
Publikacije (12)

Husnija Kajmovic, D. Karpljuk, Safet Kapo, J. Šimenko

Simple Summary Penalties in judo (shido) have been previously associated with match outcomes and increased the likelihood of being defeated, particularly in heavier weight categories. Each 1-min increase in match duration and further athlete proceeds in competition increases the possibility of receiving a penalty. Penalties have also been associated with the occurrence of injuries, especially with grip fighting and other illegal moves and therefore, have a substantial effect on athletes’ health. The main findings highlighted that the leading penalties in all weight categories for both genders on Judo World Championships (WC) were Non-combativity, Avoid Grip and False Attack. Additionally, a new trend in heavyweight athletes with a lower number of penalties is noted. Abstract Background: This research aimed to compare individual penalties by gender and weight categories in judo from the Judo World Championships (WC): Budapest—2017, Baku—2018, Tokyo—2019 and Budapest—2021 in all individual weight categories for females and males. Methods: Data were collected by notational analysis of 2041 penalty videos for females and 3473 penalty videos for males (total n = 5514). All individual penalties—Shido 1, 2, 3 and Hansoku Make (direct disqualification) were analysed by the Pearson chi-square test at the level of statistical significance of 5%. Results: Significant differences were noted in the assigned individual penalties between individual categories (p < 0.001) in both genders. The significant difference was contributed mainly by the weight category +78 kg with penalties Non-combativity (5.3) and Avoid Grip (−3.4) in females, while in males it impacted by the +100 kg weight category and the Non-combativity (4.2) and Avoid Grip (−4.0) penalties. For females, the most dominant individual penalties were Non-combativity (41.6%), Avoid Grip (16.2%) and False Attack (15.0%), and were Non-combativity (40.3%), Avoid Grip (19.5%) and False Attack (16.4%) for males. The largest number of penalties in females were in −52 kg (16.7%), −57 kg (15.9%) and +78 kg (15.2%) categories, while in males, they were −66 kg (17.2%), −73 kg (16.1%) and −90 kg (15.6%). Conclusions: The findings of this study highlight the leading penalties in all weight categories for both genders on WC to be Non-combativity, Avoid Grip and False Attack. Additionally, a new trend in heavyweight athletes with a lower number of penalties is noted. The obtained results indicate the need to pay more attention to working with competitors of all ages and genders on education to implement tactical variants, forms and means to use penalties to athletes’ advantage, especially after a possible rule change and to lower the occurrence of injuries.

Penalties in judo result from negative actions that are not in line with judo combat regulations. The aim of the research was to determine the differences in penalties between winner and non-winner competitors in judo. A total of 1799 (men=1133 and women=666) matches with penalties were evaluated during 2017, 2018 and 2019 World Judo Championships. The variables were expressed as proportions and compared with the Chi-Square test with pairwise Z-tests. The ratio of receiving the first and second shido was the same in men and women athletes ( p >.05), but it was different for weight categories ( p .05), the ratio of forbidden actions in the first and second shido differed ( p <.05). The difference in the penalty ratios in winner and non-winner athletes, especially the difference in forbidden actions leading to first and second shido may reflect some tactical differences. The results of this research can significantly contribute to the understanding of the significance of judo penalties both in training and in competition, as well as to the further study of judo penalties.

Freestyle wrestling for women is characterised as complex polystructural acyclic movement activity of high intensity. The aim of this research is to determine the differences in performance between winners and defeated female cadet freestyle wrestlers at European championship for Cadets, held in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 2010.  The research is based on the analysis of 415 wrestling techniques performed successfully, out of which the female cadet winners have achieved n= 330 (Standing position n= 203, Parterre position n= 127), while the defeated ones achieved n=85 techniques (Standing position n= 64, Parterre position n= 21). The comparison between the winners and the defeated female cadets has been based on several performance indicators by the use of notational analysis of video recordings. Wilcoxon test confirms the differences in performances between winners and defeated female cadet wrestlers in regards to the Standing position (p<.001), Parterre position (p<.001), scored points in the Standing position (p<.001), in the Parterre position (p<.001), and for the most of individual wrestling techniques from Standing and Parterre position, in which case the Take Down (p<.001 )in Standing position technique is the most dominant among the winners, and a turn-over by twisting the opponent with an arm and head (p<.001) is the most dominant in Parterre position. The results indicate the differences in the performances between the winners and defeated cadets, which can assist in planning and programming training processes, but as well help in further analysis of different wrestling styles.

Original scientific paper Purpose of the research was to compare the effects of dynamic and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching on knee isokinetic strength and power parameters. Sample size of 50 male athletes is represented as male athletes divided into sub-samples of 10 athletes at competitive level in karate (19 ± 2,4), taekwondo (20 ± 3,6), boxing (19,8 ± 4,3), football (15,1 ± 0,3) and track and field sprint (18,3 ± 2,6). Isokinetic parameters of the knee were measured using Biodex isokinetic system3, at two angular speeds 60 °/s and 180 °/s. Parameters were measured after dynamic stretching protocol and again 48 h later after PNF protocol. For karate and taekwondo fighters no statistically significant differences were found. For boxers, football players and sprinters the values of strength and power parameters were higher after dynamic warm-up protocol at a statistically significant level. Results of this study confirmed that dynamic stretching contributes to higher values of the strength and power of thigh muscles compared to proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation.

Background & Study Aim: Karate is sport who has high demands for energy consumption due to constant dynamic movements in training and fights. Transformation process in sport is ability to change body physiology using training methods. The aim of this research are the effects of a three month programmed training on body composition indicators in female karate athletes from 12 to 14 years of age. Material & Methods: Twenty-two female karate athletes from 12 to 14 years of age have been submitted to a three month programmed training. Measuring the body composition indicators was conducted by Tanita BC420SMA – bioelectric impedance analysis (BIA), scale specifically used for the analysis of seven indicators relevant for karate sport, differentiated by weight classes. For determining the programmed training effects, paired sample T-test was used at the level of statistical significance of p<0.05. Results: Three month programmed training resulted in changes regarding weight (p = 0.020), FM% (p = 0.012), FMkg (p = 0.01) and BMI (p = 0.002), and statistically significant increase in variables TBW% (p = 0.007). Concerning the variables FFM, MMSS and TBWkg, there were no statistically significant changes noted. Conclusions: The results of this research have indicated that under the influence of programmed training in karate, positive transformations can be expected within the indicators of body composition in girls between 12 and 14 years of age. Transformation is most certainly a result of natural growth and development occurring in girls, but likewise a combination of programmed training and adequate nutrition.

N. Djuric, Kristina Saric, N. Smajlović, Husnija Kajmovic, Anida Kapo

Parallel programming is a form of computation in which the calculations are carried out simultaneously, operating on the principle where large problems can be divided into smaller, which are then solved in parallel. Most common this programming is used in high performance computing, but due to the physical constraints which prevent frequency scaling the interest is even higher. As computers consumption has become a problem in the recent years, the parallel programming has grown into the dominant paradigm in computer architecture, mainly in the form of multicore processors. The paper shows the process of designing parallel programs and it includes some results obtained by testing the parallel programming performance of different nVIDIA GeForce graphics cards. The purpose of the test is to compare performance of several types of GPUs for various applications. The results of the test could not specifically say which GPU is best due to the different features of the cards, but they can be used to determine which card offers better performances for different parts of the tests.

Husnija Kajmovic, Izet Radjo

The aim of this study is to present the comparison between throwing techniques efficiency index performed from the same and opposite grip for senior male and female during Bosnia and Herzegovina senior State championships. The study is based on the notation analysis of 280 grip configurations of male along with the equal number of throwing techniques and 166 grip configurations of female judoka along with the equal number of throwing techniques. Regarding the results of Chi-square test (13.2; p < .001) along with Yates’s Correction (12.5; p < .001) the difference in the frequencies of the same and opposite grip has been confirmed. Male dominate in regards to the same side grip, while female dominate in regards to the opposite side grip. The most efficient throwing technique for male considering the same side grip is Ippon seoi nage (0.68), while for the female that is Harai goshi (0.73). The technique which has the highest efficiency index in male regarding the opposite side grip is Uchi mata (0.66), and with the female likewise Uchi mata (1.21). The information gathered from this research can be of use to the coaches and contestants, so that they can take a new approach in training their gripping technique.

Husnija Kajmovic, Adis Kapur, Izet Radjo, Amel Mekić

The aim of this study is to determine the difference in performance between winners defeated wrestlers in the Greco-Roman style. Data were collected and analyzed from 946 techniques in parterre and standing positions and the same number achieved technical points of the 2010 European Championships for cadets in the Greco-Roman style. To determine the difference between winners and defeated cadets we used the Wilcoxon’s test at the level of statistical significance of p ≤ 0.05. Results of the Wilcoxon’s test showed the existence of differences between winners and defeated cadets in the overall number of performed technical actions in parterre and standing positions (p < .001); performed actions of winners and defeated wrestlers in standing position (p < .001), except in variables Shoulder throw (p = .291) and sagging bodylock (p = .285); performed technical actions by winners and defeated wrestlers in position (p < .005). The total technical points achieved in standing position and parterre position between winners and defeated wrestlers (p < .001); in achieved technical points of winners and defeated wrestlers in the standing position (p < .001), except in 5 points (p = .564) and parterre position (p < .001) except in 5 points (p = .083). This research can help coaches and athletes in the cadets category to raise their performance on the higher level of wrestling.

Background Gripping (kumi kata) constitutes a very important segment of judo fights and fist contact in said fights, based on which the opponent is controlled and dominated during the fight. The goal of this research is the knowledge about differences in gripping configurations between male and female cadets during the execution of throws at a competition. Material & Methods: The analysis included 470 gripping configurations of male cadets and 350 gripping configurations of female cadets at the 2008 European Judo Championship, held in Sarajevo. For the purpose of establishing differences in frequencies, a Chi-square test with a statistical significance of p≤0.05 was used. Results: By analysing the application of different gripping configurations during the execution of throws among male and female cadets, statistically important differences were identified (p<0.05). Male cadets dominate in the same grip and sleeve end grip, whereas female cadets dominate in the opposite gripping configuration. Sukui nage is the most frequent technique in the case of male cadets, from the same, 11.3% and opposite grip, 6.0%, and in the case of female cadets, from the same grip, 6.0%. The ippon seoi nage throw technique is a technique that was mostly used by both groups (6.4% – 5.4%) in the case of the sleeve end grip, whereas the o uchi gari technique 6.3% was mostly used by female cadets in the opposite grip. Conclusions: A well-developed effort to establish a grip may be one of the key factors in the final results of the fight. By learning the different configurations of grips and techniques that can be applied, the contestants have better possibilities of succeeding in competitions.

Besim Demirović, Zijad Požegić, S. Kovač, Safet Kapo, Haris Alič, G. Manic, N. Djuric, Kristina Saric et al.

Parallel programming is a form of computation in which the calculations are carried out simultaneously, operating on the principle where large problems can be divided into smaller, which are then solved in parallel. Most common this programming is used in high performance computing, but due to the physical constraints which prevent frequency scaling the interest is even higher. As computers consumption has become a problem in the recent years, the parallel programming has grown into the dominant paradigm in computer architecture, mainly in the form of multicore processors. The paper shows the process of designing parallel programs and it includes some results obtained by testing the parallel programming performance of different nVIDIA GeForce graphics cards. The purpose of the test is to compare performance of several types of GPUs for various applications. The results of the test could not specifically say which GPU is best due to the different features of the cards, but they can be used to determine which card offers better performances for different parts of the tests.

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