Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a hereditary developmental anomaly, most frequent in large dog breeds. Clinical confirmation of the disorder is based on hip X-ray imaging. Twenty Tornjak dogs aged between 9-36 months, and weighted from 35-42 kg were examined for CHD. Scoring was performed according to six clearly defined radiographic parameters by Flueckiger method (5). Dysplastic changes of various severity were observed in 11 dogs, while in 9 dogs changes were absent. The study describes 4 CHD cases of varying degrees of severity. The results indicate the presence of CHD in Bosnian Tornjak. Determining the incidence of dysplasia in this autochthonous breed requires a more detailed study, which will enable determination of the prevalence of dysplasia and analysis of the relationship to other dog breeds. Key words: canine hip dysplasia, Bosnian Tornjak
Kratak sadržaj – Displazija kukova je nasljedna razvojna anomalija, najcesca kod velikih pasmina pasa. Klinicka konfirmacija ovog poremecaja zasniva se na RTG pretrazi kukova. Dvadeset bosanskih tornjaka u dobi od 9 do 36 mjeseci i tjelesne mase 35 do 42 kg pregledano je na prisustvo displazije kukova. Ocjenjivanje je izvrseno prema sest jasno definisanih radiografskih parametara metodom po Fluckigeru (5). Kod devet pasa nisu nađene displasticne promjene, dok su iste razlicitog stepena utvrđene u 11 slucajeva. Rad predstavlja detaljan opis 4 slucaja displazije kukova razlicitog stepena. Ovi rezultati pokazuju prisustvo displazije kukova kod bosanskog tornjaka. Utvrđivanje ucestalosti displazije kod ove autohtone pasmine zahtijeva opsirniju studiju, na temelju koje ce se utvrditi rasirenost displazije te analizirati odnos prema ostalim pasminama pasa. Kljucne rijeci: diplazija kukova pasa, bosanski tornjak
A case of combined hepatocellular and cholangiocelular carcinoma was diagnosed in a 9 year old male Rottweiler. Clinical examination pointed out possible neoplastic changes in the liver. By histopathological examination of liver tissue an extremly rare case of combined primary canine liver carcinoma, histologicaly composed of hepatocellular and cholangiocellular components, was diagnosed. This primary hepatic tumor is extremely rare in dogs. Key words: canine, hepatocellular carcinoma, cholangiocellular carcinoma
The aim of this study was to investigate clinicallly manifesting footrot in sheep. The monitoring was conducted during April – December, 2010 in the area of Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Clinical monitoring included 9 flocks, with a total of 1.015 sheep of Pramenka breed, both males and females. Based on the severity of the foot lesions, we divide animals in three groups. The first group of sheep had lesions of the interdigital skin only. The second group of sheep had underrunning lesions in a small proportion of the feet. The third group of sheep were either walking on the knees or remained recumbent (underrunning lesions on most of the feet). During clinical observation, a total of 80 animals (7.88%) with clinically manifesting footrot were recorded. Within the first group 75% of animals were diseased, in the second group 20%, and in the third group 5% of the total number of animals with clinically manifesting disease. Our results suggested that clinically manifesting footrot is widespread in Canton Sarajevo, and therefore it is necessary to undertake preventive and control measures against this contagious bacterial disease. Key words: footrot, prevalence, clinical manifestation, Canton Sarajevo
Pramenka je ovca kombiniranih svojstava, skromna u ishrani, vrlo otporna i dobro prilago ena našim uvjetima, ali slabih produktivnih osobina jer se uzgaja u brdsko-planinskim uvjetima, nepovoljnim za intenzivniju proizvodnju sto ne hrane, zbog ega je ishrana veoma esto kvantitativno i kvalitativno nedostatna. Na pravilnost ishrane ukazuje razina njihove proizvodnje, ali i njihov metaboli ki status koji se prosu uje odre ivanjem biokemijskih parametara krvi. Biokemijski parametri krvi mogu ukazati na energetsku, proteinsku i mineralnu opskrbu organizma, a istovremeno i na zdravstveni status životinje. Stoga smo proveli ispitivanje širokog spektra biokemijskih parametara u krvi ovaca s dva lokaliteta, op ine Livno i Travnik, u ljetnom razdoblju kada su životinje bile na ispaši karakteristi nog botani kog sastava navedenih podru ja, a sve s ciljem usporedbe sa standardnim vrijednostima parametara za ovce, ali i me usobnih podataka s dva razli ita podru ja. Krv je uzorkovana iz v. jugularis i u serumu su odre ivani sljede i biokemijski parametri: glukoza, Mg, P, Ca, ukupni proteini, LDH, GGT, AST, ALT, ALKP, kolesterol, trigliceridi, urea i albumini. Važnost istraživanja je u injenici da se prou avanjem metabili kog statusa unapre uju saznanja o interakciji lokalnog uzgoja i metabolizma ovce u funkciji održivosti autohtonih pasmina.
Abomasal displacement in cattle has been characterized with displacement of abomasus out of its normal position to the left (LDA) or right (RDA) side of the abdomen. Abomasal displacements typically occur in high production dairy cows. Abomasal displacements cause economic loss in dairy herds through decrease in milk production, permanent weight loss, treatment costs, death, and has also been considered to be having a negative impact on reproduction. The aim of this study was to analyze prevalence of abomasal displacement in cattle in Bosnia and Herzegovina, considering the lack of the recorded data on this disorder. Clinical monitoring in one dairy farm was performed on 394 animals of Holstein – Frisian breed during 2008. The animals were divided into 3 groups according to age, in which Group 1 consisted of animals between 15 and 24 months, Group 2 between 2 and 7 years, and Group 3 older than 7 years. In this study, out of total of 394 animals, in 21 animals abomasal displacement was diagnosed with total prevalence of 5,32%. In Group 1, from total of 36 animals, only one case of abomasal displacement was detected (2,77%). In Group 2, from total of 289 animals, in 15 animals abomasal displacement was diagnosed (5,19%). In Group 3, from total of 69 animals, in 5 animals abomasal displacement was diagnosed (7,24%.). Key words: abomasal displacement, dairy cattle, age
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