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Damira Vranešić-Hadžimehmedović

Društvene mreže:

Miloš Paunović, Dušan Đorđević, Dragan Marinković, S. Veličković, Petar Velickovic, Nedim Čović, Damira Vranešić-Hadžimehmedović, Amel Mekić, Eldin Jelešković et al.

High handgrip strength in men’s artistic gymnastics is crucial, mainly for improving performance and to potentially prevent injuries, as well as for the fact that gymnasts body movements are around immovable apparatuses (pommel horse, rings, parallel bars and high bar) for the extended period of time. Since there are not so many studies that have dealt with this topic and on actual competition, we have aimed to examine the handgrip strength influence on the competition result in elite male artistic gymnasts. The sample of participants were conducted of 37 elite male artistic gymnasts (8–21 years old), from 8 different countries as national team competitors at the International Competition “Laza Krstić and Marica Dželatović” held in Novi Sad, Serbia. Basic anthropometric measurements were included (body height, body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI)), along with training experience and handgrip strength measurement (both dominant and nondominant hand). Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z test (p < 0.05) was used for distribution normality, along with regression analysis with Model 1 (participants age, training experience, body height, body weight and BMI), Model 2 (Model 1 + dominant handgrip strength) and Model 3 (Model 1 + nondominant handgrip strength). SPSS v.20 was used for all statistical analysis. Our study have revealed that there is significant influence of all 3 Models on the parallel bars final result (p = 0.33; p = 0.49; p = 0.31, respectively), in terms of all set of variables, whereas body weight Beta scores (28.6%; 30.3%; 32.7%, respectively) moslty explains the results. Both dominant and nondominant handgrip strength are influential factors only on the parallel bars final result. Since both hands are contributing equally, bilateral training is necessary. In order to expand the knowledge on this topic and completely understand the influential factors, future studies are needed on this sample. Regardless of our main findings, our results should be taken with caution.

Marko Đurović, Damira Vranešić-Hadžimehmedović, Miloš Paunović, D. Madić, Tomislav Okičić

The aim of this research was to determine the differences in specific race performance characteristics of male swimmers in the 50-m and 100-m freestyle at the Serbia Open Championship 2017 (long-course). The overall sample included in this study consisted of 40 swimmers divided by a K-Means Cluster Analysis into three groups in relation to the results in the 50-m freestyle (G1_50, T50=23.53±.27 s, n=6; G2_50, T50=24.54±.33 s, n=18; G3_50, T50=25.52±.33 s, n=16), and 55 swimmers also divided into three groups in relation to the results in the 100-m freestyle (G1_100, T100=50.99±.82s, n=10; G2_100, T100=53.41±.48 s, n=17; G3_100, T100=56.13±1.32 s, n=28). The research results indicate that there is a difference in the specific race performance characteristics in relation to the achieved results in the 50-m freestyle, including: t10_50 (F=16.79, p=.000), SL2_50 (F=4.44, p=.019) and SI2_50 (F=13.49, p=.000), also in the 100-m freestyle, including: t10_100 (F=36.45, p=.000), SL1_100 (F=5.77, p=.005), SL2_100 (F=17.47, p=.000), SL3_100 (F=7.72, p=.001), SL4_100 (F=9.84, p=.000), SI1_100 (F=5.12, p=.009), SI2_100 (F=45.97, p=.000), SI3_100 (F=13.86, p=.000), SI4_100 (F=31.23, p=.000), SR1_100 (F=4.12, p=.022) and SR2_100 (F=6.37, p=.003). Based on these results we can draw the conclusion that swimmers who have better control over their race performance characteristics during all the segments of the race, including stroke length, stroke index and stroke rate have the potential of being faster in the 50-m and 100-m freestyle.

Uvod Poznato je da starenje za posljedicu ima opadanje tjelesnih sposobnosti čovjeka, što je uz globalni problem hipokinezije, jedan od vodećih savremenih problema društva (Čaušević, Ormanović, Doder, & Čović, 2017; Ćirić, Čaušević, & Bejdić, 2015). Individualni aerobni fi tness se smanjuje za 8-10% tokom svake decenije života, dok veoma aktivni ljudi mogu smanjiti ovaj nivo na 2-3%. Opadanje snage je osjetno u šezdesetim, a posebno u sedamdesetim godinama života (15% odnosno 30%), (Sharkey & Gaskill, 2008). Takođe u brojnim studijama, utvrđeno je da su promjene koje nastaju kao posljedica biološkog starenja, povezane sa smanjenim stepenom fi zičke aktivnosti osoba starije dobi, a koje za posljedicu imaju smanjenje mišićne mase i tjelesne funkcije. Poznato je da organizovano tjelesno vježbanje ima mnogo pozitivnih efekata na organizam čovjeka u cjelini, te da ima jasan i prioritetan fi zički i zdravstveni uticaj na osobe i njihove radne aktivnosti. Međutim, bez obzira na to šta osoba radi – bilo da se bavi prostim fi zičkim poslom (nošenjem, podizanjem, poljoprivrednim radom) ili vrši fi zičke vježbe, njen mišić ni, kardio-vaskularni, respiratorni i centralni nervni sistem aktivno funkcionišu. Shodno tome će fi zička aktivnost, bilo kao tjelesna vježba ili fi zički rad, uvijek uticati na naše tijelo i tako dovesti do poveć anog nivoa funkcionisanja (Bjelica & Krivikapić, 2019). S druge strane, neaktivnost uzrokuje 9% prerane smrtnosti, što brojem iznosi više nego 5,3 od 57 miliona smrtnih slučajeva širom svijeta tokom 2008. godine (Lee i sar. 2012). Istoimeni autori navode da ukoliko neaktivnost nije eliminisana ali jeste umanjena za 10% ili 25%, onda bi se smrtnost tokom svake godine mogla izbjeći za više od 533 000 odnosno za više od 1,3 miliona slučajeva. Ovakav navod potvrđuje i činjenica da Abstract

Slavenko Likić, Faculty for Sport, Sarajevo, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Izet Bajramović, Damira Vranešić-Hadžimehmedović

The aim of the research is to determine the relationship between morphological characteristics and dynamic parameters of running in the case of boys aged 10-12 years. The study was conducted on a sample of 75 respondents, who are separated from the fourth-grade elementary school population. Morphological characteristics are measured by a set of fifteen variables: longitudinal dimensionality (3 variables), transversal dimensionality (4 variables), volume and body mass (4 variables), fatt tissue (4 variables), and body mass index. Dynamic parameters of running were estimated by measuring the passing time at 5m segments of the whole distance. Variables of dynamic running parameters have achieved statistically significant correlation with variables of transversal dimensionality, volume and body mass and fat tissue (p<0.05). Also, statistically significant correlation (p<0.01) of mean intensity was obtained between body mass index and all variables of dynamic running parameters. Based on the results of dynamic running parameters it can be concluded that the analyzed sample of boys aged 10-12 years is characterized by the following pattern of running structure at 50 meters: the acceleration phase lasts from the start to the fifteen meters section; stable running phase lasts from 15 to 40 meters, indicating that the maintenance length of the maximum speed level is 25 meters; and the deceleration phase of running lasts from 40 to 50 meters.

The aim of this research was to determine the differences in the rate of development of ventilation capabilities in 12 to 15-year-old boys who systematically train football, and boys in the same age group who are not involved in any sports. The research included 40 football players and 40 non-players, divided into chronological age groups U12, U13, U14, and U15. Ventilation capabilities are represented with 10 parameters: forced vital capacity, forced vital capacity in percentage predicted, volume of air exhaled during the first second, volume of air exhaled during the first second in percentage predicted, Tiffeneau index, percentage of the predicted Tiffeneau index, forced expiratory flow, forced expiratory flow 25-75% of FVC, forced expiratory flow 75-85% of FVC, and maximum expiratory flow. The difference between the arithmetic mean of groups and the development rate of the variables is determined by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Non-players have a higher and faster growth in value for most variables until the age of 13, followed by a gradual stagnation and decline in values, while football players have a more balanced growth in values until the age of 13, and they experience the maximum in development at 14 years of age, after which it begins to decline slightly. The obtained values confirm that boys who are participating in systematic sport training have a continuous rate of development of pulmonary ventilation, and have greater capacity values, as well as better airway patency.


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