UDK: 630*232:582.475(497.6) It is well known that mechanical damage to trees, caused by felling and removal of timber from the forest, has multiple negative effects on the quality of the stock and the health of the forests as well as the volume increment. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there were no significant analises of volume increment loss due to bark damage of the trees. In this paper, a direct relationship between the significant damage to the bark of the stem and the size of the volume increment of individual trees was determined. Original data recorded during the Second National Forest Inventory in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2006-2009), within the accesible high economical forests was used. These forests cover a total area of 1.329.500 ha. Data on measured trees was taken from every fourth sample plot (one from cluster). 18.546 trees were selected, on which the 10-year increment of brest diameter (DBH) was measured and significant mechanical damage was recorded (LOJO et al., 2008). Of the total number of selected trees, 2.635 or 14.21% were mechanically damaged. The results of the study showed that the volume increment of trees, with significant bark damage of all tree species and thickness, was lower from 4,9% to 19,4% in average, compared to undamaged trees. Based on registered damage the bark of the stem, during second NFI BiH and determined the average losses increment on individual trees, it was estimated how much these losses are on an annual basis in, productive high forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The volume increment of mechanically damaged trees is statistically significantly lower compare to the increment of undamaged trees, resulting in a total loss of about 200.000 m3 / year / 1.329.500 ha.