
Publikacije (33273)


Through resilience theory, this paper explores the integration and alignment of the United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) within Kosovo's National Development Strategy (NDS). It highlights how adaptability and strategic planning underpin sustainable development in emerging national contexts like Kosovo, offering a qualitative analysis to identify gaps and suggest improvements for SDG integration. Utilizing a qualitative analysis, this study identifies gaps and provides recommendations for better SDG integration within Kosovo's national development agenda. Data analysis involves the thematic coding of qualitative data and synthesis of case study findings by examining existing documents, strategies, and plans as manifestations of Kosovo's commitment to fostering resilience and achieving a sustainable future. Key insights include recommendations for enhancing governance, environmental protection mechanisms, and social inclusivity to achieve resilient and sustainable economic growth. The study contributes to the discourse on resilience theory in national sustainable development strategies amidst political uncertainty.

Gesoel Mendes, Marta Ruda, Jana Willer-Gold, Boban Arsenijević, Bojana Ristić, Nermina Čordalija, Nedžad Leko, Frane Malenica et al.

In this article, we claim that syntactic objects undergoing ellipsis can be targeted by both narrow syntactic and PF operations. We base this conclusion on experimental evidence from the interaction between single conjunct agreement and verb-echo answers in South Slavic, which we show to be derived via verb-stranding VP ellipsis. Adopting the view that Vocabulary Insertion replaces Q-variables on lexical heads (Halle 1991) and ellipsis is a syntactic operation which deletes Q-variables (Saab 2022), we demonstrate that constituents properly included in the ellipsis site can undergo Internal Merge in the narrow syntax, and can participate in PF processes from the derived position. The interaction between ellipsis, Internal Merge and Agree-Copy that accounts for these patterns of data follows naturally within the Distributed Ellipsis approach.

Slavenko Likić, Damira Vranešić Hadžimehmedović, Izet Bajramović, Nedim Čović

Running speed in the form of sprinting is one of the most important abilities that can significantly define performance success in many sports. From the perspective of genetically inherited motor functions, running speed can be classified as a primary phylogenetic human movement, manifested in the form of a “threesegment model” consisting of speed, power, and coordination. By comprehensively analyzing the general and partial predictive contributions of dynamic-kinematic parameters of running, speed-power abilities, and morphological characteristics, on a sample of 80 boys aged 10-12 years, it can be concluded that regardless of the choice of criteria, achieved maximal speeds (KVMAX) or results in children’s athletic sprint over 50 meters (KT50m), the same or related predictor variables contributed to the explanation. The variable running time for 20m from a flying start (KTLS20m) has the greatest predictive contribution (β=0.83, p<0.001) to explaining both criteria, which may indicate the importance of conducting this test in the identification and selection for athletic sprint. Additionally, the selection of tests to assess speed-power abilities is extremely important for the identification and selection for athletic sprint. It can be concluded that tests of horizontal and vertical jumps are significant for identification, as well as tests for assessing neuro-muscular excitation. Tests for assessing continuous horizontal jump are also important, although there is an impression that, in boys aged 10-12 years, coordinatively simpler tests should be used. In the analysis of morphological characteristics, variables that significantly contributed to the explanation of criteria at a partial level were body height, back skinfold, and ankle diameter, indicating that in the identification of talented individuals, it should be considered that elite sprinters are characterized by light bones, optimal muscle mass, and low levels of subcutaneous fat tissue.

R. Culliford, Sam Lawrence, Charlie Mills, Z. Tippu, D. Chubb, A. Cornish, Lisa Browning, B. Kinnersley et al.

A. Alil, Sanja Martinović, Tatjana Volkov-Husović

Numerous industrial parts, devices, and processes are designed to withstand the conditions that lead to cavitation erosion. Metallic, ceramic, and composite materials used for these conditions must achieve specific mechanical characteristics required to resist cavitation erosion. When molten metal or alloy flows and comes into contact with refractory material or coated furnace linings, cavitation erosion can occur. This phenomenon is particularly expected in metallurgy, especially in casting operations. Alumina-based refractories, specifically low cement castable (ALCC), are often used in furnace lining applications due to their superior properties, such as high refractoriness, thermal stability, and mechanical characteristics. Mullite is another refractory material frequently used in foundry lining applications. It can be utilized as a coating in casting processes, such as the Lost Foam process, which is a novel method for producing high-quality, cost-effective castings. These two refractory materials were chosen to study their behavior under cavitation conditions. An ultrasonic vibratory test with a stationary specimen (ASTM G-32) was used for experimental cavitation determination. The results of mass loss and surface morphological parameters of degradation revealed that ALCC samples eroded predominantly at the surface, while the mullite samples exhibited more significant degradation by depth.

Ermin Čehić, A. Cerovac, Tarik Zulović, E. Begić

BACKGROUND Thanks to modern methods of assisted reproduction (ART), parenthood has become an attainable goal for couples in which the male partner has experienced spinal cord injury (SCI). OBJECTIVE The aim of our study was to determine the success of the treatment of infertile patients with SCI with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) of cryopreserved sperm obtained by the testicular sperm aspiration (TESA) procedure. METHODS In this retrospective study 156 infertile couples were included, in which the male partner is primarily infertile due to azoospermia. Infertile couples were divided into two groups. The first group (n= 82) includes men with SCI, and the second (n= 74) men with obstructive azoospermia (OA) as the cause of infertility. All infertile men were examined and processed in the diagnostic procedure, and based on the urological findings, surgical extraction of sperm from the testicles was indicated. Exclusion criteria were the age of women over 40 and men over 45. RESULTS We found that the quality of sperm was worse in the group with SCI, compared to the group with OA, but without statistical significance. Zenica and Johnsen score (p= 0.001; p= 0.000) showed worse semen characteristics in the group with SCI.     There were no significant differences in the average number of embryos (p= 0.698), pregnancy rates per cycle (p= 0.979) and pregnancy rates per embrio transfer (ET), clinical pregnancy rates per ET (p= 0.987) and delivery rates per ET (p= 0.804) in couples with SCI, compared to couples with OA. CONCLUSION Based on the results of this research, the TESA and ICSI procedures can be recommended as a successful method in the treatment of male infertility caused by azoospermia due to SCI.

Ivan Sivrič, Damir Kukić, Ivica Jerkić

Razvoj interneta i informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija u suvremenome kontekstu trebao bi omogućiti mladim korisnicima učinkovito povezivanje te primanje informacija putem različitih kanala komunikacije radi kvalitetnije interakcije s budućim poslodavcima. Jedan od značajnijih kanala komunikacije za mlade u online prostoru zasigurno su društvene mreže putem kojih se mladi u isto vrijeme informiraju i komuniciraju. Društvene mreže posebno pridonose socijalizaciji i povezivanju korisnika u virtualne zajednice, pri čemu izmjenjuju iskustva i informacije koje mogu biti društveno korisne, pa tako i za pronalazak budućih poželjnih poslodavaca, što ujedno i potvrđuje istraživanje javnoga mnijenja iz 2022. godine o stavovima mladih i roditelja o zapošljavanju i zadržavanju u OS BiH, koji su za potrebe ovoga rada analizirani, s posebnim usredotočenjem na kanale informiranja. Kanali informiranja kojima mladi dolaze do (relevantnih) informacija veoma su bitna stavka u percepciji, identifikaciji i afirmacija vojnoga poziva radi dobivanja kvalitetnih lјudskih resursa. Pored uvjeta rada koje ispitanici navode kao ključne elemente za zapošljavanje u OS BiH, potrebno je i učinkovito unaprijediti medijsku promociju i percepciju OS BiH u javnosti, što se posebno ističe i navodi u nizu preporuka navedenih u zaključnome dijelu ovoga rada. Ključne riječi: odnosi s javnošću u OS BiH; društvene mreže; Connected – C-generacija; zapošljavanje mladih; vjerodostojnost informacija

Vesna Jaćević, J. Grujić-Milanović, Zoran Milovanović, L. Nežić, L. Amidžić, N. Vojinović, Bojan Marković, V. Dobričić et al.

Alena Huseinbegović, Viktorija Haubrich, Dinka Šago

Sažetak: U ovom radu autorice obrađuju dokazivanje kroz prizmu načela nesposrednosti kod izvođenja i ocjene dokazne snage dokaza pred drugostupanjskim sudom u zakonodavstvu Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine i Republike Hrvatske. Razmatraju se različite mogućnosti ocjene dokaza u sjednici vijeća i uz održavanje glavne rasprave pred drugostupanjskim sudom. Analiziraju se odluke drugostupanjskog suda o ocjeni dokaza u sjednici vijeća i na raspravi te predlažu određene zakonodavne izmjene. Ključne riječi: ocjena dokaza, načelo neposrednosti, odluke drugostupanjskog suda o ocjeni dokaza

Koffi Ismael Ouattara, Ana Petrovska, Artur Hermann, Natasa Trkulja, Theo Dimitrakos, Frank Kargl

Subjective Logic (SL) enriches probabilistic logic by incorporating uncertainty and subjective belief ownership, enabling the expression of uncertainty about subjective beliefs. Unlike traditional probabilistic logics, SL 1) accommodates situations where different agents express beliefs about the same proposition, integrating the subjective nature and ownership of beliefs; and 2) addresses existing limitations in Dempster-Shafer Theory of evidence (DST), particularly in modelling trust transitivity. In modern computer systems, trust assessment extends beyond direct relationships to complex networks, necessitating the consideration of referral and direct trust relationships. This paper introduces a novel trust discount operator for referral edges in complex networks, addressing challenges in discounting trust across two and multiple referral edges. Through our empirical analysis, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed operator and establish a relationship between path length and trustworthiness.

Ibrahim Badi, Mouhamed Bayane Bouraima, Željko Stević, Elizabeth Abosede Oloketuyi, Opeyemi Oluyemisis Makinde

This paper addresses the concept of the vendor-managed inventory (VMI) problem, focusing on the replenishment policy and the vehicle routing problem (VRP) model. These components are integrated to tackle a three-echelon distribution issue comprising a single plant, multiple depots, and multiple retailers, with the primary objective of minimizing transportation and inventory costs within this complex distribution network. A three-phase methodology is proposed to optimize the entire supply chain, from the plant to the final retailer, and its performance is evaluated through computational experiments. This research is motivated by a real-life supply network, highlighting its practical relevance and applicability. To extend the capabilities of existing methods for solving the combined inventory and routing problem, an insertion heuristic is incorporated to enhance vehicle utilization, thereby reducing total costs. Computational results demonstrate the effectiveness of the improved algorithm, indicating that it is sufficiently robust for practical application. Significant cost savings can be achieved with the proposed approach, making it a valuable contribution to the field of supply chain optimization.

Megan Buckley, Chloé Terwagne, A. Ganner, L. Cubitt, Reid A. Brewer, Dong-Kyu Kim, Christina M. Kajba, Nicole Forrester et al.

Diaspora governance strategies are part of an increasingly vibrant academic and policy debate. International organisations play a significant role in promoting diaspora institutions, collaborating with home states, diaspora communities, and other stakeholders. In post‐conflict states, the involvement, and evolving roles of international organisations, among a variety of actors in diaspora institution building, is implicit but has been underresearched. This article analyses a diaspora mapping exercise led by the IOM to demonstrate how an institutional logics perspective can help to better understand how such processes unfold. Taking an organisational perspective, it sheds light on the interplay among international organisations, state agencies, local government, and individual actors in diaspora and development. By focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina, the study offers insights into the challenges and opportunities in diaspora engagement in post‐conflict countries. It underscores the need for further research and the long‐term implications of international organisations' efforts in diaspora development programs and diaspora governance.

N. Pantić, A. Barać, Vasilika Mano, A. Dedeić-Ljubović, Ivan Malkodanski, O. Jakšić, Despoina Gkentzi, M. Mitrović et al.

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