The sustainable forest management concept contains the essence of the sustainable development paradigm - meeting the current needs of society without compromising the needs of future generations. The strategic commitment of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo is aimed at quality education of forestry experts, conducting innovative research and the most intensive cooperation with the economy. The methodological approach in this paper is based on a critical analysis of the scope of the educational-research process at the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, and the potentials of sustainable forest management in BiH, to determine to what extent higher education and research on environmental, sociological and economic aspects of forest management can affect positive changes in BiH society. Apart from identifying the benefits of forest ecosystems in the context of contributing to sustainable development, the research on the attitudes of teaching staff related to the contribution of the educational-research process to general goals of sustainable development from the 2030 Agenda was conducted. The results of this paper show that the concept of sustainable forest management, as it is realized in educational-research process at the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, has significant potential to contribute to sustainable development in BiH. This contribution is reflected in biodiversity conservation, mitigation of climate change, carbon storage, prevention of natural disasters, impact on the stability of water and soil, energy supply from renewable sources, continuous economic growth, socially responsible production and consumption, job security, development of rural and urban areas as well as maintaining and improving the psychophysical health of the population. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that sustainable forest management, grounded on scientific postulates, understanding of diversity of forest ecosystem services and dynamics in society's requirements towards forests, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation, can be an important factor of sustainable development in BiH.
UDK: 630*232:582.475(497.6) It is well known that mechanical damage to trees, caused by felling and removal of timber from the forest, has multiple negative effects on the quality of the stock and the health of the forests as well as the volume increment. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there were no significant analises of volume increment loss due to bark damage of the trees. In this paper, a direct relationship between the significant damage to the bark of the stem and the size of the volume increment of individual trees was determined. Original data recorded during the Second National Forest Inventory in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2006-2009), within the accesible high economical forests was used. These forests cover a total area of 1.329.500 ha. Data on measured trees was taken from every fourth sample plot (one from cluster). 18.546 trees were selected, on which the 10-year increment of brest diameter (DBH) was measured and significant mechanical damage was recorded (LOJO et al., 2008). Of the total number of selected trees, 2.635 or 14.21% were mechanically damaged. The results of the study showed that the volume increment of trees, with significant bark damage of all tree species and thickness, was lower from 4,9% to 19,4% in average, compared to undamaged trees. Based on registered damage the bark of the stem, during second NFI BiH and determined the average losses increment on individual trees, it was estimated how much these losses are on an annual basis in, productive high forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The volume increment of mechanically damaged trees is statistically significantly lower compare to the increment of undamaged trees, resulting in a total loss of about 200.000 m3 / year / 1.329.500 ha.
Debljina kore i njen udio u obujmu oblog drva predstavljaju bitne značajke u tehnološkom procesu pridobivanja drva, posebno u fazi preuzimanja drva. S obzirom da je itekako važno raspolagati s relativno točnim podacima ovih značajki kore za pojedine vrste drveća, osnovni cilj ovoga rada je istražiti navedene značajke kore bukve. Istraživanje je provedeno na području Kantona 10, a obuhvatilo je 678 stabla bukve od 10 do 85 cm promjera na prsnoj visini i od 5 do 40 m visine. Mjerenje srednjeg promjera i debljine kore obavljeno je metodom sekcioniranja, a ukupno je izmjereno 6.403 promjera i debljina kore ili 9,4 mjerenja po jednom stablu u prosjeku. Rezultati su pokazali sljedeće: a) povećanjem srednjeg promjera oblog drva dvostruka debljina kore povećava se od 6,05 mm (debljinski razred 12,5 cm) do 20,69 mm (debljinski razred 82,5 cm); b) povećanjem srednjeg promjera oblog drva udio se kore u obujmu eksponencijalno smanjuje od 9,44% (debljinski razred 12,5 cm) do 4,95% (debljinski razred 82,5 cm). Utvrđene razlike u komparaciji s drugim autorima koji su istraživali ove značajke kore bukve, ukazuju na važnost nastavka istraživanja i na drugim područjima u BiH. Na taj način bi se dobili pouzdaniji rezultati koji bi bili primjenjivi za cijelu državu ili parcijalno za pojedine njene dijelove, ako se razlika između područja pokaže statistički značajnom. Dobiveni rezultati predstavljaju nezaobilaznu polaznu osnovu za izradu tablica kore bukve i novog pravilnika o načinu izmjere oblog drva i utvrđivanja količina.
Current tables of wood assortments for the most important tree species in B&H were made almost 50 years ago. There is an indication that real forest wood assortments are different than the one derived from assortment tables in-use, both in terms of quality and dimensions. In the meantime, from the creation of the existing tables until today, the standards of production of forest wood assortments have changed, so that the fact of inaccuracy of the existing assortment tables is unquestionable. This continually creates a variety of problems in the ongoing operations of forestry companies. The main aim of this paper is to create wood assortment tables whose assortment of wood products will correlate with the current market conditions. The research was conducted in the area of the Canton 10 in FB&H. A sample of 393 spruce trees was used as a database to produce this paper. The bucking of the sample trees was carried out in accordance with the valid norms and customer requirements with regards to the dimensions of forest wood products. Data processing was performed using methods of simple and multiple regressions, variance analysis as well as their combinations by the Generalized Linear Models method. Independent factors were breast diameter (DBH), technical quality class and the height of the trees. The share of wood assortments was determined through 10 different mathematical models, and it was found that all independent variables had a statistically significant influence on the dependent variables- volume of particular assortments or group of assortments. The share of logs is growing rapidly with the increase of tree diameter and decreases with decreasing of their technical quality. The influence of tree height primarily correlated with tree volume increase. Trees having better assortment quality, have tree heights higher than average for the same diameter class. The results of the research are presented in the form of tables as percentage share of wood assortment classes. The obtained results can be used as wood assortment tables in the research area.
U radu su korišteni podaci izmjere 377 modelnih stabala smreke koja su mjerena u oborenom stanju na širem području unutar državnih raznodobnih sastojina u Kantonu 10 (Hercegbosanski Kanton). Za određivanje volumena krupnog drveta stabala primijenjena je metoda sekcioniranja sa sekcijama nejednakih apsolutnih dužina (najčešće od 1 – 2 m). Za izravnanje veličina volumena krupnog drveta od prsnog promjera i visine stabala primijenjena je metoda višestruke regresijske analize. Za procjenu parametara korištenih funkcija, testiranje značajnosti njihovih razlika te provođenje raznih transformacija, kao softversko rješenje korišteni su StatGraphics Centurion XVII. i Statistica 8.0. U cilju izbora „najboljeg“ modela za procjenu volumena krupnog drveta testiran je veći broj poznatih dendrometrijskih dvoparametarskih volumnih funkcija. Kvaliteta izjednačenja i prikladnost testiranih modela ocjenjivani su na bazi utvrđenih veličina osnovnih statističkih pokazatelja za karakteriziranje jačine korelacijskih veza. Najbolje ocjene parametara pokazao je model V7=a0+a1d1,3+a2h+a3d1,3h+a4d1,32+a5 d1,32h uz utvrđeni koeficijent determinacije: R2 = 0,99 i veličinu standardne greške regresije Sey=0,24 m3. Testirajući značajnost razlika između stvarnih volumena stabala iz uzorka i volumena tih istih stabala utvrđenih primjenom odabranog regresijskog modela, utvrđen je prosječni postotak odstupanja od 0,44%. To znači da su u prosjeku za 0,44% niži volumeni u odnosu na stvarne volumene na uzorku od 377 stabala smreke, što ukazuje da je ovaj regresijski model upotrebljiv za primjenu u praktičnom radu, jer je taj prosječni postotak manji od 1%.
Ozljede na radu i profesionalne bolesti radnika pouzdan su indikator procjene stanja sigurnosti pri radu. Osnovni je cilj ovoga rada odgovarajuća analiza stanja sigurnosti pri radu u Javnom poduzeću Šumsko-privredno društvo Zeničko-dobojskoga kantona d.o.o. Zavidovići. Predmet su analize bile ozljede na radu, profesionalne i druge bolesti šumarskih radnika u razdoblju od 2006. do 2015. godine. Ozljede su analizirane prema deset pokazatelja. U analiziranom razdoblju zabilježene su 594 ozljede na radu, od čega tri smrtna slučaja. Najviše ozljeda dogodilo se neposrednim izvršiteljima radnih operacija pridobivanja drva (66,3 %), a najrizičnija je profesija sjekač (57,7 %). Predmet rada (drvo i grane) bili su najčešći materijalni uzrok ozljeda (49,3 %), a najčešće su ozlijeđeni ekstremiteti radnika – noge i ruke (70 %). Najveći broj ozljeda zabilježen je početkom radnoga tjedna i dana. Na osnovi broja ozljeda po obujmu izrađenoga drva (314/mil. m3) te indeksa od 60 ozljeda na 1000 zaposlenika stanje sigurnosti pri radu može se ocijeniti kao iznimno nezadovoljavajuće.
Background and Purpose: Bark thickness and its share in the volume of roundwood are the most important characteristics of the bark, particularly in the process of timber harvesting, and during scaling of processed logs. Therefore it is very important to have at disposal relatively accurate data regarding these characteristics of bark for particular tree species. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the thickness of the bark and its share in the volume of roundwood of Norway spruce. Materials and Methods: The research was carried out in the area of the Canton 10 of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and it encompassed 393 trees of Norway spruce from 10 cm to 115 cm of thickness at breast height. Measuring of the mean diameter and double thickness of bark was conducted by section method. In total, 4,647 diameters and bark thicknesses were measured in different relative lengths of stems or in average 10.6 measurements per one stem. Results: As an optimal model for the evaluation of double thickness of the bark of Norway spruce depending on mean diameter of roundwood the function with designated determination coefficient of 0.7142 was selected. The obtained results have confirmed the previously defined relations of investigate characteristics, which are as following: a) with the increase of mean diameter of roundwood (section) double bark thickness is increased from 9.26 mm (thickness class 12.5 cm) to 31.65 mm (thickness class 92.5 cm); b) with the increase of mean diameter of roundwood the share of bark in its volume decreased from 14.26% (thickness class 12.5 cm) to 6.73% (thickness class 92.5 cm). Conclusions: By the actual method of estimating bark thickness or the share of bark in the volume of roundwood of Norway spruce in the forestry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina a significant error was created which increases with the increase of mean diameter. The obtained results point to the necessity of investigation of these bark characteristics in Bosnia and Herzegovina and represent an inevitable starting point for making adequate tables of bark thickness and its percentage share in the volume of roundwood of Norway spruce.
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