The first ecological research in the Illyrian phytogeographic area, located on the Balkan peninsula in south-eastern Europe, dates back to the early 20th century. Traditionally, the Illyrian phytogeographic area includes Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and parts of Slovenia. Due to climate change, more available data and new measurement techniques, the Illyrian phytogeographic area may have shifted northwards to the southern Alps and parts of Austria. In this study we have analysed climate as an important ecological variable for delineating the Illyrian phytogeographic area using precipitation and air temperature from 75 climatological stations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria (Carinthia). Our statistical analysis suggests, that there are significant differences in the analysed climate parameters across the countries, suggesting that sub-sections may already exist within the extent of the Illyrian phytogeographic area.
The sustainable forest management concept contains the essence of the sustainable development paradigm - meeting the current needs of society without compromising the needs of future generations. The strategic commitment of the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo is aimed at quality education of forestry experts, conducting innovative research and the most intensive cooperation with the economy. The methodological approach in this paper is based on a critical analysis of the scope of the educational-research process at the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, and the potentials of sustainable forest management in BiH, to determine to what extent higher education and research on environmental, sociological and economic aspects of forest management can affect positive changes in BiH society. Apart from identifying the benefits of forest ecosystems in the context of contributing to sustainable development, the research on the attitudes of teaching staff related to the contribution of the educational-research process to general goals of sustainable development from the 2030 Agenda was conducted. The results of this paper show that the concept of sustainable forest management, as it is realized in educational-research process at the Faculty of Forestry University of Sarajevo, has significant potential to contribute to sustainable development in BiH. This contribution is reflected in biodiversity conservation, mitigation of climate change, carbon storage, prevention of natural disasters, impact on the stability of water and soil, energy supply from renewable sources, continuous economic growth, socially responsible production and consumption, job security, development of rural and urban areas as well as maintaining and improving the psychophysical health of the population. Based on the obtained results, it can be concluded that sustainable forest management, grounded on scientific postulates, understanding of diversity of forest ecosystem services and dynamics in society's requirements towards forests, multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral cooperation, can be an important factor of sustainable development in BiH.
Ecological niche is n-dimensional hipervolume space defined by amount of ecological factors in which population of certain species is able to persist. From ecological point of view there are fundamental (FEN) and realized niche (REN). Fundamental ecological niche is space which certain species occupies in lower competition of other species or in absence of natural antagonists. Opposite to fundamental niche realized niche is space in which certain species accrues and persists in presence of competition with other species (Hutchinson, 1957). To fully understand ecological niche is rather complicated concept. Ecological niche can be imagined as multidimensional space in which each ecological factor is presented by vector different in amount and direction of action. Amount of ecological factor action is shown in his importance for accruence and development of species, while direction of action can be positive or negative on species prevalence. Entirely understanding influence of each ecological factor on certain species space distribution is fairly difficult since between ecological factors exist certain dependence. Importance of ecological niche on appearance and accurance of certain species can be observed on few resolution levels. Species during ontogeny development develops different needs toward ecological factors. Seed of all tree species for germination and initial growth needs only temperature and soil moisture, for further development young plant needs higher amount of sun radiation, moisture, nutrients and lower competition of mature trees. If ecological niche is observed from the view of population in certain geographical climate than climatic and geomorphologic (relief) factors have higher importance for spatial distribution and formation of species areal. 12
UDK: 630*228(234.422 Bjelašnica)(253) This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of the structural and vegetation characteristics of "Ravna vala" pristine (virgin) forest and the managed forest of beech and fir (with spruce). Pristine forest "Ravna vala" is located in the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 20 km southwest of Sarajevo on Bjelašnica Mountain, at an altitude from 1280 to 1450 m. The managed forest of beech and fir with spruce, which was used for comparison, borders "Ravna vala" and has the same habitat conditions: climate, orography and land, and the similar structural characteristics and composition of tree species as the pristine forest. Beech and fir communities (Abieti-Fagetum illyricum Treg. 1957) dominate but spruce can also be found in the area of research. Noble hardwoods such as sycamore and elm are found both individually or in small groups in depressions in deeper soils. Both the pristine forest and the managed forest show the selective diameter structure. However, the great differences between the pristine forest and the managed forest are final diameter classes. The thickest tree in the pristine forest has the breast diameter of 145 cm, while the diameter of the thickest tree in the industrial forest is 70 cm. The volume of the stands is 770 m3/ha in the pristine forest and it is two times larger than in the managed forest. The volume of dead wood in the pristine forest is 170 m3/ha and it is five times larger than in the managed forest. While stumps and thicker branches are the most common in the stock of dead trees in the managed forest, the most common in the stock of dead wood in the pristine forest are tall stumps as well as lying and standing dead trees. Floristic researches have shown that selective management does not reflect negatively on floristic diversity, but ground vegetation is richer in species in the managed forest. Shannon's diversity index and evenness index of vascular flora have higher values in the managed forest. Unlike floristic diversity, the stand diversity index of Jähne & Dohrenbusch (1997) shows higher values in the pristine forest than in the managed forest.
The work presents the history of forest vegetation mapping in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Forest vegetation mapping in B&H is done from arrival of Austro-Hungarian monarchy from 1885 to present day. The most intensive forest vegetation mapping in B&H took place in 50‘s and 60‘s of the past century. Special significance in B&H forest vegetation mapping was given by: G. Beck, L. Adamovic, I. Horvat, P. Fukarek, V. Stefanovic, V. Beus... Since the end of XX century forest vegetation mapping was mainly done with the help of aerial photos and satellite images. Key words: history, mapping, forest vegetation, Bosnia and Herzegovina Clanek opisuje zgodovino kartiranja gozdne vegetacije v Bosni in Hercegovini (BiH). Pricelo se je od prihoda Avstro-ogrsko monarhije od leta 1885 do danes, najbolj intenzivno je bilo v obdobju 1950 in 1970. Poseben pecat kartiranju so dali G. Beck, L. Adamovic, I. Horvat, P. Fukarek, V. Stefanovic in V. Beus. Od konca 20. stoletje naprej si pri kartiranju vegetacije pomagamo z letalskimi in satelitskimi posnetki. Kljucne besede: zgodovina, kartiranje, gozdna vegetacija, Bosna in Hercegovina
Utvrđivanje ilirske pripadnosti šuma zajednice bukovih šuma Karavanki Koruške Alpe (Austrija) Sead Vojniković1 Abstract The position of the Illyrian vegetation provinces in the Western Balkans was established a long time ago (e.g.: BECK 1901, ADAMOVIĆ 1907...) Illyrian space is linked to: Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. Karawanke – An alpine mountain represents the border between Austria and Slovenia but also represents a border area of the Illyrian provinces. Determining phytogeographical affiliation forest communities of beech becomes very important from the aspect of protection under Natura 2000. According to the requirements Nautra 2000 Illyrian beech forests (91K0 alliance: Aremonio Fagion), are summaries of interest for protection in Austria. Therefore, it is important to determine vegetational floristic characteristics of beech forests on Karawankas, from which one could conclude their phytogeographical affiliation. The research in beech forest, (forestry office Hollenburg) have showed the following beech community Anemone trifoliae Fagetum laricetosum TREGUBOV 1957 (syn.: Larici Fagetum ROBIČ 1971 /n.nudum./ and syn .: Fagetum subalpinum var. geogr. Larix decidua MARINČEK, POLDINI, ZUPANČIČ 1986); Anemone trifoliae Fagetum typicum TREGUBOV 1957 var. Carex alba MARINČEK, POLDINI, ZUPANČIČ 1986; Salvio Glutinosae Fagetum ZUKRIGl, 1988. Based on floristic characteristics, their structure, syndinamics, it can be concluded that the first two beech communities cannot be classified as the Illyrian beech forests, while community Salvio glutinosae Fagetum shows similarity with the Illyrian beech forests fresh Aremonio Fagion (Natura 2000 at 91K0).
UDK: 630*222:582.632.2 (497.6 Sarajevo) 582.632.2:630*5(497.6 Sarajevo) The paper represents a methodological approach in categorization of coppice beech stands in Sarajevo Canton area in relation to their ecological, productive, structural and silvicultural characteristics. For the collection of necessary data, method of temporary experimental surfaces, systematically allocated in squares 200 meters distant from each other has been used, in accordance to design of simple systematic sample. Concentric circles whose radius depend on tree diameter has been used as sample units (STOJANOVİĆ & DRİNİĆ, 1975). Data have been conducted in 659 locations. Stands have been categorized in three categories in relations to predefined criteria of categorization based on stand environment, productiveness, structure, economic value and fostering needs. For each of the categories, average units of basic productive indicators of the stand have been determined: number of trees, basal area, volume and volume increment per year for marked and unmarked, as well as same indicators of marking timber volume and the intensity of felling. Statistical significance of difference between the indicators has been tested by the method of variant analysis. Based on the results, indirect conversion has been recommended for the first stand category, direct and combined conversion for second one, and third category didn't need conversion because they have predominantly protective character
UDK: 630*228(234.422 Bjelašnica)(253) This work researches structural composition, texture and diversity of development phases of virgin forest „Ravna vala“ on Bjelašnica. Virgin forest „Ravna vala“ is located in central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 20 km south west from Sarajevo on mountain Bjelašnica, on altitude of 1280 to 1450 m. First time it was described in 1978. Within it we have positioned permanent plot of the square shape in size of 1 ha. Research was conducted on permanent plot in three time series: in years 1978, 1988 and 2008, and on 46 temporary systematically positioned circular plots in diameter of 12.6 meters, where each represents as per 1 ha of virgin forest area. In virgin forest we have registered 689 trees per hectare and wood supply mass of 701 m3/ha. Through analysis of dynamics of growth of specific species trees, it is visible that beech suppresses fir, i.e. there is a shift in main species in virgin forest, therefore, in the last 30 years number of beech trees has tripled in the lower diameter classes. Virgin forest has mostly present optimum phase and evenness phase, and rejuvenation phase. Texture diversity is expressed through Shannon index in value of 1.69, and evenness index has the value of 0.86.
UDK: 581.55:582.632.2(436) The position of the Illyrian vegetation provinces in the Western Balkans was established a long time ago (e.g.: BECK 1901, ADAMOVIĆ 1907…) Illyrian space is linked to: Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. Karawanke – An alpine mountain represents the border between Austria and Slovenia but also represents a border area of the Illyrian provinces. Determining phytogeographical affiliation forest communities of beech becomes very important from the aspect of protection under Natura 2000. According to the requirements Nautra 2000 Illyrian beech forests (91K0 - alliance: Aremonio - Fagion), are summaries of interest for protection in Austria. Therefore, it is important to determine vegetational - floristic characteristics of beech forests on Karawankas, from which one could conclude their phytogeographical affiliation. The research in beech forest, (forestry office Hollenburg) have showed the following beech community Anemone trifoliae - Fagetum laricetosum TREGUBOV 1957 (syn.: Larici - Fagetum ROBIČ 1971 /n.nudum./ and syn .: Fagetum subalpinum var. geogr. Larix decidua MARINČEK, POLDINI, ZUPANČIČ 1986); Anemone trifoliae - Fagetum typicum TREGUBOV 1957 var. Carex alba MARINČEK, POLDINI, ZUPANČIČ 1986; Salvio Glutinosae - Fagetum ZUKRIGl, 1988. Based on floristic characteristics, their structure, syndinamics, it can be concluded that the first two beech communities cannot be classified as the Illyrian beech forests, while community Salvio glutinosae - Fagetum shows similarity with the Illyrian beech forests fresh Aremonio - Fagion (Natura 2000 at 91K0).
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