This paper investigates the influence of probiotic VEBAC on the intestinal microflora composition and the growth (the weight gain, feed conversion rate) of broiler chickens. Eighty Avian 24K male chickens were divided into 2 groups, 40 birds in each. The aim of this research was to determine the probiotic influence on the weight gain, feed conversion ratio and intestinal microflora content of the chickens. First group was a control group (without VEBAC in drinking water), while the second one was experimental (with addition of VEBAC - 3 g/100 l water). After six weeks of fattening, average live weight in the control group was 1956.10 +/- 15.03 g and in the experimental group 2168.25 +/- 54.24 g (P<0.01). Feed conversion was 2.16 +/- 0.26 and 2.02 +/- 0.28 respectively. The results of bacteriological analyses of intestinal microflora point out the conclusion that lactic bacteria Enterococcus faecium M-74, which were consumed by broilers from the experimental groups through drinking water, resulted in reduction of bacteria from family Enterobacteriaceae and bacteria Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis.
U radu je istraživan utjecaj obogacivanja obroka eikozapentaenskom (EPA) i dokozaheksaenskom (DHA) masnim kiselinama na tehnoloska svojstva i kemijski sastav mesa pilica. Tovni pilici podijeljeni su u pet skupina (kontrolna 0, 0% i pokusne skupine s dodanih 0, 5%, 1%, 1, 5% i 2% pripravka Pronova Biocare Epax 3000 T6 PBA u zavrsnim krmnim smjesama). Između istraživanih skupina pilica nije utvrđena statisticki znacajna razlika (P>0, 05) za pH1 vrijednost, Sp.v.v. i konzistenciju misica prsa. Pokusna skupina pilica hranjena s dodatkom 1, 5% PBE imala je statisticki znacajno vecu (P<0, 01) Gofo-vrijednost u odnosu na ostale skupine. Statisticki visoko znacajan (P<0, 01), odnosno statisticki znacajan (P<0, 05) utjecaj obogacivanja obroka EPA-om i DHA-om zabilježen je s obzirom na udio vode, masti i bjelancevina u prsima, odnosno na udio vode u zabatcima. Povecanjem udjela PBA pripravka u obrocima za tovne pilice, statisticki znacajno (P<0, 01) povecavao se VLC ekvivalent u misicima prsa i zabataka.
The aim of the research was to determine the profile of the fatty acids in the lipids of breast muscles and in the lipids of thighs with drumsticks muscles. The research was carried out on male Ross broilers. They were fed ad libitum from 1st to 28th day with mixture, which contained 22.67% crude proteins and 14.19 MJ ME ; from 29th to 42nd day they were fed with finisher mixture, which contained 20.43% crude proteins and 14.18 MJ ME. Besides other forage ingredients, both mixtures contained 5% animal fat and 1% fish oil. The fattening period lasted 35 days. After cutting carcasses into the main parts, the breast - white meat and thighs with drumsticks - red meat (n=10), without skin and visible fatty tissue, were used for analysis. Data about deposition of SFA, MUFA, PUFA n-6 and PUFA n-3 enable new insights about nutritive qualities of white and red chicken meat. The analysis of fatty acids content shows in most cases significant (P<0.05) and very significant differences (P<0.01) between white and red meat. The statistical significance has not been confirmed only in the difference of the content of pentadecaenoic (C15:0) and heptadecanoic (C17:0) acids in these two kinds of meat. In the group of saturated acids of the both kinds of meat the major portion have palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0), which make 23.43% and 13.88% in the white meat, and 2.77% and 9.90% in the red chicken meat. Oleic acid (C18:1) is better represented in the red meat than in the white meat (31.98% and 26.02%). Polyunsaturated linoleic acid (C18:2n-6) is also higher in the red meat than in the white meat (17.23% and 13.38%). Taking into consideration that the eicosapentaenoic (C20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acids (C22:6n-3) are especially important for human health as well as for prevention of cardiovascular diseases, scientists recommend the decreasing of their portion in the meat (Okuyama and Ikemoto, 1999). Our results show that the saturated fatty acids (C12:0, C14:0, C15:0, C16:0, C17:0, C18:0, C20:0, C22:0, C24:0) are stored in higher amount in the white meat in comparison to the red meat (39.46% and 33.81%). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (C18:3n-3, C20:5n-3, C22:5n-3 and C22:6n-3) are also contained in higher amounts in the white meat than in the red meat (5.50% and 3.23%). In the case of monounsaturated fatty acids (C16:1, C18:1, C20:1, C24:1) we found just the opposite, because these fatty acids are contained in the red meat in higher amounts than in the white meat (32.50% and 29.62%. The chicken meat (red and white) can be very valuable source of essential fatty acids. Profile of fatty acids in the lipids of breast muscles, as well as of the thighs with drumsticks can be also one of the criteria of nutritive value of these meat kinds. In the lipids of the white meat there are more SFA and PUFA n-3, and the lipids of red meat are richer in MUFA and PUFA n-6. Relation of PUFA n-6 /PUFA n-3 is more favourable in the white meat than in the red chicken meat.
U razvijenim zemljama kvalitetnoj prehrani ljudi pridaje se poseban znacaj. U dijetetske proizvode ubraja se i meso pilica koje je bogato bjelancevinama i sadrži nizak udio masti. Osim ukusnosti, potrosaci zahtijevaju i pozitivan ucinak mesa tovnih pilica na zdravlje ljudi. Pri tome posebnu ulogu imaju PUFA n-3, kao i odnos PUFA n-6 / PUFA n-3 u mesu pilica. Utvrđeno je kako PUFA n-3 imaju važnu ulogu u prevenciji bolesti uzrokovanih stresom ili nepravilnom prehranom, smanjuju rizik od oboljenja srca i psorijaze te su neophodne za normalan razvoj moždanog i živcanog tkiva. Tovni pilici odlicno usvajaju PUFA n-3 iz krmnih smjesa i odlažu u vlastito misicno i masno tkivo. Potrosnjom mesa pilica proizvedenog na temelju znanstvenih spoznaja o mogucnostima promjene profila masnih kiselina pozitivno se utjece na zdravlje ljudi. U radu se navode dosadasnje spoznaje o mijenjanju profila masnih kiselina u misicnom tkivu pilica. Navedene su dnevne potrebe ljudi za linolenskom kiselinom, DHA i EPA. Raspravlja se o krmivima bogatim PUFA n-3 i njihovom utjecaju na tovna i klaonicka obilježja tovnih pilica. Preporuca se koristenje krmiva koja utjecu na smanjivanje odnosa PUFA n-6 / PUFA n-3 u mesu pilica. Istaknuti su pozitivni i negativni ucinci razlicitih krmiva na mogucnost obogacivanja mesa pilica s PUFA n-3 te promjenu okusa i mirisa mesa peradi.
Meso pilica znacajna je animalna namirnica u prehrani ljudi. Zbog visoke nutritivne vrijednosti, prije svega visokog sadržaja bjelancevina, a relativno niskog sadržaja masti, ova vrsta mesa ubraja se i u dijetetske proizvode. Cilj naseg istraživanja bio je analizirati kemijski sastav bijelog i tamnog mesa (misici prsa i batkova s nadbatcima) u pogledu sadržaja bjelancevina, masti, pepela, vode, kao i makro- i mikroelemenata. Također je analiziran sadržaj zasicenih (SFA), mononezasicenih (MUFA) i polinezasicenih (PUFA) masnih kiselina. Sadržaj osnovnih hranjivih tvari u bijelom, kao i u tamnom mesu, bio je sljedeci: bjelancevine 24, 15% i 20, 96%, voda 74, 01% i 74, 56%, masti 0, 62% i 3, 29% te pepeo 1, 22% i 1, 19%. Utvrđeno je da bijelo meso, odnosno tamno meso u 100 g sadrže sljedece kolicine makro i mikroelemenata: K 359, 22 mg i 322, 00 mg, Mg 39, 35 mg i 27, 11 mg, Na 61, 86 mg i 86, 45 mg, Mn 0, 08 mg i 0, 09 mg, Zn 1, 09 mg i 2, 30 mg te Fe 1, 79 mg i 1, 98 mg. Odnos PUFA w 3 (C 18:3w3, C 20:5w3, C 22:5w3 i C 22:6w3) i PUFA w 6 masnih kiselina (C 18:2w6, C 20:2w6 i C 20:4w6) bio je u bijelom mesu 3, 11, a u tamnom mesu 4, 43.
This research was conducted in the aim of investigating the influence of sunflower, rape and fish oil in diet on the profile of fatty acids in the chicken meat. Samples of brast meat and meat of thighs with drumsticks were separately analysed to determine the PUFA w6 / PUFA w3 ratio in the most valuable parts of the carcass. Usage of sunflower oil (1st group), rape oil (2nd group) and fish oil (3rd group) in the diets for broilers resulted in alteration of fatty acids profile in the chicken meat. PUFA w6 were deposited in greater amounts in the meat of thighs with drumsticks, while PUFA w3 in the breast meat. PUFA w6 / PUFA w3 ratio in the breast meat in 1st, 2nd and 3rd group was 6.27, 3.75 and 2.30 and in the meat of thighs with drumsticks 7.56, 5.00 and 2.87. Results show that usage of oils of different composition can influence the ratio of fatty acids in the chicken meat.
Pravilan rast i razvoj podmlatka konja ovisi o pravilnoj i kvalitetnoj hranidbi, uvjetima držanja i njege. Na rast i razvoj imaju utjecaj kako nasljedni tako i ekoloski cimbenici. Ova istraživanja su provedena s ciljem da se utvrdi intenzitet rasta pojedinih tjelesnih mjera u razlicitoj dobi. Istraživanja razvoja tjelesnih mjera ždrebadi holstein pasmine provedena su u podrucju sjeverozapadnog podrucja Republike Hrvatske. Mjerenja su obavljena na 25 ždrebadi holstein pasmine i to nakon poroda, te u dobi od 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 i 36 mjeseci. Podaci dobiveni mjerenjem visine grebena, opsega prsa i opsega cjevanice u navedenih dobnih struktura obrađeni su statisticki pomocu programskog paketa SPSS/PC (Nie i sur. 1975.). Kod sve tri dimenzije intenzitet rasta je jaci u ranijoj dobi koji sa starenjem opada. Visina grebena u prvoj godini života se povecala za 36 posto u odnosu na porodnu visinu, dok je u trecoj godini povecanje bilo oko 7 posto. Intenzitet rasta opsega prsa u prvoj godini bio je 66 posto u odnosu na porodnu velicinu dok je u trecoj godini povecanje opsega prsa iznosilo oko 10 posto. Opseg cjevanice u prvoj godini života u odnosu na velicinu nakon poroda povecan je za 40 posto dok je u trecoj godini to povecanje iznosilo svega 6 posto u odnosu na opseg cjevanice mjerene nakon poroda. Do približnih vrijednosti intenziteta rasta pojedinih tjelesnih mjera u svojim istraživanjima na podmlatku lipicanske pasmine dosli su Romic (1951.), Stipic (1980.), Rastija i sur. (1986., 1988., 1995.) i drugi. Na ujednaceni razvoj tjelesnih mjera svakako su utjecali pravilna hranidba, nacin držanja, te dovoljno prostora za kretanje.
Eighty Avian 24K broilers were randomly divided in 2 groups, 40 birds each. Each group had 4 subgroups of 10 birds. First group was control (without VEBAC in drinking water), while second was experimental (with addition of VEBAC - 3 g/100 l water). Average live weights of Avian 24K chicken in age of 42 days were for 10.8% higher in 2nd group (3 g/100 l VEBAC) compared to the 1st group without probiotic in drinking water (2.19 kg : 1.96 kg; P<0.01). Growth curve showed that addition of VEBAC in drinking water enhances progressive stage of growth. 1st group ; 2nd group Probiotic addition resulted in more efficient conversion of food into live weight gain of chicken for 6.44% in 2nd group of chicken compared to the 1st group. Addition of VEBAC in drinking water had positive effect on performances of broilers. Usage of VEBAC shortened fattening for 0,6 weeks.
he expression of PCNA and EGFy in chemically induced hepatocellular carcinoma and souamous cell carcinoma cells from rats were observed with immunohistochemical techniques. The results showed that the carcinoma cells of both tumors revealed a positive immunoreaction to both factors. According to the amount of MC surrounding the tumor cell nests,the specimens could be divided into two groups:the group with abundant MC infiItration and the group with little or no MC infiItration. The PCNA positive cells in carcinoma cell nests of both groups were calculated respectively. It revealed that the amount of PCNA positive cells in the group with little or no MC was significantly more than that in the other group.The ratio between the 2 groups in liver carcinoma was approxirnately 3:1 and in stomach cancer it was 2:1.Anoverexpression of EGFY was observed in tumor tissues of both groups, but the amount of EGFγ positive cells in the group with little or no MC was much higher than that of the group with abundant MC.
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