
Publikacije (45)


Many species of wild mushrooms are used as a delicacy in the diet, but data on their nutritional value and the effects of their storage on nutritional values are rare. The aim of this study was to determine the content of Free Amino Acids (FAAs), total carbohydrates, vitamin C, and total anthocyanins in six wild mushroom species collected in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Results showed that the drying of mushrooms does not have much influence on the presence of essential and non-essential amino acids. Mushrooms are an excellent source of amino acids whether they are fresh or dry. The total carbohydrate content varied between 12.25-62.75 mg g-1 for fresh mushroom extracts and 40.98-167.24 mg g-1 for dry mushroom extracts. The total carbohydrate content in dry mushrooms is significantly higher than in extracts of fresh mushrooms. The vitamin C content of mushrooms varied between 0.02-1.95 mg g-1 for fresh mushrooms and 0.0-0.63 mg g-1 for dry mushrooms. A lower vitamin C content was found in dry mushrooms, which can be affected by the method of drying mushrooms. The total anthocyanins content varied between 0.39-0.66 mg CGE mL-1 for fresh mushroom extracts and 0.10-0.19 mg CGE mL-1 for dry mushroom extracts. Lower total anthocyanins content was found in dry mushroom extracts, probably due to the destruction of anthocyanins by drying. Our research shows that selected wild edible mushrooms, fresh and dry, have considerable nutritional potential. However, further research is needed on both other nutrients and anti-nutrients in these mushrooms to support their nutritional dominance.

Mirsad Panjeta, I. Tahirović, E. Sofić, J. Ćorić, A. Dervišević

Summary Background: The production of erythrocytes is regulated by the hormone erythropoietin (EPO), which maintains the blood haemoglobin (Hb) levels constant under normal conditions. Human EPO is a glycoprotein hormone and its synthesis is controlled by the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor. The aim of this study was to establish EPO and Hb levels in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), as well as in control subjects, and to investigate the relationship between these parameters. Methods: This cross-sectional, observational study included 356 subjects with CKD divided into 4 subgroups according to their glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The control group consisted of 206 age and sex matched healthy subjects with GFR rate ≥90 mL/min/1.73 m2. EPO, Hb and serum creatinine levels were determined by using immunochemical and spectrophotometric methods. GFR was determined using the MDRD formula. Results: The CKD patients had significantly lower levels of haemoglobin (p<0.0005) and hematocrit (p<0.0005) compared to control group. Our results showed that Hb levels decreased, whereas serum creatinine increased with the increasing renal failure. The CKD patients in all four groups had significantly lower (p<0.0005) Hb levels, and significantly higher (p<0.0005) creatinine levels compared to the control group. The median EPO in group I and II were significantly higher (p=0.002; p=0.018), while median EPO in group III and IV were significantly lower (p=0.03; p=0.011) compared to the control group. Conclusions: In patients with CKD, GFR positively correlated with Hb and EPO, while the correlation between GFR and serum creatinine was negative.

Saida Ibragić, E. Sofić, I. Tahirović, A. Uzunović, D. Kresic, K. Kalcher

Ephedra is a plant with a long history of medicinal use, the main indications being asthma, rhinitis and bronchospasm. However, nowadays it is often misused/abused for weight-loss, performance enhancing and doping. The pharamcological effects are ascribed to the ephedrine alkaloids present in the plant. The aim of the study was to quantify Norephedrine (NE), Ephedrine (E), Pseudoephedrine (PE) and Methylephedrine (ME) in herb extracts of nine different Ephedra species using high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection (HPLC-UV). The alkaloids were separated on the column Symmetry C18 (5 µm, 3.9 x 150 mm). The mobile phase was delivered at the flow rate of 1 ml/min. The mobile phase was prepared with 390 ml of acetonitrile, 610 ml of pure water, 0.8 ml of o-phosphoric acid and 4.8 g of sodium lauryl sulfate. The UV detector operated at 208 nm. We found that the utilized HPLC-UV method for separation and quantification of ephedrine alkaloids was very selective, sensitive and simple. The total content of NE, E, PE and ME ranged from 0.4 mg/g dry weight (Ephedra foeminea, from Austria) to 71.9 mg/g dry weight (Ephedra major, from Morocco). None of the investigated alkaloids were detected in Ephedra altissima.

Mirsad Panjeta, I. Tahirović, J. Karamehić, E. Sofić, O. Ridic, J. Ćorić

Introduction: Hypoxia is a basic stimulant in production of erythropoietin (EPO). The primary function of erythrocytes is the transport of oxygen to tissues. Erythropoietin stimulates erythropoiesis which leads to increased production of erythrocytes- their total mass. This increases the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen, reduces the hypoxic stimulus and provides a negative feedback of stopping EPO production. The aim of this study was to establish a quantitative relationship between the concentration of erythropoietin, hemoglobin and hematocrit in different values of renal insufficiency. Material and methods: The survey was conducted on 562 subjects divided into two groups: with and without renal insufficiency. EPO, hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum creatinine and additional parameters iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid were determined by using immunochemical and spectrophotometric methods and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was calculated as well. Results: EPO values (median) grow to the first degree of renal insufficiency, as compared to EPO values of healthy subjects, this increase is statistically significant, p=0.002. With further deterioration of renal function the values of EPO between all pathological groups are decreasing, and this decrease is statistically significant between first and second degree of renal insufficiency (RI) p<0.001. In the group of healthy subjects EPO is correlated rho = -0.532, p <0.0005 with hematocrit. The correlations are negative and strong and can be predicted by regression line (EP0 = 41.375- Hct * .649; EPO = 61.41–Hb * 0.355). In the group of subjects with the first degree of renal insufficiency EPO is in correlation with hematocrit rho=-0.574, p<0, 0005. It is also correlated with hemoglobin rho=-0.580, p< 0.0005. The correlation is negative (EP0= 42.168- Hct * 0.678). In the group of subjects with the third degree of renal insufficiency EPO is in correlation with hemoglobin rho=0.257, p=0.028. The correlation is medium strong and positive. In the group of subjects with third and fourth degree of renal insufficiency EPO is not in correlation with hemoglobin and hematocrit p>0.05. Conclusion: Renal dysfunction, depending on the level of RI effects differently on the biosynthesis of EPO in a diseased kidney, and consequently it also has a different effect on biosynthesis of HB in bone marrow and its content in the blood.

O. Mahmutović, I. Tahirović, Amira Copra, M. Memić, Saida Ibragić, L. Karić

Aims: This study explores the total quantity of sulfur secondary metabolites in the plant organs of garlic and ramsons, the content of total phenol and their correlation to the antioxidant capacity (AOC). There are different reports about correlation of secondary

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