
Publikacije (16)

N. Sinanović, J. Omeragić, A. Zuko, A. Jažić

Giant American liver fluke Fascioloides magna is a parasite from the Trematoda class, which is of a great epizootiological importance for both deer and local ruminants. The parasite significantly influences the deer health status. Importantly, the deer also spread the parasite eggs in the environment infesting the local ruminants (cattle, sheep, goat) thus creating great economic losses. The fluke appeared in Europe for the first time in the nineteenth century when the invaded American deer was imported. Over the last decades, F. magna was detected in  many European countries, recently even in Croatia (Baranja region).Bosnia and Herzegovina is a natural habitat of the population of European deer (Cervus elaphus) along the border with Croatia, following the water course of the Sava river from Kozara to Semberija so that the seasonal migration of deer from Croatia and back have been observed. Such natural migrations may pose a big epizootiological problem in terms of fascioloidosis spread in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The breakout of fascioloidosis would threaten endangered wild populations, but also the regional livestock. For this reason, the priority of our country as well as the neighboring countries should be cross-border monitoring of game and registering the deer parasitic fauna to prevent the spread of fascioloidosis and other parasitosis, in order to prevent further losses in the already poor livestock breeding. Key words: migration, deer, Fascioloides magna, Bosnia and Herzegovina

N. Sinanović, A. Zahirović, D. Čamo, A. Čoralić, A. Ćutuk

Farming fallow deer (Dama dama) is fairly recent but progressing over the last decade. Quantitative progression though has not been followed by quality management, especially in its health management part. This is mostly due to the owners willing to gain results with minimum investment. Instead, what ensues is low quality with poor results. Taking all this into account, in our country there has not been systematic research on health status of the fallow deer. Our aim is to record biochemical parameters of clinically healthy animals. We observed 32 animals of both sexes with different body masses and in good condition. Our research resulted in statistically relevant information on AP, ALT, AST, glucose, creatinine and urea. By doing this, we were the first in Bosnia and Herzegovina to gain results to set reference values for crucial biochemical parameters. Comparing similar researches in the region, our results will constitute the base for the future research as well as for regular health monitoring of fallow deer farms in BiH. Key words: fallow deers, farms, biochemical parameters

A. Zahirović, Zehra Gilić, N. Sinanović

Wild boars are present in the country as game freely living in the nature, but in a controlled breeding as well, for the purposes of training hunting dogs. Monitoring the health status of animals is important both from the clinical and epidemiological stand points. Studies of the health status of wildlife in Bosnia and Herzegovina are very rare, and we do not know any earlier information on the study of biochemical parameters of blood of these animals in our country. Our aim was not only to establish starting results but also to affirm similar research. The study was conducted on two farms with 23 and 16 young wild boars. The animals were in good health condition and housed in a controlled, enclosed part of the natural habitat. After fixing and restraint of animals, blood was sampled from V. auricularis magna into vacutainers, without anticoagulant. The serum values of the following biochemical parameters were determined: potassium, sodium, calcium, urea, creatinine, alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase. The differences as regards activities of certain parameters were evidenced among farms as well as in comparison with the results obtained by other authors. These and other studies aiming the protection of game health are important steps toward understanding the pathology and the pathological physiology of these animals. This research may be considered a pioneering step in that direction for Bosnia and Herzegovina and should be continued in order to reach the most credible results with an aim of improving the protection of health of wild but also of the domestic animals and humans.

Overview of the deer (Fam. Cervidae/ Subfam . Cervinae ) parasitofauna in Southeastern Europe. Health control represents an inseparable segment of the wildlife menagement whether in free roaming or farming population. Having knowledge on the wildlife health status enables health preservation of the wildlife, but also of human and domestic animal health considering the wild animals as potential reservoars to infective disesases. The parasitofauna status of the game is a valuable segment of the total epizootic situtation in order to implement the game health control programs. This paper presents the most important available data on the deer parasitofauna (Fam. Cervida/subfam. Cervinae) in Southeastern Europe. Key words: parasitic fauna, deer, Southeastern Europe

A. Ćutuk, N. Sinanović, B. Čengić, Tarik Mutevelić, Hidajet Pajić, N. Varatanović

Goal of this research was to explore the efficiency of intrauterine application of 4% solution of Lotagen ® in the treatment of chronic endometritis of different severity, and to examine the effects of therapy to the breeding-reproductive parameters in animals treated under the real field conditions. Research was conducted between May 2005 - March 2007 by analyzing the data from the protocol of artifitial insemination and treatment of sterility in the county of Sanski Most. Research included dairy cows from 95 stables when chronic endometritis was diagnosed by clinical examination (n=126) at the earliest 21 day postpartum. Animals were treated intrauterinelly with 100 to 180 ml (primiparous and multiparous) of 4% solution of Lotagen ® during puerperium or in estrus, after puerperium. Out of total of 126 dairy cows with chronic endometritis treated with Lotagen ® once or more times, including a group of non-treated animals, clinical healing was noted in 117 animals (92,8%), artificial insemination was performed in 115 (87,3%) and 95 animals had conception (86,3%). Due to the lack of clinical healing, fertility loss or some other reasons, 31 cows were excluded (24,6%) from breeding and this research. The treatment results as well as some fertility parameters were affected by severity of chronic endometritis and time of therapy introduction. The more time elapsed from parturition, the severity of endometritis decreased. Consequently, the percentage of cured animals after the first treatment increased from 59,5% to 79,6% (P < 0,05). Percentage of healing in E 1-2 ( endometritis catarrhalis et mucopurulenta ) was 68,2% after the first treatment and was significant in relation to 44,4% in E 3-4 ( endometritis purulenta et pyometra ). Taking into consideration the conception accomplished in two examined groups, obvious differences are shown: experimental group - 91,5%, control group - 76,9% (P<0,05). The effects of treatment to the breeding-reproductive parameters were also evalauted with high conception rates noticed in treated animals. Key words: chronic endometritis, dairy cows, Lotagen ®

B. Čengić, N. Varatanović, Tarik Mutevelić, A. Ćutuk, N. Sinanović, Ana Šljuka, Meho Halilović

Assessment of energy reserves in the organism made through evaluation of body condition, basically represents the nutritional status of animal, valued by deposited adipose tissue, when body frame and weight have secondary importance. At the farm of high producing Holstein-Friesian cows with tie stall housing and average milk yield of 7000 liters, we followed the relation between the evaluation of body score condition and the conception rate. Total of 29 Holstein-Frisean cows were included in the study, aged between the first and fifth lactation. Cows were assessed on the basis of three major body areas examination (loin, pin bones and tail head). The evaluation was performed visually and ultrasonically by measuring backfat. Assessment of body condition and backfat measuring were performed at the same day as arteficial insemination. The cows were later divided into two experimental groups, pregnant and non-pregnant. The success rate of conception was 34.5%. The results of ultrasound backfat measurements were compatible with the visual assessment of body condition. As such, it represents a simple and objective method. Body condition score for both groups averaged 2.75. The average thickness of backfat was 16 mm in the group of pregnant cows, and 16.8 mm in the group of non-pregnant cows. Energy status of cows in this research seems to have had no significant effect on the conception rate. Key words: cow, body condition, backfat, ultrasonography, conception

N. Sinanović, V. Šakić, V. Katica, Maja Varatanović, Ajla Ališah

Sheep production in Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the most promising branches of livestock production, and all measures should be taken in the direction of its modernization. Increasing Pramenka's dairy skills is one of the quality directions with expected positive results. Awassi, as a highly adaptable and dairy breed, has all the prerequisites to be a strategic meliorator towards the creation of high-dairy F1 generation with pramenka. Analyzing the production characteristics of these two breeds, geographic and socio-economic characteristics in BiH, and referring to positive experiences from Macedonia, the need of directing the sheep strategy in the aforementioned direction becomes clear. Also, it is an imperative to start a pilot project in BiH aimed at exploring the significance of enrichment of Pramenka with Awassi rams. Key words: enrichment, pramenka, awassi, milk, Bosnia and Herzegovina

N. Sinanović, A. Ćutuk, A. Zahirović, D. Čamo, A. Čoralić

The aim of this study was to investigate clinicallly manifesting footrot in sheep. The monitoring was conducted during April – December, 2010 in the area of Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Clinical monitoring included 9 flocks, with a total of 1.015 sheep of Pramenka breed, both males and females. Based on the severity of the foot lesions, we divide animals in three groups. The first group of sheep had lesions of the interdigital skin only. The second group of sheep had underrunning lesions in a small proportion of the feet. The third group of sheep were either walking on the knees or remained recumbent (underrunning lesions on most of the feet). During clinical observation, a total of 80 animals (7.88%) with clinically manifesting footrot were recorded. Within the first group 75% of animals were diseased, in the second group 20%, and in the third group 5% of the total number of animals with clinically manifesting disease. Our results suggested that clinically manifesting footrot is widespread in Canton Sarajevo, and therefore it is necessary to undertake preventive and control measures against this contagious bacterial disease. Key words: footrot, prevalence, clinical manifestation, Canton Sarajevo

N. Sinanović, A. Ćutuk, A. Gagić, Hrvoje Milošević, D. Hadžijunuzović-Alagić, Selma Filipović, Alan Maksimović, V. Škapur

Bear (Ursus arctos) represent a common wild animal in the forests of our country, but also an attractive hunting wildlife. Because it is a powerful beast, wounding instead of killing is not uncommon during hunting or poaching. Bear who was shot in the head by poachers was urgently hospitalized at Clinics of Veterinary Faculty Sarajevo. This paper includes a description of the animal health condition, severity of injures, performed diagnostic methods and therapy. In this way, we want to emphasize the broad spectrum of veterinary practice and induce affirmation of the veterinary profession and science in the hunting management activity, as one of the segments where the veterinarians are required. Key words: Bear, trauma, therapy

N. Sinanović, A. Zuko, N. Rajković

Introduction The problem of conducting measures that protect human and animal health from the aspect of game health conditions control, as well as sources and vectors of infectious diseases, is a very complex subject (Aguirre et al., 2004). When we speak about directly predisposed people, it is usually thought about hunters, foresters, cattle breeders, vets and other categories that directly contact game and the ambient in which it lives (Daszak et al.,

Selma Filipović, Alan Maksimović, Maša Nurkić, N. Sinanović, Muamer Obhođaš

The field of pain management has profoundly evolved over the last decade. The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as „an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage“. Adequate pain management should be a priority in veterinary surgery in terms of ethics, animal welfare, and reduce of morbidity and mortality. In veterinary medicine, scoring systems for pain rely on interpreting or measuring the consequences of pain. Results of numerous studies on pain support two treatment concepts, preventive and multimodal analgesia. Preventive analgesia includes analgesic application before occurrence of pain stimuli. Multimodal approach involves application of combination of two or more analgesics. Key words: pain, pain management, preventive analgesia, multimodal analgesia

M. Sindičić, N. Sinanović, Aleksandra Majić Skrbinšek, Đ. Huber, S. Kunovac, I. Kos

Reintroduction of the Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) to the Dinaric Mountains in 1973 is one of the rare examples of successful reintroduction of a large predator. Today, Dinaric lynx population includes all lynx in Slovenia south of highway Ljubljana – Trieste, lynx in Croatia as well as lynx in western Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is considered that the population consists of mostly 130 individuals. Being small and endangered, the most important threats for its survival are poaching, depletion of prey, and possible consequences of reduced genetic diversity. In Slovenia, Croatia and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the lynx is a protected species, while the current legislation of the Republic of Srpska does not refer to the lynx at all. Slovenia and Croatia have coordinated their monitoring and management activities, while no organized monitoring system is present in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The goal is to establish bilateral cooperation between Croatia and Slovenia as a basis for the management of the entire lynx population in this part of Europe, including primarily Bosnia and Herzegovina but also Austria and Italy. Key words: Eurasian lynx, Lynx lynx, Dinaric population, legal status, management

N. Sinanović, A. Zahirović, R. Ćutuk, Selma Filipović, Alan Maksimović

Abomasal displacement in cattle has been characterized with displacement of abomasus out of its normal position to the left (LDA) or right (RDA) side of the abdomen. Abomasal displacements typically occur in high production dairy cows. Abomasal displacements cause economic loss in dairy herds through decrease in milk production, permanent weight loss, treatment costs, death, and has also been considered to be having a negative impact on reproduction. The aim of this study was to analyze prevalence of abomasal displacement in cattle in Bosnia and Herzegovina, considering the lack of the recorded data on this disorder. Clinical monitoring in one dairy farm was performed on 394 animals of Holstein – Frisian breed during 2008. The animals were divided into 3 groups according to age, in which Group 1 consisted of animals between 15 and 24 months, Group 2 between 2 and 7 years, and Group 3 older than 7 years. In this study, out of total of 394 animals, in 21 animals abomasal displacement was diagnosed with total prevalence of 5,32%. In Group 1, from total of 36 animals, only one case of abomasal displacement was detected (2,77%). In Group 2, from total of 289 animals, in 15 animals abomasal displacement was diagnosed (5,19%). In Group 3, from total of 69 animals, in 5 animals abomasal displacement was diagnosed (7,24%.). Key words: abomasal displacement, dairy cattle, age

N. Sinanović, M. Sindičić, Đ. Huber

Euroazijski ris (Lynx lynx) predstavlja jednu od tri velike zvijeri koja boravi na podrucju Bosne i Hercegovine. Autohtona populacija risa nestala je sa ovog prostora u proslom stoljecu, a poslednji ris u BiH ulovljen je 1911. godine. Razlozi izumiranja koji se navode kompleksni su, a uglavnom su vezani za covjeka i odnose se na fragmentaciju stanista, tretman risa kao nezasticene divljaci, nedostatak plijena, odnosno kompetitorstvo sa covjekom i vukom itd. Reintrodukcija risa izvrsena je 1973. godine kada je na podrucje Kocevja (R Slovenija) pusteno sest primjeraka karpatske populacije risa. Navedena populacija prosirila se preko Gorskog kotara (R Hrvatska) na sjeverozapadni dio BiH, tako da su prvi tragovi risa uocen 1980. godine na podrucju Pljesevice i Grmeca. Danas se smatra da u Bosni i Hercegovini boravi oko 40 primjeraka risa od ukupno oko 130 jedinki Dinarske populacije koju dijele Slovenija, Hrvatska i BiH. Sudeci prema do sada ustanovljenim cinjenicama, jugozapadna granica ove populacije u BiH je rijeka Neretva a sjeveroistocna rijeka Krivaja. Prema zakonu o lovstvu FBiH, ris spada u zasticenu divljac ali je izvjesno da postoji opasnost ponovnog nestajanja risa sa ovih prostora. Razlog prije svega leži u krivolovu, ali i nepostojanju Plana gospodarenja, koji bi morao biti zasnovan na međunarodnim propisima koji definisu ovu problematiku i usklađen sa planovima zemalja s kojima BiH dijeli populaciju (R Hrvatska i R Slovenija). Plan mora biti proizvod interdisciplinarnog pristupa i zasnovan na kompromisu interesnih skupina. Osnovni cilj plana gospodarenja treba biti osiguranje opstanka populacije risa u BiH u kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom opsegu u koegzistenciji sa covjekom. Također, konacno je potreban je naucni i strucni pristup koji osigurava ukljucivanje svih interesnih skupina zainteresovanih za ocuvanje risa kao prirodnog bogatstva BiH, jer je sve izvijesnije da ova životinja ima sansu da ponovo izumre sa ovih prostora.

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