Bitter and sweet wormwoods are traditional plant species in the Asteraceae (Compositae). Their use in traditional medicine has long been known. Numerous preparations of bitter and sweet wormwood (teas, tinctures) are used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. The content of bioactive components (polyphenols and flavonoids) and antioxidant activity of Artemisia absinthium L. (bitter wormwood) and Artemisia annua L. (sweet wormwood) were examined in this paper. Extract's series were prepared by mixing selected organic solvents (methanol, ethanol and acetone) and water in different volume ratios for both analyzed species. Antioxidant activity was tested using FRAP and DPPH methods. Extracts of sweet wormwood contain more bioactive components and have a higher antioxidant capacity compared to extracts of bitter wormwood. In terms of extraction efficiency, the mixture of acetone and water (20:30 v/v) proved to be the most efficient. Regarding pure organic solvents, the most effective for the bioactive components isolation is ethanol, while acetone showed the weakest extraction power.
Tussilago farfara L., also known as coltsfoot, is a plant that has been used since ancient times to relieve coughs. Subsequently, the effectiveness of coltsfoot in the treatment of bronchial asthma, pneumonia and other respiratory diseases was established. In this research, the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of different coltsfoot extracts was analyzed. The antioxidant activity was monitored through the DPPH radical inhibition efficiency and the extract's reducing ability. Antibacterial activity was tested using the diffusion technique. Tussilago farfara L. extracts showed extremely high antioxidant activity in in vitro conditions. The highest antioxidant capacity was found in extracts prepared by mixing water and organic solvents. High antibacterial activity was found for ethanolic, acetone and aqueous-ethanolic extracts of coltsfoot.
Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. (known as shepherd's purse) is a plant whose parts are used as medicine in herbal medicine. It is applicable as a medicine in the treatment of all forms of internal bleeding, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, excessive menstruation, but also for the usual stopping of nosebleeds. Through this research, the influence of organic solvents and their aqueous mixtures on the efficiency of polyphenol extraction and antioxidant activity was compared. The inhibition of free radicals was tested by the DPPH method, while the FRAP method was used to test the reduction potential. Analyzes have shown that water is the most effective solvent in the isolation of polyphenols from the aerial parts of shepherd's purse. Mixtures of organic solvents with water also showed high efficiency in the extraction of bioactive components, while the weakest results were obtained for extracts prepared in pure organic solvents.
: This paper focuses on one of the Illyrian people that played a large role in the study of ancient Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is important to make an overview of ancient sources and their information about the Iapodes as people in order to get a broader picture. In addition, there were many controversies both in historiography and in the information provided by classical authors regarding the territory where the Iapodes lived. It is very difficult to determine the exact border today, so for that reason, the paper presents the opinion of several authors who addressed this issue. One of the most important events, when it comes to the Illyrians, was Bellum Batonianum , commonly known as Bato’s Uprising (AD 6–9), and the paper presents a discussion about whose side the Iapodes were on. It is difficult to draw any major conclusions based on all the texts. Attention was also paid to the administrative arrangements of the Iapodes and their territory after the establishment of Roman rule, which is very important given the differences between the Iapodes and other Illyrian peoples. This paper is an interdisciplinary study combining the ethnological, history of art, architectural and written perspectives.
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