for jumping performance. The results of Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation analysis indicated large to very large relation between agility tests and sprint performance (r = 0.61 to 0.85); agility and jump performance (r = - 0.64 to - 0.67); sprint and jumping performance (r = -0.59 to -0.77). The results of the study suggest that agility, sprint, and jumping performance share common physical demands, therefore it is necessary to develop them during the training.

Erol Kovačević, Denis Čaušević, Yun-ling Liu, Josipa Nakić, Nedim Čović, Elvir Kazazović, Ensar Abazović

Considering the growing global problem and the lack of obesity data in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) the main aim of this paper was to determine BH school-age children body composition and determine the differences in body composition between girls and boys classified in underweight, normal weight and overweight according to the body mass index (BMI) score. 2524 participants 1763 girls and 761 boys (aged 10-13 yrs.) from 32 elementary schools were randomly selected and divided to 3 BMI groups by WHO cut-off points. InBody 370 Body Composition Analyzer (BioSpace, Seoul, Korea), a segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) device was used to gather data. The results showed ~38% of the sample were classified as overweight whilst gender differences showed higher body fat mass and fat percentages in arms, trunk and legs in underweight and normal weight girls and higher skeletal muscle mass in normal weight and overweight boys.

S. Solaković, Anes Jogončić, R. Pavlović, Mensur Vrcić, Nedim Čović, E. Solaković, I. Skrypchenko, Denis Čaušević et al.

concept and and/or assembly of data; data analysis and interpretation; Research on moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) is closely connected with primary and secondary cardiovascular protection but also can be associated with primary bypass patency and outcome of endovascular treatment for critical iliac stenosis TASC II A and B. After specific surgical or non-surgical treatment, iliac bypass or endovascular revascularization patency still depends on an individual and is still in the eye of scientific research modalities. Carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT) is an efficient surrogate parameter in detection and prediction of cerebrovascular events and potential marker of generalized atherosclerosis with prognosis of peripheral arterial disease related to prognosis of atherosclerotic coronary hemodynamic pathology. Materials and methods. A total of 139 patients were observed during 4 years of MICT. Ultrasonography of the distal part of the common carotid artery (CCA) was performed to measure CIMT before and after revascularization procedure. The bypass patency and walking distance was also studied. Results. In the total population, no difference in changes of CIMT from baseline was observed between the standard exercise group and controls in 4 years. However, there was a significant correlation between the effect of exercise training and CIMT within 4 years. CIMT was not significantly reduced in the exercise group compared with control non-diabetic patients. Conclusions. Exercise training in both groups did not significantly change carotid intima-media thickness in the four years following endovascular procedure and Dacron bypass revascularization, but significant beneficial effect of moderate-intensity continuous training on bypass patency was observed in patients with mild or without claudication symptoms as well as on subjective and objective health status.

Emir Mustafovic, Denis Čaušević, Nedim Čović, Mirza Ibrahimovic, Haris Alič, Ensar Abazović, Semir Mašić

Identification of talents in football is one of the most important tasks of coaches in youth football selection. The main focus of this paper was to review the available literature on talent identification in youth football. A systematic review of PubMEd, Medline, ResearchGate and Elsevier databases was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. The following keywords were used: „identification of talents“, „football talent“, „selection in football“, and „management in sport clubs“. Of 137 studies initially identified, of which 17 met the inclusion criteria of the review. Mentioned studies were analyzed and discussion was created with the emphasis on 4 segments: 1) analysis of physiological aspects and identification of talents 2) importance of specific contents for identification of talent 3) biological and chronological age as an important aspect of selection of young players 4) multidisciplinary approach to the selection of young players. It is concluded that process of identification of talents needs to be approached multidisciplinary with all contents of physiological and physical assessment and with specific football contents (SSG and TE-TA contents) respectively. Great role in performance on the field has the biological age, on which coaches need to pay attention to when evaluating quality of players.

Uvod Poznato je da starenje za posljedicu ima opadanje tjelesnih sposobnosti čovjeka, što je uz globalni problem hipokinezije, jedan od vodećih savremenih problema društva (Čaušević, Ormanović, Doder, & Čović, 2017; Ćirić, Čaušević, & Bejdić, 2015). Individualni aerobni fi tness se smanjuje za 8-10% tokom svake decenije života, dok veoma aktivni ljudi mogu smanjiti ovaj nivo na 2-3%. Opadanje snage je osjetno u šezdesetim, a posebno u sedamdesetim godinama života (15% odnosno 30%), (Sharkey & Gaskill, 2008). Takođe u brojnim studijama, utvrđeno je da su promjene koje nastaju kao posljedica biološkog starenja, povezane sa smanjenim stepenom fi zičke aktivnosti osoba starije dobi, a koje za posljedicu imaju smanjenje mišićne mase i tjelesne funkcije. Poznato je da organizovano tjelesno vježbanje ima mnogo pozitivnih efekata na organizam čovjeka u cjelini, te da ima jasan i prioritetan fi zički i zdravstveni uticaj na osobe i njihove radne aktivnosti. Međutim, bez obzira na to šta osoba radi – bilo da se bavi prostim fi zičkim poslom (nošenjem, podizanjem, poljoprivrednim radom) ili vrši fi zičke vježbe, njen mišić ni, kardio-vaskularni, respiratorni i centralni nervni sistem aktivno funkcionišu. Shodno tome će fi zička aktivnost, bilo kao tjelesna vježba ili fi zički rad, uvijek uticati na naše tijelo i tako dovesti do poveć anog nivoa funkcionisanja (Bjelica & Krivikapić, 2019). S druge strane, neaktivnost uzrokuje 9% prerane smrtnosti, što brojem iznosi više nego 5,3 od 57 miliona smrtnih slučajeva širom svijeta tokom 2008. godine (Lee i sar. 2012). Istoimeni autori navode da ukoliko neaktivnost nije eliminisana ali jeste umanjena za 10% ili 25%, onda bi se smrtnost tokom svake godine mogla izbjeći za više od 533 000 odnosno za više od 1,3 miliona slučajeva. Ovakav navod potvrđuje i činjenica da Abstract

J. Komić, Slobodan Simovic, Denis Čaušević, D. Alexe, Michal Wilk, B. Rani, C. I. Alexe

: Sport, particularly in the realm of professional competition, is a domain of human endeavor that is increasingly dependent on the use of analytical statistical information. Consequently, mathematics and statistics are becoming increasingly crucial elements in sports. Although experts recognize the importance of analytics in women’s basketball, the literature addressing this subject remains limited. The objective of this study is to employ quantitative methodologies to discover prevailing patterns in global women’s basketball representation. The entities examined in this article were the games contested during the 2021 Olympic Games, the 2022 World Cup, and the 2023 continental championships. Two regression models were created for the research, using thirteen standard variables observed in the game. The evaluation of the regression model was conducted using the stepwise regression method, incorporating dimensionality reduction based on the outcomes of factor analysis. Among the 14 models that were observed, 13 of them exhibited strong and moderate linkages, while only 1 displayed weak connections and lacked statistical significance. The primary factors that account for the disparity between winning and losing teams in games are primarily associated with shooting accuracy toward the basket. When examining individual championships, the percentage surpassed 50% in all cases except for AfroBasket. However, when considering the overall results, the significance of shooting rose to 86%. The variable representing offensive rebound efficiency had a significant influence on the outcome, being present in all individual competitions, whereas defensive rebound efficiency was only considered in the overall results.

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