
Publikacije (33278)

Sejo Ivković, A. Bosovic, M. Music

Abstract This paper investigates the strategic placement of capacitor banks in the distribution network of Gračanica, with a specific focus on the medium-voltage feeder Grades. The primary objective is to optimize voltage profiles, minimize power losses, and enhance the overall performance of the distribution network. The significance of this research lies in its thorough examination of optimal capacitor placement within the medium-voltage (MV) branch of distribution networks, specifically considering the intricate interplay between capacitor banks and MV branch components, underlining the necessity for informed decisions in the context of distributed generators (DG) integration to enhance overall network performance. The study further investigates the impact of integrating DGs on these objectives on capacitor placement in the MV feeder. Employing the DIgSILENT PowerFactory software tool for modelling the MV feeder and utilizing a genetic algorithm for capacitor placement optimization, the study underscores the robustness of this approach in handling various conditions and seeking optimal solutions. Simulation results demonstrate that strategically placing capacitor banks and integrating DGs can significantly improve the voltage profile and reduce power losses within the distribution system. The findings of this research support 2MVA of concentrated DGs at the middle of the line as the most efficient and most economically beneficial situation on the medium-voltage feeder Grades study case and contribute valuable insights, serving as a reference for future studies on optimal capacitor placement.

Enes Šunje, E. Čolakhodžić, Rijad Novaković, Džafer Alić, Enaid Redžić

Abstract The athlete's ability to achieve the maximum amplitude of movement in certain sports can be crucial for achieving a top result. Most theorists consider flexibility to be one of the essential motor skills of humans. Flexibility is defined as the ability of the locomotor apparatus to realize movements of optimal amplitude in a certain joint. The goal of this research was to determine the differences in flexibility between football players and karate practitioners (karateka) between the ages of 12 and 14 years, in chronological order. The purpose of this paper is to determine the differences in flexibility between football players and karateka based on the obtained results, and to further determine whether and within which variables of flexibility karateka are more dominant than football players. This research will complete the findings and fill the knowledge gaps that exist about flexibility. The importance of this research is reflected in that it will gather relevant information about the status and differences in flexibility between football players and karateka within the specified age group. The research was carried out on a sample of 40 respondents who make up two subsamples, football players (n=20; age 12.70 ± 0.86) and karateka (n=20; age 12.95 ± 0.82). Tests were applied to determine height and body mass, as well as to determine flexibility (10 variables). The obtained results were processed in the program package IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0. Descriptive parameters were calculated for all collected data, normality of distribution was determined, while differences in tests were determined by T-test for independent samples. The results showed that in terms of body height and mass, there are no statistically significant differences between young football players and karateka, nor in the ability to lower a stick behind the back (MFLISK). In all other flexibility tests (deep front bend off an elevated platform/block, deep bend with legs apart, side split, active straight leg raise while lying on the back (degrees) for both legs, leg raises while lying on the chest, leg raise while lying on the side) a statistically significant difference was obtained at the significance level of .99% (p ≤ 0.01), and all in favor of karateka. We can conclude that the level of flexibility is higher in karate practitioners compared to football players, which was to be expected. The main discovery of this study is the existence of statistically significant differences in almost all flexibility variables, where better values were shown in favor of karatekas, except for the back stick raise test, where no statistically significant difference was found between football players and karateka. The research can serve other researchers who will deal with similar issues, and the findings of this research will complete the mosaic of research regarding flexibility in karate and football. The obtained results will benefit sports teams, researchers, trainers and physical education professors, as a relevant indicator of the importance and significance of flexibility development and flexibility training in sports. Key words: flexibility, football, karate,

Abstract The methodology for the evaluation of long-term exposure to the overhead line magnetic field is presented, in this paper. The developed methodology is based on the ambient temperature measurements and phase conductors’ height measurements to find a linear regression model to determine phase conductors’ height changes for different ambient temperatures. Based on the overhead transmission line geometry, and datasets about historical overhead line phase current intensity values and ambient temperatures long-term magnetic field exposure can be determined. For magnetic flux density determination, a method based on artificial neural networks is used. The methodology is applied to the case study of overhead line that connect substations Sarajevo 10 and Sarajevo 20. A period of one year is analyzed and magnetic flux density values are determined. The obtained results indicate that during the analyzed period for significant amounts of time magnetic flux density values surpass the recommended values for long-term exposure.

N. Meseldžić, B. Prnjavorac, T. Dujic, M. Malenica, Una Glamočlija, Lejla Prnjavorac, O. Bedak, Selma Imamović Kadrić et al.

Aim To assess the association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes with COVID-19 severity and key biomarkers. Methods The study involved 750 COVID-19 patients from Bosnia and Herzegovina, divided into three groups: mild, moderate, and severe cases. Genetic variations within the ACE2 (rs2285666) and TMPRSS2 (rs2070788) genes were examined with real-time polymerase chain reaction. Biochemical markers were determined with standard procedures. Results There was a significant difference in the rs2070788 genotype distribution between patients with mild and moderate symptoms, but not between other groups. For the rs2285666 polymorphism, no significant difference in genotype distribution was found. In patients with mild symptoms, carriers of the GG genotype of rs2070788 had significantly higher total bilirubin levels than carriers of the AA genotype. Similarly, carriers of the TT genotype of rs2285666 had significantly higher activated partial thromboplastin time and international normalized ratio, and lower lactate dehydrogenase levels compared with the CC genotype. Among patients with severe symptoms, carriers of the GG genotype showed significantly higher potassium levels than carriers of the AA genotype, while carriers of the TT genotype showed significantly higher erythrocyte count as well as hemoglobin and hematocrit levels compared with the CC genotype. Conclusion This study highlights the role of genetic factors, particularly SNPs in the ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes, in determining COVID-19 severity, aiding patient risk assessment and prognosis.

Emin Mujezinović, A. Kapidžić, M. Muratović, E. Užičanin, F. Babajić

Abstract The goal of this research was to determine the effects of programmed work on the development of specific motor skills in young soccer players. The sample of subjects in this research were football players aged 11 and 12 and they were divided into two equal groups of 30 entities. All participants are involved in the regular training process in their football clubs. The research problem was to determine whether there are positive effects of programmed work on the development of specific motor skills. A total of 6 variables from the area of specific motor skills were used in the research. The experimental work program was carried out over a period of three months and included 38 training units. After initial testing and successfully implemented programmed work and final testing, a significant impact of programmed work on the development of specific motor skills was determined. Specific motor skills that were evaluated on 6 variables in the experimental group showed a significant difference on 4 variables. Keywords: specific motor abilities, work program, training effects, young soccer players

A. Jusic, Z. Erpapazoglou, Louise Torp Dalgaard, P. Lakkisto, David de Gonzalo Calvo, B. Benczik, B. Ágg, Péter Ferdinandy et al.

H. Jahić, Nejra Hadžiahmetović-Milišić, Lejla Dedović, Emina Kuloglija

Abstract This study investigates emigration patterns among healthcare professionals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, examining the underlying reasons for emigration and proposing actionable solutions to curb this trend. A mixed-methods approach is employed, combining quantitative data from surveys administered to medical and health studies students with qualitative insights from interviews with governmental officials, language educators, and statistical agencies. The findings reveal significant dissatisfaction with socio-economic and political conditions, prompting healthcare professionals to seek opportunities abroad. Major reasons for going abroad include political instability, low wages, and poor working conditions, while better pay and career opportunities are attracting factors. While the study is limited by the lack of comprehensive official statistics on emigration, the implications of this research emphasize the need for policy interventions aiming to improve local working conditions and reform educational systems. The study provides valuable insights for policymakers and stakeholders to effectively address the issue of brain drain.

Darko Paspalj, N. Rađević, Lazar Vulin, Saša Kovačević

Abstract The aim of the work was to determine the connection between morphological characteristics and the effectiveness of the throwing technique by kicking the legs from behind from the program of Special Physical Education (SPE). The sample of respondents consisted of 84 students (male), first year of the Faculty of Security Sciences from Banja Luka. The variable sample was composed of 17 tests for the evaluation of morphological characteristics, which were the independent variables and the dependent variable OSOTOG, which was the average grade of the performance of the kicking technique from the SPE program. The regression analysis did not establish a statistically significant connection between the efficiency of performing the throwing technique by striking the landing leg from behind and the selected set of predictor variables for the assessment of morphological characteristics. Only the elbow diameter variable (ADIJLA) gave a statistically significant contribution to the explanation of the criteria variable OSOTOG. Based on the value of the Beta coefficients, we can see that the variables: body weight (ATETJ) and leg length (ADUZNO) have significant positive partial correlations with the criterion variable, while negative correlations were achieved by the variables: elbow diameter (ADIJLA), body height (AVISTJ) and length hands (ADUZRU). The obtained results could be used in terms of improving the quality of the performance of certain program contents of the SPE, when choosing the appropriate technique within the motor program when solving certain problem situations from the SPE program. Keywords: students, interconnection, morphological characteristics, throwing by kicking out the leg from behind

Suzana Sobot Novakovic, Snežana Uletilović, N. Mandić-Kovačević, T. Cvjetković, Milos P Stojiljkovic, R. Škrbić, D. Lončar-Stojiljković

Background: During pregnancy, physiological changes can increase oxidative stress (OS) in both mothers and fetuses. The use of anesthesia for cesarean sections (CSs) could exacerbate this stress due to its impact on the ischemia-reperfusion effect. Our study aimed to explore the effects of target-controlled infusion of propofol on OS during CSs, and to compare these effects with those of spinal and thiopental-sevoflurane anesthesia. Methods: The study included ninety parturients undergoing elective CS, allocated into three groups: Group S (spinal) (n = 30), Group P (propofol) (n = 30), and Group TS (thiopental-sevoflurane) (n = 30). Venous blood samples were taken from mothers at three time points, before, during, and after surgery, and one sample was taken from the umbilical vein after delivery. Blood samples were analyzed with the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) assay and blood gas analysis. A statistical comparison between groups was obtained by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Wilcoxon test where appropriate. Results: Levels of TBARS after the induction of anesthesia were lower in all groups compared to values preoperatively. In Group P, TBARS levels started to decrease in the first five minutes after the induction (1.90 ± 0.47; P < 0.001) and had significantly lower values compared to Group S (2.22 ± 0.21) and Group TS (2.40 ± 0.20). Two hours after surgery, TBARS values were the lowest in Group P (1.76 ± 0.15, P<0.001), compared to Group S (2.18 ± 0.24) and Group TS (2.41 ± 0.21). TBARS value in umbilical venous blood was significantly lower in Group P (1.56 ± 0.16, P < 0.001) compared to Group S (2.18 ± 0.17) and Group TS (2.09 ± 0.09). Umbilical cord venous blood gas values (pH, PCO2, HCO3, lactates, and base excess (BE)) were not different between the groups, except for PO2, which was significantly lower in Group S (20.5 ± 5.0; P < 0.001) compared to Group P (36.5 ± 19.2) and Group TS (33.5 ± 10.1). Conclusion: Target-controlled infusion of propofol anesthesia could be advantageous for parturients with compromised oxidative status, especially those undergoing emergency CSs when general anesthesia is required.

Aneta Stojmenovski, Biljana Gatarić, S. Vučen, Maja Railić, V. Krstonošić, Radovan Kukobat, Maja Mirjanić, R. Škrbić et al.

Propranolol hydrochloride, a non-cardio-selective beta blocker, is used to treat several conditions in children, including hypertension, arrhythmias, hyperthyroidism, hemangiomas, etc. Commercial liquid formulations are available in Europe and the US, but they have disadvantages, such as limited stability, bitter taste, and the need for multiple daily doses due to the drug’s short half-life. Considering these limitations, controlled-release solid formulations, such as microparticles, may offer a better solution for pediatric administration. The main objective of this study was to formulate an encapsulation system for propranolol hydrochloride, based on sodium alginate and other polysaccharide polymers, to control and prolong its release. Microparticles were prepared using the ionotropic gelation method, which involves instilling a polymer solution into a solution of gelling ions via the extrusion technique. Physicochemical characterization was conducted by assessing the entrapment efficiency, drug loading, swelling index, microparticle size, rheological properties, and surface tension. In order to improve the characteristics of the tested microparticles, selected formulations were coated with chitosan. Further experimental work included differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis, and SEM imaging. This in vitro release study showed that chitosan-coated microparticles demonstrate favorable properties, suggesting a novel approach to formulating pediatric dosage forms, although further optimization is necessary.

A. Domić, Nataša Pilipović-Broćeta, M. Grabež, N. Divac, Rajko Igić, R. Škrbić

Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the role of physicians in the intensive intervention and education regarding the smoking cessation of patients undergoing elective surgery under general anaesthesia. Materials and Methods: A randomised prospective study was conducted in family physicians’ clinics in which smokers of both sexes, aged 21–65 years, without cognitive impairments, and who were not addicted to psychoactive substances voluntarily participated. Four weeks preoperatively, 120 smokers were randomised into two equal groups; the intervention group (IG) underwent an intervention for the purpose of smoking cessation and the control group (CG) underwent no intervention. Biochemical tests were performed in order to determine the smoking status of the participants in the phase of randomisation, one week preoperatively, as well as 40, 120, and 180 days and 12 months postoperatively. The examinees of the IG talked to the physician five times and received 140 telephone messages, leaflets, and motivational letters along with the pharmacotherapy, while the participants in the CG received little or no advice on smoking cessation. Results: The results of this study confirmed a significant influence of the intervention and education on the smoking abstinence in the IG compared to the CG (p < 0.001). The smokers in the IG had 7.31 (95% CI: 2.32–23.04) times greater odds of abstinence upon the 12-month follow-up than the smokers in the CG. The smokers in the IG who did not stop smoking had a lower degree of dependence and smoked fewer cigarettes (p < 0.0001) compared to those in the CG, as well as a multiple times higher prevalence of short- and long-term abstinence. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the intensive intervention and education can motivate patients preparing for elective surgery to stop smoking in the short- and long term.

Abstract Guidewire loss is a rare complication of central venous catheterization. A 65-year-old male was hospitalized in a high-dependency unit for exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, erythrocytosis, and clinical signs of heart failure. Upon admission, after an unsuccessful right jugular approach, a left jugular central venous catheter was placed. The next day, chest radiography revealed the catheter located in the left parasternal region, with suspected retention of the guidewire, visually confirmed by the presence of its proximal end inside the catheter. The left parasternal location of the catheter and the typical projection of the guidewire in the coronary sinus, later confirmed by echocardiography, raised suspicion of a persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC). Agitated saline injected into the left antecubital vein confirmed bubble entry from the coronary sinus into the right atrium. After clamping the guidewire, the catheter was carefully retrieved along with the guidewire without any complications. This is the first reported case of guidewire retention in PLSVC and coronary sinus. It underscores the potential causes of guidewire loss and advocates preventive measures to avoid this potentially fatal complication.

Adam J. Widman, Minita J. Shah, A. Frydendahl, Daniel Halmos, C. C. Khamnei, N. Øgaard, Srinivas Rajagopalan, Anushri Arora et al.

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