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Indira Mahmutović

Društvene mreže:

Naim Salkić, Indira Mahmutović

Deaf children, due to the impossibility of transforming the internal speech scheme into expressive speech in mutual written communication, make maximum use of abbreviated speech schemes that determine the ability to communicate. The aim of the study is to examine the content comprehensibility and semantic level of written communication of deaf children through the number of used types oaf words in written communication, and to determine the existence of statistical significaance of differences between deaf and hearing respondents in the use of word types at the level of statistical significance p=0.001. The study was conducted on a sample of 140 respondents. The first subsample of respondents, the experimental group consisted of 70 deaf students, and the second subsample, a control group of 70 hearing students, of the same chronological age and gender. The measurement instrument “Test of understanding the written form of expression” was applied. The frequencies and percentages of responses to each of the variables used were calculated. The t-test and the F (Fisher) test were used to determine the statistical significance of the differences between deaf and hearing subjects. The results of the study showed that deaf students do not have contextual understanding and recognition of word types through testing of linguistic competence in relation to the hearing population, because 67.10% do not understand, and 10.00% of deaf students partially understand the contextual application of word types in writing textual task. Deaf students in the written form of communication use nouns (65.70%), pronouns (34.30%), verbs (45.7%), adjectives (28.60%), adverbs (22.90), prepositions (54.30%), exclamations (15.70%), particles (12.90%) and numbers (32.90%). There is a statistically significant difference between hearing and deaf respondents, in favor of hearing, in all applied types of words, except the use of verbs.

Ivana Hadžihasanović, Merima Čaušević, Indira Mahmutović

Certain research on the development of motor skills of children with hearing impairment shows that their abilities are not age-appropriate, although they have the same basis for development as hearing children. Education of children with hearing impairments is predominantly focused on hearing and speech rehabilitation, while activities related to music and sports are mostly neglected. The aim of this study was to examine the effects of musical-rhythmic stimulation on the development of selected motor skills of children with hearing impairment aged six to fifteen. For this purpose, a special music and dance program of workshops for 26 children with hearing impairments (12 boys and 14 girls) was created for the period of four and a half months. At the beginning of the program implementation, the initial measurement of body coordination and speed of movement was performed, and the final measurement through five standardized tests at the end. The paired samples t-test was used to analyze the effects of applied musical-rhythmic and dance stimulations. The results of the research indicated certain statistically significant differences in the ability to coordinate the body and speed of movement, i.e. that the program of music and dance workshops has a positive effect on the development of selected motor skills in children with hearing impairment.

Ivana Hadžihasanović, Merima Čaušević, Indira Mahmutović

Određena istraživanja o razvoju motoričkih sposobnosti djece s oštećenjem sluha pokazuju da njihove sposobnosti nisu u skladu s dobi iako imaju iste osnove za razvoj kao i čujuća djeca. Edukacija djece s oštećenjem sluha dominantno je usmjerena na rehabilitaciju sluha i govora, a aktivnosti vezane za glazbu i sport uglavnom su zanemarene. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati učinke glazbeno-ritmičkih stimulacija na razvoj odabranih motoričkih sposobnosti djece s oštećenjem sluha u dobi od šest do petnaest godina. Zbog toga je kreiran poseban glazbeno-plesni program radionica za 26 djece s oštećenjem sluha (12 dječaka i 14 djevojčica) u trajanju od četiri i pol mjeseca. Na početku realizacije programa provedeno je inicijalno mjerenje koordinacije tijela i brzine pokreta te po završetku finalno mjerenje kroz pet standardiziranih testova. Za analizu efekata primijenjenih glazbeno-ritmičkih i plesnih stimulacija korišten je t-test za završne uzorke (paired samples test). Rezultati su istraživanja ukazali na određene statistički značajne razlike u sposobnostima koordinacije tijela i brzine pokreta, odnosno da program glazbeno-plesnih radionica ima pozitivan učinak na razvoj odabranih motoričkih sposobnosti kod djece s oštećenjem sluha.

Ivana Hadžihasanović, Merima Čaušević, Indira Mahmutović

Throughout most of history, children with hearing impairments were on the margins of society. Because of their place in society, research about the possibility of music perception and engaging actively as a professional musician and dancer, started at the end of the 20th century. Although that progress started at the end of the 20th century, children with hearing impairments from Bosnia and Herzegovina don't have enough support of educational system which could include them in art education. This situation we can especially see in field of music and dance, which are very hard for adjustment because of their sensory impairment. To prove that children with hearing impairments can perceive music and improve their motor ability with the help of dance which is not at their age level, we created a special educational program which consists of music-dance workshops, where the main goal is to improve body coordination and speed of movement with music-rhythmic stimulations and dance. In this program, which last four and half months, we included 14 girls with hearing impairments from eleven to fifteen years of life. At the beginning of this program, we performed initial measurement of body coordination and movement speed, and at the end of this four-and-a-half-months long program, we performed final measurement through five standard tests: Eight with banding (MKOS), Steps aside (MKKS), Envelope test (MKKT), Slalom with three medical balls (MKS3M) and Long jump backwards (MKSUU). For effect analysis of applying musical-rhythmic stimulation, we used t-test for final samples (paired samples test). The results of this research are showing us that there is statistically significant difference in ability of body coordination and movement speed and that this musical-dance workshop program has positive impact on development of chosen motor ability. 

Serdar Uslu, Ensar Abazović, Indira Mahmutović, Barak Riza

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between knee extensor and flexor muscles strength and vertical jump in professional female volleyball players. Forty-one female volleyball players participated in this study. Isokinetic PT and was measured at 60°/s, whilst CMJ performance using a force plate. The participants were later divided to WG (weaker group - PT/BW<2) and SG (stronger group - PT/BW>2). Isokinetic concentric knee extension and flexion PT was significantly correlated with CMJ performance. However, higher correlation coefficients were obtained at the non-dominant leg. No significant differences were found but mere trend favoring non-dominant leg muscles in the weaker group. Strong positive correlation exists between isokinetic knee PT and CMJ height in professional female volleyball players. When divided and compared to WG and SG the results indicate weaker players tend to modify their technique individually and towards unilaterality as so they could maximize their performance.

Naim Salkić, Emira Švraka, Indira Mahmutović, Alma Avdić

Deaf persons, in their communications, use verbal and non-verbal communication systems, as well as bilingual communication. The aim of this article is to determine which communication system the deaf people prefer, and to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference between the sub-samples of the respondents in the preference of the communication systems using discriminant analysis. Study findings have shown that deaf people prefer a non-verbal communication system and a bilingual manner of communicating, and do not reject the verbal communication system because it is essential to communicating with hearers but, they do not prefer it. Discriminant analysis revealed that there was no statistically significant difference between the sub-groups of the respondents at a statistical significance level of 0.01.

Haris Memisevic, Indira Mahmutović, Arnela Pašalić, Inga Biscevic

The assessment of children’s motor control is very important in detecting potential motor deficits. The Finger Tapping Test (FTT) is a widely used test in various clinical and non-clinical populations. FTT is a neuropsychological test designed to measure motor control. Age and gender are significant pre dictors of finger tapping speed in school-aged children. The goal of the present study was to determine the effects of age and gender on finger tapping speed in preschool children. The sample for this study included 111 preschool children, aged 3 to 6 years (mean age4.6; SD0.9), of both genders (59 boys, 52 girls). As a measure of finger tapping speed we used the Finger Tapping Test from the Psychology Experi ment Building Language (PEBL). The results of this study found a significant effect of age on finger tapping speed. Contrary to the existing studies, there was no gender effect on the tapping speed in preschoolers. A one way analysis of variance showed that older children performed significantly better than younger children. There is a linear trend of improved performance on FTT with an increasing age. The child’s gender was not a significant predictor of FTT for preschool children. Motor control and speed can be improved through exercise.

Abel Baltic, Izet Radjo, Ifet Mahmutović, Indira Mahmutović

Goal: The goal of the article is to examine level of hemodynamic improvement in the peripheral artery diseases of lower limbs among patients on medication therapy and patients included in programmed physical activities simultaneously with the medication therapy. Material and methods: Prospective-retrospective study includes 100 patients of the Clinic for Vascular Disease, Clinical Center of Sarjevo University (CCUS). It has been found out that the majority of patients in both groups were males. Average age of patients in control group was 48.60±3.82. Average value of claudication distance for patients in control group was 277 m, while the value for patients in test group was 270 m. Results: At the end of research the analysis of average PSV values proved significant difference in relation to examined groups (p<0.05). Average PSV value statistically significantly decreased in both groups after the treatment. According to the obtained results it was determined that the claudication distance of control group was statistically considerably smaller in comparison to the average claudication distance in the test group. Conclusion: It was established that the chance for the patients to have claudication distance within reference values is 2.57 times higher in the test group in comparison with the patients in the control group after the treatment.

Mirela Abdukić, Ifet Mahmutović, Indira Mahmutović, Amra Tuzović

The aim of this research was to  determine the success of transformational content volleyball game through teaching physical and health education,on  selected variables for assessing motor dimensions of the secondary school female students.Kinesiology activities are implemented through two-hour, double gym classes during one school year.The experimental group of the high school female students, through a planned program of 70 lessons,have learned and practiced the elements and techniques of volleball game with the use of different methodical organization of work through all parts of  each lesson.With the congruence method of initial and final measurement,intention was to determine wheter there has been a structural change in the observed motor area,under the influence of the content apllied.Although there was a total of eighteen (18) variables apllied, only five (5) were isolated in both measurement as those that could explain,in percentage,the area of the total variance of the system. From the aspect of creating and programming the structure and content to teaching physical and health education, the results can serve as a recommendation. They can also point out the shortcomings which are present in the implementation of the certain sports and kinesiological activities in teaching.


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