
Publikacije (93)

N. Salihefendic, M. Zildžić, M. Jašić, Drago Šuabrić

Introduction: Obesity, insulin resistance (IR) and fatty liver (FL) related to modern lifestyle are getting epidemic characteristics and present the most important world public health problem. Obesity, FL and IR are basic parts of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is caused by excessive consumption of high-calorie food, chronic stress and unhealthy eating behavior. Current research shows that the digestive system with close realationship with brain has central role for keeping entire health and plays a fundamental role in pathogenesis of insulin resistance and fatty liver, but and many other diseases. Aim of the work: The aim of the paper is to evaluate and summarize new knowledge about relationship between the digestive system and the brain and how disregulation of interaction among them and eating behavior can influence on development IR and FL. Next aim of the work is to find evidence of positive effect of implementation new recommendations for healthy eating behavior, the current dietary and physical activity guidelines on prevention insulin resistence and fatty liver. Results: Current science has shown that food, eating habits and digestive system-brain relationship have a strong and decisive influence on patogenesis insulin resistance and fatty liver. Choosing healthy personal diet and healthy eating habits with a healthy lifestyle gives the opportunity to prevent insulin resistence and fatty liver, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and many other diseases Conclusion: Better understanding of new key mechanisms of development insulin resistance and fatty liver lead to the development new therapeutic dietary and nutritional approaches. IR an FL have asymptomatic clinical course, so primary prevention and screening in early childhood are the best way to prevent the beginning and expansion of diseases. Current treatment needs to be based on the principles of personal medicine and focused on healthy lifestyles including nutrition and physical activity.

N. Salihefendic, M. Zildžić, M. Jašić

Introduction: Mental function has a physiological basis and is clearly associated with somatic and social functioning as well as the state of total health. Early childhood is an extremely important period and a special opportunity for an adequate promotion of mental health and the prevention of mental disorders. Most of the mental disorders that are registered with adults start at age 14. The aim of the paper: The aim of the paper was to point out the importance of promoting healthy life-

I. Kubat, M. Šabanović, M. Jašić, Tarik Zolotić, D. Kenjerić

Student of the Postgraduate specialist studies Nutrition, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, F. Kuhača 20, Osijek, Croatia University of Tuzla, Faculty of Technology, Univerzitetska 8, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Student of Nutrition studies, University of Tuzla, Faculty of Technology, Univerzitetska 8, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, F. Kuhača 20, Osijek, Croatia

Jelena Panak Balentić, A. Jozinović, Đ. Ačkar, J. Babić, Borislav Miličević, Marijana Grec, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić

Alma Pirić, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić, I. Banjari, Amina Muharemagić

Cherry (Prunus cerasus var. Oblačinska) is one of the most common varieties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. Owing to the excellent sensory and physico-chemical characteristics and the very high concentration of biologically active ingredients, it is a very good potential for obtaining value added products or products with high content of bioactive, nutritionally and biologically valuable ingredients. The processing techniques of fresh fruit have a large influence on the content of bioactive components. The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of processing technologies of sour cherries on the content of bioactive compounds (total phenols, total flavonoids and anthocyanins) and the antioxidant capacity. Products that were analysed were juice, concentrate, extra jam and lyophilisate. The content of bioactive components and antioxidant capacity of these products was compared with fresh cherries. The results showed that the greatest influence on the content of bioactive ingredients has process where vacuum concentration is applied. More sophisticated technology such as lyophilization would contribute to the retention of bioactive components and could increase product competitiveness at the market.

J. Panak, A. Jozinović, Đ. Ačkar, J. Babić, Borislav Miličević, B. Pajin, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić

D. Šubarić, M. Jašić, M. Bašić, Asmir Budimlić, A. Jozinović, Benjamin Muhamedbegović, Z. Jusufhodžić, E. Nogić et al.

I. Kubat, M. Šabanović, M. Jašić, Tarik Zolotić, D. Kenjerić

Dietary supplements are foodstuffs, medicinal herbs, plant or animal extracts, and concentrates containing active compounds, the purpose of which is to supplement the normal diet, with the aim of gaining power and endurance, as well as muscular weight. The active compounds in them are nutrients (vitamins and minerals, fatty acids, proteins) or other substances with a physiological effect (enzymes, microorganisms, hormones). The most often used dietary supplements among athletes are fatty acids, whey proteins, fat burners, creatine, and isotonic drinks. Football players use dietary supplements as ergogenic aids, with the aim of fulfilling the elevated dietary needs and to fasten recovery. The aim of this study was to assess the dietary supplementation practices among football players. The cross- sectional study encompassed 20 active football players from Sarajevo. Data was collected using a short questionnaire, which included general characteristics of the study participant (age, height, weight, residence), information on the frequency of dietary supplement use, type of supplement and dosage, as well as the reasons for supplementation and the source of recommendation for using it. The study participants most often reported taking omega- 3-fatty acids, magnesium, whey proteins, and branched amino acids. Performance was the most frequently stated reason for supplementation. Supplementation was supervised and recommended by a nutritionist or self initiated, and practiced in the recommended dosage. In conclusion, dietary supplements can be ergogenic and enhance performance on one hand, and help with recovery on the other. Still, their usage should always be recommended and supervised by a specialist.

M. Jašić, Edina Aganovic, D. Šubarić, Almir Azabagić, Azra Sinanović, Emilija Spaseska-Alksovska, M. Šabanović

Uvod: Savremeni nacin života cesto dovodi do stresnih stanja koja se izražavaju u formi anksioznosti, depresije, nesanice, napetosti, agresivnosti i drugih manifestacija. U takvim situacijama cesto se koriste lijekovi iz grupe sedativa, ali i drugi farmaceutski farmaceutski pripravci. U novije vrijeme preporucuju se dijete i dodatci prehrani sa sedativnim ucinkom. Cilj rada: Cilj rada je bio na osnovu dostupnih znanstvenih informacija i istraživanja identificirati sastojke iz hrane koji imaju sedativni ucinak. Rezultati i rasprava: U hrani se nalazi nekoliko vrsta peptida, aminokiselina, vitamina i minerala koji imaju blage sedativne ucinke. Iz grupe aminokiselina najcesce su to fenilalanin, tirozin i triptofan, iz grupe vitamina tiamin, cijankobalamin i nikotinamid dok iz grupe minerala posebno je znacajan magnezij. Osim toga, vecina ovih sastojaka hrane se može koristiti u formi dodataka prehrani. Kao farmaceutski pripravci koriste se i ljekovite biljke kao sto su odoljen (Valeriana officinalis), maticnjak (Melissa officinalis), pasiflora (Passiflora). Za ublažavanje posljedica stresa preporucuju se antioksidansi iz hrane i dodataka prehrani ali i prakticiranje fizicke aktivnosti kao mjere za ublažavanje efekata stresa. Zakljucak: Stres je okidac za mnoge bolesti, a u nekim situacijama posljedice mogu biti fatalne. Prehranom se mogu ostvariti izvjesni sedativni ucinci, te smanjiti upotreba lijekova koji imaju po zdravlje stetne nuspojave.

A. Jozinović, Đ. Ačkar, J. Babić, Borislav Miličević, Jelena Panak Balentić, M. Jašić, D. Šubarić

Ekstrudirani proizvodi predstavljaju veliku grupu razlicitih vrsta proizvoda koje konzumira siroka populacija (snack proizvodi, žitarice za dorucak, tjestenina, konditorski proizvodi i sl.). Kako je danas dosta tesko utjecati na prehrambene navike potrosaca, prehrambena industrija nastoji obogatiti ove grupe proizvoda s visokovrijednim sastojcima poput prehrambenih vlakana, polifenola, omega 3- i 6- masnih kiselina, antioksidansa, vitamina i dr. S druge strane, potrosaci su svjesni bliskog odnosa između prehrane i zdravlja pa je potražnja za hranom obogacenom nutritivno vrijednim sastojcima i tzv. funkcionalnom hranom sve veca. Izvor ovih nutritivno vrijednih sastojaka predstavljaju i razliciti nusproizvodi prehrambene industrije (pulpe voca i povrca, pogace uljarica, razlicite kore i ljuske, …) koji nastaju u velikim kolicinama. Ekstruzija, kao kontinuirani proces s visokom ucinkovitosti i mogucnosti upotrebe razlicitih sirovina, predstavlja odlican put za iskoristenje navedenih nutritivno vrijednih nusproizvoda u proizvodnji novih proizvoda.

Alisa Tursunović, M. Jašić, L. Mutapčić, Senada Selmanović, N. Pranjić

Dalila Duraković, M. Jašić, N. Salihefendic, M. Zildžić

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