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L. Begić

Društvene mreže:

L. Begić, Elma Temim, Boris Dorbić

Neprekidni rast broja stanovnika u urbanim područjima ograničavajući je faktor u uzgoju bilja u gradskim i van gradskim područjima, a rješenje se može pronaći u urbanoj poljoprivredi. Budući da se hortiterapija veoma često provodi u urbanoj sredini logično je da predstavlja oblik urbane poljoprivrede. Pored značaja urbane poljoprivrede u radu se razmatra i nivo (udio) njene zastupljenosti. Kroz cilj rada utvrđen je i značaj hortiterapije u liječenju. Cilj rada bio je istražiti koliko su građani Mostara upoznati s urbanom poljoprivredom i hortiterapijom te dobrobitima koje ona pruža. Rezultat su pokazali da građani Mostara imaju tek dovoljna do osrednja znanja o urbanoj poljoprivredi i hortiterapiji. Mišljenja o zadovoljavajućoj zastupljenosti uzgoja poljoprivrednih kultura i ukrasnog bilja u privatnim dvorištima, gradskim zelenim površinama, gradskim vrtovima i slično propagira većina ispitanika. Najveći broj ispitanika samostalno, ali tek ponekad u okviru obiteljskih, gradskih vrtova te balkona i terasa uzgaja različite poljoprivredne kulture i ukrasno bilje. Građani se u većoj mjeri nezadovoljavaju s gospodarskom koristi od uzgoja bilja u urbanoj sredini. Rad s biljkama na njih ima pozitivne zdravstveno-psihičke uticaje u zadovoljavajućoj mjeri. Također, više od polovine ispitanika posjeduje stav kako urbana poljoprivreda ipak pozitivno utiče na poboljšanje društvenih odnosa u Mostaru. Većina ispitanika uzgaja bilje po ekološkim principima u zadovoljavajućoj mjeri. Razvojem urbane poljoprivrede i hortiterapije poboljšava se zdravstveno-psihičko stanje pojedinaca te se unapređuje gospodarsko stanje, društveni odnosi, okoliš i slično.

Aim To investigate interleukin 6 (IL-6) values depending on duration of diabetes mellitus (DM) and evaluate possible correlation with diabetic polyneuropathy. Methods The research study included 90 patients with DM divided into three groups (30 patients each) according to the duration of DM: group A - patients who had DM for less than 10 years, group B - duration of DM was 10 to 20 years, and group C - patients with DM over 20 years. Control group (K) included 30 healthy participants. Results IL-6 was significantly higher in the healthy control group, 180.318 pg/mL±94.18, than in group A, 47.23pg/ml±34.8, group B, 43.31pg/ml±33.17, and group C, 70.39 pg/ml±59.26 (p=0.0001). All groups had significantly different values of IL-6 between each other (p=0.0001). Level of IL-6 was in correlation with diabetic polyneuropathy in the group A (the youngest participants) (p=0.0001). In other groups there was no significant correlation between IL-6 and diabetic polyneuropathy. Conclusion The level of IL-6 was in correlation with neuropathy among younger patients. A higher level of IL-6 in the control group than in diabetic groups is a sign of stronger inflammatory response among younger and healthy people than in patients with DM.

Introduction: Significance of serum uric acid (UA) in cerebrovascular disease still remains controversial. UA is most abundant natural antioxidant in human plasma. Its antioxidant properties might protect against free radical damage, thereby reducing the risk of oxidative stress-related cognitive impairment and dementia. Aim: In our investigation, we determine the level of UA in 100 male patients diagnosed with the first ischemic brain stroke (blood samples were collected during the acute phase and post-acute phase), 100 male patients diagnosed with vascular dementia and 100 male healthy volunteers (control group). Methods: UA was determined using DIMENSION LxR automatic analyzer. Measurement of UA concentration was based on an enzymatic method (range 208-428 μmol/L). Results: The prevalence of hyperuricemia among ischemic stroke and vascular dementia patients was 30% and 8%, respectively. Serum UA concentration was higher 7 and 14 days after the stroke compared to the acute phase (24-48 hours after hospitalization) and these concentrations were significantly higher than those measured in the control group. UA levels measured at 24-48 hours after the first symptoms of ischemic stroke were strongly correlated with those measured after 7 days of treatment (r = 0.79, p = 0.001) or after 14 days (r = 0.839, p = 0.0049). No significant differences were found between ischemic stroke and vascular dementia groups. Conclusion: UA concentrations were higher in ischemic stroke and vascular dementia groups than in controls. UA increase may reflect vascular atherosclerosis and tissue hypoxia. UA monitoring in patients with cerebrovascular disease is essential, because UA is more harmful than protective.

Humans are exposed to a cocktail of heavy metal toxicants in the environment. Though heavy metals are detrimental, there is a lack of information on the toxicity of mixtures. In this study, two common heavy metals, lead and cadmium, were introduced individually and as mixtures to HL-60 and JURKAT cell lines for 24 hours. The study established that exposures to these two heavy metals induced cytotoxic and genotoxic effects on both cell lines. Also, cadmium exhibited a higher cytotoxic and genotoxic potential than lead. The cytotoxicity data of single metals were used to determine the mixtures interaction profile by using the effect additivity method. Metal mixtures showed synergistic effect in HL-60 cells and antagonistic effect in JURKAT cells, compared to individual metals. The combined effects should be considered in the risk assessment of heavy metal co-exposure and potency.

Elma Serezlija, N. Serdarević, L. Begić

BACKGROUND Renal insufficiency is one of the most serious renal diseases. Early diagnosis plays an essential role. Serum creatinine as a marker has had priority so far. The use of cystatin C for estimation of glomerular filtration rate has been recommended recently. There is a set of formulae which consolidates serum values of both creatinine and cystatin C. The study focuses on different formulae and their estimation for the purpose of better, faster, and more accurate diagnosis of renal insufficiency. METHODS The sample consists of 75 examinees which are divided into three groups. The first group is made of patients with the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) 90 - 120 mL/minute/1.73m². The second group consists of patients with GFR 60 - 89 mL/minute/1.73m² and the third with GFR 30 - 59 mL/minute/1.73m². The exclusion criteria are the following: children and adolescents under the age of 20, pregnant women, patients on corticosteroid therapy and blockers of the distal tubular creatinine secretion. The five equations (GFR1-5) used in this research are: a Cockcroft-Gault equation - GFR1; a MDRD equation - GFR2; CKD-EPI - an equation based on cystatin C - GFR3; CKD-EPI - an equation based on cystatin C, adjusted according to the gender and age - GFR4; and CKDEPI - a combined equation based on cystatin C and creatitine, adjusted according to the age, gender, and race - GFR5. Upon acquiring the results, it is followed up with the statistical data analysis followed by graphs and tables. RESULTS After data analysis, it is established that data distribution does not show normal distribution in each case, which leads to the use of nonparametric statistics. Depending on the stage of kidney injury there are different results regarding the difference in statistics of the used formulae. The highest sensitivity is recorded with the formulae GFR4 and GFR5. Then the increase in cystatin C levels increases sensitivity with the formulae GFR3 and GFR4. CONCLUSIONS As a result of this study, it is to be established that the formula of choice is the GFR3 - CKD-EPI formula based on serum cystatin C values, without adjustments. Its sensitivity, specificity, price, and feasibility are to be observed as parameters. Besides that, the increase in serum cystatin levels leads to the increase of sensitivity of the GFR3 formula, which could be an additional factor in the selection of formulae.

VEGF-A is the most potent angiogenic factor in tumour angiogenesis. Its effects are mediated via two receptors VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2. Primary aim of our study was to examine the expression of VEGFR-1 in breast cancer and its correlation to VEGF expression, lymph node status, tumour size, histological grade, and hormone receptor status. To examine the VEGFR-1 and VEGF expressions in tumour and surrounding tissue of 51 breast cancer patients, and in healthy breast tissue of 30 benign breast diseases patients, we used three-step immunohistochemical staining. VEGFR-1 and VEGF expressions were significantly increased in breast cancer tumour in relation to surrounding tissue (P < 0.01), and the VEGF expression was significantly increased in lymph node positive breast cancer patients (P < 0.01). VEGFR-1 and VEGF expressions were significantly higher in breast cancer tumour compared with healthy breast tissue (P < 0.01). Significant correlation between VEGF and VEGFR-1 expressions was found (P < 0.05). No significant correlations between VEGF and VEGFR-1 expressions and tumour size, histological grade, and hormone receptor status were found. Increased expression of VEGFR-1 and VEGF in breast cancer tumour and significant correlation between these proteins suggest the possible role of VEGF/VEGFR-1 signalization in breast cancer development, although VEGFR-1 potential prognostic value was not confirmed.

A. Softič, L. Begić, Alma Halilbašić, T. Vižin, Janko Kos

The predictive value of cystatin C as a marker of course of the disease has been evaluated. Fifty-two pairs of serum samples of patients with B non-Hodgkin lymphoma have been collected at the time of diagnosis and before fourth cycle of chemotherapy. The levels of cystatin C, CRP, β 2M, LDH, and IL-6 in samples have been measured, and clinical parameters of course of the disease (B symptoms, clinical stage, patients' age, and IPI) have been noted. In total patient's group cystatin C levels correlated with β 2M and IPI. In aggressive lymphomas, the inhibitor levels correlated with clinical stage of disease and were significantly higher in patients with elevated LDH activity. In aggressive nodal lymphomas its levels correlated with β 2M, IPI, and clinical stage of disease. The cystatin C level was significantly increased in total group of patients over 60 years old, while in particular types of lymphoma, no statistical significance has been obtained. Our results indicate that cystatin C should be taken into consideration in disease monitoring. However, we expect that the disease-free and overall survival analysis will give the definitive answer about the reliability of cystatin C as an indicator of course of aggressive lymphomas.

Edisa Trumić, N. Pranjić, L. Begić, F. Becic, M. Aščerić

GOAL Inappropriate prescribing of a multiple therapeutic agents to patients with chronic conditions is very common in everyday practice. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are still considered as one of the main problems of drug therapy. We investigated idiosyncratic symptoms and signs of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of the most frequent used combination of drugs among hospitalized patients prescribed polypharmacy. METHODOLOGY A cross sectional study (design) was performed in Pharmacies "Eufarm Edal" in Tuzla from 2010 to 2011. Polypharmacy was defined as using > or =4 drugs. The total study sample of 166 examiners was interviewed with a questionnaire about ADRs which was developed special for study. Linear regression analyses was used to evaluate predictors of idiosyncratic signs of adverse drug reactions of the most prevalent drug combinations; using length of drugs in cases polypharmacy more than 6 months as independent variable. Age, sex, index of cumulative morbidity, drug number in polypharmacy, type of drug combination related pharmacological effects, type of hospital clinics were used as possible confounders. RESULTS The most common exposures to various drug combinations were: medication for high blood pressure and heart (62%), psychotropic drugs (59%), antacids (47%) and antibiotics (46%) among hospitalized patients with polypharmacy. Our results indicated that from 9.6% to 90.4% of hospitalized patients with polypharmacy had at least one suspicious long-term idiosyncratic drug combination use symptoms. The ADRs prevalence often used psychotropic drug combination was initiated suspected idiosyncratic adverse reactions: confusion, depression, anxiety, decreased libido and insomnia. Linear regression analyses also showed that it remains a very strange, and negative idiosyncratic and lacking therapeutic effects of use of antacids in conditions of polypharmacy. CONCLUSION The toxicity of some drug combinations may sometimes be synergistic and be greater than the sum of the risks of toxicity of either agent used alone. In order to recognize and to prevent ADRs (including drug interactions), good communication between pharmacist and patient and/or physicians and patient is crucial, and prescribers should develop an effective therapeutic partnership with the patient and with fellow health professionals.

Edisa Trumić, N. Pranjić, L. Begić, F. Becic

Goal: Polypharmacy and drug-related problems (DRPs) have been shown to prevail in hospitalized patients. We evaluated the prevalence of polypharmacy; and investigated relationship between polypharmacy and: symptoms of DRPs, number of drugs and OTC, index of cumulative morbidity, length of exposure to polypharmacy and the number of days of hospital stay among hospitalized patients. Methodology: A study was performed in Pharmacies „Eufarm Edal“ Tuzla from 2010 to 2011. Polypharmacy was defined as using ≥ 3 drugs. The total study sample of 226 examiners were interviewed with special constructed questionnaires about DRPs. Experimental study group consisted of hospital patients with polypharmacy (n=166) and control group hospital patients without polypharmacy (n=60). Mann-Whitney test was used to test for significant self-reported symptom differences between groups and cross sectional subgroups, t- test and χ2- test for age, gender and treatment data in hospital. Results: The prevalence of polypharmacy was 74% among 226 hospitalized patients. The vulnerable age subgroup of hospitalized patients was men and hospitalized patients aged from 46 to 50 years (not geriatric patients). The prevalence of index of cumulative morbidity was 65%. The most common exposures varied by patient age and by hospital type, with various antibiotics, antidepressants, analgesics, sedatives, antihypertensives, flixotide, ranitidine and others. The prevalence of exposure to OTC and self- treatment was 80%. The prevalence of symptoms of drug-related problems were significantly differed among patients of experimental in relationship of control study group patients (P<0.001). Conclusion: In addition to helping to resolve the above mentioned issues, the results from this study could provide baseline information quantifying the problem of drug- related problems among hospitalized patients receiving polypharmacy and contribute to the formulation and implementation of risk management strategies for pharmacists and physicians in primary care health.

INTRODUCTION The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and the expression levels of the interleukin 13 (I1-13) in the primary breast cancer tumour tissue in relation to the unchanged breast tissue in the same patients and to the breast tissue in the patients with benign breast disease, and to investigate the correlation between the IL-13 expression levels and the pathohistological factors, and between IL-13 expression and estrogens and progesterone receptor status. MATERIALS AND METHODS 50 patients with invasive ductal breast cancer and 20 patients with benign breast diseases were included in this prospective case-control study. The three-step immunohistochemical staining was used for testing the levels of IL-13 expression and hormone receptor status. RESULTS IL-13 was present in breast cancer tumour tissue, and in the surrounding unchanged tissue in the same patients, and in breast tissue in patients with benign breast disease. The expression of IL-13 was significantly higher in breast cancer tumour compared with surrounding tissue (P < 0.05) of the same, lymph node-positive patients. In addition, IL-13 expression was significantly higher in breast cancer tumour compared with breast tissue in patients with benign breast diseases (P < 0.01). There was significant correlation between IL-13 expression and tumour size in patients with lymph node-negative breast cancer (r = 0.405, P = 0.050). There was no significant correlation between IL-13 expression and the other pathohistological factors, and no significant correlation between IL-13 expression and the lymph node status. CONCLUSION Obtained results suggest possible involvement of IL-13 in breast carcinogenesis.


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